International Marketing Mastery: Global Success Strategies
International Marketing Mastery: Global Success Strategies, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 87 lectures, based on 54 reviews, and has 2199 subscribers.
You will learn about The fundamental concepts and terms in international marketing. Various theories of international trade and barriers to trade. Different stages and orientations of international marketing. The differences between domestic and international marketing. Methods and strategies for entering international markets. Techniques for researching foreign markets. The influence of culture on buyer behavior in global markets. How to assess governmental and political risks in international business. Strategies for managing financial risks and currency concerns. Organizational structures suitable for international markets. Approaches to developing international distribution channels. Strategies for product planning and market segmentation in global markets. Branding strategies for international markets. Pricing strategies and methods for international products. Promotion strategies and tactics for global audiences. Comprehensive international marketing planning and strategy formulation. Case study analysis of Starbucks Corporation's global expansion strategy. This course is ideal for individuals who are Undergraduate and graduate students studying international business, marketing, or related fields. or Professionals working in multinational corporations or aspiring to expand their careers internationally. or Entrepreneurs seeking to enter global markets or expand their existing businesses internationally. or Marketing managers and executives responsible for formulating and implementing international marketing strategies. or Anyone interested in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the complexities and challenges of international marketing and expanding their knowledge in this area. It is particularly useful for Undergraduate and graduate students studying international business, marketing, or related fields. or Professionals working in multinational corporations or aspiring to expand their careers internationally. or Entrepreneurs seeking to enter global markets or expand their existing businesses internationally. or Marketing managers and executives responsible for formulating and implementing international marketing strategies. or Anyone interested in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the complexities and challenges of international marketing and expanding their knowledge in this area.
Enroll now: International Marketing Mastery: Global Success Strategies
Title: International Marketing Mastery: Global Success Strategies
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 87
Number of Published Lectures: 87
Number of Curriculum Items: 87
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 87
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- The fundamental concepts and terms in international marketing. Various theories of international trade and barriers to trade.
- Different stages and orientations of international marketing. The differences between domestic and international marketing.
- Methods and strategies for entering international markets. Techniques for researching foreign markets.
- The influence of culture on buyer behavior in global markets. How to assess governmental and political risks in international business.
- Strategies for managing financial risks and currency concerns. Organizational structures suitable for international markets.
- Approaches to developing international distribution channels. Strategies for product planning and market segmentation in global markets.
- Branding strategies for international markets. Pricing strategies and methods for international products.
- Promotion strategies and tactics for global audiences. Comprehensive international marketing planning and strategy formulation.
- Case study analysis of Starbucks Corporation's global expansion strategy.
Who Should Attend
- Undergraduate and graduate students studying international business, marketing, or related fields.
- Professionals working in multinational corporations or aspiring to expand their careers internationally.
- Entrepreneurs seeking to enter global markets or expand their existing businesses internationally.
- Marketing managers and executives responsible for formulating and implementing international marketing strategies.
- Anyone interested in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the complexities and challenges of international marketing and expanding their knowledge in this area.
Target Audiences
- Undergraduate and graduate students studying international business, marketing, or related fields.
- Professionals working in multinational corporations or aspiring to expand their careers internationally.
- Entrepreneurs seeking to enter global markets or expand their existing businesses internationally.
- Marketing managers and executives responsible for formulating and implementing international marketing strategies.
- Anyone interested in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the complexities and challenges of international marketing and expanding their knowledge in this area.
Welcome to the comprehensive course on International Marketing! In today’s globalized business environment, companies are increasingly expanding their operations beyond domestic borders to capitalize on opportunities in international markets. This course is designed to provide you with a deep understanding of the principles, strategies, and challenges involved in marketing products and services across borders.
Throughout this course, you will embark on a journey to explore various facets of international marketing, starting from the fundamental concepts and theories to practical strategies for market entry, distribution, branding, pricing, and promotion in diverse cultural and economic contexts.
By the end of this course, you will not only have a solid grasp of the theoretical frameworks that underpin international marketing but also the practical skills and insights needed to develop effective international marketing strategies and navigate the complexities of global business environments.
Whether you are a marketing professional looking to expand your expertise, an entrepreneur planning to take your business global, or a student interested in exploring the dynamics of international trade, this course will equip you with the knowledge and tools to succeed in the exciting and ever-evolving field of international marketing.
Join us as we embark on this enlightening journey into the world of international marketing and discover the keys to success in global business!
Section 1: Introduction
In this section, students will be introduced to the foundational concepts of international marketing. They will learn about the key terms and phases involved in international marketing, gaining a solid understanding of the unique challenges and perspectives that characterize this field.
Section 2: International Trade Theories and Barriers
This section delves into the theoretical frameworks that underpin international trade. Students will explore various theories such as mercantilism, absolute advantage, comparative advantage, and the product life cycle theory. Additionally, they will examine the barriers that hinder international trade, including tariffs and non-tariff barriers.
Section 3: International Market Entry Methods
Students will learn about the different methods companies use to enter international markets. They will understand the objectives behind going international, factors influencing market selection decisions, and various entry modes such as licensing, franchising, contract manufacturing, and wholly-owned subsidiaries.
Section 4: Researching Foreign Markets
This section focuses on the importance of market research in international marketing. Students will learn about the research objectives, methods, and processes involved in gathering primary and secondary data for foreign markets. They will also explore the challenges associated with conducting research in diverse cultural contexts.
Section 5: Culture and Buyer Behavior
Culture plays a significant role in shaping consumer behavior in international markets. Students will study the elements of culture such as language, religion, aesthetics, and social institutions, and understand how these factors influence consumer preferences and purchasing decisions. Cross-cultural training methods will also be discussed.
Section 6: Governmental and Political Risks
Governmental and political factors can have a significant impact on international business operations. Students will learn about the political environments of home and host countries, regulatory frameworks, and mechanisms for settling disputes. They will also explore the legal implications of operating in diverse international markets.
Section 7: Financial Risks and Currency Concerns
Financial considerations are crucial for companies engaged in international trade. Students will gain insights into exchange rates, financial instruments, and the implications of currency fluctuations on business operations. They will also examine strategies for managing financial risks associated with international transactions.
Section 8: Organizing For International Markets
Organizational structure and human resource management are key determinants of success in international markets. Students will learn about the organizational structures adopted by multinational corporations, factors influencing international marketing decisions, and strategies for managing human resources across borders.
Section 9: International Distribution Strategy
Distribution channels play a critical role in reaching customers in international markets. Students will explore the complexities of international distribution, including the selection of distribution channels, the role of intermediaries, and logistics management. They will also learn about warehousing and distribution coverage strategies.
Section 10: International Product Strategy and Segmentation
Product planning and segmentation are essential components of international marketing strategy. Students will learn about the factors influencing product decisions, the process of new product development, and strategies for segmenting international markets based on demographic, psychographic, and behavioral factors.
Section 11: Branding Internationally
Branding is crucial for creating a competitive advantage in international markets. Students will study the role of branding in global marketing, brand drivers, and the factors influencing branding decisions. They will also explore strategies for building and managing brands across diverse cultural contexts.
Section 12: International Price Strategy
Pricing decisions can significantly impact a company’s competitiveness in international markets. Students will learn about the factors affecting international pricing decisions, different costing methods, and pricing strategies adopted by multinational corporations. They will also explore techniques for managing pricing in diverse market environments.
Section 13: International Promotion Strategy
Promotion is essential for building brand awareness and driving sales in international markets. Students will examine various promotion techniques, the role of promotion mix in global marketing campaigns, and the challenges of advertising in diverse cultural contexts. They will also explore the debate between standardized and adapted promotional strategies.
Section 14: International Marketing Strategy
This section focuses on the development of comprehensive international marketing strategies. Students will learn about the international market planning process, key considerations for formulating effective marketing strategies, and the importance of ethical conduct in international business practices.
Section 15: Case Study On Starbucks Corporation
In this concluding section, students will analyze a case study on Starbucks Corporation, a global leader in the coffee industry. They will gain insights into Starbucks’ international marketing strategies, successes, and challenges, applying the knowledge acquired throughout the course to real-world scenarios.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Terms In International Marketing
Lecture 2: Problems and International Perspective
Lecture 3: Problems and International Perspective Continue
Lecture 4: International Marketing Stages and Orientations
Lecture 5: Domestic vs International Marketing and Conclusion
Chapter 2: International Trade Theories and Barriers
Lecture 1: Mercantilism Theory
Lecture 2: Absolute Advantage Theory
Lecture 3: Comparative Advantage Theory Factor Endowment Theory
Lecture 4: Product Life Cycle Theory
Lecture 5: Competitive Advantage Of Nations Theory
Chapter 3: International Trade Theories and Barriers
Lecture 1: Levels Of Economic Integration and Trade Barriers – Tariffs
Lecture 2: Non-Tariff Barriers and Conclusion
Chapter 4: International Market Entry Methods
Lecture 1: Objectives Of Going International – Proactive and Reactive Factors
Lecture 2: Foreign Market Selection Factors
Lecture 3: International Market Selection Process
Lecture 4: Piggybacking and Offshore Services
Lecture 5: Licensing and Franchising
Lecture 6: Contract Manufacturing
Lecture 7: Wholly Owned Foreign Subsidiary
Lecture 8: Constraints To Go International And Conclusion
Chapter 5: Researching Foreign Markets
Lecture 1: Domestic VS International Research And Need For Research
Lecture 2: Research Objectives
Lecture 3: The Task Of Marketing Research
Lecture 4: The Task Of Marketing Research Continue
Lecture 5: Secondary Data Sources
Lecture 6: Primary Research In Foreign Markets
Lecture 7: Primary Research Process
Lecture 8: Primary Research Process Continue
Lecture 9: Problems In International Marketing Research
Lecture 10: Researching Foreign Markets Conclusion
Chapter 6: Culture And Buyer Behavior
Lecture 1: Introduction To Culture And Cultural Differences
Lecture 2: Elements Of Culture – Language And Religion
Lecture 3: Aesthetics and Mate
Lecture 4: Elements Of Culture – Education and Social Institutions
Lecture 5: Sources Of Cultural Knowledge
Lecture 6: Cultural Analysis
Lecture 7: Training And Cross-Cultural Training Methods
Lecture 8: Consumer Behavior And Culture With Conclusion
Chapter 7: Governmental and Political Risks
Lecture 1: Home Country and Host Country Political Environment And Regulation
Lecture 2: Political Risks
Lecture 3: The Legal Environment
Lecture 4: Settlement Of Disputes
Chapter 8: Financial Risks and Currency Concerns
Lecture 1: Exchange Rates and Financial Instruments
Lecture 2: Exchange Rate Implications and Exchange Controls
Lecture 3: Exchange Rate Implications and Exchange Controls Continues
Chapter 9: Organizing For International Markets
Lecture 1: Introduction and Unique Problems Of International Organizations
Lecture 2: Factors Influencing International Marketing
Lecture 3: Organizational Structure Alternatives
Lecture 4: Human Resource Implications and Conclusion
Chapter 10: International Distribution Strategy
Lecture 1: International Distribution Channels and Levels Of Distribution
Lecture 2: Levels Of Distribution
Lecture 3: Factors Influencing Channel Decisions And Distribution Coverage
Lecture 4: Types Of Foreign Intermediaries and Channel Selection Decision
Lecture 5: Warehousing In International Marketing and Conclusion
Chapter 11: International Product Strategy and Segmentation
Lecture 1: Product Planning – Its Need And Importance
Lecture 2: Product Planning Strategies
Lecture 3: New Product Development Process
Lecture 4: International Product Life Cycle
Lecture 5: Packing And Packaging and Their Functions
Lecture 6: Factors Influencing Packaging Decisions
Lecture 7: Types and Labelling In International Market
Lecture 8: Market Segmentation And Its Importance Need
Lecture 9: Bases For Market Segmentation and Conclusion Part 1
Lecture 10: Bases For Market Segmentation and Conclusion Part 2
Chapter 12: Branding Internationally
Lecture 1: Branding And Its Role In The International Market
Lecture 2: Brand Drivers In The International Market
Lecture 3: Brand Drivers In The International Market Continue
Lecture 4: Branding Decision Making Process and International Branding Decisions
Lecture 5: Brand Category And Brand Strategy Mix
Lecture 6: Remedies and Conclusion
Chapter 13: International Price Strategy
Lecture 1: Factors Affecting Price Decisions Internationally
Lecture 2: Costing Methods
Lecture 3: Costing Methods Continue
Lecture 4: Pricing Strategies
Lecture 5: How Japanese Keep Their Costs Low
Chapter 14: International Promotion Strategy
Lecture 1: Promotion and Its Techniques
Lecture 2: Promotion and Role Of Promotion Mix In International
Lecture 3: Barriers To Promotion In International Markets
Lecture 4: International Advertising
Lecture 5: Standardized VS Adaptation Promotion Strategy
Lecture 6: International Trade Fairs and Exhibitions
Chapter 15: International Marketing Strategy
Lecture 1: International Market Planning Process
Lecture 2: Aspects Of International Marketing Planning
Lecture 3: Ethics In International Marketing Strategy
Lecture 4: Benefits Of Ethical Companies and Conclusion
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 6 votes
- 4 stars: 12 votes
- 5 stars: 34 votes
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