Introduction To Facebook Ads With Video And Ad Retargeting
Introduction To Facebook Ads With Video And Ad Retargeting, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.3, with 55 lectures, based on 21 reviews, and has 1549 subscribers.
You will learn about Begin using Facebook ads Sell products on Facebook Create an additional sales channel for your business Use Facebook ad retargeting Use Facebook pixel and tracking Understand how to make effective video ads This course is ideal for individuals who are Entrepreneurs or Small business owners or Anyone who wants to sell anything on Facebook or Affiliate marketers It is particularly useful for Entrepreneurs or Small business owners or Anyone who wants to sell anything on Facebook or Affiliate marketers.
Enroll now: Introduction To Facebook Ads With Video And Ad Retargeting
Title: Introduction To Facebook Ads With Video And Ad Retargeting
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Lectures: 55
Number of Published Lectures: 50
Number of Curriculum Items: 55
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 50
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Begin using Facebook ads
- Sell products on Facebook
- Create an additional sales channel for your business
- Use Facebook ad retargeting
- Use Facebook pixel and tracking
- Understand how to make effective video ads
Who Should Attend
- Entrepreneurs
- Small business owners
- Anyone who wants to sell anything on Facebook
- Affiliate marketers
Target Audiences
- Entrepreneurs
- Small business owners
- Anyone who wants to sell anything on Facebook
- Affiliate marketers
This course will get you up and running with your Facebook ads. It is designed to walk you through the basics you need to get you going in as little as one day.
When I created this course, my goal was to keep the lectures short and to the point, and give you only the basics that you need, and not much more.
The course came out very to the point and direct. It walks you through the process of setting up your ads, creating sales videos for your ads on your own, setting your user targeting, sales tracking and ad retargeting.
This course will help you get a new sales channel for your business with Facebook ads, and if you do your Facebook ads correctly and profitable, you can maximize your spending because you will be making more than you put into the ads, and grow your business very rapidly.
Go ahead and sign up for the course and let’s get Facebook’s billion users to become your customers, starting today!
What really sets this course apart is the bi-weekly regular office hours I hold with students in this course. The office hours are a group call with other students where you can make connections and get extra business advice from a real expert. During the office hours you can ask me any business question you want, and I will do my best to help you. The office hours are free, I don’t try to sell anything. It is just another thing I do to make your course experience better.
I form many amazing and long-term business relationships with people in my courses and I hope one day I can meet you.
This course comes with an unconditional, Udemy backed, 30 day money-back guarantee. It is also my personal promise to you that you will get great value from the course and succeed.
Join me and my community of successful students, right now. See you in class.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course introduction and a WARM WELCOME TO THE COURSE
Lecture 1: WARM WELCOME TO YOU & Course introduction
Lecture 2: Subtitles, video quality, your certificate, tips on watching & common course Q&A
Chapter 2: Beginning to set up the Facebook ads account
Lecture 1: What is the Facebook Business Manager and why you should use it
Lecture 2: Setting up our Facebook Business Manager account
Lecture 3: Adding a page to our Facebook Business Manager account
Lecture 4: Creating an ad account in Facebook Business Manager
Chapter 3: Setting up your Facebook page for ads
Lecture 1: Beginning to work with the business pages in Facebook's Business Manager
Lecture 2: Page banner size
Lecture 3: Setting the brand image
Lecture 4: Where to get an unlimited number of great images to use on your page
Lecture 5: How to set up your Facebook page screen name
Lecture 6: Facebook page call to action button and About section
Lecture 7: Setting up tabs on your Facebook page
Chapter 4: Setting up your ad
Lecture 1: Ad goals and a few strategies
Lecture 2: Starting to work with Ad Manager and doing initial ad setup
Lecture 3: Closer look at Facebook ad targeting
Lecture 4: Ad placements: Automatic vs. Manual
Chapter 5: Setting your ad tracking and conversion
Lecture 1: Introducing and setting up the Facebook Pixel
Lecture 2: Cold vs. Warm traffic from ads and strategies to warm up the traffic
Lecture 3: Setting up a pixel event
Lecture 4: Connecting a new Facebook Pixel to an ad set
Lecture 5: Creating lookalike audiences from your Facebook Pixel
Lecture 6: Pixel and retargeting audiences from your website
Chapter 6: How to write a script for a direct sales video (let's call it your commercial)
Lecture 1: Different kinds of promotional videos and their pros and cons
Lecture 2: Five elements of a sales script
Lecture 3: Example and guide from large research
Lecture 4: Example of a sales script
Lecture 5: TEMPLATE: Your turn to write your script
Lecture 6: Example of a sales video for your ad
Lecture 7: AIDA
Lecture 8: How to get free images for your ads
Chapter 7: Supplemental app resources to aid you in your business
Lecture 1: Supplemental app resources to aid you in your business
Chapter 8: Beginner tips on background and lighting for video
Lecture 1: Basic recording and home office setup tips
Lecture 2: How I get a slightly more professional look and feel for videos
Chapter 9: Getting your audio to be perfect
Lecture 1: Audio section introduction, quiet space to record & audio editing software
Lecture 2: Getting rid of sound echo with studio foam
Lecture 3: Microphones overview
Lecture 4: My favorite microphone that I use and recommend
Chapter 10: How to film your sales video or commercial
Lecture 1: Six different options for recording your promotional video
Lecture 2: Your face and camera angle
Lecture 3: Basics of presenting: Your emotional level and tone and how not to be boring
Lecture 4: Checklist of 4 most important things in a video
Lecture 5: Your posture and body language basics
Lecture 6: Cameras for recording and mikes
Lecture 7: Editing out parasite words
Lecture 8: Hiring options for filming
Lecture 9: How long should videos be
Chapter 11: Fixing speech issues
Lecture 1: Parasite words in your speech – how to recognize and get rid of them
Lecture 2: What if you have an accent like I do
Chapter 12: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Bonus lecture: Next steps
Alex Genadinik's Teaching Assistant
SEO, Facebook marketing, business plan, communication skills
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 11 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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