Introduction to Programmatic Advertising – Digital Marketing
Introduction to Programmatic Advertising – Digital Marketing, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.43, with 18 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 1802 reviews, and has 11715 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn what programmatic advertising is from a 10,000 foot view Get introduced to all the players in the programmatic advertising space Understand advertising strategy and how programmatic fits in Digital marketing processes and how programmatic changed that What is Header Bidding vs. Waterfalls and why is it important? Learn from an industry expert What is Programmatic Advertising & RTB (Real Time Bidding)? Make smarter decisions about your digital advertising efforts Advance your career with a deeper understanding of the digital advertising industry An understanding of the complex way digital advertising companies work together Join over 7,000 students in 130 countries who have taken these courses Be able to clearly and confidently present ideas to clients and co-workers This course is ideal for individuals who are Digital advertising professionals or Anyone with a background in social media looking to expand to other digital advertising or Broadcast media professionals looking to learn about digital advertising or TV professionals and sales people looking to learn about digital or Digital marketing students looking to expand their knowledge of the space It is particularly useful for Digital advertising professionals or Anyone with a background in social media looking to expand to other digital advertising or Broadcast media professionals looking to learn about digital advertising or TV professionals and sales people looking to learn about digital or Digital marketing students looking to expand their knowledge of the space.
Enroll now: Introduction to Programmatic Advertising – Digital Marketing
Title: Introduction to Programmatic Advertising – Digital Marketing
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.43
Number of Lectures: 18
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 18
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 21
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 21
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn what programmatic advertising is from a 10,000 foot view
- Get introduced to all the players in the programmatic advertising space
- Understand advertising strategy and how programmatic fits in
- Digital marketing processes and how programmatic changed that
- What is Header Bidding vs. Waterfalls and why is it important?
- Learn from an industry expert
- What is Programmatic Advertising & RTB (Real Time Bidding)?
- Make smarter decisions about your digital advertising efforts
- Advance your career with a deeper understanding of the digital advertising industry
- An understanding of the complex way digital advertising companies work together
- Join over 7,000 students in 130 countries who have taken these courses
- Be able to clearly and confidently present ideas to clients and co-workers
Who Should Attend
- Digital advertising professionals
- Anyone with a background in social media looking to expand to other digital advertising
- Broadcast media professionals looking to learn about digital advertising
- TV professionals and sales people looking to learn about digital
- Digital marketing students looking to expand their knowledge of the space
Target Audiences
- Digital advertising professionals
- Anyone with a background in social media looking to expand to other digital advertising
- Broadcast media professionals looking to learn about digital advertising
- TV professionals and sales people looking to learn about digital
- Digital marketing students looking to expand their knowledge of the space
UPDATE: Einführung in Programmatic Advertising gibt es jetzt auch auf Deutsch! Schalten Sie einfach die deutschen Untertitel ein, wenn Sie das Video starten, und sehen Sie, wie der gesamte Kurs ins Deutsche übersetzt wird. Hallo an meine Freunde aus Deutschland! (Now available in German!)
Have you heard the term Programmatic Advertising before? What about RTB? Maybe you’ve heard of an SSP or a DSP or an exchange. But do you really know what these terms mean and what these companies do?
In 2020 programmatic advertising was a $65B a year industry, or about 20% of all digital ad dollars. By 2022 90% of all digital ads were transacting programmactially, totally nearly $200 Billion. An industry of this size, with such explosive growth requires a lot work by many different companies. It also requires a complex system that results in benefits for all parties.
In Introduction to Programmatic Advertising you’ll be taken through the process of a programmatic ad buying, the ad-tech companies involved, and the benefits for both advertisers and publishers. I’ll breakdown the ecosystem piece by piece in order to clearly explain what “programmatic” actually means.
By taking this course you’ll be joining over 50,000 students that I’ve taught to date in over 130 countries. My classes on digital advertising have received hundreds of 5 star reviews from seasoned media professionals, to recent college grads. I know you’ll not only learn something from this course, but you’ll enjoy the experience.
Overview: Get immersed into the world of programmatic advertising. In this introductory level course, designed for those with an intermediate understanding of the digital marketing space, I’ll explain exactly what programmatic advertising actually is, and how it’s executed. I use simple visuals to illustrate complex systems, and provide clear definitions for industry terms and short-hand. It is perfect for anyone who is interested in advertising their business online, looking for a job in digital media planning, wondering how major brands decide to place an ad online, a student focusing on marketing and advertising, or those who are generally interested in how the ads you see online are created and served to you.
Course Subjects:
Define Digital Advertising – What is considered digital advertising
Ad Sizes & Standards – Which ad sizes and units are actually covered in a programmatic buy
Common Pricing Models – What are the common pricing models and the formulas to calculate
Ad-Tech Companies – There are lots of different companies that handle programmatic, but they all have different traits that make them unique and valuable
Publisher Integrations – How does a publisher like a website or mobile app, actually go about working with a programmatic tool
Programmatic Process – We’ll visualize the actual process of executing a buy
Using Data to Inform Buys – Data is the new oil and that’s no different in programmatic. We’ll discuss how companies can use data to enhance their buys
Programmatic vs. RTB – These two terms are used together a lot, but they are not the same thing
Pricing The Bid – How do both publishers and advertisers decide how much to price their bids
Auction Types – To execute a bid there must be an auction, but there are multiple kinds to review
Reporting – What information is reported with a programmatic buy and why is it important
Real-Life Student Reviews:
★★★★★ “I’m in advertising sales and have been looking for a clean easy way to explain and also test my root knowledge of the programmatic ad space. It was very helpful and simple to understand which is hard to do with this topic.” – Raul Bonilla
★★★★★ “Being an advertising agency media planner and buyer, having this hands on information helps when we face a decision to go into the digital advertising space. Your 101 and 201 was extremely informative and truly like your overviews in a very simplistic explanation. Thank you and look forward to your future courses.” –Diane Tody
Reviews from Other Courses
Digital Advertising & Marketing 101
★★★★★ “The real-world examples almost makes it self-explanatory. Professionally done and author speaks with authority – i.e. he knows what he’s talking about and it shows.” – AJ Du Toit
★★★★★ “Thought this was an excellent introduction course. Working in the industry without a huge amount of experience in this area, it was a great way to familiarize myself with topics in ongoing conversations internally and externally. Will be taking 201 to further my understanding.” – Jocleyn Armour
★★★★★ “It is advertised as a 101 course and it did exactly that and very well, touching on the building blocks of Digital Advertising and Marketing. Good job Ben.” – Jean C
Digital Advertising & Marketing 201
★★★★★ “When combined with Ben’s 101 course, the two classes make for a thorough and well-organized primer on digital media today. Perfect for marketing people and agency folks (creative, account) who are not immersed in a media agency. It will give you a foundation for how digital media is structured, a clear explanation of the jargon and acronyms you’ll hear bantered about, and a better understanding of the opportunities available. The 201 course goes into important detail about some of the key changes that have taken place in digital advertising recently. Ben explains the concepts clearly and succinctly. Definitely worth the time investment.” – Shawn E Fraser
★★★★★ “This course is amazing. I do affiliate marketing and always wanted to learn about programmatic advertising and this course me taught that. I completed this for an interview and the employer was really impressed by the knowledge I had. Hope there is another in-depth version of this course. Where he goes into ad platforms or ad servers and teaches the real world applications.” – Suryameet Singh
★★★★★ “Comprehensive overview…detailed!” – Kaithlean Crotty-Clark
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Programmatic Advertising
Lecture 1: Welcome to Programmatic Advertising – Digital Marketing in Today's World
Lecture 2: High level, what is programmatic advertising and what are the advantages?
Lecture 3: Get more advertising content for free on the AdCoach App
Chapter 2: Digital Marketing Introduction – Programmatic Advertising
Lecture 1: Digital Marketing Introduction – Qualifying Media and Ad Standards
Lecture 2: How it Works – A walkthrough of the programmatic process
Lecture 3: The Programmatic Process In Action – Walking Through the Process
Lecture 4: Data Enhanced Ad Buys – Using DMPs to Make More Informed Buying Decisions
Chapter 3: Programmatic vs. RTB – Defining RTB and Programmatic
Lecture 1: Programmatic vs. RTB – They are not one in the same, so what are they?
Lecture 2: Reporting – Go beyond Impressions and Clicks and Discover Response, Win, & Fill
Lecture 3: Setting Pricing in a Programmatic Environment
Chapter 4: Auctions – Waterfalls, Header Bidding, and all about Programmatic Auctions
Lecture 1: Auctions – An Introduction to First & Second Price Auctions in Digital Marketing
Lecture 2: Traditional Waterfall – Digital Marketing Process of Serving an Ad
Lecture 3: Header Bidding – Programmatic Advertising 2.0 – Digital Marketing's New King
Lecture 4: Mobile Header Bidding – How This Auction Works Specifically In-App
Lecture 5: Bid Shading – Adjusting bids in a First Price Auction
Chapter 5: Recap & Thank You!
Lecture 1: Recap – Thank You – and Bonus Lecture!
Lecture 2: Helpful links about Programmatic Advertising
Lecture 3: Programmatic Glossary of Terms
Ben Silverstein
Digital Advertising Professional & Entrepreneur in NYC
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 9 votes
- 2 stars: 42 votes
- 3 stars: 236 votes
- 4 stars: 707 votes
- 5 stars: 808 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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