Launch Your Author Brand and Platform
Launch Your Author Brand and Platform, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.55, with 83 lectures, based on 44 reviews, and has 1633 subscribers.
You will learn about In this 10-step book marketing system learn how to plan, create, and launch your successful author brand and platform even before your first book comes out. Each module includes rookie mistakes to avoid, myth busters, and how to go the extra mile in building your author brand and platform. PLUS 15+ bonuses on topics like: book club visits, social media, public speaking, audio book production, publicity, book launches and more. PLUS a Meet the Experts section to learn from the Masters — experts in the publishing industry! This course is ideal for individuals who are This is a course that contains actionable advice to create a successful foundation of your author brand and platform and learn book marketing. This course is right for you if: or You have your first book coming out, or planning to publish, and no idea how to even start building your author platform. or Your first book is published, and you’ve been asking yourself that question: "How the heck do I reach readers and sell more books?" or You’re feeling overwhelmed because all this author marketing seems like a giant mountain of tasks to tackle! or You feel all alone with no writer community and wish you knew how to connect with people who can help your author career. or You are a committed beginner starting from scratch and are ready to create a successful author platform based on community building and not waste years and money trying to figure it out on your own. It is particularly useful for This is a course that contains actionable advice to create a successful foundation of your author brand and platform and learn book marketing. This course is right for you if: or You have your first book coming out, or planning to publish, and no idea how to even start building your author platform. or Your first book is published, and you’ve been asking yourself that question: "How the heck do I reach readers and sell more books?" or You’re feeling overwhelmed because all this author marketing seems like a giant mountain of tasks to tackle! or You feel all alone with no writer community and wish you knew how to connect with people who can help your author career. or You are a committed beginner starting from scratch and are ready to create a successful author platform based on community building and not waste years and money trying to figure it out on your own.
Enroll now: Launch Your Author Brand and Platform
Title: Launch Your Author Brand and Platform
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.55
Number of Lectures: 83
Number of Published Lectures: 83
Number of Curriculum Items: 83
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 83
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- In this 10-step book marketing system learn how to plan, create, and launch your successful author brand and platform even before your first book comes out.
- Each module includes rookie mistakes to avoid, myth busters, and how to go the extra mile in building your author brand and platform.
- PLUS 15+ bonuses on topics like: book club visits, social media, public speaking, audio book production, publicity, book launches and more.
- PLUS a Meet the Experts section to learn from the Masters — experts in the publishing industry!
Who Should Attend
- This is a course that contains actionable advice to create a successful foundation of your author brand and platform and learn book marketing. This course is right for you if:
- You have your first book coming out, or planning to publish, and no idea how to even start building your author platform.
- Your first book is published, and you’ve been asking yourself that question: "How the heck do I reach readers and sell more books?"
- You’re feeling overwhelmed because all this author marketing seems like a giant mountain of tasks to tackle!
- You feel all alone with no writer community and wish you knew how to connect with people who can help your author career.
- You are a committed beginner starting from scratch and are ready to create a successful author platform based on community building and not waste years and money trying to figure it out on your own.
Target Audiences
- This is a course that contains actionable advice to create a successful foundation of your author brand and platform and learn book marketing. This course is right for you if:
- You have your first book coming out, or planning to publish, and no idea how to even start building your author platform.
- Your first book is published, and you’ve been asking yourself that question: "How the heck do I reach readers and sell more books?"
- You’re feeling overwhelmed because all this author marketing seems like a giant mountain of tasks to tackle!
- You feel all alone with no writer community and wish you knew how to connect with people who can help your author career.
- You are a committed beginner starting from scratch and are ready to create a successful author platform based on community building and not waste years and money trying to figure it out on your own.
What’s included in Launch Your Author Brand & Platform
Access to:
✓ 10 Step-By-Step Lessons
✓ 15+ Awesome Bonuses
✓ 7 “Bigger Than a Bonus” Meet the Experts (insider secrets to success from the Masters — other authors!) training on goodies like do’s and don’ts for new authors, agent advice, book club visits, and public speaking
✓ Each lesson includes Rookie Mistakes to Avoid, Myth Busters, and How to Go the Extra Mile!
Organizations to join
How to best engage
In-person and online connections
Soul-Searching: Who am I?
Discover keywords, phrases that best fit you
Find like-minded people
Share your story to connect with readers!
What you need to get started
What content to include for best engagement
Recommended options
Best website practices
How to avoid overwhelm & get the darn thing done
Where and when to post
How to find best-fit followers
What to post for highest engagement
How to optimize your social media platforms
Name and platform
What to blog about
How to build readership
Band with other bloggers
Best practices
Why you (absolutely!) need an email list
Newsletter vs. blogging
What platform to use
How to build it
Content to include
How to conduct research
How to connect online and in-person
How to find other debut authors
Best practices to engage
How to conduct research
Create a profile of your reader
Where to find your readers
Look to your book’s themes for answers
How book bloggers are your friend
How to write for others with guest posts
Where to find ideal blogs
Presenting at in-person events
How to start small with public speaking
How to prepare to present with confidence
Keep promoting!
Grow your reviews
Book awards
Expand your social media
Paid advertising
New markets for your book
How to continue a focus on community building
Marketing Bonuses:
Book Launch Countdown
How to Best Run Book Ads
Making a Book Trailer 101
Launch a Book Trailer/Cover Reveal
The Awesome Resources Guide
The Awesome Course Planner
Networking Bonuses:
Prepare for Public Speaking
Writer Organizations by Genre and Region
Publicity Bonuses:
How to Write a Press Release
How to Write a Review Request
How to Write a Blurb Request
How to Write a Guest Post Pitch
Social Media Bonuses:
Goodreads 101
Instagram for Authors
Twitter 101
Rafflecopter 101
Meet the Experts: Guides
Literary Agent Q&A
Do’s and Don’ts for New Authors
Kick-Butt Debut Authors
Meet the Experts: Videos
Audiobook Production 101
Book Club Visits 101
Building Community
Public Speaking 101
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Introductions!
Chapter 2: Module 1: Put Yourself Out There in Your Writing Community
Lecture 1: Intro Plus Benefits of Writer Meetups
Lecture 2: Benefits of Writing Organizations
Lecture 3: Why Attend Writing Conferences
Lecture 4: Benefits of Volunteering for a Writer Organization
Lecture 5: Connect with Peers & Professionals in the Industry
Lecture 6: Extra Tips for the Overachiever
Lecture 7: Go the Extra Mile, Myth Busters & Rookie Mistakes to Avoid
Lecture 8: Wrap It All Up
Chapter 3: Module 2: Figure Out Your Author Persona
Lecture 1: Intro + Goals & Benefits of Creating an Author Persona
Lecture 2: Getting Started + Research
Lecture 3: How to Use Your Story & Goals + Look to Other Authors
Lecture 4: Create Your Author Persona & Put It Out There
Lecture 5: 911 Emergency Tips for Introverts
Lecture 6: Go the Extra Mile, Myth Busters & Rookie Mistakes to Avoid
Lecture 7: Wrap It All Up
Chapter 4: Module 3: Your Author Website
Lecture 1: Intro plus Website Basics
Lecture 2: Design and Content
Lecture 3: How to Launch + Best Practices
Lecture 4: Go the Extra Mile, Myth Busters & Rookie Mistakes to Avoid
Lecture 5: Wrap It All Up
Chapter 5: Module 4: Social Media Zone
Lecture 1: Intro + Conducting Research
Lecture 2: How to Build Best-Fit Followers
Lecture 3: What Content to Post
Lecture 4: Facebook Pages and Groups
Lecture 5: Best Practices
Lecture 6: Go the Extra Mile, Myth Busters & Rookie Mistakes to Avoid
Lecture 7: Wrap It All Up
Chapter 6: Module 5: Blogging
Lecture 1: Intro + Why Blog?
Lecture 2: Benefits of Blogging
Lecture 3: Choosing a Name, Platform, and Design
Lecture 4: What Content to Blog About
Lecture 5: Best Practices
Lecture 6: Boost Your Blog
Lecture 7: Go the Extra Mile, Myth Busters & Rookie Mistakes to Avoid
Lecture 8: Wrap It All Up
Chapter 7: Module 6: Build Your Subscriber List
Lecture 1: Intro + Why Have an Author Newsletter?
Lecture 2: Choose a Platform
Lecture 3: How to Build Your List & Promote Your Newsletter
Lecture 4: What Content to Include
Lecture 5: Go the Extra Mile, Myth Busters & Rookie Mistakes to Avoid
Lecture 6: Wrap It All Up
Chapter 8: Module 7: Band With Other Authors
Lecture 1: Intro + How to Start With Who You Know.
Lecture 2: Utilizing Writing Organizations and Conducting Research
Lecture 3: Connecting In-Person and Online
Lecture 4: Finding Other Debut Authors
Lecture 5: Go the Extra Mile, Myth Busters & Rookie Mistakes to Avoid
Lecture 6: Wrap It All Up
Chapter 9: Module 8: Connect with Readers
Lecture 1: Intro + Reader Research
Lecture 2: Engage and Find Your Reader
Lecture 3: Reader Platforms + Get Reviews
Lecture 4: Connect with Book Bloggers
Lecture 5: Write for Children? Find the Gatekeepers
Lecture 6: In-Person Events
Lecture 7: Go the Extra Mile, Myth Busters & Rookie Mistakes to Avoid
Lecture 8: Wrap It All Up
Chapter 10: Module 9: Position Yourself as an Expert
Lecture 1: Intro + Doing Online Guest Posts
Lecture 2: Knowing Your Audience + What Content to Promote
Lecture 3: How to Plan Ahead + Best Practices
Lecture 4: Utilizing Social Media & Print Media
Lecture 5: Doing In-Person Events
Lecture 6: Go the Extra Mile, Myth Busters & Rookie Mistakes to Avoid
Lecture 7: Wrap It All Up
Chapter 11: Module 10: Now What? Keep It Rolling!
Lecture 1: Intro + Keep Promoting
Lecture 2: Keep Banding With Other Authors
Lecture 3: Get More Reviews
Lecture 4: Try New Events
Lecture 5: Boost Social Media
Lecture 6: Paid Advertising
Lecture 7: Website, Blog, and Book Add-on's to Grow Subscribers
Lecture 8: Wrap It All Up
Chapter 12: Bonuses
Lecture 1: Networking Bonuses
Lecture 2: Publicity Bonuses
Lecture 3: Meet the Experts: Advice on Author Etiquette, Finding an Agent, Launching a Book
Lecture 4: Meet the Experts: Public Speaking
Lecture 5: Meet the Experts: Audio Book Production
Lecture 6: Meet the Experts: Book Club Visits
Lecture 7: Meet the Experts: Building Community with a NYT Bestselling Author
Lecture 8: Social Media Bonuses Twitter & Instagram
Lecture 9: Social Media Bonuses Goodreads 101
Lecture 10: Social Media Bonuses: Rafflecopter 101
Lecture 11: Marketing Bonuses
Donna Galanti
Author, Teacher, Speaker
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 7 votes
- 5 stars: 30 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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