Making Marketing Easy with NLP -Learn how your market thinks
Making Marketing Easy with NLP -Learn how your market thinks, available at $29.99, has an average rating of 4.3, with 31 lectures, based on 69 reviews, and has 3316 subscribers.
You will learn about Deliver your product offering to your prospects and when they are ready to buy! Deliver your product offering to your prospects at a time when they want it ! make it really easy through our marketing to enable people to decide to buy. Understand the general psychology of marketing and why it is so important if you want to establish a solid business strategy learn about your prospects needs and how to meet those needs easily You will learn about how people process information so that you can design marketing materials that really hit the mark. understand how to adapt your message to meet the needs of different people at different points in their lives. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone looking to improve the effectiveness of their marketing efforts should take this course or Anyone who wants to understand their target market better or Anyone who wants to see an increase in sales as a result of better marketing or Anyone who wants to learn more about the psychology of marketing It is particularly useful for Anyone looking to improve the effectiveness of their marketing efforts should take this course or Anyone who wants to understand their target market better or Anyone who wants to see an increase in sales as a result of better marketing or Anyone who wants to learn more about the psychology of marketing .
Enroll now: Making Marketing Easy with NLP -Learn how your market thinks
Title: Making Marketing Easy with NLP -Learn how your market thinks
Price: $29.99
Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Lectures: 31
Number of Published Lectures: 31
Number of Curriculum Items: 31
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 31
Original Price: $34.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Deliver your product offering to your prospects and when they are ready to buy!
- Deliver your product offering to your prospects at a time when they want it !
- make it really easy through our marketing to enable people to decide to buy.
- Understand the general psychology of marketing and why it is so important if you want to establish a solid business strategy
- learn about your prospects needs and how to meet those needs easily You will learn about how people process information so that you can design marketing materials that really hit the mark.
- understand how to adapt your message to meet the needs of different people at different points in their lives.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone looking to improve the effectiveness of their marketing efforts should take this course
- Anyone who wants to understand their target market better
- Anyone who wants to see an increase in sales as a result of better marketing
- Anyone who wants to learn more about the psychology of marketing
Target Audiences
- Anyone looking to improve the effectiveness of their marketing efforts should take this course
- Anyone who wants to understand their target market better
- Anyone who wants to see an increase in sales as a result of better marketing
- Anyone who wants to learn more about the psychology of marketing
Welcome to Making Marketing Easy with NLP. The premium course on neuromarketing
I am really looking forward to sharing with you some really powerful psychological concepts and principals that you can use in your marketing straight away to start to see fantastic results.
I am going to be sharing with you a lot of stuff from my NLP practitioner training, that has been adapted specifically for the purpose of marketing. You will learn:
- some of the best methods for influencing your market out there. You might even call this persuasion marketing, although I think I should say up from that what we are going to be learning in this course Is not so much about persuading people but rather delivering our product or service to them at
- a) a time when they want it and
- b) when they are ready to buy.
- In short we are going to make it really easy through our marketing to enable people to decide to buy.
- We are going to be looking at the general psychology of marketing and why it is so important if you want to establish a solid business strategy
- You are going to learn about your prospects needs and how to meet those needs easily
- You will learn about how people process information so that you can design marketing materials that really hit the mark.
- We are going to go through Maslows hierarchy of needs so that you can understand how to adapt your message to meet the needs of different people at different points in their lives.
And you are going to learn a whole load of techniques to help you plan and implement your marketing efforts in a way that engages with your audience and results in them joining your sales process.
We will also be looking at the idea of ecology and ethics in marketing, which is vial to building a sustainable business and in getting repeat customers so there are no tricks in this course, what you are going to learn are really solid principals around the psychology of marketing with a good dose of NLP thrown in for good measure as well.
So we have a lot to cover, and we will be going pretty quickly, so grab yourself a pen and paper, and lets get started
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introductions
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Basic Marketing Psychology
Lecture 1: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Lecture 2: Physiological Social and safety needs
Lecture 3: Self Esteem and Self Actualisation
Lecture 4: Common Traits of self -actualised people
Lecture 5: More traits of self-actualised people
Lecture 6: Even more traits of self actualised people
Lecture 7: Adapt your offering to meet the need
Lecture 8: Understand emotional drivers in marketing
Lecture 9: One product many needs
Chapter 3: How we become motivated to buy
Lecture 1: How to identify when and where a need exists
Lecture 2: Product Reconnaisance
Lecture 3: Evaluation of alternatives
Lecture 4: The Purchase
Lecture 5: After Purchase evaluations
Chapter 4: Representational Systems
Lecture 1: Representational Systems
Lecture 2: Types of representational system
Chapter 5: Influence in Marketing
Lecture 1: Reciprocity
Lecture 2: The foot in the door phenomenon
Lecture 3: Consistency
Lecture 4: The door in the face phenomenon
Lecture 5: The Franklin effect
Lecture 6: Scarcity
Lecture 7: Social proof
Lecture 8: Mere Exposure
Lecture 9: The decoy Effect
Lecture 10: The Framing effect
Lecture 11: Loss aversion
Chapter 6: Deciding on your approach to marketing Maintaining Ethics
Lecture 1: Deciding on your approach
Lecture 2: Deciding on your approach par II
Lecture 3: Be Flexible with your approach
Matthew Barnett
NLP , Hypnosis , Neuro Linguistic Programming coach & Pro
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 9 votes
- 4 stars: 26 votes
- 5 stars: 31 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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