Marketing Communication Skills
Marketing Communication Skills, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.63, with 95 lectures, based on 8 reviews, and has 1267 subscribers.
You will learn about Marketing Communication Skills Marketing Communication Skills Marketing Communication Skills Marketing Communication Skills Marketing Communication This course is ideal for individuals who are to all business professionals or to all business professionals It is particularly useful for to all business professionals or to all business professionals.
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Title: Marketing Communication Skills
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.63
Number of Lectures: 95
Number of Published Lectures: 95
Number of Curriculum Items: 95
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 95
Original Price: $24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Marketing Communication Skills
- Marketing Communication Skills
- Marketing Communication Skills
- Marketing Communication Skills
- Marketing Communication
Who Should Attend
- to all business professionals
- to all business professionals
Target Audiences
- to all business professionals
- to all business professionals
Marketing communication is a fundamental and complex part of a company’s marketing efforts. Loosely defined, MarCom can be described as all the messages and media you deploy to communicate with the market.
Marketing communication includes advertising, direct marketing, branding, packaging, your online presence, printed materials, PR activities, sales presentations, sponsorships, trade show appearances and more.
The complexity of the MarCom topic makes it too broad to cover in one article. This article is one in a series of six that covers the field of marketing communication.
Marketing communication is a fundamental and complex part of a company’s marketing efforts. Loosely defined, MarCom can be described as all the messages and media you deploy to communicate with the market.
Marketing communication includes advertising, direct marketing, branding, packaging, your online presence, printed materials, PR activities, sales presentations, sponsorships, trade show appearances and more.
The complexity of the MarCom topic makes it too broad to cover in one article. This article is one in a series of six that covers the field of marketing communication.
Marketing communication is a fundamental and complex part of a company’s marketing efforts. Loosely defined, MarCom can be described as all the messages and media you deploy to communicate with the market.
Marketing communication includes advertising, direct marketing, branding, packaging, your online presence, printed materials, PR activities, sales presentations, sponsorships, trade show appearances and more.
The complexity of the MarCom topic makes it too broad to cover in one article. This article is one in a series of six that covers the field of marketing communication.
Marketing communication is a fundamental and complex part of a company’s marketing efforts. Loosely defined, MarCom can be described as all the messages and media you deploy to communicate with the market.
Marketing communication includes advertising, direct marketing, branding, packaging, your online presence, printed materials, PR activities, sales presentations, sponsorships, trade show appearances and more.
The complexity of the MarCom topic makes it too broad to cover in one article. This article is one in a series of six that covers the field of marketing communication.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Do better research for better marketing
Lecture 1: Start with brand positioning1.1
Lecture 2: Clarify market research1.2
Lecture 3: Define your customer1.3
Lecture 4: Communication channels1.4
Lecture 5: To be competitive 1.5
Lecture 6: what are your inputs.1.6
Chapter 2: We need to create a great marketing plan
Lecture 1: Set goals before going on stage 2.1
Lecture 2: Develop inspiring messages.2.2
Lecture 3: To reach your target audience.2.3
Lecture 4: End-to-end marketing approach.2.4
Lecture 5: Make a program to measure.2.5
Chapter 3: How to excite your customers
Lecture 1: How to be active with your customers.3.1
Lecture 2: How to use PR for marketing.3.2
Lecture 3: Use email marketing effectively.3.3
Lecture 4: Use social media campaigns effectively.3.4
Lecture 5: How to improve your SEO.3.5
Chapter 4: Successfully manage your marketing programs
Lecture 1: Step-by-step marketing processes.4.1
Lecture 2: Keep track of your marketing activities.4.2
Lecture 3: Measure and report your campaigns.4.3
Lecture 4: How to motivate your employee leaders.4.4
Lecture 5: Keep brand ambassadors alive.4.5
Chapter 5: İnspiring Stories
Lecture 1: Success of Canva.Y1
Lecture 2: 4 messages for young entrepreneursY2
Chapter 6: Creating a social media roadmap
Lecture 1: Set your goals.1.1
Lecture 2: Define your target audience.1.2
Chapter 7: Choosing the most successful social networks
Lecture 1: Invest in smart channels.2.1
Lecture 2: The most successful social networks.2.2
Lecture 3: Social networks for message and chat.2.3
Lecture 4: Very important niche social networks.2.4
Chapter 8: Great social media posting models
Lecture 1: How we can create great messages.3.1
Lecture 2: Manage by setting a great calendar.3.2
Lecture 3: Managing ads on social media.3.3
Chapter 9: Effective sustainable communication with customers
Lecture 1: Achieve success with the masses by Building communities.4.1
Lecture 2: Importance of customer service in social media.4.2
Chapter 10: How can we turn social media into sales?
Lecture 1: Strengthen sales by directly supporting.5.1
Lecture 2: Developing business by partnering with Influencers.5.2
Chapter 11: Measuring social media in the most efficient way
Lecture 1: Connecting social networks with goals.6.1
Chapter 12: Constantly making the best improvements to social media
Lecture 1: More than being active.7.1
Lecture 2: Bring great apps to life.7.2
Chapter 13: How to create tribes on social media
Lecture 1: Understanding community management 1.1
Lecture 2: Why should we build our own community 1.2
Chapter 14: Create online tribes
Lecture 1: How to create your great strategy 2.1
Lecture 2: Using social media to build your community.2.2
Lecture 3: Best practices for community building 2.3
Chapter 15: Growing your tribes on social media
Lecture 1: Creating content keeps your tribes alive.3.1
Lecture 2: How to increase active participation in your communities.3.2
Lecture 3: How to find brand ambassadors and influencers.3.3
Lecture 4: How to promote your community.3.4
Chapter 16: Measuring their success and performance
Lecture 1: How to scale your community.4.1
Lecture 2: How to measure the growth of your fans.4.2
Lecture 3: Demonstrate your influence in communities as a leader.4.3
Chapter 17: Tools for managing audiences and communities
Lecture 1: Very good use of tools for community management.5.1
Chapter 18: Frame Your Brand Strategy . Starting with Customer and Market Research
Lecture 1: 1 .1 How to build your strategy A customer researc
Lecture 2: 1.2 Forming a strategy through strong customer int
Lecture 3: 1.3 Leveraging customer research to develop a cust
Chapter 19: Develop Yoru Brand Promise. Building a Unique Position
Lecture 1: 2.1 Discovering your unique brand value to build a
Lecture 2: 2.2 Creating a customer benefit ladder Deliver con
Lecture 3: 2.3 Bringing it together Write your brand positio
Chapter 20: Define Your Brand Character. Articulating Brand Value
Lecture 1: 3.1 Identifying your brand character Select an arc
Lecture 2: 3.2 Describing your brand character Hone brand per
Lecture 3: 3.3 Fleshing out your brand Define brand edges
Chapter 21: Activate Your Brand Strategy. Connecting with Customer.
Lecture 1: 4.1 Tailoring the customer journey Nurture down th
Lecture 2: 4.2 Planning creative Write creative briefs to exe
Lecture 3: 4.3 Evaluating creative A framework to assess your
Chapter 22: Refine Your Brand Strategy influencing the Customer Experience
Lecture 1: 5.1 Using the four Ps framework to refine your bra
Lecture 2: 5.2 Using the start, stop, and continue framework
Lecture 3: 5.3 It's time to create your brand strategy
Chapter 23: Find Your Business Strategy
Lecture 1: Knowing who you are 1.1
Lecture 2: Defining your narrative statement 1.2
Lecture 3: Identifying emotional needs 1.3
Lecture 4: Create your value statement 1.4
Chapter 24: Define Your Target Customers
Lecture 1: Identifying customer groups 2.1
Lecture 2: Creating a customer persona 2.2
Lecture 3: Measuring customer lifetime value 2.3
Lecture 4: Quantifying customer loyalty 2.4
Chapter 25: Research Find What Your Customers Want
Sadık Vural
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- 3 stars: 1 votes
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- 5 stars: 6 votes
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