Mobile App Marketing using Google Ads
Mobile App Marketing using Google Ads, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 3.9, with 21 lectures, 10 quizzes, based on 80 reviews, and has 306 subscribers.
You will learn about Understanding the apps ecosystem Explore Google app campaigns Define your app campaign goal Measure what matters in app campaigns Begin with app campaign settings Finish with app campaign ad groups and assets The role of the marketer in app campaigns Guide the machine for a better app campaign Create and refine your app campaign Understand your app campaign results Optimize the app experience How to start campaign in Google Ads Mobile app marketing, app marketing Google ads mobile advertising google app ads google app campaign google ads for apps mobile app marketing using google ads This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to master in Google Ads or Anyone struggling to get traffic and sales or Anyone looking to start a career in the Google Ads Space or Anyone who wants to build a brand and a fan base using Google Advertising or People who want to learn mobile app marketing or People who learn app marketing or People who learn google ads or People who learn mobile advertising or People who want to learn google app campaign It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to master in Google Ads or Anyone struggling to get traffic and sales or Anyone looking to start a career in the Google Ads Space or Anyone who wants to build a brand and a fan base using Google Advertising or People who want to learn mobile app marketing or People who learn app marketing or People who learn google ads or People who learn mobile advertising or People who want to learn google app campaign.
Enroll now: Mobile App Marketing using Google Ads
Title: Mobile App Marketing using Google Ads
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 3.9
Number of Lectures: 21
Number of Quizzes: 10
Number of Published Lectures: 21
Number of Published Quizzes: 10
Number of Curriculum Items: 31
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 31
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understanding the apps ecosystem
- Explore Google app campaigns
- Define your app campaign goal
- Measure what matters in app campaigns
- Begin with app campaign settings
- Finish with app campaign ad groups and assets
- The role of the marketer in app campaigns
- Guide the machine for a better app campaign
- Create and refine your app campaign
- Understand your app campaign results
- Optimize the app experience
- How to start campaign in Google Ads
- Mobile app marketing, app marketing
- Google ads
- mobile advertising
- google app ads
- google app campaign
- google ads for apps
- mobile app marketing using google ads
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to master in Google Ads
- Anyone struggling to get traffic and sales
- Anyone looking to start a career in the Google Ads Space
- Anyone who wants to build a brand and a fan base using Google Advertising
- People who want to learn mobile app marketing
- People who learn app marketing
- People who learn google ads
- People who learn mobile advertising
- People who want to learn google app campaign
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to master in Google Ads
- Anyone struggling to get traffic and sales
- Anyone looking to start a career in the Google Ads Space
- Anyone who wants to build a brand and a fan base using Google Advertising
- People who want to learn mobile app marketing
- People who learn app marketing
- People who learn google ads
- People who learn mobile advertising
- People who want to learn google app campaign
Welcome to the “Mobile App Marketing using Google Ads” course.
App marketing, mobile app marketing, android app marketing, marketing app, apps marketing, app store marketing, app marketing mobile, google ads, universal app campaign
App marketing and Google Ads effectively to reach more traffic. The best course to learn Google Ads with hands-on practices!
Do you want to create a successful mobile app business? In this course, you will learn how to create a universal app campaign in Google Ads.
Whether you’re a small business owner interested in adding Google Ads to your marketing budget, or a professional freelance marketer working to boost your client’s revenue, Udemy has top-rated Google Ads courses to help you achieve your goals.
In today’s online marketplace, your SEO strategy is incomplete without Google Ads, a pay-per-click advertising platform. Google Ads takes the guesswork out of online marketing with metrics that allow you to monitor the effectiveness of your Google ad placements while driving sales.
Our course shows you how to make a real business out of your app
Do you know;
How to make money with your Apps?
How to put adds into your Apps?
How you can turn a non-paying user into a paying user?
What to sell to your subscribers?
How to re-engage with your users?
If you are thinking to start to learn app promotion with google, this course is a perfect place for you to start.
We have explained Universal App Campaign from beginner to all levels. We have explained all the topics as simple as possible with examples, slides and diagrams.
We have created a lot of projects while explaining the subjects. Because we believe that applied educations are much more useful than other teaching methods.
We explained all the subjects with simple examples and applications, and explanatory diagrams in a way that the student can understand at all levels.
We paid attention to explaining all the topics in order. Because we think that the order of presentation of the subject is as important as the content of education. We have seen this shortcoming in many pieces of training we have examined and tried to explain these issues to you in the best way.
This course is specifically designed for the Beginner all the way up to Advanced;
Ad Monetization Experts
App Developers
Mobile App entrepreneur
Marketing, strategy, and ad consultants who want to expand their business and offer more to their clients,
Technical or non-technical entrepreneurs
Who wants to learn how to create a universal app campaign in google ads and optimize app campaigns by understanding app campaign results.
Why would you want to take this course?
Everyone is talking about design, coding but no-one is talking about how to make money with apps. There are a tons of tutorials for how to make game, but everyone is silent about making money with apps and they are keeping it as a secret. We believe the power of sharing. Sharing is caring, any? So we decided to come out and teach you how to actually make money with apps.
In this course we will cover;
Understanding the apps ecosystem
Explore Google app campaigns
Define your app campaign goal
Measure what matters in app campaigns
Begin with app campaign settings
Finish with app campaign ad groups and assets
The role of the marketer in app campaigns
Guide the machine for a better app campaign
Create and refine your app campaign
Optimize the app experience
Mobile app marketing
App marketing
Google ads
Google ads app
Mobile advertising
Google app ads
Google app campaign
App advertising
When you enroll, you will feel our seasoned developers and marketing experts’ expertise.
What is Google Ads (Adwords)?
Google Ads (formerly called Google Adwords) is a digital advertising platform where businesses can bid money on relevant keywords to display advertisements for their products and services on online channels. The online advertisements appear as sponsored results on Google search engine result pages or display ads on websites and mobile apps in Google’s Network. The platform assigns each ad a page position based on the bid’s size combined with the advertisement’s quality (determined by Google’s Quality Score metric). The business then pays via a Cost Per Click (CPC) model for the number of clicks the ad receives. Within the Google Ads platform, businesses can view their online ads’ metrics and performance, set goals for their advertising efforts, and set audience targeting parameters.
Do Google Ads work for small businesses?
Google Ads can work well for small businesses when optimizing keywords and targeting relevant online audiences. Since millions of consumers use Google every day to search for products and services, advertising through Google Ads can be a great way for a business to get in front of consumers searching for similar offerings. The success of Google Ads for a small business often depends on the nature of the products and services, the keywords the business chooses to bid on, and their methods for targeting the right customers online. Google Ads is a good fit for small businesses that operate primarily or entirely online, businesses with a high customer lifetime value (LTV), and businesses that can benefit from targeting their customers geographically or by online search interest.
How successful are Google Ads?
With the right advertising strategy, Google Ads can be very successful in helping a brand get its products and services in front of more consumers online. The success of Google Ads often depends on a business strategy for targeting the right audience and the quality of its ad content. Google Ads are more likely to be successful for businesses that conduct keyword research to optimize their bids on relevant keywords that they can rank highly for within their budget; and those that produce high-quality ad content, including graphics and landing pages that offer real value to their audiences.
What is the difference between Google Ads and Adsense?
Google Ads is the platform businesses use to advertise online, while Google AdSense is the platform websites use to host those online ads in exchange for payment. Google Ads is an online advertising platform where businesses pay to have their ads displayed online. Based on a business’ advertising budget, Google Ads will place the digital ads on the pages of Google results or on websites that belong to Google’s Network. Google AdSense is a program that anyone who owns a website can join, to become a part of Google’s Network. Through Google AdSense, the website owner allows Google Ads to automatically display relevant advertisements on their site and receives payment based on the number of views those ads receive.
Step-by-Step Way
By the end of the course, you’ll have a firm understanding of the how to make money with apps.Good news is since the Free and popular tools are used you don’t need to buy any tool or application.
Video and Audio Production Quality
All our videos are created/produced as high quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience.
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Moving through the course without distractions
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Mobile App Marketing using Google Ads
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Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Mobile App Marketing, Google Ads
Lecture 1: Introduction to App Marketing
Lecture 2: FAQ about Mobile App Marketing, Google Ads
Chapter 2: Explore Google App Campaigns
Lecture 1: Understand the Apps Ecosystem
Lecture 2: Explore Google App Campaigns
Chapter 3: Define Your App Campaign Goal
Lecture 1: Define Your App Campaign Goal
Chapter 4: Measure What Matters in App Campaigns
Lecture 1: Measure What Matters in App Campaigns
Chapter 5: Begin with app campaign settings
Lecture 1: Begin with App Campaign Settings
Lecture 2: Opening Google Adwords
Lecture 3: Creating Universal App Campaign
Lecture 4: Finding your App on Google Play Store
Chapter 6: Finish with App Campaign ad Groups and Assets
Lecture 1: Text Ideas for App Campaign
Lecture 2: Adding Videos, Images and HTML5 for App Campaign
Lecture 3: Bid Strategy for App Campaign
Lecture 4: Targeting and Excluding Locations
Chapter 7: The Role of the Marketer in App Campaigns
Lecture 1: The Role of the Marketer in App Campaigns
Lecture 2: Create and Refine Your App Campaign
Lecture 3: Guide the Machine for a Better App Campaign
Lecture 4: Understand Your App Campaign Results
Chapter 8: Optimize the App Experience
Lecture 1: Optimizations of Targeting and Excluding Locations
Lecture 2: Optimizations of Bidding and Budget
Chapter 9: Extra
Lecture 1: Mobile App Marketing using Google Ads
Oak Academy
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 6 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 63 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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