Niche Research-How to Find a Profitable Niche Business Idea.
Niche Research-How to Find a Profitable Niche Business Idea., available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.15, with 33 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 103 reviews, and has 597 subscribers.
You will learn about At the end of the course, students will be able to spot a business opportunity that is profitable and viable in every respect. So they will be ready to start the business of their passion confidently. This course is ideal for individuals who are This Course is meant for people who are new to online business world and want to know about how to get started, aspiring entrepreneurs who want to conduct niche market research to find a profitable online business opportunity, people employed at companies that want to start their online venture and be their own boss, unemployed people who want to start their own profitable business, business owners who want to diversify into new profitable areas of business and want to conduct a niche research. This course is probably not for those who already are in an established business on a profitable niche and just want to build a website. Website creation based on the niche identified is not covered in this course. It is particularly useful for This Course is meant for people who are new to online business world and want to know about how to get started, aspiring entrepreneurs who want to conduct niche market research to find a profitable online business opportunity, people employed at companies that want to start their online venture and be their own boss, unemployed people who want to start their own profitable business, business owners who want to diversify into new profitable areas of business and want to conduct a niche research. This course is probably not for those who already are in an established business on a profitable niche and just want to build a website. Website creation based on the niche identified is not covered in this course.
Enroll now: Niche Research-How to Find a Profitable Niche Business Idea.
Title: Niche Research-How to Find a Profitable Niche Business Idea.
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.15
Number of Lectures: 33
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 33
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 35
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 35
Original Price: $189.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- At the end of the course, students will be able to spot a business opportunity that is profitable and viable in every respect. So they will be ready to start the business of their passion confidently.
Who Should Attend
- This Course is meant for people who are new to online business world and want to know about how to get started, aspiring entrepreneurs who want to conduct niche market research to find a profitable online business opportunity, people employed at companies that want to start their online venture and be their own boss, unemployed people who want to start their own profitable business, business owners who want to diversify into new profitable areas of business and want to conduct a niche research. This course is probably not for those who already are in an established business on a profitable niche and just want to build a website. Website creation based on the niche identified is not covered in this course.
Target Audiences
- This Course is meant for people who are new to online business world and want to know about how to get started, aspiring entrepreneurs who want to conduct niche market research to find a profitable online business opportunity, people employed at companies that want to start their online venture and be their own boss, unemployed people who want to start their own profitable business, business owners who want to diversify into new profitable areas of business and want to conduct a niche research. This course is probably not for those who already are in an established business on a profitable niche and just want to build a website. Website creation based on the niche identified is not covered in this course.
Course Description
A survey reveals that almost 90% of startups fail. One of the reasons attributed is failure to do proper niche research beforehand. But many of these entrepreneurs simply do not know how to do this. They Invest all the money they saved in their lifetime into the business and hope that to succeed. Alas! without proper research, their chances of success are only minuscule 10%. After the failure of the business, startup owners go bankrupt and some owners go to the extent of killing themselves. It’s unfortunate that a small tweak in their mindset to do proper research before choosing a market will change the whole scenario.
This course aims to increase your chances of success in your startup by teaching you how to conduct proper online niche market research. It’s an interesting activity and at the end of the research, you’ll have a lucrative market to target that will succeed if served properly. You’ll be taught theory and practical lessons related to niche market research which might change your startup strategy completely.
Master Niche Research by a step by step system.
This course will take you through a step by step approach to find a profitable niche market. All you have to do is to follow along those steps. Please don’t skip any step as this will break the chain.
At the initial stages, I’ll cover all the theory lessons necessary to understand the basics. Then we’ll jump into practical lessons where we’ll do hands-on work to use various tools online to find a profitable niche.
Content and Overview
- By Learning what a niche market isand why you needto startup with a proper niche market, you become strong in fundamentals that will help to do In-depth research.
- By Identifying your passions, strengths and weaknesses, you not only do a self-assessment to know yourself, but also choose an area that you are passionate about to startup.This will keep you in the business over a long haul.
- The next step is to Identify what the market wants. The key point here is to identify an area that you feel passionate about and have strengths at and market can also greately benefit from.
- You define your nicheas specific as possible. Also you visualize your customers in your mind’s eye. This brings in clarity of thought.
- Use filter questionsto weed out niches that are not viable.
- Deeply understand problemsof the identified niches. Then identify solutionsthat can solve the problems better than others.
- Test the market to ensure customers will pay for your product or service.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Niche Markets
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Contest Information
Lecture 3: What is a Niche Market
Lecture 4: Niche market examples and strategy
Lecture 5: A Quick Reminder and Request
Lecture 6: Why finding a Niche Market.
Lecture 7: Broad types or categories of Business
Lecture 8: 7 steps to find a profitable Niche Market
Chapter 2: Finding a Niche Based on What You Want.
Lecture 1: Know your strengths and passions
Lecture 2: Hints to find your strengths and passions
Lecture 3: Know your fears and pains
Lecture 4: Hints to find your fears and problems
Lecture 5: Review-1
Chapter 3: Finding Niches Based on What the Market Wants
Lecture 1: Know what the market wants.
Lecture 2: Define and visualize customers
Lecture 3: Is the market size big enough in terms of sales value?
Lecture 4: Is the market desperate to find solution and showing buying intent?
Lecture 5: Is the market actively searching the internet for solution?
Lecture 6: Is the market demand stable or showing uptrend?
Lecture 7: Is the market underserved or neglected?
Lecture 8: Does the niche have large number of products?
Lecture 9: Is the niche evergreen?
Lecture 10: Are people making money from it regularly? In short, is there competition?
Lecture 11: Can you offer a better service/product than the competition?
Lecture 12: Is the niche ethical / legal?
Lecture 13: Final 3 filter questions.
Lecture 14: Review-2
Lecture 15: Price Demand Matrix
Chapter 4: Identifying a solution and testing if it is market worthy
Lecture 1: Understanding Niches' problems and current solutions
Lecture 2: Identify solutions to niches problems
Lecture 3: Test if the Market will pay
Chapter 5: Bonus Section
Lecture 1: Free Keyword Tools to conduct Keyword Research
Lecture 2: Learn to use Google Keyword Planner
Sivakumar Kannan
Digital Marketer, Trader and Investor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 8 votes
- 3 stars: 7 votes
- 4 stars: 15 votes
- 5 stars: 69 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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