SMS Marketing (A to Z) with Free Software | Branded SMS |
SMS Marketing (A to Z) with Free Software | Branded SMS |, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 37 lectures, 11 quizzes, based on 44 reviews, and has 1061 subscribers.
You will learn about By qualifying this course One can start online earning with no expenses The Software used in SMS marketing will be practised (Softwares will be provided free of cost) SMS Marketing is a sub category of Digital Marketing. It's the cheapest and most effective tool for marketing of the businesses. It is very useful for Business Owners to meet their day to day marketing requirements on very cheap rates. Entrepreneurs can start their online earning through it This course is ideal for individuals who are This Course is designed for Two Categories of people:- or 1. The Business Owners who intend to market their businesses at their own to get maximum results. or 2. The Enterpanuers who intend to start online earning with a minimum budget. or 3. House ladies, Retired persons and Job Holders who intend utilize their spare time in a productive activities and earn extra money. or At the later stages updates will be incorporated in line with latest development in the field of SMS Marketing It is particularly useful for This Course is designed for Two Categories of people:- or 1. The Business Owners who intend to market their businesses at their own to get maximum results. or 2. The Enterpanuers who intend to start online earning with a minimum budget. or 3. House ladies, Retired persons and Job Holders who intend utilize their spare time in a productive activities and earn extra money. or At the later stages updates will be incorporated in line with latest development in the field of SMS Marketing.
Enroll now: SMS Marketing (A to Z) with Free Software | Branded SMS |
Title: SMS Marketing (A to Z) with Free Software | Branded SMS |
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 37
Number of Quizzes: 11
Number of Published Lectures: 37
Number of Published Quizzes: 11
Number of Curriculum Items: 50
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 50
Original Price: $29.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- By qualifying this course One can start online earning with no expenses
- The Software used in SMS marketing will be practised (Softwares will be provided free of cost)
- SMS Marketing is a sub category of Digital Marketing. It's the cheapest and most effective tool for marketing of the businesses.
- It is very useful for Business Owners to meet their day to day marketing requirements on very cheap rates.
- Entrepreneurs can start their online earning through it
Who Should Attend
- This Course is designed for Two Categories of people:-
- 1. The Business Owners who intend to market their businesses at their own to get maximum results.
- 2. The Enterpanuers who intend to start online earning with a minimum budget.
- 3. House ladies, Retired persons and Job Holders who intend utilize their spare time in a productive activities and earn extra money.
- At the later stages updates will be incorporated in line with latest development in the field of SMS Marketing
Target Audiences
- This Course is designed for Two Categories of people:-
- 1. The Business Owners who intend to market their businesses at their own to get maximum results.
- 2. The Enterpanuers who intend to start online earning with a minimum budget.
- 3. House ladies, Retired persons and Job Holders who intend utilize their spare time in a productive activities and earn extra money.
- At the later stages updates will be incorporated in line with latest development in the field of SMS Marketing
SMS marketing is the sub Part of the Digital marketing. In todays era, the Digital marketing has become a most powerful tool for market any product or service. But still SMS Sender Software along with Bulk SMS Sender Software are still being used as compared to attractive and powerful features of other platforms of social media, the SMS Market still exists and has covered a wider community due to it’s unique feature, non rely on the internet in one from these. We will also cover the latest feature i.e. Voice SMS and short code messaging services in this course.
Branded SMS Marketing Strategy.
In this particular course the features i.e. Marketing, Bulk SMS messaging and SMS Gateway will be covered along with SMS Sender Software.
In this Course the students will learn SMS Marketing from the scratch to the expert level. Following are key points of the SMS Marketing Course:-
1. Theoretical Portion is elaborated through Whiteboard Animations, so that students and comprehend easily.
2. Practical Portion is explained on screen recordings of practical on use of software which need for SMS Marketing.
3. The Face to Face lecture are comprised business, rules and work ethics stuff.
The SMS marketing is also known as the Text Marketing, Some related terms are known as SMS Gateway, SMS Sender, SMS Text Message Marketing etc. All are associated with SMS Marketing that is sub part of Digital Marketing.
In addition to non branded SMS here is dedicated section for Branded SMS Marketing also.
Following are the key factors due to which SMS Marketing is still exists is has reach over a wide audience:-
1. Cheaper rates
2. Wider Coverage
3. Not dependent on the internet.
4. Maximum open rate.
and many more.
I hope this course on SMS Marketing, SMS “Text Message” marketing will be benifit you all
Stay Blessed
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Course and Instructor
Lecture 1: Introduction to Course
Lecture 2: Orientation Session
Chapter 2: Definition of SMS and SMS Marketing
Lecture 1: Definition of SMS Types and Applications
Lecture 2: Why SMS Marketing
Lecture 3: SMS vs Whatsapp Marketing
Chapter 3: Gadgets & Softwares Need for SMS Marketing
Lecture 1: Hardwares and Softwares Required for SMS Marketing
Lecture 2: DRPU Bulk SMS Sender Software (Practical Demonstration)
Lecture 3: Web Data Extractor Software (Practical Demonstration)
Chapter 4: Re-Cap of the Course
Lecture 1: Re-Cap of the Course with Revision
Lecture 2: Pre-Cap of the Course
Chapter 5: Branded SMS Marketing
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Branded SMS
Lecture 2: How Branded SMS Works
Lecture 3: Power of Branded SMS
Lecture 4: Branded SMS Types and Pros/Cones
Lecture 5: Branded SMS Business Methods
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Section and Instructor
Lecture 2: Text SMS Marketing
Lecture 3: Multi Media Messaging Services (MMS)
Lecture 4: Voice SMS
Lecture 5: Short Code Messages
Lecture 1: Introduction to Industries re;lated to SMS Marketing
Lecture 2: Industries associated with SMS Marketing Part-1
Lecture 3: Industries associated with SMS Marketing Part-2
Lecture 4: Industries associated with SMS Marketing Part-3
Lecture 5: Industries associated with SMS Marketing Part-4
Chapter 8: Legal Regulations and Common Challenges for SMS Marketing Business
Lecture 1: Legal regulations for SMS Marketing Business
Lecture 2: Telecom Rules in USA
Lecture 3: SMS Regulations in India
Lecture 4: Opt-In & Opt-Out in SMS Marketing
Lecture 5: Common Challenges for SMS Marketers
Chapter 9: SMS Marketing for Businesses
Lecture 1: Bulk SMS for Billing
Lecture 2: SMS Marketing Trends for 2023
Lecture 3: SMS marketing for Own Businesses
Lecture 4: SMS Marketing for Enterpanuers
Lecture 5: Rules & Work Ethics for SMS marketing Business
Lecture 6: Marketing Tools for SMS Marketing Business
Lecture 7: Conclusion
Muhammad Asif Nadeem
Registered Professional Technologist (Electrical)
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 5 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 5 votes
- 5 stars: 31 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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