Streamyard Strategies for Speakers
Streamyard Strategies for Speakers, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.9, with 24 lectures, based on 35 reviews, and has 90 subscribers.
You will learn about Fast-track to impromptu and pre-scheduled livestreaming Stream live to one or multiple channels (YouTube, FB, LIn, etc.) Position yourself to get invited to speak at YouTube Summits Increase your bookability by providing speaking "trailer" videos clips Invite guests to your channel – interview them or have them share a story, testimonial, etc. Engage with your audience using the screen-display comments feature Add covers, comments, banners, tickers and more Share intro and extro video clips Learn how to work with an assistant backstage This course is ideal for individuals who are Public speakers who want to up their visibility and credibility while increasing their invitability for YouTube based collaborations and summits. It is particularly useful for Public speakers who want to up their visibility and credibility while increasing their invitability for YouTube based collaborations and summits.
Enroll now: Streamyard Strategies for Speakers
Title: Streamyard Strategies for Speakers
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.9
Number of Lectures: 24
Number of Published Lectures: 24
Number of Curriculum Items: 24
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 24
Original Price: $24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Fast-track to impromptu and pre-scheduled livestreaming
- Stream live to one or multiple channels (YouTube, FB, LIn, etc.)
- Position yourself to get invited to speak at YouTube Summits
- Increase your bookability by providing speaking "trailer" videos clips
- Invite guests to your channel – interview them or have them share a story, testimonial, etc.
- Engage with your audience using the screen-display comments feature
- Add covers, comments, banners, tickers and more
- Share intro and extro video clips
- Learn how to work with an assistant backstage
Who Should Attend
- Public speakers who want to up their visibility and credibility while increasing their invitability for YouTube based collaborations and summits.
Target Audiences
- Public speakers who want to up their visibility and credibility while increasing their invitability for YouTube based collaborations and summits.
If you’re serious about speaking in our COVID0-conscious culture, you’ve got to start livestreaming right now.
Streamyard for Speakersis your fast-track to stepping into online opportunities to share your messages anytime, from anywhere, alone or with any guests you choose.
This course includes everything you need, in step-by-step video tutorials, to streamline your introduction to livestreaming to YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn and more through the powerful platform of Streamyard.
You’ll not only discover the exact steps and shortcuts to get you up and livestreaming quickly and easily, but you will actually set it all up as you go. You’ll be ready to roll* in less than two hours by simply watching the 1-3 minute videos (at regular or fast speed), and pausing between to take your next action step.
Do not wait for the perfect studio set-up, expensive equipment or to magically become tech-savvy. Other speakers who have none of the above are already livestreaming. Why not you?
Furthermore, why wait until you miss a golden invite because you weren’t ready to fo live?
Take this course and set your Streamyard up today! Get positioned to gain credibility, increase your visibility and land speaking gigs that require livestream skills.
This course introduces you to the tools and strategies you need to go from invisible to livestreaming immediately. In “Mentor Marnie’s” unique “Marnie Minute” format, everything here is fast, direct and will get you going before you miss another opportunity.
Two Hours from Now You Will Know How To:
Go live on YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn and more, anytime you want
Preschedule future Livestreams to allow time to invite guests and promote
Invite viewers via any social media outlet, email and/or text messaging
Record video clips to use in your social posts or as advance marketing for your upcoming events
Brand your videos, apply cover art and add a marketing ticker to the bottom of your livestreams
Share comments to the screen from viewers live in the chat area (even while streaming to multiple social channels)
And so much more!
This course is fast and exactly what you need to get up to speed today. It includes examples, templates and tutorial videos so you can implement what you are learning at top speed.
Learning how to livestream via Streamyard will take you from antiquated to top-tier in two hours or less. You’ll emerge with the skills, tools and confidence you need to outshine most other speakers who are still stuck pre-COVID or on limited platforms like Zoom.
Gain the reputation of a speaker who is READY.
Gain momentum as a speaker who wisely and confidently maximizes livestreaming by using Streamyard.
Being able to go live anytime is a critical skill for speakers who are serious about booking on-premise and on-line events.
Streamyard for Speakers is neither intimidating nor complex, it’s simply the fastest and most effective way for you to move from off-line to on-line speaking ASAP because two hours from now you’ll know exactly what to do and be ready to create instant or pre-scheduled livestream video programs.
“Mentor Marnie” is not only the creator of “Marnie Minutes” but also the director of the Christian Women’s Speaker’s Directory promoting over 1300 speakers to planners around the world. She has helped speakers get booked at thousands of events around the world. Right now, more than ever, it is imperative that speakers are experienced and ready to go live at any time.
Marnie is uniquely equipped to lovingly lead you from your current discomfort zone with the idea of livestreaming using Streamyard, to a whole new level of visibility, faster than you can believe possible.
By the end of this course you will be able to confidently, effectively and immediately go live on YouTube and/or up to eight of your social platforms anytime. By doing so, you will gain credibility, visibility and bookability to reach more with your message starting right now.
Register for the course now and let’s get you going!
*While you will be ready, it may take YouTube and other channels up to 72 hours to approve your Streamyard request.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: 2. Set Up & Scheduling
Lecture 1: Sign Up with Streamyard
Lecture 2: Link Up with YouTube & Your Socials
Lecture 3: Confirm You Are Using Chrome
Chapter 3: 3. Scheduling
Lecture 1: Scheduling Basics
Lecture 2: Scheduling in Advance & Caveats
Lecture 3: Record Only & Airing Previously Recorded Videos
Lecture 4: Example of Recording First, Then Livestreaming
Chapter 4: 4. Studio Tour
Lecture 1: Studio Entry: Display Name, Camera, Microphone
Lecture 2: Screensharing for PowerPoints
Lecture 3: Assistant: Inviting and Setting-Up Your Backstage Assistant
Chapter 5: 5. Bells & Whistles
Lecture 1: Covers & Overlays
Lecture 2: Intro, Extro & Other Video Clilps
Lecture 3: Branding
Lecture 4: Banners & Tickers
Lecture 5: Viewer Comments
Chapter 6: 6. Inviting Viewers & Hosting Guests
Lecture 1: Inviting Viewers & Guests
Lecture 2: Troubleshooting with Guests
Lecture 3: Sample Interview: Sharon Wilharm
Chapter 7: 7. Streamyard on Steroids
Lecture 1: Help Promo Your Own Upcoming Appearances
Lecture 2: Repurpose for Radio & Podcasts
Chapter 8: 8. Optional Add-Ons
Lecture 1: Create Your Own Pro-Quality YouTube Covers
Lecture 2: Movavi Screen Capture & Video Editing Tools
Lecture 3: Legally Add Background Music
Marnie Swedberg
International Leadership Mentor & Keynote Speaker
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 6 votes
- 5 stars: 27 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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