The Best Video Marketing Course Of All Time
The Best Video Marketing Course Of All Time, available at $34.99, has an average rating of 4.4, with 77 lectures, based on 23 reviews, and has 175 subscribers.
You will learn about Rank on Youtube, Vimeo or DailyMotion far ahead of thier competitors How do domainate, not just one position, but entire pages of Google. You will have the knowledge of the most cutting edge video marketing techniques Advanced RSS tactics How to use the video sites to rank your websites The most cutting edge of video marketing techniques This course is ideal for individuals who are Youtubers, Marketers or SEO's who want more real estate on the front page of Google or Video marketing agencies and client at SEO or Affiliate marketers and entrepreneurs or Video marketing dorks, local marketers It is particularly useful for Youtubers, Marketers or SEO's who want more real estate on the front page of Google or Video marketing agencies and client at SEO or Affiliate marketers and entrepreneurs or Video marketing dorks, local marketers.
Enroll now: The Best Video Marketing Course Of All Time
Title: The Best Video Marketing Course Of All Time
Price: $34.99
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 77
Number of Published Lectures: 77
Number of Curriculum Items: 77
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 77
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Rank on Youtube, Vimeo or DailyMotion far ahead of thier competitors
- How do domainate, not just one position, but entire pages of Google.
- You will have the knowledge of the most cutting edge video marketing techniques
- Advanced RSS tactics
- How to use the video sites to rank your websites
- The most cutting edge of video marketing techniques
Who Should Attend
- Youtubers, Marketers or SEO's who want more real estate on the front page of Google
- Video marketing agencies and client at SEO
- Affiliate marketers and entrepreneurs
- Video marketing dorks, local marketers
Target Audiences
- Youtubers, Marketers or SEO's who want more real estate on the front page of Google
- Video marketing agencies and client at SEO
- Affiliate marketers and entrepreneurs
- Video marketing dorks, local marketers
“The Best Video Marketing Course Of All Time” is my first course on Udemy. I put in a ton of effort because I wanted to come out swinging. It covers a wide-ranging subject: Video marketing.
Rank YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion Like A Boss!
I will teach you to rank YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion videos at the top of Google’s organic traffic without having to pay. This course isn’t “another secret hidden YouTube loophole.” Theoretically, your videos can hold their rankings until someone comes along and does better. If a competitor tries to usurp your position, I will show you how to “juice your video” back over them. I’ve also included some advanced RSS strategies to ensure that will never be an issue.
A big “problem” I had making this course, the videos I was using for my case study kept going to #1 before I could complete all of the steps. That is a good problem to have. If reaching your goal STOP! Enjoy your success and move on to the next project.
I am showing you everything from the most white-hat to the most aggressive ranking methods. You probably won’t even need to use the manipulative tactics.
My concept is simple:
Does the video you created answer a Google query Google better than something else?
If not, it probably won’t rank.
But here is your huge advantage: In the case of Youtube, you are playing on their home turf! Don’t under-estimare Vimeo and Dailymotion either! You spent tim creatin ou video. Why just distribute it one place?
Gone are the days of making spam videos, live streaming pre-recorded PLR videos and expecting results. In fact, I show how live streaming hurts you unless you are using in for legitimate purposes.
So. forget everything you think you know about video marketing, a lot of what I teach go against the grain of what the “Gurus” like to spew.
Video production is a part of it, but there is no need fancy video creation software, mics or lighting. If fact, you have everything to create quality videos using programs you already have installed on your computer. There’s a crash course on video editing, which is easier than you think and makes a HUGE difference.
“Video Keywords” Are A Myth!
If anyone has ever told you there are only certain keywords a video can rank for THEY ARE WRONG!
There is no need for expensive keyword tools! I will teach you to get BETTER keyword ideas for FREE!
You can rank a video for any term, you just have to do the right things.
There is no fooling YouTube after you upload, Rank Brain has already transcribed it into multiple languages. Hence, gone are the days of slapping up un-original video are over!
I’ll teach you all “spiderbait,” best practices for metadata, some insane playlist tricks, “Spin-O-Gram,” philanthropic videos, why branding is critical, authority siphoning and the “new school embeds, API uploads, instant branding, how to create “youtube subtopics” and so many more things nobody else teaches.
I’ll show you video curation, you will learn Youtube’s “fair use” policy and how to stay off YouTube’s “pest list.”
This is where it just starts. Anybody can take #1-10 for a term, but how about taking the entire front page? Does that sound good?
Enter: “The Video Tsunami” Method
I usw Daily Motion and Vimeo. If you created a quality video, why just stop at YouTube? (which is something nobody addresses)
You will learn how to “shock your video” and when initially uploaded to create a buzz around it. I’ll teach you my the IFTTT trifecta, the discretionary power of Video Powerhouse, and everything you can do to rank your video post-upload.
Once you are #1, how number one are you?
You have to try to turn your longtail into a short tail. Everybody knows a ranking longtail phrase is nothing more than a parlor trick.
Next up, do you make the “decision for war” (go blackhat), the triple tsunami method, the double-semantic-LSI-video-spin, and learn how to stay on the down-low. Then there is the monster of the course I borrowed this from HP Lovecraft, “Hastur The Unspeakable Video Marketing Lesson.”
I show proof of concept (live rankings) for everything.
One of the advantages of ranking your videos on so many platforms is: So know those little links you add to the description? Those links are from DA 90+ properties. I don’t care if they are “no followed” or not. By ranking these videos you “drag up your site” with it.
In The Unlikely Case, You Aren’t Already #1?
I never even need to use these techniques to rank, but I included PDF power, “Twitter War”, “World War Three and Four”(spamming your engagement) just in case you are swinging for the fence.
If you stick to the core lessons I teach at the beginning, you won’t need these aggressive methods, but they are at your disposal if you need them.
As bonuses there a two-hour GSA training, how to stop negative SEO and how to turn a YouTube video into a blog post.
Course Curriculum
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 1: Channel Optimization Factor People Don't Talk About
Lecture 1: Gear Icon Configuration: Why You Should Be Making Your Privates Public!
Lecture 2: Channel Optimization: The Stuff Nobody Talks About
Lecture 3: Channel Optimization: Brand, Brand, Brand
Lecture 4: The "InstaBrand" – Instant "Brand Signals"
Lecture 5: Validating Your Entity
Lecture 6: Channel Optimization: You Are Rub Elbows With
Chapter 2: Video Keyword Research
Lecture 1: Free Keyword Reasearch
Lecture 2: Disproving The "Video Keyword" Myth
Chapter 3: Video Creation: You don't have to be Steven Spielburg!
Lecture 1: Speaking Your Way to #1
Lecture 2: The QuickTime and The Dead
Lecture 3: This You Probably Don't Know About Downloadhelper
Chapter 4: Why Thumbnails are As Important As Your Video
Lecture 1: Thumbnails and Spiders
Lecture 2: How To Create "SpiderBait"
Lecture 3: The Magic Happens "In Post
Lecture 4: Meta Data, Tagging, Tagjacking and Exporting
Chapter 5: Crank Up The Volume With IFTTT
Lecture 1: IFTTT Intro
Lecture 2: IFTTT Basics and Strategy (Part 1)
Lecture 3: The IFTTT Trifecta (Page 2)
Lecture 4: IFTTT Basics and Strategy (Part 3)
Lecture 5: How to Make a Google Drive Folder Public
Lecture 6: IFTTT Final Considerations
Chapter 6: OTO Upload Training
Lecture 1: OTO Upload Training Part 1 (Step-By-Step)
Lecture 2: OTO Upload Training Part 2 (Ranked In 5 Seconds)
Lecture 3: The Shock and Awe Starts At Home
Chapter 7: Your Videos are live! Now what?
Lecture 1: How #1 Are You? Here Is How To See
Lecture 2: Pimp My Video
Chapter 8: Video Playlists: The Unsung Heros Of Video Marketing
Lecture 1: Video Playlists: The Unsung Heros
Lecture 2: Playlist Loops and Video Silos: What's the Difference? – JQ Video Marketing
Lecture 3: How To Set Up Trifecta Playlist Loops – YouTube, Vimeo, and Daily Motion
Lecture 4: Authority Siphoning / The New School Embed
Lecture 5: Youtube Cards – Your Direct Line Into Google's Brain
Chapter 9: 10 Minutes To #1: Now What?
Lecture 1: Turning A Longtail Into A Shorttail / Decision For War
Chapter 10: How To Stay Off Youtube's "Pest List"
Lecture 1: YouTube Death Insurance
Lecture 2: No Pest Perks: Claim Your CTA
Chapter 11: Ninja Video Tactics Nobody Talks About
Lecture 1: Tools and Manipulation
Lecture 2: How #1 Are You?
Lecture 3: Spin-o-Gram – How To Spin Your Text and Keep It Readable
Lecture 4: Philanthropic Videos
Lecture 5: Video Curation / API Uploaded
Lecture 6: Disambiguating Your Video
Lecture 7: How to use YouTube Analytics for Account Optimization
Lecture 8: How to Add "End screen & Annotations"
Chapter 12: The Video Tsunami Method
Lecture 1: Network "Commercial Intent" Policies Explained
Lecture 2: Vimeo Uploading and Channel Best Practices
Lecture 3: Daily Motion Setup and Upload Best Practices
Lecture 4: How To Create A Vimeo Semantic Hub
Lecture 5: Vimeo Semantic Hub (Dork's Edition)
Chapter 13: Simulated "Shock And Awe"
Lecture 1: Shocking" Your Video
Lecture 2: Your "Hidden Youtube" URLs
Lecture 3: Loop My Video (Video Looping Sites)
Lecture 4: 3rd Party Link Shortners
Lecture 5: The Optional Power of Video Powerhouse
Chapter 14: 20 Minutes To #1: Class Dismissed!
Lecture 1: Turning A Longtail Into A Shorttail / Decision For War
Chapter 15: Why Video URL Diversity Is Crucial
Lecture 1: How To Collect Your Vimeo URLS
Lecture 2: The Loops Video Vortex
Lecture 3: Finding Your Daily Motion URL
Lecture 4: Pulling It All Together
Chapter 16: About Indexing
Lecture 1: The Indexing Lecture
Lecture 2: How To Know If Your Are Indexed
Chapter 17: The Triple Video Tsunami Method: Complete Page Domination
Lecture 1: The Double Semantic Video Spin
Lecture 2: Shields Up / First Salvo
Lecture 3: Hastur The Unspeakable Video Marketing Lesson
Lecture 4: Clarification / Proof Of Concept
Lecture 5: The Great "Dragging Up"
Chapter 18: Engaging Your Engagement
Lecture 1: Twitter War Part 1
Lecture 2: Twitter War 2
Chapter 19: Spamming Your Engagent
Lecture 1: World War 3 and 4: Spamming Your Engagement
Lecture 2: Optional PDF Power / Know When To Say No!
Chapter 20: Proof Of Concept + Traffic Bonuses
Lecture 1: Front Page Dominaion
Chapter 21: Not So UselessTimecode Tricks
Lecture 1: Youtube Subtopics
Chapter 22: Blinded By Science: Video Marketing 2018
Lecture 1: How to not Get the "Facebook Treatment"
Chapter 23: Advanced RSS
Lecture 1: How To Use RSS Feeds To Pin Your #1 Ranking To The Top Of SERPS
Lecture 2: Not So Stupid FeedBurner Tricks
Chapter 24: Awesome Bonus Stuff
Lecture 1: How To Stop Negative SEO In 2017
Lecture 2: How To Turn Your Youtube Video Into A Blog Post
Jason Quinlan
I have made a living online since 1997. I am an SEO expert.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 8 votes
- 5 stars: 13 votes
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