The Ultimate Digital Marketing Bundle: 33-Courses-In-1!
The Ultimate Digital Marketing Bundle: 33-Courses-In-1!, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.52, with 304 lectures, 21 quizzes, based on 1884 reviews, and has 13182 subscribers.
You will learn about A Complete Understanding of Digital Marketing Foundations Digital Marketing Tools and Strategies Grow a Business Online From Scratch Create An Online Presence around Your Customer and Their Needs Be Ahead Of the Curve With Your Business We Show You How To Take It To the Next Level With 2021 Techniques You will learn how to create The Right Kind of Website for Your Business With Walk Through Creation Tutorials You Will Learn How to Recreate What is Already Working and Apply It To Your Niche Techniques To Generate More Leads For Your Brand or Business Learn How To Find And Understand Your Audience Learn The Skills To Market Yourself As A Professionals Who Seek To Exceed In The Digital Space. This course is ideal for individuals who are Increase Your Online Presence And Take Your Digital Marketing Strategies in 2021 or Brand Owners Who Want To Reach New Audiences, and Create Lifelong Customers With Social Media or People Looking to Get A High Paid Digital Marketing Job at A StartUp or People Who Want To Create A Digital Marketing Agency It is particularly useful for Increase Your Online Presence And Take Your Digital Marketing Strategies in 2021 or Brand Owners Who Want To Reach New Audiences, and Create Lifelong Customers With Social Media or People Looking to Get A High Paid Digital Marketing Job at A StartUp or People Who Want To Create A Digital Marketing Agency.
Enroll now: The Ultimate Digital Marketing Bundle: 33-Courses-In-1!
Title: The Ultimate Digital Marketing Bundle: 33-Courses-In-1!
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.52
Number of Lectures: 304
Number of Quizzes: 21
Number of Published Lectures: 304
Number of Published Quizzes: 21
Number of Curriculum Items: 325
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 325
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- A Complete Understanding of Digital Marketing Foundations
- Digital Marketing Tools and Strategies
- Grow a Business Online From Scratch
- Create An Online Presence around Your Customer and Their Needs
- Be Ahead Of the Curve With Your Business We Show You How To Take It To the Next Level With 2021 Techniques
- You will learn how to create The Right Kind of Website for Your Business With Walk Through Creation Tutorials
- You Will Learn How to Recreate What is Already Working and Apply It To Your Niche
- Techniques To Generate More Leads For Your Brand or Business
- Learn How To Find And Understand Your Audience
- Learn The Skills To Market Yourself As A Professionals Who Seek To Exceed In The Digital Space.
Who Should Attend
- Increase Your Online Presence And Take Your Digital Marketing Strategies in 2021
- Brand Owners Who Want To Reach New Audiences, and Create Lifelong Customers With Social Media
- People Looking to Get A High Paid Digital Marketing Job at A StartUp
- People Who Want To Create A Digital Marketing Agency
Target Audiences
- Increase Your Online Presence And Take Your Digital Marketing Strategies in 2021
- Brand Owners Who Want To Reach New Audiences, and Create Lifelong Customers With Social Media
- People Looking to Get A High Paid Digital Marketing Job at A StartUp
- People Who Want To Create A Digital Marketing Agency
Welcome to The Ultimate 2022 Digital Marketing Bundle: The Most Value Packed 33-Courses-In-1 Training On Udemy.
Whether you want to grow your traffic, customers, and sales of your own brand. Get a high paid Digital Marketing job, or start your own Digital Marketing agency – you are in the perfect place.
We have cut through the noise and created a down to earth, value packed, comprehensive and easy to understand course. With all of the value you get from this course you will take your online business into 2022 ahead of the game.
WE give your EVERYTHING YOU NEED to build a strong foundation in digital marketing: If you are new to digital marketing or need to upgrade your skills this is the course for you..
With over 30+ hours of Priceless Knowledge you will crush the Digital Marketing world:The measures of success will be how clear you will be in your ability to implement your online presence. You will have the skills to market yourself as a professionals who seek to exceed in the digital space.
This Digital Marketing course will take you on the journey of designing a Digital Marketing Strategyfrom the ground up.
You will learn how to find and understand your audience and how to assess and achieve your goals and objectives.
In This Course We Cover:
Finding Your Target Audience
Your Product And Services
Creating A Websites With Shopify
Creating A Websites With Clickfunnel
Your Marketing Content
Starting A Youtube Channel
Instagram: Growing Your Audience
Ecommerce With Amazon FBA
Google Trends
App Store
and more
We have designed this Digital Marketing Course to give you the core tools, knowledge, and skills to create your personalized and successful campaigns no matter which platforms you choose. You will learn how to adapt in the ever-changing environment of Digital Marketing.
We introduce you to all of the tools and processes designed to take the ‘fear factor’ out of digital marketing.
This course will empower you to not only run your campaigns with the maximum chance of success, but give you the skills to review and adjust for improvements.
By the end of course, you will have gained the practical digital marketing knowledge and skills to:
Implement effective digital marketing campaigns that achieve business objectives
Create a compelling digital market campaign for your audience and channels
Connect with an audience through effective social media
Make data-driven decisions based on insights from campaign performance
Understand innovative digital marketing trends
Plus these bonuses:
*Lifetime access to the course
*So Much Value that will bring you results
* Support in the Q&A section
*Udemy certification of completion.
I am looking forward to joining you on your digital marketing journey.
– Benj
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction To The Digital Marketing Bundle
Lecture 1: How To Get The Most Out Of This Course *Important*
Lecture 2: Your First 3 Action Steps *Must Watch*
Lecture 3: Limited Time Coaching Zoom Group Coaching (How To Access)
Chapter 2: Define and Find Your Perfect Customer
Lecture 1: 2.Introduction To Defining And Finding Your Perfect Customers
Lecture 2: 2: Aiming The Digital Marketing Canon
Lecture 3: 2: Your Customer Ring Phase One
Lecture 4: 2: Your Dream 20
Lecture 5: 2: Customer Avatar
Lecture 6: 2: Customer Symbiosis
Chapter 3: Designing and Creating Your Products and Services
Lecture 1: 3. Introduction To Phase Two
Lecture 2: 3: Your Customer Problem
Lecture 3: 3: Who Is The Hero?
Lecture 4: 3: The Problem Value Slider
Lecture 5: 3: The Power In Clarity
Lecture 6: 3: Your Buyer's Journey
Chapter 4: Designing & Creating an E-Commerce Store With Shopify
Lecture 1: 4. Introduction
Lecture 2: Access your Shopify Free Trial
Lecture 3: 4: Opening an Account
Lecture 4: 4: Home Products
Lecture 5: 4: Adding Prodcuts
Lecture 6: 4: Customers Analytics and Marketing
Lecture 7: 4: Discounts and Apps
Lecture 8: 4: Website Themes
Lecture 9: 4: Global Settings
Lecture 10: 4: Pages And Navigation
Lecture 11: 4: Blogs Domains and Navigation
Lecture 12: 4: Settings and Recap
Chapter 5: Creating A Funnel Website With ClickFunnels
Lecture 1: 5. Introduction
Lecture 2: Access Your Clickfunnels Free Trial
Lecture 3: 5: Click Funnels Set Up
Lecture 4: 5: ClickFunnels Tools Tour
Lecture 5: 5: ClickFunnels Page Set Up
Lecture 6: 5: Click Funnels Funnel Settings
Lecture 7: 5: ClickFunnels Thankyou Page
Lecture 8: 5: ClickFunnels Final Page
Lecture 9: 5: ClickFunnels Sales Page
Lecture 10: 5: ClickFunnels Adding Products
Lecture 11: 5: ClickFunnels Up Sell and Down Sell
Chapter 6: Social Media and Content Marketing For Connecting With Customers
Lecture 1: 6. Introduction To Defining Content Marketing Phase 3
Lecture 2: 6:Content Marketing Phase 3
Lecture 3: 6: Attention Technology
Lecture 4: 6: The New World Forum
Lecture 5: 6: Your Five Pillars
Lecture 6: 6: Pick Your Pipes
Lecture 7: 6: First Criteria
Lecture 8: 6: Second Criteria
Lecture 9: 6: Third Criteria
Lecture 10: 6: Quality vs Quantity
Lecture 11: 6: Competitive Advantage Research
Lecture 12: 6: Winning Context
Lecture 13: 6: Jab Jab Jab Then Hook
Lecture 14: 6: The Secret to Great Content
Lecture 15: 6: Your Dynamic Advantage
Lecture 16: 6: Live Walkthrough
Chapter 7: Creating A Successful YouTube Channel From Scratch
Lecture 1: 7. Introduction To Creating A Successful YouTube Channel From Scratch
Lecture 2: 7: Choosing Your Niche
Lecture 3: 7: Your YouTube Audience
Lecture 4: 7: Your Youtube Challenge
Lecture 5: 7: What Is The Demand Of Your Topic?
Lecture 6: 7: Popular YouTube Video Styles
Lecture 7: 7: Creating Thumbnails
Lecture 8: 7: YouTube Video Titles
Lecture 9: 7: Perfectionism
Lecture 10: 7: Software and Editing
Lecture 11: 7: YouTube Hardware
Lecture 12: 7: Scripting Your Videos
Lecture 13: 7: Exporting And Uploading
Lecture 14: Access to VidIQ
Lecture 15: 7: Descriptions And Metadata
Lecture 16: 7: Scheduling and Batching Your Videos
Chapter 8: Grow A Highly Engaged Instagram Account
Lecture 1: 8. Introduction
Lecture 2: 8: Lets Take a Close Look at Instagram
Lecture 3: 8: Get Clear On Your Instagram Goals
Lecture 4: 8: Instagram Scaling
Lecture 5: 8: The Fundamental Truth
Lecture 6: 8: Learn The Instagram Skill
Lecture 7: 8: Powerful IG Content
Lecture 8: 8: Scheduling Posts
Lecture 9: 8: Instagram Account Reach
Lecture 10: 8: Bring It Together
Chapter 9: Create an Successful e-commerce Brand With Amazon FBA
Lecture 1: 9. Introduction To Create a Successful E-Commerce Brand With Amazon FBA
Lecture 2: 9: Skyscraper Strategy
Lecture 3: 9: Perfect Product Fallacy
Lecture 4: Access Your Softwares!
Entrepreneur Academy
Social Media Experts -
Benjamin Wilson
Passionate Entrepreneur
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 22 votes
- 2 stars: 42 votes
- 3 stars: 147 votes
- 4 stars: 480 votes
- 5 stars: 1193 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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