The Ultimate Marketing Training 2020 – Sales Copy Academy
The Ultimate Marketing Training 2020 – Sales Copy Academy, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 3.9, with 49 lectures, based on 501 reviews, and has 3529 subscribers.
You will learn about Sell anything to anyone using specific selling techniques Discover the 16 basic human needs and how to use them in your marketing to make your offer irresistible Master the 3-step formula to selling that big corporations are using to make billions Learn what the 16 sale triggers are and how to use them to trigger specific reactions to your customers Create a sales page from start to finish using a 30-step formula that works Have a greater understanding of what makes people buy and how to trigger a purchase decision Use Coca-Cola's rapid expansion secret (very few people know this one) Get any product and present it in such a way that makes it irresistible Choose the right colors in your marketing in order to trigger different emotions in your prospects' minds This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to increase their income by applying marketing techniques that get people to buy or Business owners who want to increase their earnings using specific advertising formulas that get results or Marketers who want to improve their performance by selling more or Affiliate marketers who want to sell more products by using psychological triggers and techniques It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to increase their income by applying marketing techniques that get people to buy or Business owners who want to increase their earnings using specific advertising formulas that get results or Marketers who want to improve their performance by selling more or Affiliate marketers who want to sell more products by using psychological triggers and techniques.
Enroll now: The Ultimate Marketing Training 2020 – Sales Copy Academy
Title: The Ultimate Marketing Training 2020 – Sales Copy Academy
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 3.9
Number of Lectures: 49
Number of Published Lectures: 49
Number of Curriculum Items: 49
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 49
Original Price: $189.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Sell anything to anyone using specific selling techniques
- Discover the 16 basic human needs and how to use them in your marketing to make your offer irresistible
- Master the 3-step formula to selling that big corporations are using to make billions
- Learn what the 16 sale triggers are and how to use them to trigger specific reactions to your customers
- Create a sales page from start to finish using a 30-step formula that works
- Have a greater understanding of what makes people buy and how to trigger a purchase decision
- Use Coca-Cola's rapid expansion secret (very few people know this one)
- Get any product and present it in such a way that makes it irresistible
- Choose the right colors in your marketing in order to trigger different emotions in your prospects' minds
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to increase their income by applying marketing techniques that get people to buy
- Business owners who want to increase their earnings using specific advertising formulas that get results
- Marketers who want to improve their performance by selling more
- Affiliate marketers who want to sell more products by using psychological triggers and techniques
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to increase their income by applying marketing techniques that get people to buy
- Business owners who want to increase their earnings using specific advertising formulas that get results
- Marketers who want to improve their performance by selling more
- Affiliate marketers who want to sell more products by using psychological triggers and techniques
Do you want to learn how to psychologically influence people to buy anything?
Professional marketers and big companies have been doing it for decades. How? By using proven methods and formulas to get people to DESIRE their products.
I’ve developed a course that will show you how to take any product and advertise it in such a way that leaves NO CHOICE to the reader but to buy it.
You will be taken through a step-by-step formula that will teach you everything you need to know to start selling anything to anyone within days.
The 16 Human Needs
These are the 16 primary human needs that we’re all born with and are behind 99% of our buying decisions. You will not only learn what they are but also how to USE them to almost guarantee a sale. -
The 3-Step Formula To Selling
Did you know that most sales follow a very specific formula with only 3 steps? Inside the Academy, you will learn how to apply it for any type of product. -
Coca-Cola’s Rapid Expansion Secret
In one of the training videos inside the Academy, you will learn the one incredibly simple trick the founder of Coca-Cola used to expand his small company into every part of the globe. -
11 Secrets of Great Advertising
You will discover 11 of the most effective methods of selling that the top advertisers use over and over again to sell billions of products every year. -
Apple’s Techniques for Sensational Sales Pages
Learn how to create sales pages that people will drool over by one of the best companies in the world. In this series of 6 videos, you will learn what makes Apple’s sales pages and ads so attractive and how to use their techniques for your products. -
The 30-Step Formula To A Great Sales Page
If you’re going to sell something online you NEED to create a sales page. This 3-part video series will teach you everything you want to know how to do this easily and correctly. I can guarantee you that if you follow these 30 steps you will have a sales page that sells more copies of your copies than most sales pages out there today. -
Which Colors Sell The Most
When it comes to selling, no color is created equal. In our ‘Best Selling Colors‘ video, you will discover precisely which colors to use to sell the most products possible. -
Much much more…
Complete Sales Persuasion Training in 8 Modules & 40 Videos
Discover the secrets of the world’s top marketers and become able to sell anything to anyone. -
The FULL 30-Step Formula To A Killer Sales Page
Follow me as I go through the step-by-step process of putting together a sales page that outperforms all others by 95% -
The 5, Never Before Available Exclusive Bonuses
Receive the 5 sales and marketing ebooks mentioned below that are exclusive to members of the Sales Copy Academy. These alone worth $385. Get them now for FREE.
By becoming a student of the Academy you will get access to these amazing bonuses…
35 Split Test Conversions Winners
Killer Sales Page and Ads Checklist
43 Fill-The-Gap Headline Templates That Make You Money
100 Best-Selling Power Words
How To Create A Digital Product
I created the Sales Copy Academy to help you make money and succeed. And I know that sometimes, a little help is needed.
So if you decide to join the Academy you will also get 24/7 direct access to me via the course discussion board.
As great as all the content in the Academy is, there’s nothing like real human interaction. Someone to ask questions and get advice.
Once you join I will give you my personal email address that you can contact anytime you need help with something. I’ll even review your sales pages and ads and tell you how to improve them.
The point I’m trying to make is this: You don’t have to go at it alone. I am here to help you 🙂
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: The Pillars of Selling
Lecture 1: Section 1 Introduction
Lecture 2: The 8 Fundamental Human Needs
Lecture 3: The 8 Secondary Desires
Lecture 4: The 3-Step Sales Formula
Lecture 5: The 6 Primary Sale Triggers
Chapter 2: Using Consumer Psychology To Sell
Lecture 1: Introduction to Module 2
Lecture 2: Selling Using Fear
Lecture 3: Examples VS Statistics
Lecture 4: Selling With Rhetorical Questions
Lecture 5: Selling Using Evidence
Chapter 3: Secret Techniques of Selling Anything To Anyone (Part 1)
Lecture 1: Introduction to Module 3
Lecture 2: Selling Simplicity
Lecture 3: Overwhelming With Benefits
Lecture 4: Scarcity Rush
Lecture 5: Selling With Specificity
Lecture 6: Selling Using Questions
Lecture 7: Become A Mental Movie Director
Lecture 8: The Secret Sales-Power Of Coupons
Chapter 4: Secret Techniques of Selling Anything To Anyone (Part 2)
Lecture 1: Introduction to Module 4
Lecture 2: How To Cause People To BUY!
Lecture 3: How To Be Unique And Memorable
Lecture 4: Best Selling Colors
Lecture 5: Using Pictures To Sell More
Lecture 6: How To Price Your Product
Chapter 5: BONUS MATERIALS: The 5 Ebooks and Cheatsheets to Bootstrap Your marketing
Lecture 1: Download The 5 Bonuses
Chapter 6: How To Create A High-Converting Sales Page in 30 Steps
Lecture 1: The Sales Page Formula – Steps 1 to 3
Lecture 2: The Sales Page Formula – Steps 4 to 6
Lecture 3: The Sales Page Formula – Steps 7 to 10
Lecture 4: The Sales Page Formula – Steps 11 to 20
Lecture 5: The Sales Page Formula – Steps 21 to 30
Lecture 6: The 9 Pillars of your Sales Copy
Chapter 7: EXTRA: Apple's Formula To Sales Domination
Lecture 1: The Attention-Grabbing Big Headline
Lecture 2: Short, Broken Sentences
Lecture 3: Impressing With Technical Details
Lecture 4: Using Stories To Help Visualise
Lecture 5: How Problems Introduce Features
Lecture 6: How Analogies Are Used To Amaze
Lecture 7: Using Powerful Vivid Words
Chapter 8: EXTRA: Crafting Winning Headlines 101
Lecture 1: Why Are Headlines So Valuable?
Lecture 2: The 4 Rules of A Successful Headline
Lecture 3: How To Make Your Headline Unique
Lecture 4: How To Make Your Headline Ultra-Specific
Lecture 5: How To Make Your Headline Urgent
Lecture 6: How To Make Your Headline Useful
Chapter 9: How To Write Stories That Persuade
Lecture 1: Why Are Stories So Valuable?
Lecture 2: How To Increase Desire For Your Product
Lecture 3: Persuade By Appealing To The Senses
Lecture 4: How To Make A Boring Product Fascinating
Lecture 5: The 3 Rules Of Seductive Copy
James Ryan
Entrepreuner, Marketer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 6 votes
- 2 stars: 16 votes
- 3 stars: 57 votes
- 4 stars: 138 votes
- 5 stars: 284 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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