Third Level Selling: Advanced Partnering Skills Training
Third Level Selling: Advanced Partnering Skills Training, available at $27.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 49 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 19 reviews, and has 55 subscribers.
You will learn about Your win rate in competition will increase dramatically It will be easier for clients to choose you and pay you what you are worth. You will have a much clearer understanding of how and why clients choose you and be able to align to them better You will sell less, win more and be able to focus on the part of your career that gives you the most satisfaction This course is ideal for individuals who are High level professional and financial service providers or You are responsible for finding new clients, winning RFP's, client retention and wallet share expansion or Consultants, bankers, brokers, architects, technology providers or anyone who sells a service It is particularly useful for High level professional and financial service providers or You are responsible for finding new clients, winning RFP's, client retention and wallet share expansion or Consultants, bankers, brokers, architects, technology providers or anyone who sells a service.
Enroll now: Third Level Selling: Advanced Partnering Skills Training
Title: Third Level Selling: Advanced Partnering Skills Training
Price: $27.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 49
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 49
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 50
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 50
Number of Practice Tests: 1
Number of Published Practice Tests: 1
Original Price: $27.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Your win rate in competition will increase dramatically
- It will be easier for clients to choose you and pay you what you are worth.
- You will have a much clearer understanding of how and why clients choose you and be able to align to them better
- You will sell less, win more and be able to focus on the part of your career that gives you the most satisfaction
Who Should Attend
- High level professional and financial service providers
- You are responsible for finding new clients, winning RFP's, client retention and wallet share expansion
- Consultants, bankers, brokers, architects, technology providers or anyone who sells a service
Target Audiences
- High level professional and financial service providers
- You are responsible for finding new clients, winning RFP's, client retention and wallet share expansion
- Consultants, bankers, brokers, architects, technology providers or anyone who sells a service
Third Level Selling is an advanced partnering skills program that has been deployed at top commercial real estate, banking, consulting, accounting, architecture and technology firms internationally. (Please contact us for a list of clients.) This 50 lecture program shows you how and why clients choose among competitive providers and how elite providers align and win without competing on price, fees and rate. There are 10 factors that cause clients to choose one provider over another. This course shows you how to find and align to these drivers and build preference away from price. You will win more, compete less and free yourself to focus on the aspects of your career that you enjoy most.
Are You a Vendor, Preferred Provider or Strategic Partner?
When buying your services, do prospective clients view you as a vendor, a preferred provider or a strategic partner? Vendors pitch their capabilities. Preferred providers position against competition. Third-Level providers build a partnership with clients.
Elite Third Level service providers, the top 5 percent, have the biggest and most profitable clients. They rarely compete on price, and they do well in good and bad markets. What do these elite providers do differently than the rest of us to win new clients and retain the ones they have?
The short answer is that they engage clients at a deeper personal and professional level, a Third-Level that leads to greater success and career satisfaction and less price competition.
LEVEL 1: VENDORS PITCH (AIRBAGS) – “Can you do it?”
The vast majority of service providers (80%) compete with a selling style that I characterize as Level I – The Pitch. A pitch is a vendor-centric statement of capabilities. It is effective menu selling – “We can do this, do you want it?”
Success at this level depends on volume of calls and meetings (at bats). If a potential client happens to have a current need but does not have an alternative provider, your vendor-centric pitch will win the business. Vendors get by in good markets, but usually get clobbered in down markets.
If you are a vendor, you do most of the talking in client meetings because your objective is to impress with your capabilities and expertise. In your calls, proposals, and presentations, you tell the client who you are, what you do, how you do it, for whom you have done it, and so on.
In most cases client do have choice—lots of them. That choice lets the client get more selective. In fact, the more choices the client has, the less difference there is between the winner and the first loser.
When clients have choices, they are no longer asking if you can do it. Now they are asking if you can do it better than your best competitors. Your pitch tells the client that you can do it, but it doesn’t explain why or how you can do it better. If you can’t clearly and succinctly communicate how you are different and better, how does the client choose you?
Preferred Providers make up about 15% of the market and are usually some of the strongest professionals at your company. They are technically strong and have years of experience. Because of that experience they almost always make it to the client’s short list in competitive situations. Unfortunately, they tend to continue to rely on their capabilities and experience to build preference in the finals where clients are choosing from among only the top competitors.
Once clients narrow their options to a short list of highly capable alternatives, nuanced differences in capabilities cease to be a factor in their final choice. If the client can’t see a difference among top alternatives, is it any wonder that that they choose based on the one difference they can clearly see—price? But price is almost always a self-inflicted wound.
Most service providers like to think of themselves as Trusted Advisors/ Strategic Partners, however only 5% actually achieve that status in the eyes of their clients. Pitching your capabilities gets you invited. Positioning those capabilities effectively against competition gets you to the “short list” of preferred providers, but that still is not enough.
From the short list in everybody is qualified. Now clients are asking, “Who is going to take better care of me?” They are hoping to work with someone they know and trust, someone who knows their industry, their market, their company, their situation, their project, their preferences and their process better. In other words, instead of wanting to know more about you, they want you to know more about them. They don’t want to work with a vendor. They want to work with a strategic partner. If you can find and align to that uniqueness, the client will view you as a strategic partner and not just another vendor.
Third-Level providers find out more (and care more) about their client’s personal lives, their careers, and professional challenges above and beyond just the problems the service provider can solve. They know more about the unique characteristics of the project, the client’s situation, preferences, and decision process. They find and align to what is different about the client instead of forcing the client to find out what is different about them.
Now think back to your last client meeting or presentation. Did the client do most of the talking? Was the content of your presentation or proposal mostly about the client’s unique project, situation, concerns, and objectives? Do you believe the client viewed you as a Vendor, a Preferred Provider, or a Strategic Partner?
Course Curriculum
Lecture 1: Are You a Vendor, Preferred Provider or Strategic Partner?
Chapter 1: Level 1: Understanding Value and Creating Your Value Proposition
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Are Great Salespeople Born or Made?
Lecture 3: What is Value? Selling is about communicating value.
Lecture 4: From Theory to Outcome: Deliberate Practice
Lecture 5: Invisible vs. Visible Market Value Propositions
Chapter 2: Level 2 Selling: Why You? Creating Your Preference Value Proposition
Lecture 1: Why Your Services? Why You?
Lecture 2: "Airbags" – Why you are being commoditized
Lecture 3: It's About Winning: Why You?
Lecture 4: Craft Your Preference Value Proposition with Difference, Preference and Proof
Lecture 5: What is Different? Why is that important to me? Why should I believe you?
Chapter 3: Navigating the Client Decision Funnel
Lecture 1: The Decision Funnel – How and Why Clients Choose Among Competitors
Lecture 2: Search – Screen – Select
Lecture 3: Navigating the Decision Funnel (Phase 1)
Lecture 4: Finding Your Value Zone
Lecture 5: Navigating the Decision Funnel (Phase 2)
Lecture 6: Use Preference Value to Navigate Phase 2
Lecture 7: Navigating the Decision Funnel (Phase 3) – Third Level Selling
Lecture 8: Differentiate on the Client to Win
Chapter 4: Third Level Selling: Finding and Aligning to Client Differentiators
Lecture 1: A Tale of Three Landscape Architects
Lecture 2: The Client-centric Assumption
Lecture 3: Accelerating Personal Relationships
Lecture 4: You know it, but are you getting this outcome?
Lecture 5: Accelerating Personal Relationships (Part 2)
Lecture 6: Finding Common Ground
Lecture 7: Finding Common Ground – Deliberate Practice
Lecture 8: Finding Common Ground – Before You Meet
Lecture 9: Accelerating Professional Relationships (Part 1)
Lecture 10: Raise the Flashlight
Lecture 11: Accelerating Professional Relationships (Part 2)
Lecture 12: Strategic Value Conversations – Looking for CID
Lecture 13: Accelerating Professional Relationships (Part 3)
Lecture 14: Uncovering Threats to Client Performance Objectives
Lecture 15: Momentum Recommendations
Lecture 16: Invisible Market Recommendations
Lecture 17: Project/Situation Difference
Lecture 18: Finding the Drainage Easement
Lecture 19: Preference Difference
Lecture 20: Previous Bad Experience, Concerns, Client Vision and Competition
Lecture 21: Decision Process Difference
Lecture 22: Decision Makers
Lecture 23: Keep Score Keep Improving
Lecture 24: 5 Client Differentiators
Lecture 25: Third Level Presentations and Proposals
Lecture 26: From Vendor-centric to Client-centirc Presentations
Lecture 27: Third Level Service Excellence
Lecture 28: Personal Relationship and Value Add
Lecture 29: Third Level Attitude – Conclusion
Lecture 30: Help My Clients Win
Bob Potter
Acquire Retain and Expand Client Relationships
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 8 votes
- 5 stars: 10 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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