Traffic Flood: Your Ads Before Millions of Weekly Readers
Traffic Flood: Your Ads Before Millions of Weekly Readers , available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 31 lectures, based on 66 reviews, and has 6308 subscribers.
You will learn about Write a compelling ad that has readers stop, pay attention, visit their website, enter your sales funnel and become your customer Find out how to get in front of 1 Million people via newspapers, magazines, tabloids and newsweeklies Learn how to get in the magazines: Entrepreneur, Money, Fortune, National Enquirer, Essence, Ebony and more Scale your success and results by moving your audience to 3.5 MM, 7 MM, 14MM, 20 MM and 25 MM and other networks across the US Learn how to automate your success so you can have your money work for you Learn how to get in front of the students of the largest and most prestigious private and state university and colleges in the US – Stanford, NYU, Ohio State and 66 more Learn how to target cities, states and regions of the United States in your ad Be able to place their offer before an untapped market of people and significantly increase sales by implementing another traffic strategy to their marketing and advertising This course is ideal for individuals who are Student should be open minded or Student should be interested in ways to drive traffic to their product, service or offer or Student should have a product or service they believe in and whom customers will enjoy consuming It is particularly useful for Student should be open minded or Student should be interested in ways to drive traffic to their product, service or offer or Student should have a product or service they believe in and whom customers will enjoy consuming.
Enroll now: Traffic Flood: Your Ads Before Millions of Weekly Readers
Title: Traffic Flood: Your Ads Before Millions of Weekly Readers
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 31
Number of Published Lectures: 31
Number of Curriculum Items: 31
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 31
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Write a compelling ad that has readers stop, pay attention, visit their website, enter your sales funnel and become your customer
- Find out how to get in front of 1 Million people via newspapers, magazines, tabloids and newsweeklies
- Learn how to get in the magazines: Entrepreneur, Money, Fortune, National Enquirer, Essence, Ebony and more
- Scale your success and results by moving your audience to 3.5 MM, 7 MM, 14MM, 20 MM and 25 MM and other networks across the US
- Learn how to automate your success so you can have your money work for you
- Learn how to get in front of the students of the largest and most prestigious private and state university and colleges in the US – Stanford, NYU, Ohio State and 66 more
- Learn how to target cities, states and regions of the United States in your ad
- Be able to place their offer before an untapped market of people and significantly increase sales by implementing another traffic strategy to their marketing and advertising
Who Should Attend
- Student should be open minded
- Student should be interested in ways to drive traffic to their product, service or offer
- Student should have a product or service they believe in and whom customers will enjoy consuming
Target Audiences
- Student should be open minded
- Student should be interested in ways to drive traffic to their product, service or offer
- Student should have a product or service they believe in and whom customers will enjoy consuming
How Would Your Business Change If You Could Get In Front Of Millions of People Weekly Without Breaking The Bank?
Now You Too Can Discover How to Quickly and Easily Get the Traffic You Need… No Experience or Fancy Tech Skills Required!
The most common challenge I hear from business owners is the lack of website traffic. Many have shared with me that they have lost a significant percentage of search traffic over the past year or two, and are continuously looking for new ways to drive relevant traffic to their site. They have also shared with me that because they don’t get traffic they often don’t get the sales they need.
As a business owner, you need ‘traffic’ to really win. Visitors to a site of your choice (whether it is one that you own or one you promote as an affiliate) is one of the most crucial parts needed to win.
Without traffic, you don’t cross the finish line. You don’t collect the winner’s check. You don’t get the result you’re working hard to achieve. You fall back in the pack while those with full tanks pass you by and take what could have been yours.
If you want to significantly increase your revenue, you need to significantly increase your web traffic.
This is true no matter what business model you’re using.
- It doesn’t matter if you’re selling your own product at your own site.
- It doesn’t matter if you’re promoting someone else’s product as an affiliate.
- It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to get people to click on AdSense ads.
- It doesn’t matter if you’re blogging, flipping sites, coaching or anything else.
- It doesn’t matter if you’re promoting business offers or non-business offers, low-cost offers or high-ticket offers, the point is:
You won’t make a dime unless youget eyeballs in front of your offers.
You will not – cannot – make money without traffic.
But not just any traffic will do.
You need responsive traffic. People who are interested in your particular offer, in fact eager to buy your offer because it’s exactly what they want.
The question is:
How do you get this traffic?
Nobody has to convince you that you need traffic, right? You got this figured out by now. You know that it’s a numbers game … the more people who come to your site, the more sales you make.
It’s simple math.
The reason other sites make great number of sales is because they get a great amount of traffic to their sites. All things being equal, the one who gets the most traffic gets the most orders.
In essence…
Traffic that is converting = money in the bank.
Preaching to the choir, right? You already know this. What you probably don’t know is how to fuel up. What you probably don’t know is how to get the maximum amount of traffic to your site with the minimum amount of effort and the least amount of money invested.
I’ve got GREAT news for you…
There is a way to get in front of millions of people per week starting at a couple hundred dollars. This is using an offline traffic method that you can completely dominate because your competition is being distracted by the next new shiny ball.
That’s right, these are the proven strategies and now I’m going to share them with you. These are the strategies you’ll wish you started using ages ago! This traffic strategy is proven and time-tested. These are the ones that work today and will work tomorrow. They’re reliable, predictable… and profitable!
Top 5 Reason Why This Traffic Rocks!
Reason 1: No going broke trying to learn the ropes!
Reason 2: These strategies level the playing field between you and the big dogs in your niche!
Reason 3: These traffic avenues are surprisingly powerful, targeted and profitable!
Reason 4: It’s easy to get started – you could be implementing your first traffic strategy in just minutes from now and get in front of your audience in a week!
Reason 5: These strategies are just as good if not BETTER than many forms of paid advertising, so you’ll enjoy great results without breaking the bank in advertising costs!
Now listen, these traffic strategies may not be all glitzy and new. But these are the reliable workhorses. These are the ones that will attract traffic to your website day after day after day…
End result?
- More money in your bank account to buy those little extras and do those things you’ve been talking about.
- More free time enjoying friends, family and hobbies (and less time at your computer). And…
- More opportunitiesthat arise from running a successful online business
Check out what you will learn from this course in the “What am I going to get from this course?”section.
If all of this sounds good, then you’re check out the preview lectures and take this course!
The Better than Money Back Guarantee
Of course there is a 30 day money back guarantee. However, I want to present to you tremendous amounts of value. If you don’t like this course or don’t see how your product/service/offer can effectively convert more visitors to sales, I demand that you get 100% of your money back. In addition to getting your money back, you can keep this course for free! I will also give you access to one of my future courses I create as a parting gift – two of which will be on mobile traffic and video ads.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introductions and Overview
Lecture 1: Introduction and Expectations for this Course
Chapter 2: Quick Bonuses
Lecture 1: MASSIVE BONUS – How to get on, NBC, CNN etc – millions of people daily!
Lecture 2: BONUS – How to find mass market and mass appealing products to send traffic to
Chapter 3: Writing Your Ad for Maximum Traffic, Response and Conversions
Lecture 1: The big five component of an ad
Lecture 2: The headline
Lecture 3: Body Copy
Lecture 4: Tool – Visualizing how your ideal client looks
Lecture 5: Call to action
Lecture 6: Developing a "marketer's eye"
Lecture 7: Tips to Increase Response
Lecture 8: The Formula to writing your ad
Lecture 9: 10 Tips for Unleashing the Power of Classified Ads – Article
Chapter 4: Delivery Mechanism & Tracking
Lecture 1: The most effective way to get readers to your product and how to measure it
Lecture 2: About Your Domain
Chapter 5: Creating and Testing the System
Lecture 1: The type of papers to place your ads in
Lecture 2: Running your numbers and having them work in your favor
Chapter 6: Finding Classified Ad Networks
Lecture 1: Millions of People at your Fingertip
Lecture 2: Do you like this so far?
Lecture 3: Market to 10,000 Plus College Students for less than $100 Nationwide
Lecture 4: Scaling in Large Magazines and the 25 Million Readers Ballpark
Lecture 5: More Space = More Conversions for 2×2 Networks
Lecture 6: Quarter, Half and Full Page Display Ads in Weekly Papers Nationwide
Chapter 7: Automating Your Results and Success
Lecture 1: The ultimate goal to automating your traffic, results and success
Lecture 2: Create an Automated Sales Funnel – $500k Each Month Case Study Platform
Lecture 3: Effects of Automation in your Advertising
Lecture 4: Removing and Replacing your Efforts
Chapter 8: Scaling Your Success like Crazy!
Lecture 1: The Magic Formula to Scaling
Chapter 9: Conclusion and Bonuses
Lecture 1: The Next Generation Traffic Source – Millions of Devices Today
Lecture 2: For Your Record – Presentation Physical Deliverable
Lecture 3: What's next?
Lecture 4: Some of the Best Tools for your Business Growth
Travis Townsend
I help you double your traffic & sales.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 13 votes
- 5 stars: 46 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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