Traffic Guide: Unlimited Traffic Sources
Traffic Guide: Unlimited Traffic Sources , available at $39.99, has an average rating of 4.65, with 75 lectures, 9 quizzes, based on 49 reviews, and has 3800 subscribers.
You will learn about How to properly optimize your Youtube Channel. Get thousands of views and subscriptions to your YouTube Channel, outrank your competitors and make more money with it. How to build a strong keyword and backlinks structure behind your website. Pro-tips and secrets to grow targeted traffic to your website, social platforms and blogs, using different techniques with or without SEO expertise. How to leverage Google’s algorithm so they'll rank your webpage, blog, and videos on the first pages of Google Search Results. How to take advantage of Social Networks and Bookmarks to drive qualified traffic to your website. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anybody with the desire to get massive traffic by applying the latest pro tips and secrets to get an edge on your competition. It is particularly useful for Anybody with the desire to get massive traffic by applying the latest pro tips and secrets to get an edge on your competition. .
Enroll now: Traffic Guide: Unlimited Traffic Sources
Title: Traffic Guide: Unlimited Traffic Sources
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 4.65
Number of Lectures: 75
Number of Quizzes: 9
Number of Published Lectures: 74
Number of Published Quizzes: 9
Number of Curriculum Items: 84
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 83
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to properly optimize your Youtube Channel. Get thousands of views and subscriptions to your YouTube Channel, outrank your competitors and make more money with it.
- How to build a strong keyword and backlinks structure behind your website. Pro-tips and secrets to grow targeted traffic to your website, social platforms and blogs, using different techniques with or without SEO expertise.
- How to leverage Google’s algorithm so they'll rank your webpage, blog, and videos on the first pages of Google Search Results.
- How to take advantage of Social Networks and Bookmarks to drive qualified traffic to your website.
Who Should Attend
- Anybody with the desire to get massive traffic by applying the latest pro tips and secrets to get an edge on your competition.
Target Audiences
- Anybody with the desire to get massive traffic by applying the latest pro tips and secrets to get an edge on your competition.
Do you really want to improve your incomes, gain more Subscribers, Views and make more money with Youtube? Are you having problems driving traffic to your personal or business webpage? Are you looking for an easy and effective way to get qualified targeted traffic? Want to have thousands of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest followers within a few months? Are you looking to put your webpage on the first page of Google page results?. Here we have the solution. This groundbreaking course is the first of its kind that will teach you some hardcore ninja techniques that will put your webpage, blog and social media profiles at the forefront of discovery. With four courses in one, yes you read well, FOUR COURSES IN ONE you'll learn how to drive unlimited and targeted traffic to Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Social Bookmarks, Blogs, Websites and how to show up on Google's first page results, with and without the need of SEO expertise, just follow each lecture of your Section of preference and become an expert traffic builder.
The course counts with 4 sections:
- Section 2: Youtube/ The correct way to optimize your channel in order to get more Subscribers, views and with this make more money.
- Section 3: Website/ What to do to optimize the content and structure of your websites to drive targeted traffic to it.
- Section 4: Google Page One/ A step by step guide that will put your website, blog in the first pages of Google Search Results. A step by step game plan on how to build a strong backlinks structure behind your website
- Section 5: Social Media/Bookmarks/ As a final learning you will understand how to drive massive and targeted traffic from all the social media and bookmarks sites of the moment.
Youtube Section: With our expert guidance and some personal dedication you can achieve results within days! Get your Youtube Channel to a PRO-LEVEL:
- If your goal is either make MORE MONEY with Youtube or simply get MORE SUBSCRIBERS AND VIEWS to your channel this course suites both needs. Learn the best techniques that will boost your Youtube Channel away, more subscribers and views guaranteed that will maximize your earnings.
- Secrets and Pro-Tips to optimize your channel in order to get more traffic: keywords, tags, the correct way to describe and title your video, the real secret about Thumbnails, Annotations, the best tool for call to action describe as never being describe, and more of the Youtube structure.
- How to MAKE VIDEOS without the need of a camera. Unlimited sources that you can use for FREE to make your own videos, and REAL EXAMPLES on how to do it. Also the niches with more tendence to sail.
- Learn the benefits of INTERACTION, RETENTION, and PROMOTION in order to engage more with your audience. Keep them coming and attract new Subscribers with these 3 techniques.
- 4 Lectures with ADVANCE PRO TECHNIQUES that will get your Youtube Channel more views and subscribers.
Website Section:Watch your site gain the traction it deserves by understanding and applying the techniques in this course.
- Learn how to optimize your website with and without SEO.
- A full designed KEYWORD RESEARCH PLAN to optimize your content.
- Domains: how to get one for a really cheap price and how to optimize it.
- Learn the best ways to know your competition. Include this in your marketing research plan.
- PLUS sixteen top notch lectures on how to get targeted traffic by using 16 different techniques, all tested with positive results.
Google Page One Section:Want to rank first? Follow each lecture and get in front of your competition.
- Understand how Google Works, what they love and how to play by their rules.
- Understand the secret behind GOOGLE'S ALGORITHM and how to take advantage of it.
- Understand how KEYWORDS are the most important thing to rank above your competition. The correct way of using KEYWORDS.
- Learn not only why you need ON AND OFF SITE optimization but also understand and apply the mantra of Google which is Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness with the latest examples that will position your website in the top of the search results pages.
- A well crafted plan designed on HOW AND WHEN TO IMPLEMENT BACKLINKS. Where to get them from web 2.0 authorities and where to place essential links to fully optimize your website.
- How to deliver the BEST USER EXPERIENCE and why Google Loves this. How to rank your website better by implementing the techniques shown on this course.
- A pro tip on how to buy a domain for a really cheap price and get the best Hosting for your website.
- How to properly index your website and syndicate your content in a way that you will position your website better without harming your ranking.
- Why you need to implement video marketing and Social Signals in your game plan to rank faster in the SERP (search engine ranking position).
- Why is essential to be consistent and have the right determination to help you rank better in Googles Search Results.
Social Media and Social Bookmarks:the power of Social Networks and Bookmarks profiles and how to get traffic from and to them.
- How to take advantage of Facebook with innovating traffic techniques. Gain more likes for your fanpage and engage more with your fans.
- How to get thousands of Twitter followers using differing approaches. Including a PRO-TIP that involves using YAHOO PIPES.
- How to get increase your Instagram follower and drive more traffic to your website with it.
- How to optimize your pinterest account in order to drive targeted traffic.
- And also some differents techniques to get more visitors to your site by using: Google +, Youtube, Linkedin, StambleUpon, Tumblr, Flickr, Reddit, Dig and Delicous.
You have everything you need to be able to achieve unimaginable growth. Just follow the lesson plans we created for you and we are confident you will accomplish your goals.
Are you ready to see success? Click on the “Take This Course" button and get ready for instant results!
We are available 24/7 for any assistance, so please don't hesitate to contact us.
We hope you enjoy our course.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: What are you going to learn from this course and how are you going to do it
Chapter 2: How to get traffic for YouTube
Lecture 1: Getting started: Why you should create videos
Lecture 2: Keyword Research: The essentials to rank better
Lecture 3: Uploading secrets: Pro-tip for upload videos
Lecture 4: Titles and Descriptions made easy
Lecture 5: Using tags correctly
Lecture 6: Smart Annotations: the best call to action tool
Lecture 7: The Power of Thumbnails
Lecture 8: Playlists: your audience loves them
Lecture 9: Interaction, Retention and Promotion
Lecture 10: Channel Optimization
Lecture 11: Pinging and Indexing
Lecture 12: Video Creation Part 1
Lecture 13: Video Creation Part 2
Lecture 14: Boost your YouTube views
Lecture 15: Advanced Techniques and Secrets Part 1: Google Hang Out Videos
Lecture 16: Advanced Techniques and Secrets Part 2: Rank Faster with 9Gag
Lecture 17: Advanced Techniques and Secrets Part 3: Rank Faster with Reddit
Lecture 18: Advanced Techniques and Secrets Part 4: Channel SEO
Lecture 19: Important: Questions and answers about YouTube
Chapter 3: How to get traffic for Websites
Lecture 1: Search Engines and Page Rank
Lecture 2: All you need to know about Keywords
Lecture 3: Domains and Hosting
Lecture 4: SEO essentials for more traffic
Lecture 5: Know your Competition to drive more traffic
Lecture 6: Index and track your website
Lecture 7: Email Marketing
Lecture 8: Article Marketing and Its Power
Lecture 9: Submit your content to Blog Carnivals
Lecture 10: Traffic from Podcasts
Lecture 11: Convert articles into videos
Lecture 12: Document Sharing Traffic
Lecture 13: Tutorials
Lecture 14: Forum Marketing
Lecture 15: Guest Posting
Lecture 16: Comment on Blogs
Lecture 17: Answer Sites
Lecture 18: Video Marketing
Lecture 19: Pinging your Blog
Lecture 20: Ezine Joint Ventures
Lecture 21: Ad Swaps
Lecture 22: Press Release
Chapter 4: Google Page One
Lecture 1: How Google Works
Lecture 2: How Google Ranks
Lecture 3: Game Plan Part 1: Keywords
Lecture 4: Game Plan Part 2: Domain and Hosting
Lecture 5: Game Plan Part 3: Website Content and Optimization
Lecture 6: Game Plan Part 4: Indexation and Backlinks
Lecture 7: Game Plan Part 5: Syndication Marketing
Lecture 8: Game Plan Part 6: Video Marketing
Lecture 9: Game Plan Part 7: Social Signals
Lecture 10: Game Plan Part 8: Consistency and Determination
Chapter 5: Social Media and Social Bookmarks
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Facebook Part 1
Lecture 3: Facebook Part 2
Lecture 4: Twitter Part 1
Lecture 5: Twitter Part 2
Lecture 6: Pinterest
Lecture 7: Instagram
Lecture 8: Google Plus
Lecture 9: YouTube
Lecture 10: LinkedIn
Lecture 11: StumbleUpon
Lecture 12: Tumblr
Lecture 13: Flickr
Lecture 14: Reddit
Lecture 15: Digg
Lecture 16: Delicious
Chapter 6: Conclusion: Final Thoughts
Lecture 1: Conclusion: Consistency and Determination
Lecture 2: Youtube Highlights: Game Plan
Lecture 3: Website Highlights: Game Plan
Lecture 4: Google Highlights: Game Plan
Lecture 5: Social Networks Highlights: Game Plan
Lecture 6: Yahoo Pipes: Step by Step
Julian Oribe
Internet Marketer, Entrepreneur -
Roberto Neri
TV Producer, Entrepreneur
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 7 votes
- 5 stars: 35 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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