White Paper Copywriting With the B2B Writing Institute
White Paper Copywriting With the B2B Writing Institute, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 3.8, with 11 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 77 reviews, and has 474 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn how to make thousands of dollars per month with white paper copywriting Understand the critical difference between B2C copywriting and B2B white paper writing Understand how to pick a winning idea and shape it into a full concept Break down the white paper writing process into easy-to-replicate steps This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner freelancers looking to add a few thousand dollars to their monthly income It is particularly useful for Beginner freelancers looking to add a few thousand dollars to their monthly income.
Enroll now: White Paper Copywriting With the B2B Writing Institute
Title: White Paper Copywriting With the B2B Writing Institute
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 3.8
Number of Lectures: 11
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 11
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 13
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 13
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn how to make thousands of dollars per month with white paper copywriting
- Understand the critical difference between B2C copywriting and B2B white paper writing
- Understand how to pick a winning idea and shape it into a full concept
- Break down the white paper writing process into easy-to-replicate steps
Who Should Attend
- Beginner freelancers looking to add a few thousand dollars to their monthly income
Target Audiences
- Beginner freelancers looking to add a few thousand dollars to their monthly income
You’ve heard about how profitable and easy white paper copywriting can be… but no one is talking about HOW to do it!
And when you try to find out for yourself, well… talk about information overwhelm!
You sit down with good intentions, but there’s no big green “START HERE” arrow.
It’s hard to find examples of good white papers. And when you do find one, there’s no instructions for how it was created or what they did to come up with that idea.
You’ve read a bit about white papers, but nothing got into the nitty gritty details about…
– Why marketers create them
– How to get started with an idea
– What parts every white paper needs to have
… And without that stuff, who are we kidding. White papers will remain an untapped, unlocked opportunity for you.
If that sounds about right, then keep reading…
One quick, snappy, 60-minute course where I sit you down like we’re best friends and tell you what you need to know:
– How B2B white paper are different from the kind of B2C copywriting you’re used to
– Why marketers pay for white papers and where it fits into the B2B marketing ecosystem
– A reusable template you can take with you everywhere
– A ton of smart FAQ questions that pop up along the way — answered before you even ask!
If you want to learn how to write white papers — and get paid for them — sign up for White Paper Copywriting today!
Through the B2B Writing Institute, I’ve taught thousands of students and received tons of positive feedback about my approachable, inspirational approach to teaching this content. White Paper Copywriting will show you why :).
PLEASE NOTE: I am a working B2B writer running a multiple six-figure business writing white papers and thought leadership articles. This is not another “do as I say, not as I do” Udemy training where the instructor has been out of the field for a decade. I’ve been IN IT for a decade — and I’ve got lots of insight to share with you so you can skip the hard lessons I’ve had to learn.
***** “Sarah’s tips are so good! I feel like I just stole a cookie from the jar, and I’m looking over my shoulder to see if anyone has noticed!?” – Janice G.
*****“SARAH ROCKS and this session was spectacular. She is a masterful teacher and watching her break down these complex topics is just * chef’s kiss *. She makes it all so interesting and accessible. I’m always on a high when we finish.” – Clary D.
No other white paper copywriting course on Udemy gives you such clear fundamentals in 60 minutes.
No wasted time, no nonsense. Just a comfortable conversation between writers about a format that can offer great opportunities for your clients (or in your full-time writing job).
If you’ve taken other copywriting courses and found them to be a bit too much HEY GIRL, CHECK OUT THESE HOT TIPS…you will LOVE my refreshing and chatty approach to running a writing business and developing highly sought-after business writing skills.
Check out some reviews from writers I’ve worked with and see for yourself how you’re going to feel after you sign up for White Paper Copywriting!
***** “I rarely see writers share SO MUCH valuable information. Sarah’s seminars are priceless.” – Kasturi P.
***** “Sarah helped me think about writing B2B copy and it stretches my mind. And she doesn’t mince words about how tough it’s been. She are a good teacher and encourager.” – Erika Z.
Hello there, I’m Sarah!
If you had told me 10 years ago that writing for businesses could make me a million dollars, I would have laughed you out of my classroom.
In 2009, I was a high school English teacher. I didn’t even know what the “2” in “B2B” stood for.
When I was ready to leave the classroom, it seemed like I’d need to go back to school (and go into more debt) if I wanted to make something of myself…
… Until I found B2B.
Within two years as a freelancer, with limited marketing experience and NO business experience, I was nearing six figures.
I was able to fund two maternity leaves in two more years, eventually rounding out my career with three years of $200,000 billed as a freelance writer and retiring my husband so he could become a stay at home dad to two -*ahem* vibrant toddlers.
Over my 10 year career, I’ve invoiced more than $1 million as a solo freelancer. All through my writing skills. And all in B2B.
“Success” looks different for everyone, and it’s not all about money. (I am firmly anti-hustle culture).
But after training 2000+ writers through the B2B Writing Institute, preparing them for both freelance and in-house full-time writing roles, I’ve seen just what’s possible for writers who embrace their curiosity in B2B.
In this training, I walk you thorugh the most important thing syou need to know hwen you first break into white paper copywriting — no holds barred, and no awkward stone left unturned.
***** “I just learned about the difference between B2B and B2C and d*mn it’s good. Learned *a lot.* The examples were well chosen and highlight the difference approaches clearly, even for a newbie like me!” – Amy J.
***** “Sarah is one of the few who really focuses on the how of writing and the quality of it instead of just focusing on the what. Strongly encourage anyone thinking of B2Bing to sign up!” – Pratika M.
You’ll be ten steps ahead of anyone else trying to write white papers — and five steps ahead even people who have written one! You will know answers to the secret unasked questions we rarely get to ask, because I’m sharing everything I know after a decade in the space.
In fact, I’m so proud of this material and how helpful it is that, if you don’t feel like it rocked your world, I offer a 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE within 30 days.
– IMMEDIATE LIFETIME ACCESS to the material shared here.
– 60 MINUTES OF ENLIGHTENING INSTRUCTION AND CONVERSATION broken up into digestible short videos.
– MY GO-TO WHITE PAPER TEMPLATE which will help you start every project about halfway done.
– OVER THE SHOULDER REVIEWS to let you see white papers through MY eyes.
– 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEEif you’re not completely satisfied.
***** “Where was this six months ago when I was starting my second career? I need a pocket version of Sarah so I can reap her wisdom two or three times a day.” – Lillian K.
*****”Sarah was AWESOME. She helped me reinforce my belief that I can write well, especially coming from journalism, B2C, etc.” – Mackey T.
You don’t need to be a seasoned writer to get a lot of value out of The White Paper Copywriting Course.
These sessions meet you right where you are to give you accessible insights into the HOW and WHY of B2B marketing.
And the more you understand about why marketers higher people like you to write white papers, the easier it will be for you to get hired to write one!
All you need to get a ton of value out of this course is a willingness to listen — are you in?
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Lecture 2: Shopping with your client's wallet
Lecture 1: Shopping with your client's wallet
Chapter 3: Lecture 3: The difference between B2B and B2C
Lecture 1: Lecture 3: The difference between B2B and B2C
Chapter 4: Lecture 4: Why companies pay for white papers
Lecture 1: Lecture 4: Why companies pay for white papers
Chapter 5: Lecture 5: Example white paper walk-throughs
Lecture 1: Lecture 5: Example white paper walk-throughs
Chapter 6: Lecture 6: Parts of a white paper
Lecture 1: Lecture 6: Parts of a white paper
Chapter 7: Lecture 7: Timeline and outline of a white paper
Lecture 1: Lecture 7: Timeline and outline of a white paper
Chapter 8: Lecture 8: Example of a white paper critique (Beginner writer!)
Lecture 1: Lecture 8: Example of a white paper critique (Beginner writer!)
Chapter 9: Lecture 9: Q&A Session
Lecture 1: Lecture 9: Q&A Session
Chapter 10: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Conclusion
Chapter 11: Bonus Lecture
Lecture 1: Bonus Lecture
Tamsin Henderson
Professional Copywriter from Cambridge, England -
Sarah Greesonbach
Founder, B2B Writing Institute
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 13 votes
- 4 stars: 20 votes
- 5 stars: 42 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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