Ableton Live 12 Masterclass: Complete Music Production Guide
Ableton Live 12 Masterclass: Complete Music Production Guide, available at $94.99, has an average rating of 4.2, with 159 lectures, based on 375 reviews, and has 3895 subscribers.
You will learn about Setup and Navigate Ableton Live Learn Ableton's Features and Functions Learn Ableton's Synths Learn to Record Audio Learn how to Warp and Edit Audio Learn how to Record MIDI Learn how Program and Edit MIDI Learn Ableton's Audio and MIDI Effects Learn Sound Design Learn Sampling Optimize your Workflow with Tips, Templates, and Hot keys Improve Your Music Production Skills Learn the Basics of Mixing Make Your Very Own Song! Setup Your Audio Interface, MIDI Controller, and Microphone This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone, any skill level who wants to learn Ableton live or Beginning music producers with no prior knowledge or Those who wish to improve their skills or Experienced producers who want to deepen their knowledge of Ableton Live 11 or Musicians who want to learn how to use a Music Production Software or DJs who want to produce their own music or Singer & Songwriters who want to learn how to record their ideas or Anyone interested in making their own Music or Those who wish to learn the most efficient way to navigate and use Ableton or Anyone interested in switching to Ableton Live from another DAW or Those who want to have fun making music or Those who want to take their music production to the next level It is particularly useful for Anyone, any skill level who wants to learn Ableton live or Beginning music producers with no prior knowledge or Those who wish to improve their skills or Experienced producers who want to deepen their knowledge of Ableton Live 11 or Musicians who want to learn how to use a Music Production Software or DJs who want to produce their own music or Singer & Songwriters who want to learn how to record their ideas or Anyone interested in making their own Music or Those who wish to learn the most efficient way to navigate and use Ableton or Anyone interested in switching to Ableton Live from another DAW or Those who want to have fun making music or Those who want to take their music production to the next level.
Enroll now: Ableton Live 12 Masterclass: Complete Music Production Guide
Title: Ableton Live 12 Masterclass: Complete Music Production Guide
Price: $94.99
Average Rating: 4.2
Number of Lectures: 159
Number of Published Lectures: 159
Number of Curriculum Items: 159
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 159
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Setup and Navigate Ableton Live
- Learn Ableton's Features and Functions
- Learn Ableton's Synths
- Learn to Record Audio
- Learn how to Warp and Edit Audio
- Learn how to Record MIDI
- Learn how Program and Edit MIDI
- Learn Ableton's Audio and MIDI Effects
- Learn Sound Design
- Learn Sampling
- Optimize your Workflow with Tips, Templates, and Hot keys
- Improve Your Music Production Skills
- Learn the Basics of Mixing
- Make Your Very Own Song!
- Setup Your Audio Interface, MIDI Controller, and Microphone
Who Should Attend
- Anyone, any skill level who wants to learn Ableton live
- Beginning music producers with no prior knowledge
- Those who wish to improve their skills
- Experienced producers who want to deepen their knowledge of Ableton Live 11
- Musicians who want to learn how to use a Music Production Software
- DJs who want to produce their own music
- Singer & Songwriters who want to learn how to record their ideas
- Anyone interested in making their own Music
- Those who wish to learn the most efficient way to navigate and use Ableton
- Anyone interested in switching to Ableton Live from another DAW
- Those who want to have fun making music
- Those who want to take their music production to the next level
Target Audiences
- Anyone, any skill level who wants to learn Ableton live
- Beginning music producers with no prior knowledge
- Those who wish to improve their skills
- Experienced producers who want to deepen their knowledge of Ableton Live 11
- Musicians who want to learn how to use a Music Production Software
- DJs who want to produce their own music
- Singer & Songwriters who want to learn how to record their ideas
- Anyone interested in making their own Music
- Those who wish to learn the most efficient way to navigate and use Ableton
- Anyone interested in switching to Ableton Live from another DAW
- Those who want to have fun making music
- Those who want to take their music production to the next level
Do you want to Unleash Your Creativity, Learn Music Production, and Make Music?
Perfect! You’ve made it to the right course!
Music production software like Ableton Live might seem overwhelming. But after this masterclass, your musical ideas will flow seamlessly without any technical hurdles!
Make Your Own Music in Ableton Live 11 and 12
This course teaches you how to master Ableton Live 11 and 12, a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) for Mac and Windows.
NOTE: This course is for Ableton Live 11 Suite. Some of the features discussed in this course will only be available for Ableton Live 11 Suite, but many of the features can still be used with all versions of Ableton Live 11 (Lite, Intro, and Standard).
You will also be able to follow along with the majority of this course if you are using previous versions of Ableton Live, such as Ableton Live 9 or 10.
By the end of this course, you’ll have mastery over Ableton’s layout, features, and functions so you can make your very own song from start to finish!
You’ll work right alongside me to learn these main steps:
1. Abletons Fundamentals and Workflow
To begin, we start with mastering the basics. How to navigate Ableton’s layout, and learn what all the buttons and tabs do. Theseessential techniques are a perfect starter for beginners and a great place for more advanced producers to learn how to optimize production workflow.
Develop an in-depth understanding of Ableton’s immense interface (session and arrangement view)
Deep dive into the system preferences to optimize and customize your production experience
Master all the hotkeys to streamline your creativity
Decode the secrets of audio, MIDI, Group, Sends, and Master tracks!
Properly set up your sessions with gain staging, signal flow, and track routing!
2. Ableton’s Sounds, Synths, and Samples
Whatever your knowledge base, musical skill, or whichever version of Ableton Live you have, I’ve got you covered! In this chapter, I walk you through Ableton’s Most Powerful Sounds that professionals use in hit songs and how you can apply those techniques to your own projects. Get ready to:
In-depth understanding of loops and Samples
Make fire drumbeats with Ableton’s: Impulse, Drum Rack, and Drum Synth
Understand the essential synths and samplers including Operator, Simpler, Sampler, Instrument Rack
Learn how and when to use Ableton’s more niche synths including Analog, Collision, Electric, Tension, Wavetable
Dive into Sound Design to create your own custom sounds!
3. How to Play, Program, and Edit MIDI notes
Now that we’ve explored Ableton’s synths and sounds it’s time to learn how to edit the MIDI notes that play them! Here’s where we really start to set your productions apart with next-level techniques! These hands-on lessons will give you the exact step-by-step process to move from intermediate to advanced-level Producing. Together we’ll:
Build a solid foundation by playing, programming, or recording Midi notes
Tweak to perfection using Ableton’s Quantizing, Velocity, & Change features
Make your music move with Ableton’s Groove pool
Learn in-depth MIDI editing using Automation
Do it how the pros do it with Plugins
Get set up and jammin’ with you’re Midi Keyboard(optional)
Get your beats crackin’ with your Beat pad(optional)
4.All About Audio
From recording to sampling to editing, in this chapter, we’re going to cover all things audio! So you get all the tools, tips, and tricks under your belt to make the music in your head into reality!
We’ll be covering Preparing your Room for Recording, Mic Placement, How to Connect an Audio Interface(optional)
Customize the Metronome, Recording Workflow, and Speaker Setup
Learn Audio Editing, Warping, Resampling
Effectively use Freezing and Flattening Tracks, Optimize your CPU
We’ll dive deep into Audio Automation, Automation Layers, Fades, Sample Packs, and Organization
And the “Dos” and “Don’ts” of the new Audio to Midi Feature
5. Audio / MIDI Effects, Sauce It Up!
Now that you’re done cooking up the audio and MIDI tracks it’s time for some seasoning. This is where you take your tracks to the next level to get a pro-sounding mix
We’ll explore the dynamic effects: Compressors, Multi-band Compressor, Limiters, and Side-chains
Get technical with EQs, Filters, and Utilities
Blast off into space with Reverbs, Delays, Modulators, and Resonance
Dial in your sound with Drive, Distortion, Saturation, and Color
Learn the world of midi effects Arpeggiators, Chords, Scales, and More
Pull back the curtain on Autotune and Pitch Correction
6. Course Bonus and Progressing Beyond These Lessons
You’ve made it! We worked together to grow from beginners (or where ever you came in) to advanced and confident Music producers. In this last step, we take a look back on the journey we’re been through and how you can continue to progress beyond this course!
Analyze and deconstruct different Songs & Song Structures
Learn the basics of Mixing and Master
Make your own Master Piece
Synthesize, recap, and review all of the most important information learned in the course
Integrate the tools and knowledge to continue improving after graduating from this course
Accept my creative challenge to make your own music!
Special student Bonuses for Completing the Course
My Biggest Goal for You:
The goal of this course is to give you all the knowledge and techniques that you need to enjoy and conquer Ableton Live and create music that you are truly proud of!
I Got Your Back!
If you have any questions about Ableton, Music, or Music Production just ask me! I’ll respond A.S.A.P.!
My Credentials
With millions of streams and views I’ve been producing music in Ableton for 13+ years, and I’d love to share all my knowledge with you!
Creating Incredible Music No Matter What:
Whether you’re a singer, musician, Dj, music producer, or none of the above, the actionable takeaways from this course will take your skills to the next level regardless of prior experience!
You’ll have lifetime access to:
• 158 Individual video lessons
• 14+ Hours of learning content
• 3 Skill levels from beginner, intermediate, advanced
• 9 Downloadable and editable project files
• 300 Gigabytes of streamable content
• Updates to all future course materials
• One-on-one with me in the Q&A section
100 + pages of resources
What you’ll learn in this course will make Ableton Live 11your home! You’ll learn every nook and cranny, and these skills will translate into all other Digital Audio Workstations! Plus You’ll Learn Music Production, Mixing, and Mastering Along the Way!
If you’re ready to Create, Record, and Edit Your Own Music in Ableton Live 11, then this is the course for you!
If you want to Create, Record, and Edit Your Own Music in Ableton Live 11 then, this is the course for you.
I’ll see you inside!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Overview
Lecture 2: Teacher Introduction
Lecture 3: Ableton Live 12
Lecture 4: Tools & Gear Needed
Lecture 5: Learning Activity: Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Ableton Basic Layout
Lecture 1: The Top Bar
Lecture 2: The Left Bar
Lecture 3: The Bottom & Right Bar
Lecture 4: The Session View
Lecture 5: The Arrangement View
Lecture 6: Audio Tracks
Lecture 7: Midi Tracks Part 1
Lecture 8: Midi Tracks Part 2
Lecture 9: Quantizing
Lecture 10: System Preferences: Look Feel
Lecture 11: System preferences: Audio
Lecture 12: Learning Activity: Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Creating Sounds In Ableton
Lecture 1: Session Prep
Lecture 2: Sounds
Lecture 3: Instruments
Lecture 4: Analog Part 1
Lecture 5: Analog Part 2
Lecture 6: Collision
Lecture 7: Drum Rack
Lecture 8: Drum Rack Part 2
Lecture 9: Drum Synth
Lecture 10: Electric
Lecture 11: Impulse
Lecture 12: Operator
Lecture 13: Operator Part 2
Lecture 14: Sampler
Lecture 15: Simpler
Lecture 16: Tension
Lecture 17: Wavetable
Lecture 18: Instrument Rack
Lecture 19: Sounds Design
Lecture 20: Loops
Lecture 21: Learning Activity: Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Explore Ableton's Parameters!
Lecture 1: Hotkeys
Lecture 2: Saving
Lecture 3: Sends & Returns
Lecture 4: Groups
Lecture 5: Muting, Soloing, & Arming
Lecture 6: Advanced Display
Lecture 7: Track Routing
Lecture 8: Master Track
Lecture 9: Gain Staging
Lecture 10: System Preferences: Link, Tempo, MIDI
Lecture 11: Learning Activity: Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Sound Equipment, Gear, & Recording!
Lecture 1: Intro to Chapter 5
Lecture 2: The Room
Lecture 3: Recording Set Up
Lecture 4: Recording Set Up In Ableton
Lecture 5: Audio Interface
Lecture 6: Mic Placement
Lecture 7: Mic Story Time
Lecture 8: Using The Metronome
Lecture 9: Recording Workflow
Lecture 10: Plug-Ins
Lecture 11: System Preferences Audio
Lecture 12: Keyboard Instrument
Lecture 13: Beat Pads
Lecture 14: Speaker Set Up
Lecture 15: Learning Activity: Chapter 5
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Advanced MIDI settings in Ableton
Lecture 1: MIDI Clips Part 1
Lecture 2: MIDI Clips Part 2
Lecture 3: MIDI Clips Part 3
Lecture 4: Drawing Notes Part 1
Lecture 5: Drawing Notes Part 2
Lecture 6: The Grid
Lecture 7: Audio To MIDI Part 1
Lecture 8: Audio To MIDI Part 2
Lecture 9: Headphone Icon
Lecture 10: Recording MIDI
Lecture 11: Quantizing
Lecture 12: Velocity & Chance
Lecture 13: Editing MIDI
Lecture 14: Groove Pool
Lecture 15: Automation Part 1
Lecture 16: Automation Part 2
Lecture 17: Plug-Ins
Lecture 18: Tempo Change
Lecture 19: Learning Activity: Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Advanced Audio Settings in Ableton
Lecture 1: Samples
Lecture 2: Sample Packs
Lecture 3: Folder Short Cuts & Locating Missing Files
Lecture 4: Warping Part 1
Lecture 5: Warping Part 2
Lecture 6: Advanced Audio Settings
Lecture 7: Editing Audio
Lecture 8: Fades
Lecture 9: Automation
Lecture 10: Resampling
Benza Maman
AI Expert, Music Educator, & Best-Selling Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 7 votes
- 3 stars: 17 votes
- 4 stars: 73 votes
- 5 stars: 275 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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