Easy Guitar for Beginners
Easy Guitar for Beginners, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.65, with 65 lectures, 12 quizzes, based on 146 reviews, and has 41119 subscribers.
You will learn about Play rhythms, chords, and beautiful melodies. Develop left and right-hand techniques through warm-up exercises. Learn to read easy sheet music. Understand basic music theory – scales, chords, and how they are connected. Gain general knowledge about guitar and music. Build a good foundation for further progress. This course is ideal for individuals who are Students who never touched a guitar before. This course was constructed with the absolute beginner in mind. Lessons are gradually introducing new materials and constantly repeating previous ones. or Beginner guitar players who doesn't feel sure about some basic things – in this course, each and every detail is explained. Left and right hand technique, writing and reading easy sheet music and chord charts as well as basic music theory behind it. or If you don't have much time and want to learn guitar, this course is for you. Lessons are short and you will need 15 to 30 minutes to complete each lesson (and learn a new skill). It is particularly useful for Students who never touched a guitar before. This course was constructed with the absolute beginner in mind. Lessons are gradually introducing new materials and constantly repeating previous ones. or Beginner guitar players who doesn't feel sure about some basic things – in this course, each and every detail is explained. Left and right hand technique, writing and reading easy sheet music and chord charts as well as basic music theory behind it. or If you don't have much time and want to learn guitar, this course is for you. Lessons are short and you will need 15 to 30 minutes to complete each lesson (and learn a new skill).
Enroll now: Easy Guitar for Beginners
Title: Easy Guitar for Beginners
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.65
Number of Lectures: 65
Number of Quizzes: 12
Number of Published Lectures: 65
Number of Published Quizzes: 12
Number of Curriculum Items: 77
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 77
Original Price: €79.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Play rhythms, chords, and beautiful melodies.
- Develop left and right-hand techniques through warm-up exercises.
- Learn to read easy sheet music.
- Understand basic music theory – scales, chords, and how they are connected.
- Gain general knowledge about guitar and music.
- Build a good foundation for further progress.
Who Should Attend
- Students who never touched a guitar before. This course was constructed with the absolute beginner in mind. Lessons are gradually introducing new materials and constantly repeating previous ones.
- Beginner guitar players who doesn't feel sure about some basic things – in this course, each and every detail is explained. Left and right hand technique, writing and reading easy sheet music and chord charts as well as basic music theory behind it.
- If you don't have much time and want to learn guitar, this course is for you. Lessons are short and you will need 15 to 30 minutes to complete each lesson (and learn a new skill).
Target Audiences
- Students who never touched a guitar before. This course was constructed with the absolute beginner in mind. Lessons are gradually introducing new materials and constantly repeating previous ones.
- Beginner guitar players who doesn't feel sure about some basic things – in this course, each and every detail is explained. Left and right hand technique, writing and reading easy sheet music and chord charts as well as basic music theory behind it.
- If you don't have much time and want to learn guitar, this course is for you. Lessons are short and you will need 15 to 30 minutes to complete each lesson (and learn a new skill).
Welcome to the guitar for beginners course!
My name is Filip Flego, I am a professional guitar player and teacher, and I will lead you through the process of learning guitar.
We will start from the absolute beginning, and we will cover basic chords, melodies, rhythms, and left and right-hand techniques. We will do all that using original songs composed specially for this course.
Now and then, there are warm-up and theory lessons.
Warm-up lessons will help you develop different techniques, synchronize between left and right hand, and gain strength in the left hand.
Theory lessons will help you to systemize all the knowledge that you will gain.
Each lesson video lasts for max. 5 minutes. I suggest you dedicate 15 to 30 minutes to each lesson. Make pauses and watch some parts twice if you need it.
My other suggestion is that you practice at least 5 days in a week.
Every lesson is structured this way (except warm-up lessons and theory lessons):
1) I play the song
2) Explanation step by step – here you are learning. Make pauses if you need or watch some parts twice.
3) We play together – when you feel confident about your playing, here we do it together! 😉
4) After each lesson, you will download the PDF file with notation, TABs, comments, and further explanations to better understand what you have just learned to play, as well as to learn how you can write and read music.
If you never touched a guitar before, and don’t know anything about music (but you would love to play guitar, and understand music), I designed this course for you.
This is the right place to start.
Make yourself a coffee, grab a guitar and let’s learn to play it the easy way!
See you in your first lesson 🙂
List of knowledge and skills you will gain until the end of this course:
1) Chords: C, D, Dmin, D7, E, Emin, E7, F, F#7, G, G7, A, Amin, Amin7, A7, Bmin, B7
2) Scales:
– major: C, G, D, F
– minor: a, e, b, d
– harmonic minor: a, e, b, d
3) Rhythms and meters: different rhythms in 4/4 and 3/4 meters
4) Techniques:
– LH: hammer-on, pull-off;
– RH: playing with fingers and with a pick; palm mute
5) Warm-up exercises – for left hand; for synchronization between LH and RH
6) Reading easy sheet music:
– whole note, half note, quarter note, eighth note, notes with a dot
– tonalities C, G, D, F, a, e, b, d
– repetition signs, prima & seconda volta
– ritardando, fermata
7) Music theory:
-construction of major, minor, and harmonic minor scale
– construction of chords (triads in major scale + 4 note chord on V degree)
– creation of simple bass lines using root and 5th
– degrees in the scale
– writing techniques (melodies): nota di volta, chromatic passing tone
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Tuning guitar, first chords and rhythms
Lecture 1: Welcome Presentation
Lecture 2: How to hold and tune your guitar
Lecture 3: Warm-Up: C Major Chord
Lecture 4: Sunny Day: C Major Chord With Easy Rhythm
Lecture 5: Warm-Up: E Minor Chord
Lecture 6: Rolling
Lecture 7: Warm-Up: A Minor Chord
Lecture 8: First Waltz: 3/4, C Major and A Minor Chords
Lecture 9: Warm-Up: G Major Chord
Lecture 10: Major and Minor: Exercising Chords
Chapter 2: First Melodies
Lecture 1: Section 2 – Overview
Lecture 2: Warm-Up: Stretching Fingers
Lecture 3: Friendly Tune Part 1: Your First Melody
Lecture 4: Friendly Tune Part 2: Chords and Rhythm
Lecture 5: Climbing Stairs Part 1: C Major Scale as Melody
Lecture 6: Climbing Stairs Part 2: Chords and Right Hand Technique
Lecture 7: Warm-Up: D Minor Chord and Right Hand Technique
Lecture 8: Knitting On The Strings: Chords and Right Hand Technique
Lecture 9: Exercising Part 1: Melody (Octaves)
Lecture 10: Exercising Part 2: Chords
Chapter 3: First Lesson On Music Theory, LH Techniques
Lecture 1: Section 3 – Overview
Lecture 2: First Bite Of Music Theory – C Major Scale, 3rds (Part 1)
Lecture 3: First Bite Of Music Theory – Chords (Part 2)
Lecture 4: Dancing On The Stairs Part 1: Melody
Lecture 5: Dancing On The Stairs Part 2: Bass Line
Lecture 6: Warm-Up: More Stretching
Lecture 7: Release: Pull-Off Technique
Lecture 8: Hit: Hammer-On Technique
Lecture 9: In The Garden Part 1: Melody
Lecture 10: In The Garden Part 2: Chords and Rhythm
Lecture 11: Warm-Up: F Major Chord
Lecture 12: Afternoon Nap: C and F Major, Right Hand Technique
Chapter 4: Chords And Degrees Of The Scale, Bass Lines
Lecture 1: Section 4 – Overview
Lecture 2: Second Bite Of Music Theory – Chords In C Major Scale
Lecture 3: By The Sea Part 1: Melody
Lecture 4: By The Sea Part 2: Chords
Lecture 5: Small Bite Of Music Theory – Bass Lines
Lecture 6: Multitasking: Chords + Bass Line
Lecture 7: Combinations: Melody and Chords
Chapter 5: Scales: Chromatic, G, D And F Major
Lecture 1: Section 5 – Overview
Lecture 2: Third Bite Of Music Theory: Chromatic Scale
Lecture 3: G Major Scale
Lecture 4: Beautiful Melody in G Major
Lecture 5: Walking Part 1: Chords and Rhythm
Lecture 6: Walking Part 2: Melody
Lecture 7: D Major Scale
Lecture 8: Beautiful Melody in D Major
Lecture 9: Warm-Up: Hammer On, Pull Off
Lecture 10: Driving: Chords + Little Melody
Lecture 11: F Major Scale
Lecture 12: Beautiful Melody in F Major
Lecture 13: Warm-Up: Stretching Fingers Part 2
Lecture 14: Flying Part 1: Chords and Rhythm
Lecture 15: Flying Part 2: Melody
Chapter 6: Minor Scales
Lecture 1: Introduction To The Next Section
Lecture 2: Fourth Bite Of Music Theory: Minor Scales
Lecture 3: Fifth Bite Of Music Theory: Harmonic Minor Scales
Lecture 4: Beautiful Melody in A Minor
Lecture 5: Beautiful Melody in E Minor
Lecture 6: Beautiful Melody in B Minor
Lecture 7: Beautiful Melody in D Minor
Chapter 7: Extra Section – Additional Materials
Lecture 1: Section 7 – Overview and Materials
Lecture 2: Go Tell It On The Mountain
Lecture 3: Amazing Grace
Lecture 4: Blues in A
Filip Flego
Guitar Teacher
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 13 votes
- 4 stars: 37 votes
- 5 stars: 91 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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