Guitar Fretboard Secrets
Guitar Fretboard Secrets, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 67 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 60 reviews, and has 538 subscribers.
You will learn about Easily identify all the notes and basic chords over the entire guitar neck. Play all major scales and chords in every position. Always get the right note first time in whichever positions you are playing. Use visualization tricks and exercises to memorize notes on each fret. This course is ideal for individuals who are Someone who wants to learn shortcuts to visualize all notes on the guitar fretboard. or Anyone who wants to know basic chords and scales everywhere they can be played. or All those who read music and want to improve site reading skills (NOT REQUIRED), by identifying notes in all positions. or Players who found other fretboard courses complicated, and now want to know the shortcuts to mastering the fretboard. or You need a foundation of a few basic chords and scales: This is NOT for someone without that basic knowledge. or The course helps you create a mental roadmap of the guitar neck, but doesn't focus on technique. It is particularly useful for Someone who wants to learn shortcuts to visualize all notes on the guitar fretboard. or Anyone who wants to know basic chords and scales everywhere they can be played. or All those who read music and want to improve site reading skills (NOT REQUIRED), by identifying notes in all positions. or Players who found other fretboard courses complicated, and now want to know the shortcuts to mastering the fretboard. or You need a foundation of a few basic chords and scales: This is NOT for someone without that basic knowledge. or The course helps you create a mental roadmap of the guitar neck, but doesn't focus on technique.
Enroll now: Guitar Fretboard Secrets
Title: Guitar Fretboard Secrets
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 67
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 64
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 69
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 66
Original Price: $54.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Easily identify all the notes and basic chords over the entire guitar neck.
- Play all major scales and chords in every position.
- Always get the right note first time in whichever positions you are playing.
- Use visualization tricks and exercises to memorize notes on each fret.
Who Should Attend
- Someone who wants to learn shortcuts to visualize all notes on the guitar fretboard.
- Anyone who wants to know basic chords and scales everywhere they can be played.
- All those who read music and want to improve site reading skills (NOT REQUIRED), by identifying notes in all positions.
- Players who found other fretboard courses complicated, and now want to know the shortcuts to mastering the fretboard.
- You need a foundation of a few basic chords and scales: This is NOT for someone without that basic knowledge.
- The course helps you create a mental roadmap of the guitar neck, but doesn't focus on technique.
Target Audiences
- Someone who wants to learn shortcuts to visualize all notes on the guitar fretboard.
- Anyone who wants to know basic chords and scales everywhere they can be played.
- All those who read music and want to improve site reading skills (NOT REQUIRED), by identifying notes in all positions.
- Players who found other fretboard courses complicated, and now want to know the shortcuts to mastering the fretboard.
- You need a foundation of a few basic chords and scales: This is NOT for someone without that basic knowledge.
- The course helps you create a mental roadmap of the guitar neck, but doesn't focus on technique.
The Goal of this Course is to:
Easily visualize all notes on the guitar fretboard
Identify chords in any position based on root notes found on any string
Learn the scales surrounding each major chord shape in any position
Play in any key that you choose
Get to know chord triads all over the fretboard
The Problem:
Memorizing guitar fretboard notes is too difficult, boring and a headache!
The Solution:
Learn the fretboard in an easy, fun and painless way!
Get to know the fretboard “neighborhoods.” This will attach meaning to fretboard notes using simple associations.
Build on your new knowledge as you find yourself instantly recognizing new notes.
Use course exercises to help you think about associations that you learned. This helps you burn an image of the entire fretboard notes in your mind.
Follow these steps and you’ll be surprised how easily you can identify notes.
The Benefits:
Gain respect of other musicians as you demonstrate your knowledge and abilities
Speed up your ability to advance in all areas of your playing
Recognize and play chords and scales in any position
Learn the fretboard and make one of the best investments you can make in your playing. It will pay dividends and should be one of the highest priorities to take your playing to a new level.
Bonus Content!
Download audio files to play anytime and help keep you thinking about the fretboard. This extra attention willdramatically reduce the time it takes to learn the fretboard.
The Step-by-step Learning Process:
First, you take stock of notes that you already know so that you can start building on that knowledge. Then, you “travel” around the fretboard to various locations and get to know the notes there. You’ll not only learn patterns and relationships, but will get to know fretboard locations with a story to them.
At each step on the journey you practice identifying the notes that you’ve learned. You can even do this away from the course, perhaps while commuting to work or school.
Once you can identify notes it’s important to lock in that knowledge. Continue through the course to look at the relationship between chords and scales in various positions. Then take the next step and learn triads and inversions around the guitar fretboard.
This method is how I learned, and have successfully used it to teach many guitar students.
Take my course and let it work for you too!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Let's review what you know to start building on that knowledge
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 2: Course Prerequisites – What You Should Know Already
Lecture 3: Professor Eccles – Know What you Know!
Lecture 4: Which way is up?
Lecture 5: Demystify Scales, Chords & Intervals
Lecture 6: C-Scale – the Key to Knowing the Entire Fretboard.
Lecture 7: Oh G! Is that all there is to it?
Chapter 2: This Secret Phrase Lets You Map the Entire Fretboard
Lecture 1: BIG SECRET plus C-Major Scale Along One String
Lecture 2: C-Scale Exercises on One String – Play Along
Lecture 3: Write All Notes Using "Big Cats"
Chapter 3: Relationships: the easy way to remember notes all over the fretboard
Lecture 1: How to Remember all Notes Across Fret 7
Lecture 2: Notes Around Fret 7 – Self Test
Lecture 3: Kids and Pets: You'll Understand After Hearing This!
Lecture 4: Fret 10 – Call the Answers Before They are Given
Lecture 5: This is as easy as ABC, plus a review what you learned so far
Chapter 4: Play open string notes – but in any position – it's easy
Lecture 1: Finding All the E's
Lecture 2: B's are Everywhere
Lecture 3: Oh G's, again?
Lecture 4: 6 D's
Lecture 5: Finding A's
Lecture 6: Find the notes – you've got 4 seconds per note
Chapter 5: Moving Up! Playing Chords all along the fretboard
Lecture 1: Downloadable Sheets for CAGED Chords
Lecture 2: Introducing CAGED
Lecture 3: The CAGED Notes
Lecture 4: How to Play CAGED on Guitar
Lecture 5: Use This Trick to Find Number of Sharps in a Key
Lecture 6: Which are the Sharp Notes?
Chapter 6: How to Play Scales Around CAGED in any key
Lecture 1: Major Scales Around C-Shaped Chords – New
Lecture 2: Major Scale Around A-Shaped Chords
Lecture 3: Major Scale Around G-Shaped Chords
Lecture 4: Major Scale Around E-Shaped Chords
Lecture 5: Major Scale Around D-Shaped Chords
Chapter 7: A Fretboard Jig – Connect All the CAGED Scales Together in This Fun Tune
Lecture 1: Downloadable Sheets for Fretboard Jig
Lecture 2: Fretboard Jig – Connecting the Scales
Lecture 3: Fretboard Jig at 50%
Lecture 4: Fretboard Jig at 70%
Lecture 5: Fretboard Jig at 90%
Lecture 6: Fretboard Jig at 100%
Lecture 7: Section Wrap Up & What's Next?
Chapter 8: Triad Inversions – Strings 1-2-3
Lecture 1: Downloadable Sheet for Triad Inversions
Lecture 2: Introduction to Chord Inversions
Lecture 3: Chord Inversions Explained on Guitar
Lecture 4: Inversion Sets Around Circle of 5ths – Strings 1-2-3
Chapter 9: Triad Inversions – Strings 2-3-4
Lecture 1: Chord Inversions on Strings 2-3-4
Lecture 2: Inversion Sets Around Circle of 5ths – Strings 2-3-4
Chapter 10: Triad Inversions – Strings 3-4-5
Lecture 1: Chord Inversions on Strings 3-4-5
Lecture 2: Chord Inversions on Strings 3-4-5
Chapter 11: Voice Leading Chords Using Inversions
Lecture 1: How to Play the Circle of 5ths – Strings 1-2-3
Lecture 2: Circle of Fifths Playalong on Strings 1, 2 and 3
Lecture 3: Circle of 5ths Playalong on Strings 2-3-4
Lecture 4: Circle of 5ths Playalong on Strings 3-4-5
Chapter 12: Add Suspended Notes to Chord Triads as Transitions Between Inversions
Lecture 1: Using Suspended Chord Notes to Add Spice to Inversions
Chapter 13: 7th Triads – Build & Recognize These Useful Chords
Lecture 1: Thirds Along the Fretboard
Lecture 2: Roots and 7ths
Lecture 3: Putting it All Together – Roots, 3rds & 7ths
Chapter 14: Relative Notes and Chords
Lecture 1: What is a Diatonic Scale?
Lecture 2: Relative Root Notes
Lecture 3: Playing 1, 4, 5 chords around the fretboard
Lecture 4: Easily Transposing 1-4-5 chords to anywhere on the Fretboard
Chapter 15: Unlock the Secrets of the Greek Modes Using Your Newfound Fretboard Knowledge
Lecture 1: Learn This ONE Scale to Unlock the Secrets of the Greek Modes
Lecture 2: The 7 G-Major Scale Modes
Lecture 3: The 3 Major and 4 Minor Modal Scales
Lecture 4: The Dorian Minor Mode
Chapter 16: Bonus Section: Developing Technique to Use What You've Learned
Lecture 1: Bar Chord Exercises
John Chamley
Guitar Instructor, author of "Guitar in Real Time" books
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 20 votes
- 5 stars: 32 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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