How To Ignite Your Music Dreams
How To Ignite Your Music Dreams, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 46 lectures, based on 103 reviews, and has 732 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn how to take action and make money from your music. Set your ultimate goals in music whether selling a million albums, winning a Grammy, writing a #1 hit, getting radio airplay or simply reaching the milestone of finishing your album or playing your first gig! Create your plan to reach music success. Learn how to execute your master plan to accomplish your dreams in music. Dramatically increase your confidence in your ability to succeed in the music industry. Understand the major challenges to music success and how to overcome them. Learn the self-limiting roadblocks that artists and musicians create and how to prevent or fix them. This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is designed for you if you would love to turn your passion for music into a part-time or full-time career. If you love to dream big, then you'll love this course! or Do take this course if you have at least a basic music knowledge. You don't have to understand music theory or have any major proficiency in an instrument, but you do need to have a passion for music! or Don't take this course is you are only interested in music as a hobby or have no ambitions to share your music with the world. or Don't take this course if you expect any music theory or instrument/vocal coaching. or Do take this course if you want to plan and learn more about your music ambition and dreams and want to get insider knowledge of the music industry. or Do take this course if you want to and learn more about your music dreams, create your plan and set goals. or Do take this course if you want to learn more about how to be massively successful in the music industry. It is particularly useful for This course is designed for you if you would love to turn your passion for music into a part-time or full-time career. If you love to dream big, then you'll love this course! or Do take this course if you have at least a basic music knowledge. You don't have to understand music theory or have any major proficiency in an instrument, but you do need to have a passion for music! or Don't take this course is you are only interested in music as a hobby or have no ambitions to share your music with the world. or Don't take this course if you expect any music theory or instrument/vocal coaching. or Do take this course if you want to plan and learn more about your music ambition and dreams and want to get insider knowledge of the music industry. or Do take this course if you want to and learn more about your music dreams, create your plan and set goals. or Do take this course if you want to learn more about how to be massively successful in the music industry.
Enroll now: How To Ignite Your Music Dreams
Title: How To Ignite Your Music Dreams
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 46
Number of Published Lectures: 46
Number of Curriculum Items: 46
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 46
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn how to take action and make money from your music.
- Set your ultimate goals in music whether selling a million albums, winning a Grammy, writing a #1 hit, getting radio airplay or simply reaching the milestone of finishing your album or playing your first gig!
- Create your plan to reach music success.
- Learn how to execute your master plan to accomplish your dreams in music.
- Dramatically increase your confidence in your ability to succeed in the music industry.
- Understand the major challenges to music success and how to overcome them.
- Learn the self-limiting roadblocks that artists and musicians create and how to prevent or fix them.
Who Should Attend
- This course is designed for you if you would love to turn your passion for music into a part-time or full-time career. If you love to dream big, then you'll love this course!
- Do take this course if you have at least a basic music knowledge. You don't have to understand music theory or have any major proficiency in an instrument, but you do need to have a passion for music!
- Don't take this course is you are only interested in music as a hobby or have no ambitions to share your music with the world.
- Don't take this course if you expect any music theory or instrument/vocal coaching.
- Do take this course if you want to plan and learn more about your music ambition and dreams and want to get insider knowledge of the music industry.
- Do take this course if you want to and learn more about your music dreams, create your plan and set goals.
- Do take this course if you want to learn more about how to be massively successful in the music industry.
Target Audiences
- This course is designed for you if you would love to turn your passion for music into a part-time or full-time career. If you love to dream big, then you'll love this course!
- Do take this course if you have at least a basic music knowledge. You don't have to understand music theory or have any major proficiency in an instrument, but you do need to have a passion for music!
- Don't take this course is you are only interested in music as a hobby or have no ambitions to share your music with the world.
- Don't take this course if you expect any music theory or instrument/vocal coaching.
- Do take this course if you want to plan and learn more about your music ambition and dreams and want to get insider knowledge of the music industry.
- Do take this course if you want to and learn more about your music dreams, create your plan and set goals.
- Do take this course if you want to learn more about how to be massively successful in the music industry.
Have you been putting off your music dreams for too long? Get ready to be inspired by the world’s leading Music Coach.
Welcome to the most important Music Career Course you will ever take, from Warner-signed, best-selling artist, composer, label owner and publisher, and #1 world-ranked Music Life Coach, Mark Desvaux.
Why is it that so many brilliant artists, vocalists, bands, musicians, DJs, composers, producers and songwriters fail to get their career to take off? The secret has nothing to do with their musicand everythingto do with their mindset. How is your music mindset? How do you visualise music success? Do you have a concrete plan? Are your beliefs about your music helping or hindering you? How do you overcome the fears that stop you taking action?
This course will:
• Give you the mindset of a millionaire musician.
• Teach you how to dream biggerthan you ever dared.
• Help you define, plan and create your music vision.
• Show you the shortcuts.
• Teach you essential insider tipsto succeed in the Music Business.
• Help you beat your inner saboteur when you hit roadblocks, creative or confidence slumps.
• Give you a big kick up the bassoon to make it happen!
Every technique I reveal is easy to put into action in minutesand tried and tested in my own career. You will start to see instant breakthroughs.
Using these 7 Secrets have personally led me to:
Two bestselling albums (Urban Myth Club)
Sign a major publishing dealwith Warner
Mainstream radio airplay
Land a theme on Brazil’s most popular show (30m viewers nightly)
Play major festivals including Glastonbury
Royalties from music on TV globally
Sign 50+ compilation deals
Be released on major labels
Start my own record label & publishing company & sign artists
Over 1mplays on Spotify
Work with a finalist from The Voice (USA)
Co-write & produce a Top 30 US artist
When I first started coaching these Secrets to others I saw them replicate this kind of success. My coaching clients now include an artist who has sold 16m records and the mentor of the #1 sensation Ed Sheeran.
On top of the Udemy 30 day guarantee, you have my promise that you will be inspired and motivated by what you will learn in the this course.
To learn how to apply yourself using my personal “insider” experiences – found in no book or at Julliard or Berklee – get this course now.
Every minute you delay is a minute from living your music dreams… costing you lost royalties, label & publishing deals, album sales and all the unknown opportunities ready to reveal themselves.
Take this course and get inspired into action. Enroll now!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: The Most Essential Secret To Your Music Success Has Nothing To Do With Music
Lecture 1: Why This Course Is Essential to Your Success in Music
Lecture 2: How To Believe Your Greatest Music Dream Will Happen
Lecture 3: Section 1 Workbook
Lecture 4: Exercise 1: Your Musical Icons
Lecture 5: How Your Musical Icons Will Lead You To Success
Lecture 6: Exercise 2: You & Your Musical Icon
Lecture 7: Exercise 3: Your Music & Your Life
Lecture 8: Section 1 Review
Chapter 2: Before The Money… How To Create Your Vision For Your Music
Lecture 1: Section 2 Workbook
Lecture 2: What Does Success Mean To You?
Lecture 3: Your Most Powerful Ally – Your Subconscious
Lecture 4: The Art of Putting Things Off
Chapter 3: To Make Money You Have To Think BIG!
Lecture 1: Why Thinking Bigger Is Essential & How To Do It
Lecture 2: Section 3 Workbook
Lecture 3: Exercise 1 – Think the Impossible
Lecture 4: Why Music Is Your Gift to the World
Lecture 5: Exercise 2 – Your Music Vision Card
Lecture 6: 4000 Saturdays – How To Get Massive Perspective on Your Life and Music
Lecture 7: Exercise 3 – The Despondents
Lecture 8: Section 3 Review
Chapter 4: A Song Is Never Done
Lecture 1: Learn This & You'll Increase Your Output 10 Times: A Song Is Never Done
Lecture 2: Why You Are Your Own Worst Critic & How To Get Out The Way Of Your Music
Lecture 3: Is Track Fatigue Syndrome (TFS) Stopping You From Making Money?
Lecture 4: Why Perfectionism Is Probably Holding Back Your Career
Lecture 5: Section 4 Workbook
Lecture 6: Exercise 1: The Crap Track!
Lecture 7: Exercise 2: Your Early Work
Lecture 8: Your Ladder to Success – Why Every Song is a Rung
Lecture 9: Why You MUST Release Music & How To Do It Now
Chapter 5: To Follow Success Take The Road Less Travelled
Lecture 1: Follow The Herd & You'll Step In Poop
Lecture 2: Section 5 Workbook
Lecture 3: Exercise 1: How To Plot Your Journey to Success
Lecture 4: Exercise 2: How To Find The Road Less Travelled
Lecture 5: Do The Opposite
Lecture 6: Don’t Be Realistic
Chapter 6: Why Your Biggest Fear is Your Greatest Gift
Lecture 1: Why Criticism is Unavoidable
Lecture 2: Why Criticism is Essential
Lecture 3: Section 6 Workbook
Lecture 4: Exercise 1: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
Lecture 5: How to Use Criticism To Your Advantage
Lecture 6: Exercise 2: The Power Of ‘I Think’
Lecture 7: Fear Of Failure
Lecture 8: Exercise 3: Fear Of Rejection
Lecture 9: Section 6 Review
Chapter 7: How To Take Massive Action & See Big Results
Lecture 1: Action, Action, Action – Make It Happen!
Lecture 2: Even More Action & How to Ignite Your Music Dreams
Mark Desvaux
Coach, Recording Artist, Author, Entrepreneur
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 10 votes
- 4 stars: 22 votes
- 5 stars: 71 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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