Learn guitar the Right way! Beginner to intermediate guitar
Learn guitar the Right way! Beginner to intermediate guitar, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.46, with 99 lectures, based on 481 reviews, and has 4643 subscribers.
You will learn about Students will learn proper guitar playing technique, basic music theory, chords and scales and the ability to play hundreds of songs! This course is ideal for individuals who are Students who wish to learn how to play guitar, but also want to learn proper technique and gain a firm grasp on the theory behind what they are playing It is particularly useful for Students who wish to learn how to play guitar, but also want to learn proper technique and gain a firm grasp on the theory behind what they are playing.
Enroll now: Learn guitar the Right way! Beginner to intermediate guitar
Title: Learn guitar the Right way! Beginner to intermediate guitar
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.46
Number of Lectures: 99
Number of Published Lectures: 99
Number of Curriculum Items: 99
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 99
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Students will learn proper guitar playing technique, basic music theory, chords and scales and the ability to play hundreds of songs!
Who Should Attend
- Students who wish to learn how to play guitar, but also want to learn proper technique and gain a firm grasp on the theory behind what they are playing
Target Audiences
- Students who wish to learn how to play guitar, but also want to learn proper technique and gain a firm grasp on the theory behind what they are playing
If you have been trying to learn the guitar on your own, you may be frustrated with your progress. If you are trying to gather information from many different sources, taking a little bit from one teacher and a little bit from another and attempting to piece it all together, you will probably find it difficult to stay focused and on track toward your goal.
The Kickstarter series is designed in a very structured and systematic way. Every aspect is taught in extensive detail and every section progresses from the previous one. You can spend as much time on each section as you need.
Start first with the Essential Theory and Technique course–
The Essential Theory and Technique for Guitar course designed for two main types of people; the beginner guitar player who has no guitar or musical experience and those who can play guitar a little bit but are wanting to understand the music theory behind what they are playing and to improve on their technique.
Music Is A Language
Learning music is like learning a language. Music notes are like letters of the alphabet. When you learn how to combine them, you can create chords, which are like words, and with words you can create sentences and tell stories.
There are some great guitar players who don’t necessarily know all of the theory behind what they are playing, but using the above analogy of music as a language, imagine the potential that is being missed out on by not fully understanding what you are playing. If you were taking a trip to France, you could buy a translation book that could tell you how to say certain phrases in French, such as “Where is the bathroom?” or “What time is it?”, but imagine how much more you could communicate if you were able to construct your own sentences and phrases in French? You could say whatever you wanted without limits. Music is similar; by understanding the “why”, and practicing the “how”you reduce the limitations and open up a world of opportunity to express yourself with your instrument.
The course includes a full color PDF E-Book which is over 50 pages and provides further explanation of the material in the videos as well as guitar neck diagrams for your reference.
This course is 2 hours and 20 minutes long and should provide you with weeks worth of material to work on.
The topics you will learn in this course include;
Part 1: Parts of the Guitar
Part 2: The Musical Alphabet
Part 3: Notes on the Neck
Part 4: Neck Diagrams
Part 5: Holding the Guitar
Part 6: Holding the Pick
Part 7: Picking the Strings
Part 8: Left Hand Technique
Part 9: The Chromatic Scale
Part 10: The Spider Exercise
Part 11: The C-Major Scale
Part 12: What is a “Key?”
Part 13: Standard Notation
Part 14: How Chords Are Made
Part 15: Playing Chords on the Guitar
Part 16: Other Major Scales
Part 17: Other Major Scales on the Guitar
Part 18: The G-Major Chord
Follow up with the Kickstarter course, our most popular course, enjoyed by thousands of students!
The Studio 33 Guitar Lessons Kickstarter course is designed to start at the beginner level and progress up to intermediate. This series not only teaches you “how” to play, but also focuses on the “why”. We won’t just tell you to “put your fingers here” to play this chord, we want you to really understand why certain notes work together, while others don’t. Because once you understand how scales work, and how chords are made, it will unlock the mystery of music theory and really open up the guitar neck so you can play beyond the basics.
Kickstarter Level One is over 2 and a half hours long and picks up right where the Essential Theory and Technique course left off.
Some of the things you will learn in this course will include Playing with a metronome, learning how to change chords smoothly and quickly, some new Major and Minor chords, proper strumming technique and
many popular strumming patterns and chord progressions to help you play your favorite songs.
The course also includes a full color PDF E-Book which is over 45 pages and provides further explanation of the material in the videos as well as guitar neck diagrams for your reference.
This course is packed with information, but it is presented in a structured, and systematic way. Each step of the way you will be building upon the knowledge you have learned in the previous lessons, so you will never feel overwhelmed or in over your head. You can move through these lessons at your own pace and watch the videos as many times as you like.
Kickstarter Course: Level 1 is 2 hours and 32 minutes long and includes the following lessons:
Part 1: Technique Review
Part 2: Playing With a Metronome (Part 1)
Part 3: Plating With a Metronome (Part 2)
Part 4: The CADD9 Chord
Part 5: Counting Music
Part 6: Changing Chords
Part 7: D Major Chord
Part 8: Changing From G to D Chords
Part 9: Changing Chords G, D and C
Part 10: Forcing the Changes
Part 11: Strumming “Upstrokes”
Part 12: Practice Routine
Part 13: 2 Octave Major Scales
Part 14: E Minor Chord
Part 15: E Minor 7
Part 16: Changing To and From EMIN7
Part 17: Common Chord Progressions
Part 18: Strumming Patterns
Part 19: Common Strumming Patterns (Part 1)
Part 20: Common Strumming Patterns (Part 2)
Part 21: Common Strumming Patterns (Part 3)
Part 22: Common Strumming Patterns (Part 4)
Part 23: Common Strumming Patterns (Part 5)
Part 24: Which Strum Pattern?
In Kickstarter Level Two, we continue from Level One where you will expand your chord knowledge and learn even more chords including “Suspended Chords” like the Sus4 chord and Sus2 chord. You will understand what they are how to easily modify any chord and give it this more interesting “suspended” sound.
You will also learn more chord progressions from popular songs, the Minor scale, more popular strumming patterns and a very cool strumming technique called Palm Muting. We will also teach you the secret behind the popular “Coldplay” rhythm.
This course is packed with information, but it is presented in a structured, and systematic way. Each step of the way you will be building upon the knowledge you have learned in the previous lessons, so you will never feel overwhelmed or in over your head. You can move through these lessons at your own pace and watch the videos as many times as you like.
The Kickstarter Course: Level 2 is 2 hours and 6 minutes long and includes the following lessons:
Part 1: Dsus4 Chord
Part 2: Dsus4 in a Chord Progression
Part 3: Csus4 Chord
Part 4: Dsus2 Chord
Part 5: Csus2 Chord
Part 6: Strumming Dsus2 and Dsus4
Part 7: Progressions with Dsus2 and Dsus4
Part 8: A Major Chords
Part 9: Asus4 and Asus2 Chords
Part 10: The Minor Scale
Part 11: Major vs. Minor Scale
Part 12: A Minor Chord
Part 13: A Minor Chord Progressions
Part 14: Palm Muting
Part 15: The Coldplay Rhythm
Part 16: Major Scale Sequence
Part 17: D Minor Chord
Part 18: E Major Chord
Part 19: Esus Chord
Part 20: E Major Chord Progressions
Part 21: E Major Chord Progression with D Major
Part 22: Adding in Sus Chords
Part 23: Putting It All Together
In Kickstarter Level 3, we really step it up and start looking at more advanced right hand picking, with string skipping and melodic arppegiated chords. This might sound complicated, but we break it down into its simplest form so you will be playing great sounding melodic playing in no time.
You will also learn inverted chords or “slash” chords such as D/F# or G/B. These are great sound chords that can give your music a real lift.
You will learn to play in different rhythmic feels and time signatures like 3/4 and 6/8, which create more of a swinging type feel.
You will learn the main Barre chord shapes, which can be used to play any barre chord in any key. These chords will really open up some new possibilities in your playing. How to transpose songs in to different keys to make them easier to play or easier to sing. How to use a capo, not only to change the key of a song, but to provide more chord options and variations.
This course is packed with information, but it is presented in a structured, and systematic way. Each step of the way you will be building upon the knowledge you have learned in the previous lessons, so you will never feel overwhelmed or in over your head. You can move through these lessons at your own pace and watch the videos as many times as you like.
Kickstarter Course Level 3 is 2 hours and 17 minutes long and includes the following lessons:
Part 1: Arpeggiated Chords
Part 2: Arp Chords String Skipping (Part 1)
Part 3: Arp Chord String Skipping (Part 2)
Part 4: Advanced String Skipping
Part 5: Slash Chords (Part 1)
Part 6: D/F# in Chord Progressions
Part 7: Slash Chords (Part 2)
Part 8: Slash Chords In A Song
Part 9: Time Signatures (Part 1)
Part 10: Time Signatures (Part 2)
Part 11: Arpeggios in 6/8
Part 12: Major Scale Sequence 2
Part 13: The F Major Chord
Part 14: F Major Chord in a Progression
Part 15: Transposing
Part 16: Using A Capo
Part 17: Barre Chords (Part 1)
Part 18: Barre Chords (Part 2)
Part 19: Barre Chords (Part 3)
Part 20: Barre Chords (Part 4)
Part 21: Chord Numbering System
Part 22: Barre Chords in a Progression
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Essential Theory and Technique for Guitar
Lecture 1: Essential Theory and Technique Introduction
Lecture 2: Download/ print the accompanying E-Book
Lecture 3: Part 1: Parts of the Guitar
Lecture 4: Part 2: The Musical Alphabet
Lecture 5: Part 3: Notes on the Guitar Neck
Lecture 6: Part 4: Neck Diagrams
Lecture 7: Part 5: Holding the Guitar
Lecture 8: Part 6: Holding the Guitar Pick
Lecture 9: Part 7: Picking the Strings
Lecture 10: Part 8: Left Hand Technique
Lecture 11: Part 9: The Chromatic Scale
Lecture 12: Part 10: The Spider Exercise
Lecture 13: Part 11: The C Major Scale
Lecture 14: Part 12: What is a "Key"?
Lecture 15: Part 13: Standard Notation
Lecture 16: Part 14: How Chords Are Made
Lecture 17: Part 15: Playing Chords on the Guitar
Lecture 18: Part 16: Other Major Scales
Lecture 19: Part 17: Other Major Scales on Guitar
Lecture 20: Part 18: The G Major Chord
Lecture 21: Part 19: Conclusion Of Essential Theory and Technique
Chapter 2: KickStarter Level 1
Lecture 1: KickStarter Level 1 Introduction
Lecture 2: Download/ Print the accompanying E-Book
Lecture 3: Part 1: Technique Review
Lecture 4: Part 2: Playing With a Metronome
Lecture 5: Part 3: Playing with a Metronome (pt2)
Lecture 6: Part 4: The "Cadd9" Chord
Lecture 7: Part 5: Counting Music
Lecture 8: Part 6: Changing Chords
Lecture 9: Part 7: The D Major Chord
Lecture 10: Part 8: Changing From GMaj to DMaj
Lecture 11: Part 9: Changing From GMaj, DMaj and Cadd9
Lecture 12: Part 10: Forcing the Changes
Lecture 13: Part 11: Strumming Upstrokes
Lecture 14: Part 12: Practice Routine
Lecture 15: Part 13: 2 Octave Major Scale
Lecture 16: Part 14: The E Minor Chord
Lecture 17: Part 15: The E Minor7 Chord
Lecture 18: Part 16: Changing to and from Emin7
Lecture 19: Part 17: Common Chord Progressions
Lecture 20: Part 18: Strumming Paterns
Lecture 21: Part 19: Common Strumming Patterns
Lecture 22: Part 20: Common Strumming Patterns (pt2)
Lecture 23: Part 21: Common Strumming Patterns (pt3)
Lecture 24: Part 22: Common Strumming Patterns (pt4)
Lecture 25: Part 23: Common Strumming Patterns (pt5)
Lecture 26: Part 24: Which Strum?
Lecture 27: Part 25: Conclusion of Level 1
Chapter 3: KickStarter Level 2
Lecture 1: KickStarter Level 2 Introduction
Lecture 2: Download/ Print the accompanying E-Book
Lecture 3: Part 1: Dsus4 Chord
Lecture 4: Part 2: Dsus4 in a Chord Progression
Lecture 5: Part 3: Csus4 Chord
Lecture 6: Part 4: Dsus2 Chord
Lecture 7: Part 5: Csus2 Chord
Lecture 8: Part 6: Strumming Dsus2 and Dsus4
Lecture 9: Part 7: Chord Progressions with Dsus4 and Dsus2
Lecture 10: Part 8: A Major Chord
Lecture 11: Part 9: Asus4 Chord and Asus2 Chord
Lecture 12: Part 10: The Minor Scale
Lecture 13: Part 11: Major Scale vs Minor Scale
Lecture 14: Part 12: A Minor Chord
Lecture 15: Part 13: A Minor Progressions
Lecture 16: Part 14: Palm Muting
Lecture 17: Part 15: Coldplay Rhythm
Lecture 18: Part 16: Major Scale Sequence
Lecture 19: Part 17: D Minor Chord
Lecture 20: Part 18: E Major Chord
Lecture 21: Part 19: Esus4 Chord
Lecture 22: Part 20: E Major Chord Progression
Lecture 23: Part 21: E Major Chord Progression with D Major
Lecture 24: Part 22: Adding in Sus Chords
Lecture 25: Part 23: Putting it all Together
Lecture 26: Part 24: Conclusion of Level 2
Chapter 4: KickStarter Level 3
Lecture 1: KickStarter Level 3 Introduction
Lecture 2: Download/ Print the accompanying E-Book
Lecture 3: Part 1: Arpeggiated Chords
Lecture 4: Part 2: Arpeggiated Chords (String Skipping)
Lecture 5: Part 3: Arpeggiated Chords (String Skipping) pt2
Lecture 6: Part 4: Advanced String Skipping
Lecture 7: Part 5: Slash Chords
Lecture 8: Part 6: D/F# in a Chord Progression
Lecture 9: Part 7: Slash Chords (pt 2)
Lecture 10: Part 8: Slash Chords in a Song
Lecture 11: Part :9: Time Signatures
Lecture 12: Part 10: 6/8 Time Signature
Lecture 13: Part 11: Arpeggios in 6/8 Time
Lecture 14: Part 12: Major Scale Sequence (Groups of Four)
Lecture 15: Part 13: F Major Chord
Lecture 16: Part 14: F Major Chord in a Progression
Lecture 17: Part 15: Transposing
Lecture 18: Part 16: Using a Capo
Lecture 19: Part 17: Barre Chords (pt1)
Lecture 20: Part 18: Barre Chords (pt2)
Lecture 21: Part 19: Barre Chords (pt3)
Lecture 22: Part 20: Barre Chords (pt4)
Troy Davidson (Studio33Guitar)
Lead Instructor at Studio33Guitar
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 30 votes
- 4 stars: 121 votes
- 5 stars: 325 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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