Learn lead guitar in the style of Joe Satriani
Learn lead guitar in the style of Joe Satriani, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 18 lectures, based on 46 reviews, and has 351 subscribers.
You will learn about Play lead guitar in the style of Joe Satriani Have more lead guitar confidence and more soloing avenues when soloing and jamming Overall increased knowldge of lead guitar, soloing, jamming, and improvisation. Increased abilities to nail all the Satriani type techniques that make this style so amazing Play fluid legato, two-handed tapping, modal play, tremolo tricks, pent & blues licks, chord centers, arpeggios, and infuse your playing with melody This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to learn rock guitar in the style of Joe Satriani or Anyone who wants to learn more about lead guitar, soloing stratgedies, devices, licks, & techniques It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to learn rock guitar in the style of Joe Satriani or Anyone who wants to learn more about lead guitar, soloing stratgedies, devices, licks, & techniques.
Enroll now: Learn lead guitar in the style of Joe Satriani
Title: Learn lead guitar in the style of Joe Satriani
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 18
Number of Published Lectures: 18
Number of Curriculum Items: 18
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 18
Original Price: $24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Play lead guitar in the style of Joe Satriani
- Have more lead guitar confidence and more soloing avenues when soloing and jamming
- Overall increased knowldge of lead guitar, soloing, jamming, and improvisation.
- Increased abilities to nail all the Satriani type techniques that make this style so amazing
- Play fluid legato, two-handed tapping, modal play, tremolo tricks, pent & blues licks, chord centers, arpeggios, and infuse your playing with melody
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to learn rock guitar in the style of Joe Satriani
- Anyone who wants to learn more about lead guitar, soloing stratgedies, devices, licks, & techniques
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to learn rock guitar in the style of Joe Satriani
- Anyone who wants to learn more about lead guitar, soloing stratgedies, devices, licks, & techniques
Learn to play lead guitar in the style of one of the most
influential modern rock guitarists of all time. Joe Satriani’s brilliant and creative playing has influenced countless guitarists all over the world. He is truly one
of the greats, and we can all be inspired and empowered through his
In these lessons you will learn all kinds of techniques, devices, scales, tricks, and soloing strategies in the style of Joe Satriani. Throughout the course you will be given a step by step breakdown of his style and playing techniques.
His uncanny ability to re-invent common blues licks into catchy melodies is truly amazing. He is also known for his fluid legato technique, unique two hand chord and arpeggio tapping, exotic melodies, super interesting and unique chord voicings, shifting modalities, and musically compelling song structure. These all help define his unique guitar style and we will be going over ALL these techniques in this course.
Now you can learn to play all kinds of techniques, devices, scales,
licks, legato, arpeggios, and approaches to soloing in the Joe Satriani style. Learn all about fluid legato playing, two-handed tapping, modal playing, tremolo tricks, chord centers, arpeggios, pentatonic & blues licks, and more. Learn to infuse your playing with melody and learn all kinds of licks and more licks and even more licks.
This course is taught by Next Level Guitar instructor Dave Nassie and
contains 17 in-depth video lessons. These total over three and a half hours of pure
step-by-step, move-by-move instruction you can pause and easily follow
along with our on-screen tablature. You also get seven killer jam tracks
is in the Joe Satriani style. These are the
exact same tracks that we utilize throughout the video lessons.
And you also get a highly detailed 35-page PDF eBook that coincides with the
videos. This valuable eBook gives you crucial tips, scale diagrams,
soloing strategies, and charts to speed your progress.
We break all the licks, devices, and techniques down into digestible
pieces and demonstrate them at slow and regular speeds. Then we teach you how to practice and apply them over the
included jam tracks. And all the lessons feature on-screen tablature and
close-ups of the fret and pick hands with multiple camera angles to make
it easy to follow along.
Throughout these lessons you will learn:
-How to dial in your gear and equipment so that you can get in the wheelhouse of the Satriani sound.
-Signature-sounding Satriani style licks, but also how to make them your own to blow away your listeners.
-To master tons and tons of killer pentatonic and blues licks in this style.
-How to combine minor and major pentatonic scales for killer new sounds.
-How to strengthen your fret hand with awesome hammer-on and pull-off exercises.
-How to play one-string patterns, sequence licks, and position shifting.
-Learn fun tremolo bar tricks and make wildly interesting noises you thought were not possible.
-All about alternate picking in the Satriani style.
-How to infuse melody into your playing.
-How to add all the infamous “Joe-ish” nuances to your playing.
-How to build killer two-handed tapping licks in both the Satriani clean style and in the distorted style.
-How to play one string and open string licks in the Satriani style.
-The soloing strategies and thought processes that go into playing over the included jam tracks.
-All about chord centers and adding intervals and arpeggios for additional textures and colors.
-Learn all about the harmonic minor scale and the Phrygian dominant mode and application.
-How to play in Phrygian Dominant and other modal avenues like Lydian, Ionian, Phrygian and how to add it to your soloing.
-Scale mapping across the entire fret board. Learn to move patterns
around the fret board making it easy playing through multiple scale
-Fluid legato, we teach how you can play complex passages and make them smooth. Learn all the techniques behind this crucial device, including how to apply it to all kinds of scales and modes and more.
-All about scale CHOICES and soloing OPTIONS and you will be able to open up the fretboard by learning what’s behind what your playing.
-New ways to visualize the entire guitar neck as one big opportunity rather than remaining stuck in your “safe place”, or in just a few “boxes”. Learn to glide effortlessly across the entire guitar neck.
-Everything in its proper musical context by APPLYING it in a musical context by jamming over the custom made backing tracks that coincides with the video lessons.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Lessons
Lecture 1: Intro Learn rock guitar techniques and devices inspired by Joe Satriani
Lecture 2: Guitar lesson on tone and gear inspired by Joe Satriani
Lecture 3: Learn legato techniques and practice exercises pt1
Lecture 4: Learn legato application pt2 Joe Satriani style
Lecture 5: Legato application pt 3 in the style of Joe Satriani
Lecture 6: Alternate picking techniques lesson in the style of Joe Satriani
Lecture 7: Pentatonic and Blues licks and devices part 1 in the Joe Satriani style
Lecture 8: Pentatonic and Blues licks and devices part 2 in the Joe Satriani style
Lecture 9: Learn open and one string lick ideas inspired by Joe Satriani
Lecture 10: G Jam track soloing strategies and ideas in the Satriani style
Lecture 11: Chord centers and arpeggio playing in the style of Joe Satriani
Lecture 12: Clean right hand tapping techniques pt1 ideas inspired by Joe Satriani
Lecture 13: Right hand tapping pt2 in the style of Joe Satriani
Lecture 14: Learn modal playing using the Lydian mode in the style of Joe Satriani
Lecture 15: Learn to combine major modes solo ideas inspired by Joe Satriani
Lecture 16: Tremolo tricks, techniques, and sounds in the style of Joe Satriani
Lecture 17: Learn Phrygian and Phrygian Dominant soloing in the style of Joe Satriani
Lecture 18: Bonus Jam Tracks more practice and application – see article for directions
David Taub
Guitar and Bass Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 10 votes
- 5 stars: 33 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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