Learn Piano #6 – Jazz Cocktail Sound 7b9 in Piano Bar Music
Learn Piano #6 – Jazz Cocktail Sound 7b9 in Piano Bar Music, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 73 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 20 reviews, and has 543 subscribers.
You will learn about learn how to create the cocktail piano bar sound learn which tone to alter in the dominant chord learn about chord extension to the 9th tone grasp the importance of dominant chords have fun playing these 7b9 altered dominant chords play 5 tone chords with both hands EASILY This course is ideal for individuals who are music lovers or passionate piano players It is particularly useful for music lovers or passionate piano players.
Enroll now: Learn Piano #6 – Jazz Cocktail Sound 7b9 in Piano Bar Music
Title: Learn Piano #6 – Jazz Cocktail Sound 7b9 in Piano Bar Music
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 73
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 73
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 74
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 74
Original Price: $189.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- learn how to create the cocktail piano bar sound
- learn which tone to alter in the dominant chord
- learn about chord extension to the 9th tone
- grasp the importance of dominant chords
- have fun playing these 7b9 altered dominant chords
- play 5 tone chords with both hands EASILY
Who Should Attend
- music lovers
- passionate piano players
Target Audiences
- music lovers
- passionate piano players
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“I have lost track of how many courses I have taken with Rosa but my playing has improved and I am so excited to keep learning more & more with her. Each course goes deeper into what we need to know and makes playing beautiful music easier. Rosa has the God given gift of being a very gentle teacher. It’s fun to learn with her and as you watch the videos it’s almost as if she is in the room with you. If it is your goal to enjoy playing the piano let Rosa help you reach that goal. Thanks Rosa, we appreciate you.”
Learn Piano Level 6 – Intermediate Level – Continue to learn how to reharmonize a song from its basic structure using only Basic Major Chords in Away in A Manger.
We are now moving into more advanced piano playing in this Reharmonization Series.Many of my students love piano bar music and they want to capture those cocktail sounds in their music arrangement. Did you know that it is not difficult at all to create those sounds? If you are following this Reharmonization series, make sure you grasp the concept of Dominant Chords & Secondary Dominant Chords in Level 5.
Here’s the Secret:To get into cool jazzy style of playing, you need to focus on the dominant chords and secondary dominant chords. Learn to just alter one tone, and that tone will create that cocktail sound that you want to hear in your music. Cocktail style of music functions and moves in the Circle movement of 6-2-5-1. The TRICKis to alter a tone in some of these dominant chords.
In this course, you are going to learn Music Tips to alter a tone in the dominant chords to create the cocktail sound in piano bar music. This is just the ‘beginning’ of learning basic music fundamentals to create cocktail sounds. Learn Piano Level 6 is part of a series of a 10 Level course. So if you are a beginner, you will need Learn Piano Level 1 to Level 5 to give you that foundation to do chord substitution to secondary dominants. This is the 6th level of reharmonizing “Away in a Manger” to Level 6. Keyboard diagrams and charts will not include the earlier levels.
As a bonus, I am going to show you a few RUNS from simple to advanced to help you reach the cocktail runs so that you can put them freely into your music. This section is entirely a BONUS, a gift to you, as this section itself is already a course on its own.
The following 16 Topics are covered:
1. Know your Dominant 7 Chords
2. Know your Dominant 9 Chords
3. Know how to Alter Dominant Chords
4. Dominant Chords – Can alter 2 tones – 5th and 9th
5. To get the Cocktail sound – alter the 9th tone to b9
6. Music Formula for Dominant 7, Dominant 9, Dominant 7b9
7. Work on the 4 Dominant Chords in Away in A Manger
8. Altering the Four Dominant 9 Chords – G7, C7, D7 A7
9. 4 Chord Substitutions in Away in A Manger
10. Step 1: Substitute G7b9
11. Step 2: Substitute C7b9
12. Step 3: Substitute D7b9
13. Step 4: Substitute A7b9
14. Voicing Tricks to Play 5 Tone 7b9 Chords
15. Understand Diminished 7 Chords
16. Rolling Runs Techniques
38 Music Theory Tips
Music Theory Tip 1: Altering Only One tone in dominant chords
Music Theory Tip 2: Major 7 vs Dominant 7
Music Theory Tip 3: Major 9 vs Dominant 9
Music Theory Tip 4. Dominant 7 vs Dominant 9
Music Theory Tip 5: Altered Dominant Chords – can alter 2 tones
Music Theory Tip 6: Flat the 9th tone
Music Theory Tip 7: C9 and C7b9 in Written Music – 5 notes
Music Theory Tip 8. Formula Patterns in Dominant Chords
Music Theory Tip 9: Piano Demo to the Dominant Chords Formula
Music Theory Tip 10: G9, C9, D9 A9
Music Theory Tip 11. G9 to G7b9
Music Theory Tip 12: D9 to D7b9
Music Theory Tip 13: A9 to A7b9
Music Theory Tip 14: C9 to C7b9
Music Theory Tip 15: Start susbstituting with Primary Dominant Chord
Music Theory Tip 16: Find places to substitute G7b9
Music Theory Tip 17: Two melody tones clash with G7b9
Music Theory Tip 18: Substitute G7b9 into Away In A Manger
Music Theory Tip 19: Transfer G7b9 into chord chart
Music Theory Tip 20: Finger Trick to play 7b9 – 5 tone chords
Music Theory Tip 21: Finger Tricks to play G7b9
Music Theory Tip 22: Big Secret Tip: Right Hand plays diminished 7 Chords
Music Theory Tip 23: Different ways to write diminished chords
Music Theory Tip 24: Symmetrical diminished 7 Chords: WWWB, WWBW, WBWW, BWWW
Music Theory Tip 25: Playing symmetrical diminished Chords
Music Theory Tip 26: Finger Tricks: LH plays bass + RH plays diminished 7 chords
Music Theory Tip 27: Distinguish between a C Major Chord & C7
Music Theory Tip 28: Find the 2 C7s in Away in A Manger
Music Theory Tip 29: The 2 tones that clash with C7b9
Music Theory Tip 30: Substitute C7b9 in Away in A manger
Music Theory Tip 31: Identify the 4 diminished chords in C7b9
Music Theory Tip 32: Find places to put in D7b9
Music Theory Tip 33: The 2 tones that clash with D7b9
Music Theory Tip 34: Substituting D7b9 in Away In A Manger
Music Theory Tip 35. Piano Demo on why D7b9 does not work
Music Tip 36: Find places to substitute A7b9
Music Tip 37: Two melody tones that clash with A7b9
Music Theory Tip 38: Substituting A7b9 into Away in A Manger
Bonus Piano Techniques: Rolling Runs from Simple to Advanced Cocktail Run
Piano Technique Tip 1: Simple Triad Rolling Waves
Piano Technique Tip 2: Simple Rolling Waves Coming Down
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Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction and Overview of the Course
Lecture 2: Overview of Reharmonization Level 6 – Altered Dominant Chords – b9
Chapter 2: Piano Bar Music – Cocktail Sound – Relaxing Smooth Jazz
Lecture 1: Music Tip 1: Altering Only One Tone in a DOMINANT Chord
Chapter 3: Know Your Dominant 7 Chords & Dominant 9 Chords
Lecture 1: Music Tip 2: Major 7 vs Dominant 7
Lecture 2: Music Tip 3: Major 9 vs Dominant 9
Lecture 3: Music Tip 4: Dominant 7 vs Dominant 9
Chapter 4: Altered Dominant Chords
Lecture 1: Music Tip 5: Can only Alter 2 Tones: 5th or 9th
Chapter 5: To Get the Cocktail Sound – Alter the 9th Tone to b9
Lecture 1: Music Tip 6: Flat the 9th tone – b9
Lecture 2: Music Tip 7: C9 and C7b9 in Written Music – 5 Notes Stacked together
Chapter 6: Music Formula for Dominant 7, Dominant 9, Dominant 7 with a b9
Lecture 1: Music Tip 8: The Music Formula Patterns in the Dominant 7, 9, 7b9
Lecture 2: Music Tip 9: Piano Demo to the Dominant Chords Formula
Chapter 7: Four Dominant 7 Chords in Away In A Manger
Lecture 1: Music Tip 10: G7, C7, D7, A7
Chapter 8: Altering the Four Dominant 9 Chords – G9, C9, D9, A9
Lecture 1: Music Tip 11: G9 to G7b9
Lecture 2: Piano Demo: G7b9
Lecture 3: Music Tip 12: D9 to D7b9
Lecture 4: Piano Demo: D7b9
Lecture 5: Music Tip 13: A9 to A7b9
Lecture 6: Piano Demo: A7b9
Lecture 7: Music Tip 14: C9 to C7b9
Lecture 8: Piano Demo: C7b9
Chapter 9: Chord Substitutions – 7b9 Chords substituting Dominant 7 Chords
Lecture 1: Chord Substitutions in Level 6
Lecture 2: Four 7b9 Chord Substitutions in Away In A Manger
Chapter 10: Song Application: Substituting 7b9 to Away In A Manger
Lecture 1: Music Score for Away In A Manger
Chapter 11: Step 1: Substituting G7b9 to G7
Lecture 1: Music Tip 15: Start with the Primary Dominant Chord First
Lecture 2: Music Tip 16: Try out the G7b9 in place of G7 at the piano
Lecture 3: Music Tip 17: Two Melody Tones that clash with G7b9
Lecture 4: Music Tip 18: Substituting G7b9 in Away In A Manger in 3 places
Lecture 5: Piano Demo: Listen to the sounds of G7b9 in place of G7
Lecture 6: Music Tip 19: Transfer the G7b9 chords into the chord chart to see patterns
Chapter 12: Voicing Trick to play 5 Tone 7b9 Chords EASILY
Lecture 1: Music Tip 20: Finger Trick with Both Hands to play 7b9
Lecture 2: Music Tip 21: Finger Tricks to play G7b9
Lecture 3: Take a Break – Write a Review
Lecture 4: Music Tip 22: Big Secret Tip – Right Hand actually plays Diminished 7 Chord
Lecture 5: Music Tip 23: 4 Different ways to write a diminished chord
Lecture 6: Piano Demo: RH plays the 4 Diminished Chords in G7b9
Lecture 7: Music Tip 24: Symmetrical diminshed 7 Chords: White Keys & Black Keys
Lecture 8: Piano Demo: WWWB, WWBW, WBWW BWWW
Lecture 9: Music Tip 25: Playing Symmetrical Diminished Chords
Lecture 10: Music Tip 26: Finger Tricks – LH Plays Bass + RH Plays Diminshed 7 Chords
Lecture 11: Piano Demo: Try practising the Four Diminished 7 Chords in this way
Chapter 13: Step 2: Substituting C7b9 to C7
Lecture 1: Music Tip 27: Must Distinguish a C Major Chord from a C7 Chord
Lecture 2: Music Tip 28: Two C7 in Away In A Manger
Lecture 3: Music Tip 29: The 2 tones that clash with C7b9
Lecture 4: Music Tip 30: Substituting C7b9 in Away In A Manger
Lecture 5: Piano Demo: Putting in C7b9 into Away in A Manger
Lecture 6: Music Tip 31: Identify the 4 diminished chords in C7b9
Chapter 14: Step 3: Substituting D7b9 to D7
Lecture 1: Music Tip 32: Find places to put in D7b9 in Away In A Manger
Lecture 2: Music Tip 33: The 2 tones that clash with D7b9
Lecture 3: Music Tip 34: Substituting D7b9 in Away in A Manger
Lecture 4: Music Tip 35: Piano Demo on why D7b9 does not work
Chapter 15: Step 4: Substituting A7b9 to A7
Lecture 1: Music Tip 36: Find places to substitute A7b9
Lecture 2: Music Tip 37: Two melody tones that clash with A7b9
Lecture 3: Music Tip 38: Substituting A7b9 into Away In A Manger
Lecture 4: Piano Demo: Putting in A7b9 into Away In A Manger
Chapter 16: Bonus Section: Piano Runs – Simple to Advanced
Lecture 1: Piano Technique Tip 1: Simple Triad Rolling Waves
Lecture 2: Piano Demo: Simple Rolling Waves
Lecture 3: Piano Tip 2: Simple Rolling Waves Coming Down
Lecture 4: PIano Demo: Simple Rolling Waves coming down
Lecture 5: Piano Tip 3 – Intermediate Level: Dreamy 7th Chords Rolling Waves Run
Lecture 6: PIano Demo – Dreamy 7 Rolling Waves
Lecture 7: Piano Tip 4: Intermediate Level: Dreamy Run with Hands Cross Over TRICK
Lecture 8: Piano Demo – Dreamy 7 with Hands Cross Over Trick
Lecture 9: Piano Tip 5: Intermeidate Level – Dreamy 7 using Major Chord + Minor Chord
Lecture 10: Piano Demo: Dreamy 7 with 2 Chords – M + m
Lecture 11: Piano Tip 6: Advanced Level – Nostalgic 9 Rolling Waves
Lecture 12: Piano Demo: Nostalgic CM9 Rolling Waves
Lecture 13: Piano Tip 7: Advanced Level – Nostalgic 9 Rolling Waves Using 2 Chords
Lecture 14: Piano Demo: Nostalgic 9 Rolling Waves with 2 chords
Lecture 15: Piano Tip 8: Advanced Level – Cocktail Run but with this TRICK, beginners also
Lecture 16: Piano Demo: Cocktail Run using LH Finger Trick
Chapter 17: Summary and Conclusion
Lecture 1: Summary of the Course & Download
Lecture 2: End of Course – Write a Review
Chapter 18: Bonus Section – Resources for Students
Lecture 1: Cool Resources for Students
Rosa Suen
Best Seller Music Teacher, 35 Years Pianist, 25,00+ students
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 16 votes
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