Play By Ear #1: Pick Out Melodies with 7 Tones in 1 Hour
Play By Ear #1: Pick Out Melodies with 7 Tones in 1 Hour, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.55, with 91 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 163 reviews, and has 3934 subscribers.
You will learn about PLAY simple songs by Ear LISTEN to sounds PAY ATTENTION to high and low pitches RECOGNIZE scale tones DIFFERENTIATE tones and pitches PICK out melody of many songs by ear without difficulty USE Numbers to write out a piece of music SPOT out patterns in songs SEE Music repetition in one glance LOVE playing songs by ear OVERCOME road blocks to playing by ear ACQUIRE the ability to distinguish pitches KNOW the 3 ways melody moves to help them play by ear PREDICT the next tone going up or going down DEVELOP good ears This course is ideal for individuals who are Those who have dreamed all their lives the ability to play by ear or Those who want to sit at the piano to play their favorite songs or Those who love to sing or Those who think the are tone-deaf or Those who think they are not born with the gift of 'good ears' It is particularly useful for Those who have dreamed all their lives the ability to play by ear or Those who want to sit at the piano to play their favorite songs or Those who love to sing or Those who think the are tone-deaf or Those who think they are not born with the gift of 'good ears'.
Enroll now: Play By Ear #1: Pick Out Melodies with 7 Tones in 1 Hour
Title: Play By Ear #1: Pick Out Melodies with 7 Tones in 1 Hour
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.55
Number of Lectures: 91
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 91
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 92
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 92
Original Price: $189.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- PLAY simple songs by Ear
- LISTEN to sounds
- PAY ATTENTION to high and low pitches
- RECOGNIZE scale tones
- DIFFERENTIATE tones and pitches
- PICK out melody of many songs by ear without difficulty
- USE Numbers to write out a piece of music
- SPOT out patterns in songs
- SEE Music repetition in one glance
- LOVE playing songs by ear
- OVERCOME road blocks to playing by ear
- ACQUIRE the ability to distinguish pitches
- KNOW the 3 ways melody moves to help them play by ear
- PREDICT the next tone going up or going down
- DEVELOP good ears
Who Should Attend
- Those who have dreamed all their lives the ability to play by ear
- Those who want to sit at the piano to play their favorite songs
- Those who love to sing
- Those who think the are tone-deaf
- Those who think they are not born with the gift of 'good ears'
Target Audiences
- Those who have dreamed all their lives the ability to play by ear
- Those who want to sit at the piano to play their favorite songs
- Those who love to sing
- Those who think the are tone-deaf
- Those who think they are not born with the gift of 'good ears'
Here are some Reviews by students already in less than 24 Hours after the launching of the course:
Niels Walkau: The dream of playing by ear is ALIVE!
I spent years learning to play piano by rote but could never play by ear. Embarrassing actually. I always thought I wasn’t born with that “magical” talent and I would have given a lot to be able to sit down and play any tune off the top of my head.After only spending literally 30 minutes in this course, I have theconfidence and evidence that IT IS POSSIBLE to learn to play by EAR. The piano notation that Rosa introduces is crazy easy to understand and willtransform how you understand/enjoy playing music. I am only 8 lectures in at this point…I will report back as I make more progress…
Barbara: Learned to play 2 songs by ear in 30 min!
Wow! I am more excited about this course than any I have taken before. It’saccelerated learning. Once again Rosa has shared so much knowledge with her students. Looking forward to the next course. If you are interested in learning to play by ear don’t miss this course.
Judy Rae Harbin: This course really helped me with recognizing tones and their relation to each other.
Rosa, as always, was totally dedicated to making it all so simple to understand. Like learning awhole new musical language, but so easy– with VERY impressive videos and demonstrations of each step along the way–typical Rosa highest quality!
Alene Thornton: A desire to play by ear?
As usual, I think Rosa has come up with another winning course. Rosa taught me this numbering system (Asian Notation or also known as Jianpu) several years ago and I have used it every since as a method to easily play any song in all 12 keys using just one lead sheet. The emphasis on Part 1 of this course is learning how to pick out a melody, and then also to write it down using the numbering system and also how to play using just the lyrics.
She explains, in her usual easy descriptive method, just how to know what key a song is in, what the starting note will be, whether it’s a pickup note/notes and clues to where the melody is going next.
This first part 1 course is just the beginning of the fun! There will be more to come but you will be able tovisualize the advantages of using this numbering system to make playing in any key so easy. There are lots of fun songs to practice this method in this coursefor beginners or intermediates to advanced, or anyone wanting to learn to play by ear, no matter what level you are at now.
Another super course!
Playing By Ear is a Fascinating Topic.
Is it your dream to be able to play your favorite song by ear?
Many people struggle for many years to read music. This course is going to free you from the traditional musical score sheets such that you can play by ear using my Number Method.
My Play by Ear Method is based on a 7 tone Number system. It takes only ONE HOUR to learn the system. That´s how simple the system is. You don´t believe me? Tell me about it after you learn the system from me. And before the day finishes, you are going to have a system in your brain and hands to play some of your favorite songs by EAR. Read the reviews and you can do play by EAR today before you go to sleep.
The Concept takes less than 1 Hour to learn, but to MASTER the skill,you need to have a lot of songs to practice on and this is why I have provided lots of song assignments from Beginners to Intermediate to Advanced for you to work on. Mastering this skill will take the next 2 weeks to become GOOD at it. The Assignment & the Practical applications are the most important and FUN part of the course!
My Testimony:Never did I dare to think that my DREAM would come true: I can now play many of my favorite songs by EAR. It’s happening and HAPPENING every day. It took me 20 years to find the path to play songs by ear. I am so EXCITED that I want to share these easy-to-follow instructions so that DREAMERS like you can start playing your favorite songs by ear. For you, it will only take a few hours to finish this course to start gaining the knowledge and skill to learn how to pick out melodies of song using my 7 Tone Method.
This Play By Ear Course is a 3 part series. This is Part 1 of a series and this course will teach you how to start picking out melodies of simple songs in Key of C. You are going to learn about the dynamics and quality of sounds of these 7 tones so that you know how melodies move in songs, whether they go up, go down, or remain the same. In Part 2, you will learn to use the same 7 tones to play in all 12 Keys by EAR easily. In Part 3, you will learn to harmonize all these songs with Chords.
Although my demonstration of these songs are on the keyboard, this Play by Ear course is suitable for all musicianswho want to learn to play by ear. If you play piano, guitar, ukulele or violin, and you want to learn to play by Ear, this course is also for you. My demonstration is on the piano/keyboard, but you can use the same principles to apply to your musical instrument.
Level: Beginners to Advanced
Playing By Ear Level 1 – My Unique Method!
1. Listen to the 7 tones.
2. Learn to see song structure and patterns (BIG Secret)
3. Use a number system to see music in ONE flash
4. From my videos, you will be amazed to discover how EASY it is to play by ear, that you had never realized before.
5.Write the 7 tones into a piece of music such that when you look at the piece of music, it totally simplifies your thought process when you play songs by ear. It totally frees you from the traditional method of reading complicated musical staff notation. When you listen to tones and look at numbers, you will learn to listen to sounds deeply to pick out melody of songs without struggle.
This Play By Ear Course Part 1 will give you:
21 Magic Tips to listening to the 7 Tones
Train your ears to listen to the quality of these 7 Tones
Spot musical patterns in song
Learn structure of songs
Feel the rhythm of the tune – 3/4 or 4/4
Put the 7 tones into a piece of music with bar lines
My 7 Easy Steps to Play songs by Ear
Play By Ear: You will learn to pick out melodies of these 26 Songs in this course:
1. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
2. Kum Ba Yah
3. Mary Had A Little Lamb
4. Braham’s Lullaby
5. Happy Birthday
6. Clementine
7. O Christmas Tree
8. Jingle Bells
9. We Wish You A Merry Christmas
10. Silent Night
11. Away In A Manger
12. Today
13. Oh Danny Boy
14. Somewhere Over the Rainbow
15. Changing Partners
16. You are my sunshine
17. Yesterday
18. Edelweiss
19. Do Re Mi
20. Moon River
21. Unchained Melody
22. Yesterday
23. Yesterday Once More
24. Colors of the Wind
25. Memories – The Way We Were
26. Misty
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Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Play By Ear is for EVERYONE – You and Me!
Lecture 2: Overview of the Course
Chapter 2: Music is made up of Tones, Intervals and Scales
Lecture 1: Music Has 12 Unique Tones
Lecture 2: 12 Chromatic Scale Tones
Lecture 3: Five Types Of Scales
Lecture 4: Western Music uses 7-tone Scales: Four 7-tone Scales
Chapter 3: Major Scale
Lecture 1: 7 Unique Tones in the Major Scale – W W H W W W H
Chapter 4: Play Song By Ear BIG Secret: Melody of Song uses 7 Tones
Lecture 1: Most Songs move around these 7 Numbers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Chapter 5: Play Song By Ear Demo: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star C Key
Lecture 1: Magic Tip 1 – Get the Tune Into Your Head
Lecture 2: Magic Tip 2 – Pick the melody out by ear using the 7 tones
Lecture 3: Magic Tip 3 – Write out the 7 Scale Tone of the song
Lecture 4: Magic Tip 4 – Spot Musical Patterns in Songs
Lecture 5: Magic Tip 5 – Listen to TONES that REPEAT – no guess work – have SAME sounds
Lecture 6: Magic Tip 6: – How To Predict Tones: Movement of Tones from Tension to Rest
Lecture 7: Magic Tip 7: Melody Tones have 3 Movements: High, Low, Same
Lecture 8: Magic Tip 8: Higher pitch, number goes up; Lower pitch, number goes down
Lecture 9: Magic Tip 9: Piano – Higher tones go to the right; Lower tones to go the left
Lecture 10: Magic Tip 10: The First Tone of a song is not always 1
Lecture 11: Magic Tip 11: The Last Tone of a song usually ends in Tone 1
Chapter 6: Train Your Ears To Listen to the Quality of these 7 Tones
Lecture 1: Magic Tip 12: Tone 1 – Home Tone is the Most RESTFUL tone
Lecture 2: Magic Tip 13: Tone 2 is not a restful sound and needs to resolve
Lecture 3: Magic Tip 14: Tone 3 is a relaxing tone
Lecture 4: Magic Tip 15: Tone 4 is a Restless Tone
Lecture 5: Magic Tip 16: Tone 5 is a restful and resolving tone
Lecture 6: Magic Tip 17: Tone 6 is an active tone
Lecture 7: Magic Tip 18: Tone 7 is a restless & most unstable tone that needs resolving
Chapter 7: Rhythm of the Tune – Feel and put the tones in music pattern
Lecture 1: Magic Tip 19 : Put in Rhythm, Beat, Note Value, Time Signature
Lecture 2: Magic Tip 20: Play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star using the Number System
Lecture 3: Magic Tip 21: Play Twinkle Twinkle By Ear Following the Lyrics
Chapter 8: Rosa's Play Song By Ear Method: 7 Easy Steps
Lecture 1: My Play By Ear Method: 7 Easy Steps
Lecture 2: Song 1 Assignment: Kum Ba Yah, My Lord
Lecture 3: Kum Ba Yah – Spot Musical Patterns in the 7 Scale Tone Numbers
Lecture 4: Answer: Kum Ba Yah 7 Tone Music
Lecture 5: Take a Break and write a Review
Chapter 9: BEGINNERS Songs: Simple Songs & Chorus
Lecture 1: Song 2 Assignment: Mary Had A Little Lamb
Lecture 2: Answer: Mary Had A Little Lamb 7 Tone Music
Lecture 3: Song 3 Assignment: Braham's Lullaby
Lecture 4: Answer – Braham's Lullaby 7 Tone Music
Lecture 5: Song 4 Assignment: Happy Birthday
Lecture 6: Answer – Happy Birthday 7 Tone Musci
Lecture 7: Song 5 Assignment: Clementine
Lecture 8: Answer – Clementine 7 Tone Music
Chapter 10: Christmas Songs
Lecture 1: Song 6 Assignment: O Christmas Tree
Lecture 2: Answer: O Christmas Tree 7 Tone Music
Lecture 3: Play Christmas Tree using the 7 Tone Music
Lecture 4: Song 7 Assignment: Jingle Bells
Lecture 5: Answer: Jingle Bells 7 Tone Music
Lecture 6: Play Jingle Bells with 7 Tone Music
Lecture 7: Song 8 Assignment: We Wish You A Merry Christmas
Lecture 8: Answer – We Wish You A Merry Christmas 7 Tone Music
Lecture 9: Song 9 Assignment: Silent Night
Lecture 10: Answer – Silent Night 7 Tone Music
Lecture 11: Song 10 Assignment: Away In A Manger
Lecture 12: Answer: Away In A Manger 7 Tone Music
Lecture 13: Play Away In A Manger
Chapter 11: Rosa's Cheat Sheet to Play By Ear: How To Notate your 7-tone Music
Lecture 1: Do All The Song Assignments!
Lecture 2: Rosa's Play by Ear Cheat Sheet – Must Download for your reference
Chapter 12: Bonus INTERMEDIATE Songs: Popular Songs & Standards
Lecture 1: For Intermediate Students
Lecture 2: Song 11 Assignment: Today
Lecture 3: Answer – Today 7 Tone Music
Lecture 4: Song 12 Assignment: Oh Danny Boy
Lecture 5: Answer – Oh Danny Boy 7 Tone Music
Lecture 6: Song Assignment 13: Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Lecture 7: Answer to Somewhere Over the Rainbow 7 Tone Music
Lecture 8: Song Assignment 14: Changing Partners
Lecture 9: Answer to Changing Partners 7 Tone Music
Lecture 10: Song Assignment 15: You Are My Sunshine
Lecture 11: Answer – You Are My Sunshine in 7 Tone Music
Lecture 12: Song Assignment 16: Yesterday (Beattles)
Lecture 13: Answer to Yesterday 7 Tone Music
Lecture 14: Song Assignment 17: Edelweiss
Lecture 15: Answer to Edelweiss in 7 Tone Music
Lecture 16: Song Assignment 18: Do Re Mi
Lecture 17: Answer to Do Re Mi 7 Tone Music
Chapter 13: Bonus ADVANCED Songs: Standards & Movie Songs
Lecture 1: Song Assignment 19: Moon River
Lecture 2: Answer – Moon River in 7 Tone Music
Lecture 3: Song Assignment 20: Unchained Melody
Lecture 4: Answer to Unchained Melody 7 Tone Music
Lecture 5: Song Assignment 21: Yesterday Once More
Lecture 6: Answer to Yesterday Once More 7 Tone Music
Lecture 7: Song Assignment 22: Colors of the Wind
Lecture 8: Answer to Colors of the Wind 7 Tone Music
Lecture 9: Song Assignment 23: Memories – The Way We Were
Lecture 10: Answer to Memories 7 Tone Music
Lecture 11: Song Assignment 24: My Heart Will Go On
Lecture 12: Answer to My Heart Will Go On 7 Tone Music
Lecture 13: Song Assignment 25: Misty
Rosa Suen
Best Seller Music Teacher, 35 Years Pianist, 25,00+ students
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 5 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 16 votes
- 4 stars: 40 votes
- 5 stars: 99 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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