Reading Music: Rhythm Training
Reading Music: Rhythm Training, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.65, with 80 lectures, based on 118 reviews, and has 689 subscribers.
You will learn about How to read and play rhythms Distinguish beat from rhythm Discover if you are playing rhythms correctly with instant feedback from "Smart Music" software Learn both "Unit" counting and "Metric" counting Practice hearing rhythms and writing them down Get tips for playing various rhythm patterns Be able to read, play, and write multiples and subdivisions of the beat Be able to read, play, and write dotted notes, rests, triplets, ties, and more This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone wanting to learn how to read, play, and notate rhythms or Beginning musicians or Musicians who never "really" learned how to read rhythm or Musicians who want to brush up on their rhythm reading It is particularly useful for Anyone wanting to learn how to read, play, and notate rhythms or Beginning musicians or Musicians who never "really" learned how to read rhythm or Musicians who want to brush up on their rhythm reading.
Enroll now: Reading Music: Rhythm Training
Title: Reading Music: Rhythm Training
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.65
Number of Lectures: 80
Number of Published Lectures: 80
Number of Curriculum Items: 80
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 80
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to read and play rhythms
- Distinguish beat from rhythm
- Discover if you are playing rhythms correctly with instant feedback from "Smart Music" software
- Learn both "Unit" counting and "Metric" counting
- Practice hearing rhythms and writing them down
- Get tips for playing various rhythm patterns
- Be able to read, play, and write multiples and subdivisions of the beat
- Be able to read, play, and write dotted notes, rests, triplets, ties, and more
Who Should Attend
- Anyone wanting to learn how to read, play, and notate rhythms
- Beginning musicians
- Musicians who never "really" learned how to read rhythm
- Musicians who want to brush up on their rhythm reading
Target Audiences
- Anyone wanting to learn how to read, play, and notate rhythms
- Beginning musicians
- Musicians who never "really" learned how to read rhythm
- Musicians who want to brush up on their rhythm reading
Why a course about rhythm?
In my 30 years of experience as a music teacher I have found that more people struggle with reading rhythm than reading pitch.
Many courses only teach the letter names of the notes. Knowing the letter names of the notes is useless information if you don’t know how long each note should be played for.
Isolating rhythm from pitch lets you focus your attention on mastering rhythm which is the most fundamental element of music. Once you have a solid foundation in rhythm, learning the other elements of music will be much easier and quicker.
Music is a type of language and so in this course we will learn the same way a child learns a language.
First, they learn to speak by hearing others and imitating
Then they learn to read the language
And finally, they learn to write the language
Each section includes:
Learning a new concept.
Practicing the new concept through, imitating, reading, and writing.
An assessment in Smart Music where you will get instant feed back on your performance of various rhythms.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: What is Rhythm?
Lecture 1: Course Overview
Lecture 2: Beat vs Rhythm
Chapter 2: Multiples of the Beat
Lecture 1: Half Notes and Whole Notes
Lecture 2: Imitation Exercises: Quarter and Half
Lecture 3: Reading Exercises: Quarter and Half
Lecture 4: Writing Tips
Lecture 5: Writing Exercises: Quarter and Half
Lecture 6: Imitation Exercises: Quarter, Half, Whole
Lecture 7: Reading Exercises: Quarter, Half, Whole
Lecture 8: Writing Tips
Lecture 9: Writing Exercises: Quarter, Half, Whole
Lecture 10: Unit Counting Assignment
Lecture 11: Setting up Smart Music
Lecture 12: Using Smart Music
Lecture 13: Your Microphone
Lecture 14: Assessments for Section 2
Chapter 3: Subdivisions of the Beat
Lecture 1: 8th Notes and 16th Notes
Lecture 2: Imitation Exercises: Quarter and 8th
Lecture 3: Reading Exercises: Quarter and 8th
Lecture 4: Writing Tips
Lecture 5: Writing Exercises: Quarter and 8th
Lecture 6: Imitation Exercises: Quarter and 16th
Lecture 7: Reading Exercises: Quarter and 16th
Lecture 8: Writing Tips
Lecture 9: Writing Exercises: Quarter and 16th
Lecture 10: 8th Note and 16th Note Combinations
Lecture 11: Imitation Exercises: 8th-16th Combos
Lecture 12: Reading Exercises: 8th-16th Combos
Lecture 13: Writing Tips
Lecture 14: Writing Exercises: 8th-16th Combos
Lecture 15: Imitation Exercises: Quarter, 8th, and 16th
Lecture 16: Reading Exercises: Quarter, 8th, and 16th
Lecture 17: Writing Exercises: Quarter, 8th, and 16th
Lecture 18: Assessments for Section 3
Chapter 4: Metric Counting
Lecture 1: Metric Counting for Multiples of the Beat
Lecture 2: Metric Counting Assignment: Quarter, Half, Whole
Lecture 3: Metric Counting Exercises: Quarter, Half, Whole
Lecture 4: Metric Counting for Subdivisions of the Beat
Lecture 5: Metric Counting Assignment: Quarter, 8th, 16
Lecture 6: Metric Counting Exercises: Quarter, 8th, 16th
Chapter 5: Multiples & Subdivisions
Lecture 1: Rhythms Containing Multiples & Subdivisions
Lecture 2: Imitation Exercises: Multiples and Subdivisions
Lecture 3: Reading Exercises: Multiples and Subdivisions
Lecture 4: Writing Exercises: Multiples and Subdivisions
Lecture 5: Smart Music Subdivisions
Lecture 6: Smart Music Count Off
Lecture 7: Assessments for Section 5
Chapter 6: Dotted Notes
Lecture 1: How Dotted Notes Work
Lecture 2: Imitation Exercises: Dotted Notes
Lecture 3: Metric Counting Assignment: Dotted Notes
Lecture 4: Reading Exercises: Dotted Notes
Lecture 5: Writing Exercises: Dotted Notes
Lecture 6: Assessments for Section 6
Chapter 7: Rests
Lecture 1: Types of Rests
Lecture 2: Imitation Exercises: Rests
Lecture 3: Metric Counting Assignment: Rests
Lecture 4: Reading Exercises: Rests
Lecture 5: Writing Exercises: Rests
Lecture 6: Assessments for Section 7
Chapter 8: Triplets
Lecture 1: Artificial Divisions
Lecture 2: Imitation Exercises: Triplets
Lecture 3: Metric Counting Assignment: Triplets
Lecture 4: Reading Exercises: Triplets
Lecture 5: Writing Exercises: Triplets
Lecture 6: Assessments for Section 8
Chapter 9: Ties
Lecture 1: Adding Notes Together
Lecture 2: Imitation Exercises: Ties
Lecture 3: Metric Counting Assignment: Ties
Lecture 4: Reading Exercises: Ties
Lecture 5: Writing Exercises: Ties
Lecture 6: Assessments for Section 9
Chapter 10: Compound Meter
Lecture 1: Changing the Beat
Lecture 2: Imitation Exercises: 6/8 time
Lecture 3: Metric Counting Assignment: 6/8 time
Lecture 4: Reading Exercises: 6/8 time
Lecture 5: Writing Exercises: 6/8 time
Lecture 6: Compound Meter in Smart Music
Lecture 7: Assessments for Section 10
Lecture 8: Conclusion
Jonathan Peters
Award-winning Composer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 6 votes
- 4 stars: 29 votes
- 5 stars: 81 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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