SINGING SIMPLIFIED #2: Greater Range, Power and Control
SINGING SIMPLIFIED #2: Greater Range, Power and Control, available at $89.99, has an average rating of 4.89, with 52 lectures, based on 602 reviews, and has 13909 subscribers.
You will learn about You'll be able to sing even higher than you did before this course – with less strain and more power. You'll learn to sing more dynamically, and how to manipulate your voice to sing in different styles of music. You'll sing more comfortably with even better technique – saving your voice from future damage. You'll be able to sing ALL of the vowel sounds with much more control, consistency, and better overall tone. You'll be able to sing with MORE EMOTION and confidence when singing songs. You'll have an excellent understanding of how to use your voice, so you can continue to improve after you've completed the course. This course is ideal for individuals who are Semi-beginners to Advanced singers who want to improve their technique singing Pop, Rock, Country, R&B, etc… or Anyone who wants to increase their range, and gain more strength, control, and confidence in their voice. or Anyone who is still intimidated by the idea of singing and wants to take the fear out it for good. or Anyone who feels they are "caged-in" by their current technique and have trouble singing emotionally. or Anyone who wants to find more joy in their singing. It is particularly useful for Semi-beginners to Advanced singers who want to improve their technique singing Pop, Rock, Country, R&B, etc… or Anyone who wants to increase their range, and gain more strength, control, and confidence in their voice. or Anyone who is still intimidated by the idea of singing and wants to take the fear out it for good. or Anyone who feels they are "caged-in" by their current technique and have trouble singing emotionally. or Anyone who wants to find more joy in their singing.
Enroll now: SINGING SIMPLIFIED #2: Greater Range, Power and Control
Title: SINGING SIMPLIFIED #2: Greater Range, Power and Control
Price: $89.99
Average Rating: 4.89
Number of Lectures: 52
Number of Published Lectures: 52
Number of Curriculum Items: 52
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 52
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You'll be able to sing even higher than you did before this course – with less strain and more power.
- You'll learn to sing more dynamically, and how to manipulate your voice to sing in different styles of music.
- You'll sing more comfortably with even better technique – saving your voice from future damage.
- You'll be able to sing ALL of the vowel sounds with much more control, consistency, and better overall tone.
- You'll be able to sing with MORE EMOTION and confidence when singing songs.
- You'll have an excellent understanding of how to use your voice, so you can continue to improve after you've completed the course.
Who Should Attend
- Semi-beginners to Advanced singers who want to improve their technique singing Pop, Rock, Country, R&B, etc…
- Anyone who wants to increase their range, and gain more strength, control, and confidence in their voice.
- Anyone who is still intimidated by the idea of singing and wants to take the fear out it for good.
- Anyone who feels they are "caged-in" by their current technique and have trouble singing emotionally.
- Anyone who wants to find more joy in their singing.
Target Audiences
- Semi-beginners to Advanced singers who want to improve their technique singing Pop, Rock, Country, R&B, etc…
- Anyone who wants to increase their range, and gain more strength, control, and confidence in their voice.
- Anyone who is still intimidated by the idea of singing and wants to take the fear out it for good.
- Anyone who feels they are "caged-in" by their current technique and have trouble singing emotionally.
- Anyone who wants to find more joy in their singing.
SINGING SIMPLIFIED #2 is the perfect next step for those of you looking to improve every aspect of your singing voice.
We’ll work on: Advanced Breathing techniques (Breath Control), Diaphragm Strengthening, Tongue Position for ALL of the vowel sounds, how to sing in different Vocal Styles, Vocal Runs, how to tackle difficult consonants and vowels in the lyrics when Singing Songs, more on Mix Voice, more on Falsetto Voice, how to blend your Registers… and much more! And of course, we’ll continue to have FUN with all of it!
The course includes:
- 1 video lesson per day, 6 days a week, for 8 weeks. Over 3.5 HOURS of high resolution singing lessons!
- 75 Vocal Exercises (Mp3’s)you can download to practice your lessons anywhere!
- DownloadablePDF:A 34-page Workbookthat reviews each video lesson and the exercises from each lesson. An extremely helpful companion throughout the course.
- DownloadablePDF: “Helpful Practicing Tips” that’ll help you immensely with your practice!
Also, we’re going to continue to train your brain as well. Your mindset and your emotions are so very important when it comes to singing. You’ll learn even more about how to let stress and fear fall to the wayside, and focus on the emotion of the song.
This is the perfect course for SEMI-BEGINNERS, to MORE ADVANCED singers who feel they still have room to grow and improve their voices. If your goal is to sing Pop, Rock, Country, Blues, R&B, Indie, Alternative… any popular style of music, this course is a great match for you! (FYI: The Singing Simplified method is NOT for Classical or Operatic singing. Those styles are quite different in their technique.)
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: A Stronger Foundation
Lecture 1: Welcome! (Course Overview)
Lecture 2: FREE Vocal Assessment!
Lecture 3: Lesson 1.1: Full Body Warm-ups
Lecture 4: Download These PDF's!
Lecture 5: Lesson 1.2: Advanced Breathing
Lecture 6: Lesson 1.3: Your Power Amp
Lecture 7: Lesson 1.4: Your Power Amp (Part 2)
Lecture 8: Lesson 1.5: Singing Longer On One Breath
Lecture 9: Lesson 1.6: Hitting Notes More Accurately
Chapter 2: Bigger and Fuller!
Lecture 1: Lesson 2.1: A Bigger and Better “Ah”:
Lecture 2: Lesson 2.2: Hearing Yourself Better
Lecture 3: Lesson 2.3: Diaphragm Power!
Lecture 4: Lesson 2.4: Stick Your Tongue Out
Lecture 5: Lesson 2.5: The Right Posture
Lecture 6: Lesson 2.6: “Emotional” Tone Control
Chapter 3: Tackling The Tougher Vowels
Lecture 1: Lesson 3.1: The Tongue & The Vowels (Pt. 1)
Lecture 2: Lesson 3.2: The Tongue & The Vowels (Pt. 2)
Lecture 3: Lesson 3.3: A,E,I,O,U
Lecture 4: Lesson 3.4: AY to EE
Lecture 5: Lesson 3.5: AH to OH
Lecture 6: Lesson 3.6: OH to OOO
Chapter 4: “Level Up” Vocal Control
Lecture 1: Lesson 4.1: Pitch and Vibrato
Lecture 2: Lesson 4.2: Mixing it Up w/ Ah’s
Lecture 3: Lesson 4.3: Me’s & You’s
Lecture 4: Lesson 4.4: Singing Minor 3rds
Lecture 5: Lesson 4.5: Singing Major 3rds (Me & You)
Lecture 6: Lesson 4.6: Singing Your Favorite Tunes
Chapter 5: Vocal Styles
Lecture 1: Lesson 5.1: Dealing With Frustration
Lecture 2: Lesson 5.2: Pop Music
Lecture 3: Lesson 5.3: Soul/R&B
Lecture 4: Lesson 5.4: Country
Lecture 5: Lesson 5.5: Rock
Lecture 6: Lesson 5.6: System Check!
Chapter 6: Singing Songs!
Lecture 1: Lesson 6.1: Micro Songs
Lecture 2: Lesson 6.2: Pop Micro Song
Lecture 3: Lesson 6.3: Soul/R&B Micro Song
Lecture 4: Lesson 6.4: Country Micro Song
Lecture 5: Lesson 6.5: Rock Micro Song
Lecture 6: Lesson 6.6: Create Your OWN Lyrics!
Chapter 7: Back to Work! 😉
Lecture 1: Lesson 7.1: More On Belting
Lecture 2: Lesson 7.2: Nay Nay’s
Lecture 3: Lesson 7.3: Lay-Lee-La/Lay-Lee-Lo…
Lecture 4: Lesson 7.4: Mama Lala Gaga
Lecture 5: Lesson 7.5: More on “Mix” Voice
Lecture 6: Lesson 7.6: The Warm-Down
Chapter 8: Advanced Singing Techniques
Lecture 1: Lesson 8.1: Breath Compression
Lecture 2: Lesson 8.2: Improving Falsetto
Lecture 3: Lesson 8.3: Glottal Stops
Lecture 4: Lesson 8.4: Exploring Your Entire Range
Lecture 5: Lesson 8.5: Vocal Licks, Baby!
Lecture 6: Lesson 8.6: Singing is a Lifestyle Choice
Lecture 7: Bonus Lecture! Private Lessons Available!
Steve Glazer
Musician, Songwriter, Teacher, Entrepreneur
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 23 votes
- 4 stars: 128 votes
- 5 stars: 444 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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