Spirit Drum Lessons For Beginners – The Music Coach
Spirit Drum Lessons For Beginners – The Music Coach, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.61, with 86 lectures, based on 9 reviews, and has 39 subscribers.
You will learn about Play the Spirit Drum with confidence Know how the notes are layed out on the Spirit Drum Understand basic rhythmic structure Play along with several compositions and jam tracks designed specifically for this course This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is designed for complete beginners. You don't need any prior experience with the Spirit Drum or music to get started It is particularly useful for This course is designed for complete beginners. You don't need any prior experience with the Spirit Drum or music to get started.
Enroll now: Spirit Drum Lessons For Beginners – The Music Coach
Title: Spirit Drum Lessons For Beginners – The Music Coach
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.61
Number of Lectures: 86
Number of Published Lectures: 86
Number of Curriculum Items: 86
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 86
Original Price: $84.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Play the Spirit Drum with confidence
- Know how the notes are layed out on the Spirit Drum
- Understand basic rhythmic structure
- Play along with several compositions and jam tracks designed specifically for this course
Who Should Attend
- This course is designed for complete beginners. You don't need any prior experience with the Spirit Drum or music to get started
Target Audiences
- This course is designed for complete beginners. You don't need any prior experience with the Spirit Drum or music to get started
This is the perfect place to start for beginner Spirit Drum players! Take all the guess work out of how and what to practice. This program comes with specially designed practice videos for each lesson.
Learn To Play The Spirit Drum Quickly And Easily Using The Music Coach Learning System.
-Learn the basics of how music works with fun easy to understand animated videos.
-Use a proven system to take all the guess work out of what to practice.
-Gain the confidence to play your Spirit Drum with others.
-Enjoy learning at a pace that is right for you.
Start Playing And Creating Music To Express Your Musical Self
You will learn everything you need to know about the Spirit Drum. This course also focuses on how to express yourself through music by teaching beginner improvisation (soloing). The goal of The Music Coach Spirit Drum Course is for you to fully express who you are through the instrument.
Content and Overview
I designed this program to help you begin your musical journey on the Spirit Drum in the most efficient and fun way. This program is suitable for anyone who has a desire to play, and a Spirit Drum.
The layout of the course uses a simple format:
-1 lesson video that explains a new concept/technique,
-1 practice video that has voice overs and graphics to help you play along with the teacher on the screen in “real time”.
There are also several composition lessons and practice videos, as well as a “Jam Room” where you can play the compositions with a virtual band.
At the end of this course you will have the confidence to play the Spirit Drum, both on your own and with others in different musical situations.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Music Coach Spirit Drum Course!
Lecture 1: How to use the Music Coach Program
Lecture 2: An introduction to the Spirit Drum
Lecture 3: The 4 Essential Elements Of Music
Lecture 4: Music theory: Notes, and the musical alphabet
Lecture 5: Music Theory Made Easy: Rhythm
Lecture 6: Music Theory Made Easy: Harmony and Chords
Chapter 2: Module 1: Learn the Basics of the Spirit Drum
Lecture 1: Module 1: Lesson 1. Mallet Technique
Lecture 2: Module 1: Practice Video 1. Mallet Section 1
Lecture 3: Module 1: Lesson 2. Alternating Strokes
Lecture 4: Module 1: Practice Video 2. Alternating Strokes
Lecture 5: Module 1: Lesson 3. Double Strokes
Lecture 6: Module 1: Practice Video 3. Double Strokes
Lecture 7: Module 1: Lesson 4. Hand Technique
Lecture 8: Module 1: Muting
Lecture 9: Module 1: Practice Video 4. Hand Technique
Lecture 10: Module 1: Composition Exercise 1
Lecture 11: Module 1: Composition Exercise 1 (no instructor drum)
Lecture 12: Module 1: Composition Exercise 2
Lecture 13: Module 1: Composition Exercise 2 (no instructor drum)
Chapter 3: Module 2: Patterns
Lecture 1: Module 2: Lesson. Patterns
Lecture 2: Module 2: Practice Video
Lecture 3: Module 2: Practice Video (no instructor drum)
Lecture 4: Module 2: Composition Lesson
Lecture 5: Module 2: Composition Play Along
Lecture 6: Module 2: Composition Play Along (no instructor drum)
Chapter 4: Module 3: Scales and Melody
Lecture 1: Module 3: Lesson. Scales and Melody
Lecture 2: Module 3: Practice Video
Lecture 3: Module 3 Practice Video (no instructor drum)
Lecture 4: Module 3: Composition Lesson. Shapes
Lecture 5: Module 3: Composition Play Along
Lecture 6: Module 3: Composition Play Along (no instructor drum)
Chapter 5: Module 4: Tempo
Lecture 1: Module 4: Lesson. Tempo
Lecture 2: Module 4: Practice Video
Lecture 3: Module 4: Practice Video (no instructor drum)
Lecture 4: Module 4: Composition Lesson
Lecture 5: Module 4: Composition Play Along
Lecture 6: Module 4: Composition Play Along (no instructor drum)
Chapter 6: Module 5: Rhythm
Lecture 1: Module 5: Lesson. Rhythm
Lecture 2: Module 5: Practice Video
Lecture 3: Module 5: Practice Video (no instructor drum)
Lecture 4: Module 5: Composition Lesson
Lecture 5: Module 5: Composition Play Along
Lecture 6: Module 5: Composition Play Along (no instructor drum)
Chapter 7: Module 6: Dynamics
Lecture 1: Module 6: Lesson. Dynamics
Lecture 2: Module 6: Practice Video
Lecture 3: Module 6: Practice Video (no instructor drum)
Lecture 4: Module 6: Composition Play Along
Lecture 5: Module 6: Composition Play Along (no instructor drum)
Chapter 8: Jam Room D# Minor
Lecture 1: Jam Room: Module 1: D# Minor
Lecture 2: Jam Room: Module 1: D# Minor (no instructor drum)
Lecture 3: Jam Room: Module 2: D# Minor
Lecture 4: Jam Room: Module 2: D# Minor (no instructor drum)
Lecture 5: Jam Room: Module 3: D# Minor
Lecture 6: Jam Room: Module 3: D# Minor (no instructor drum)
Lecture 7: Jam Room: Module 4: D# Minor
Lecture 8: Jam Room: Module 4: D# Minor (no instructor drum)
Lecture 9: Jam Room: Module 5: D# Minor
Lecture 10: Jam Room: Module 5: D# Minor (no instructor Drum)
Chapter 9: Jam Room F Minor
Lecture 1: Jam Room: Module 1: F Minor
Lecture 2: Jam Room: Module 1: F Minor (no instructor drum)
Lecture 3: Jam Room: Module 2: F Minor
Lecture 4: Jam Room: Module 2: F Minor (no instructor drum)
Lecture 5: Jam Room: Module 3: F Minor
Lecture 6: Jam Room: Module 3: F Minor (no instructor drum)
Lecture 7: Jam Room: Module 4: F Minor
Lecture 8: Jam Room: Module 4: F Minor (no instructor drum)
Lecture 9: Jam Room: Module 5: F Minor
Lecture 10: Jam Room: Module 5: F Minor (no instructor drum)
Chapter 10: Jam Room D Minor
Lecture 1: Jam Room: Module 1: D Minor
Lecture 2: Jam Room: Module 1: D Minor (no instructor drum)
Lecture 3: Jam Room: Module 2: D Minor
Lecture 4: Jam Room: Module 2: D Minor (no instructor drum)
Lecture 5: Jam Room: Module 3: D Minor
Lecture 6: Jam Room: Module 3: D Minor (no instructor drum)
Lecture 7: Jam Room: Module 4: D Minor
Lecture 8: Jam Room: Module 4: D Minor (no instructor drum)
Lecture 9: Jam Room: Module 5: D Minor
Lecture 10: Jam Room: Module 5: D Minor (no instructor drum)
Chapter 11: Jam Room: A Minor, C Minor, E Minor, G Minor
Lecture 1: A Minor
Lecture 2: A Minor (no instructor drum)
Lecture 3: C Minor
Lecture 4: C Minor (no instructor drum)
Lecture 5: E Minor
Lecture 6: E Minor (no instructor drum)
Lecture 7: G Minor
Lecture 8: G Minor (no instructor drum)
Tanya Porter
Instructor for the Spirit Drum Course
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 5 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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