The Complete History of Music, Part 3: The Early Baroque
The Complete History of Music, Part 3: The Early Baroque, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.75, with 43 lectures, based on 19 reviews, and has 366 subscribers.
You will learn about In this course, students will learn about the music that was happening during the Baroque, and the social and political environments that influenced it. Students will learn how early opera was a keystone to Baroque music. Students will learn how songs developed all over Europe simultaneously in Germany, France, England, Spain, and other countries. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone in any country who is ready to learn where our music comes from, why it sounds the way it does, and the origins and history behind it. or Anyone considering studying music formally, and wants a head-start on a college music history curriculum. or Anyone who just loves music. or Anyone who just loves history. It is particularly useful for Anyone in any country who is ready to learn where our music comes from, why it sounds the way it does, and the origins and history behind it. or Anyone considering studying music formally, and wants a head-start on a college music history curriculum. or Anyone who just loves music. or Anyone who just loves history.
Enroll now: The Complete History of Music, Part 3: The Early Baroque
Title: The Complete History of Music, Part 3: The Early Baroque
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.75
Number of Lectures: 43
Number of Published Lectures: 43
Number of Curriculum Items: 43
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 43
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- In this course, students will learn about the music that was happening during the Baroque, and the social and political environments that influenced it.
- Students will learn how early opera was a keystone to Baroque music.
- Students will learn how songs developed all over Europe simultaneously in Germany, France, England, Spain, and other countries.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone in any country who is ready to learn where our music comes from, why it sounds the way it does, and the origins and history behind it.
- Anyone considering studying music formally, and wants a head-start on a college music history curriculum.
- Anyone who just loves music.
- Anyone who just loves history.
Target Audiences
- Anyone in any country who is ready to learn where our music comes from, why it sounds the way it does, and the origins and history behind it.
- Anyone considering studying music formally, and wants a head-start on a college music history curriculum.
- Anyone who just loves music.
- Anyone who just loves history.
This class is for anyone who has wondered about the origins of music, how it came to be, and where it came from.
In this course we will look at the world during the start of the Baroque period (approximately 1600 – 1750), through the lens of music. This period brings us the beginnings of the Orchestra and Opera, as well as some names you might be familiar with: Bach, Vivaldi, and Handel.
100% Answer Rate!Every single question posted to this class is answered within 24 hours by the instructor.
Topics Covered:
Politics of the world during the Baroque
The Affections
Harmony, Notation, and Ornamentation
Early Opera
The Diva
Music in the Catholic Church
Music in the Lutheran Church
Jewish Music
Instrumental Types of Music
The Toccata
The Sonata
The Dance Suite
French Opera
English Opera
Baroque Music in Spain
The Zarzuela
Da Capo Aria
The Concerto
Organ Music
And much, much more!
Dr. Allen is a university music professor and is an award-winning instructor. In 2017 Star Tribune Business featured him as a “Mover and a Shaker,” and he is recognized by the Grammy Foundation for his music education classes.
While a lot of history courses focus on memorization, this is a course for those interested in immersing themselves in the music and culture. You won’t find lists of dates to memorize here – this class is designed to be fun and enjoyable.
In this course, we will focus the entire course on the Baroque period.
By the end of this course, if you follow along, you will be ready to win the dinner party with your knowledge of the Baroque and the unique aspects of the music that was happening during this exciting period of history.
Please click the “Take This Course” button so you can start learning about the history of music TODAY!
** I guarantee that this course is the most thorough music history course available ANYWHERE on the market – or your money back (30-day money-back guarantee – as per Udemy policy) **
Closed captions have been added to all lessons in this course.
Praise for Courses by Jason Allen:
⇢ “It seems like every little detail is being covered in an extremely simple fashion. The learning process becomes relaxed and allows complex concepts to get absorbed easily. My only regret is not taking this course earlier.” – M. Shah
⇢ “Great for everyone without any knowledge so far. I bought all three parts… It’s the best investment in leveling up my skills so far..” – Z. Palce
⇢ “Excellent explanations! No more or less than what is needed.” – A. Tóth
⇢ “VERY COOL. I’ve waited for years to see a good video course, now I don’t have to wait anymore. Thank You!” – Jeffrey Koury
⇢ “I am learning LOTS! And I really like having the worksheets!” – A. Deichsel
⇢ “The basics explained very clearly – loads of really useful tips!” – J. Pook
⇢ “Jason is really quick and great with questions, always a great resource for an online class!” M. Smith
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Listening Examples
Lecture 3: List of Examples
Lecture 4: Previously On "The Complete History of Music…"
Chapter 2: The Dawn of the Baroque
Lecture 1: What's in a Name?
Lecture 2: The Affections
Lecture 3: The Baroque Musical Style
Lecture 4: Harmony, Notation, and Ornamentation
Lecture 5: Monteverdi, Possente Spirito
Chapter 3: Opera!
Lecture 1: A Lot of Work
Lecture 2: The First Opera
Lecture 3: Monteverdi and Opera
Lecture 4: Enter The Diva
Chapter 4: Sacred Music in the 17th Century
Lecture 1: Music in the Catholic Church
Lecture 2: Carissimi: Jephte
Lecture 3: Music in the Lutheran Church
Lecture 4: Jewish Music
Chapter 5: Instrumental Music in the 17th Century
Lecture 1: Instrumental Types and Styles of Music
Lecture 2: The Toccata and Frescobaldi
Lecture 3: The Sonata
Lecture 4: The Dance Suite
Chapter 6: French Baroque Music
Lecture 1: Music of the Court and King
Lecture 2: French Opera
Lecture 3: Lully: Armide Overture
Lecture 4: Other French Music of the 17th Century
Chapter 7: England in the 17th Century
Lecture 1: The English and the Opera
Lecture 2: Purcell: Dido and Aeneas
Lecture 3: Other English Music of the 17th Century
Chapter 8: Spain and the Americas
Lecture 1: The Zarzuela
Lecture 2: Instrumental and Church Music in Spain
Lecture 3: Araujo, Los coflades de la estleya
Chapter 9: Italy in the 17th Century
Lecture 1: Developments in Opera
Lecture 2: Da Capo Aria
Lecture 3: Scarlatti: Clori vezzosa e bella
Lecture 4: Sonatas
Lecture 5: Corelli: Sonata da chiesa, Op. 3, No. 2
Lecture 6: The Concerto
Chapter 10: Germany and Austria
Lecture 1: The German Landscape in the 17th Century
Lecture 2: Opera in Germany
Lecture 3: Organ Music
Chapter 11: Wrap Up
Lecture 1: What Comes Next? The 18th Century!
Lecture 2: Thanks for Watching!
Lecture 3: Bonus Lecture
J. Anthony Allen
Ph.D / Ableton Certified Trainer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 7 votes
- 5 stars: 12 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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