Microsoft Excel Advanced Functions with INDEX and MATCH
Microsoft Excel Advanced Functions with INDEX and MATCH, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.82, with 42 lectures, based on 1210 reviews, and has 19799 subscribers.
You will learn about Build and Understand Complex Excel Functions Automate Complex Excel Functions by Nesting Functions Create Dynamic Excel Calculations Using Advanced Techniques Evaluate Formulas to Increase Performance and Find Errors Streamline Excel Formulas by Using Arrays This course is ideal for individuals who are Microsoft Excel users looking to understand and create complex calculations or Microsoft Excel users looking to automate Excel tasks using Advanced functions or Microsoft Excel users looking to become Excel formula masters It is particularly useful for Microsoft Excel users looking to understand and create complex calculations or Microsoft Excel users looking to automate Excel tasks using Advanced functions or Microsoft Excel users looking to become Excel formula masters.
Enroll now: Microsoft Excel Advanced Functions with INDEX and MATCH
Title: Microsoft Excel Advanced Functions with INDEX and MATCH
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.82
Number of Lectures: 42
Number of Published Lectures: 42
Number of Curriculum Items: 42
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 42
Original Price: $129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build and Understand Complex Excel Functions
- Automate Complex Excel Functions by Nesting Functions
- Create Dynamic Excel Calculations Using Advanced Techniques
- Evaluate Formulas to Increase Performance and Find Errors
- Streamline Excel Formulas by Using Arrays
Who Should Attend
- Microsoft Excel users looking to understand and create complex calculations
- Microsoft Excel users looking to automate Excel tasks using Advanced functions
- Microsoft Excel users looking to become Excel formula masters
Target Audiences
- Microsoft Excel users looking to understand and create complex calculations
- Microsoft Excel users looking to automate Excel tasks using Advanced functions
- Microsoft Excel users looking to become Excel formula masters
Supercharge your Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets
Microsoft Excel contains hundreds of built in functions, such as SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, IF, VLOOKUP and many more. In this Microsoft Excel Advanced Functions course, you will learn two of the most powerful functions Excel has to offer. Tasks that would normally require complex, specific setups and a lot of back and forth, can be completed with ease using these functions you’ll master during this course.
Not all Excel Functions are Created Equal
As you participate in this course I’ll guide through a series of exercises tailored to give you the greatest exposure and step by step instruction as you learn to harness the power of Excel’s INDEX() and MATCH() functions.
We’ll start out with the fundamental building blocks of creating complex calculations by building a solid foundation, mastering:
- Relative vs. Absolute References
- Using Name Ranges to Create Dynamic Data References
- Function Shortcuts
- Breaking Down the Calculation by using Microsoft Excels Formula Auditing Tools
After you master these building block concepts we will then dive into several real world scenarios, where I’ll take you step by step through the finer points of creating dynamic and robust formulas using Excel’s INDEX() and MATCH() functions.
- Understand and Implement the INDEX and MATCH functions
- Create Dynamic LOOKUPS by Combining Functions
- Creating ARRAY Functions with INDEX and IF Functions
- Add Multiple Criteria to the INDEX and MATCH Functions
- Combine INDEX/MATCH and MIN to Return Associated Data Points
- Build Complex Conditional Formatting with Calculations
Learn by Participating
I’ve found one of the best ways to learn and master something new, is to apply the knowledge as soon as possible. In order to help you learn and master the skills taught in this course, I’m supplying downloadable exercise files for you to use in order to follow along with.
The course also includes a Q&A section where you can ask questions, reply to other students and myself.
Supercharge Your Excel Skills Now
What are you waiting for? Enroll now and join me and take your next steps to mastering Microsoft Excel.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Excel Advanced Functions and Formulas Course Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Course Exercise Files
Chapter 2: Advanced Excel Formula Fundamentals
Lecture 1: Advanced Excel Formula Fundamentals Exercise File (DOWNLOAD)
Lecture 2: Excel Absolute vs. Relative Cell References
Lecture 3: Excel Absolute vs. Relative Cell References CONTINUED
Lecture 4: Variations on Excel's Absolute References
Lecture 5: Excel Name Ranges
Lecture 6: Creating Powerful Formulas by Nesting Functions
Chapter 3: Evaluating and Debugging Excel Formulas
Lecture 1: Evaluating Excel Formulas Exercise File (DOWNLOAD)
Lecture 2: Evaluate Formulas
Lecture 3: Locating Errors in a Formula
Lecture 4: Using Excel's IFERROR() Function
Chapter 4: Excel Array Formulas
Lecture 1: Array Formulas Exercise File (DOWNLOAD)
Lecture 2: What are Arrays?
Lecture 3: Nesting Array Formulas
Lecture 4: Using Arrays to SUM Data
Lecture 5: Streamline Conditions Using Arrays
Chapter 5: Fundamentals of Using Excel's INDEX() and MATCH() Functions
Lecture 1: Index and Match Functions Exercise File (DOWNLOAD)
Lecture 2: Excels INDEX() Function
Lecture 3: Excels MATCH() Function
Lecture 4: Nesting INDEX() and MATCH()
Chapter 6: Excel Index() and Match() Exercises
Lecture 1: Intro to Return an Assoicated Value Using INDEX() and MATCH()
Lecture 2: Exercise File (DOWNLOAD)
Lecture 3: Intro to Creating a Dynamic SUM() Using INDEX()
Lecture 4: Creating a Dynamic SUM() Using INDEX() Continued
Lecture 5: Intro to Combine Multiplication with INDEX() and MATCH()
Lecture 6: Combine Multiplication with INDEX() and MATCH() Continued
Lecture 7: Intro to Create a Dynamic VLOOKUP() with MATCH()
Lecture 8: Create a Dynamic VLOOKUP() with MATCH() Continued
Lecture 9: Create a Dynamic VLOOKUP() with MATCH() Continued
Lecture 10: Intro to Turn INDEX() and MATCH() into an ARRAY
Lecture 11: Turn INDEX() and MATCH() into an ARRAY Continued
Lecture 12: Intro to Returning Multiple Values with INDEX()
Lecture 13: Returning Multiple Values with INDEX() Continued
Lecture 14: Returning Multiple Values with INDEX() Continued
Lecture 15: Returning Multiple Values with INDEX() Continued
Lecture 16: Intro to Adding Criteria to INDEX() and MATCH()
Lecture 17: Adding Criteria to INDEX() and MATCH() Continued
Lecture 18: Return an Assoicated Value Using INDEX() and MATCH() Continued
Lecture 19: Intro to Conditional Formatting Using MATCH()
Lecture 20: Conditional Formatting Using MATCH() Continued
Chapter 7: Congratulations
Lecture 1: Congratulations
Kyle Pew
Microsoft Certified Trainer – 1 Million+ Students -
Office Newb
Software Trainer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 65 votes
- 4 stars: 312 votes
- 5 stars: 824 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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