Microsoft Excel for Mac 2011 – Beginning & Intermediate
Microsoft Excel for Mac 2011 – Beginning & Intermediate, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 62 lectures, based on 54 reviews, and has 338 subscribers.
You will learn about By the end of the course, you will be a confident Excel user. You will have the skills to say "I know how to use Excel" to any employer. Not only will you will be able to create and modify worksheets. You will be able to analyze and filter your data and create charts and graphs. Although this course is titled as a beginning level course, it really covers many intermediate level topics. This vs. That. We cover several features that are commonly confused because they have similar functionality (and names). We will distinguish the features and learn when you should use one feature instead of the other. This course will give a solid understanding of key concepts in Excel. Lean Tips & Tricks all Along the Way! Build Worksheets from Scratch Edit and Modify Worksheets Format worksheets Understand Print Options Work with Data Ranges Sort, Filter, Analyze Data Build & Edit Chart Data This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is excellent for someone brand new to Excel, newer to Excel or someone who has used Excel for a while but is not confident with the many program features. or Users new to Excel or Users newer to Excel or Excel users that have used a limited number of features or Excel users that have used Excel but are not confident with the many program features or Haven't used Excel in a while and need a refresher course or Have used Excel for Windows and want to have a solid understanding of Excel for Mac or Anyone who wants to confirm their knowledge of Excel before jumping into additional features such as pivot tables & extensive formulas It is particularly useful for This course is excellent for someone brand new to Excel, newer to Excel or someone who has used Excel for a while but is not confident with the many program features. or Users new to Excel or Users newer to Excel or Excel users that have used a limited number of features or Excel users that have used Excel but are not confident with the many program features or Haven't used Excel in a while and need a refresher course or Have used Excel for Windows and want to have a solid understanding of Excel for Mac or Anyone who wants to confirm their knowledge of Excel before jumping into additional features such as pivot tables & extensive formulas.
Enroll now: Microsoft Excel for Mac 2011 – Beginning & Intermediate
Title: Microsoft Excel for Mac 2011 – Beginning & Intermediate
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 62
Number of Published Lectures: 62
Number of Curriculum Items: 62
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 62
Original Price: $24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- By the end of the course, you will be a confident Excel user.
- You will have the skills to say "I know how to use Excel" to any employer.
- Not only will you will be able to create and modify worksheets. You will be able to analyze and filter your data and create charts and graphs.
- Although this course is titled as a beginning level course, it really covers many intermediate level topics.
- This vs. That. We cover several features that are commonly confused because they have similar functionality (and names). We will distinguish the features and learn when you should use one feature instead of the other.
- This course will give a solid understanding of key concepts in Excel.
- Lean Tips & Tricks all Along the Way!
- Build Worksheets from Scratch
- Edit and Modify Worksheets
- Format worksheets
- Understand Print Options
- Work with Data Ranges
- Sort, Filter, Analyze Data
- Build & Edit Chart Data
Who Should Attend
- This course is excellent for someone brand new to Excel, newer to Excel or someone who has used Excel for a while but is not confident with the many program features.
- Users new to Excel
- Users newer to Excel
- Excel users that have used a limited number of features
- Excel users that have used Excel but are not confident with the many program features
- Haven't used Excel in a while and need a refresher course
- Have used Excel for Windows and want to have a solid understanding of Excel for Mac
- Anyone who wants to confirm their knowledge of Excel before jumping into additional features such as pivot tables & extensive formulas
Target Audiences
- This course is excellent for someone brand new to Excel, newer to Excel or someone who has used Excel for a while but is not confident with the many program features.
- Users new to Excel
- Users newer to Excel
- Excel users that have used a limited number of features
- Excel users that have used Excel but are not confident with the many program features
- Haven't used Excel in a while and need a refresher course
- Have used Excel for Windows and want to have a solid understanding of Excel for Mac
- Anyone who wants to confirm their knowledge of Excel before jumping into additional features such as pivot tables & extensive formulas
This course is taught by a professional corporate trainer in a friendly, step by step method so that you can follow along and do the steps with the instructor. If you prefer to watch and listen, that works great too!
This course is designed to give you complete confidence in your knowledge of Excel. You will learn core features that you will use and build on throughout the course as we increase our knowledge of key features.
We start with a blank workbook and will build out multiple sheets from entering values to calculations and functions, all the way to building charts and updating data series.
This course is titled Beginning Excel but actually covers intermediate topics, too!
Can you answer these questions?
1. What is the difference between workbooks, spreadsheets, templates, sheets, file?
2. What is the difference between labels and values and why is that important?
3. Can you confidently use and modify calculations and average, sum, min and max formulas?
5. When should you convert your data to a table range and what are the pro’s and con’s?
6. How do I sort and filter my data by multiple criteria?
7. How do I add a series to a data range and have a chart automatically update?
If you answered “no” to any of these questions, then this course is for you!
We will answer all of these questions and much more!
Come on in and join us! We look forward to having you!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Certificate
Chapter 2: Excel Fundamentals
Lecture 1: Launching Excel for Mac 2011
Lecture 2: Adding Excel Icon to your Dock
Lecture 3: Overview of the Excel Program Screen
Lecture 4: Contextual Tabs
Lecture 5: Navigating a Worksheet & Keyboard Tips
Lecture 6: A Bit of Excel Terminology: Workbook vs Worksheet vs Spreadsheet vs File
Lecture 7: Create, Open & Close a Workbook
Chapter 3: Getting Started with Worksheets
Lecture 1: Entering & Editing Labels and Values
Lecture 2: Entering Data Automatically – Tip
Lecture 3: Saving Your Workbook, Save vs Save as…
Lecture 4: Selecting a Cell Range and Entering Data – Tip
Lecture 5: Entering Data in a Cell Range – Tip 2
Lecture 6: Entering Data: Labels vs Values (convert a number to text)
Lecture 7: Entering and Formatting Dates
Chapter 4: Getting Started with Formulas & Functions
Lecture 1: Functions & Formulas Introduction. Sum Function.
Lecture 2: Sum Function. Editing the Formula.
Lecture 3: Sum Function. Copying the Formula.
Lecture 4: Math Operators: Additions, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division
Lecture 5: Formulas: Absolute vs. Relative Reference
Lecture 6: Formula Ribbon
Lecture 7: Formulas: Average, Min, Max
Chapter 5: Editing a Worksheet
Lecture 1: Moving and Copying Cell Contents
Lecture 2: Copying Cell Contents to a New Sheet
Lecture 3: Paste Menu Options
Chapter 6: Formatting a Worksheet
Lecture 1: Formatting Options
Lecture 2: Format and Merge Cells
Lecture 3: Why Format Options on Ribbon are Different
Lecture 4: Number Formatting Overview
Lecture 5: Number Formatting: Currency
Lecture 6: Clear Formatting vs Clear Contents
Lecture 7: Adjusting Column Widths
Lecture 8: Adjusting Row Height
Lecture 9: Alignment: Top, Bottom, Wrap Text
Lecture 10: Insert Rows
Lecture 11: Delete Rows
Lecture 12: Inserting and Deleting Columns
Lecture 13: Adding Cell Borders
Lecture 14: Copy Formatting using Format Painter
Lecture 15: Print & Print Preview
Chapter 7: Working with Charts
Lecture 1: Creating Charts
Lecture 2: Printing Charts
Lecture 3: Updating Data in Charts
Lecture 4: Copying and Moving Charts
Lecture 5: Copying Charts
Lecture 6: 37Adding A Chart Series
Chapter 8: Sorting Data
Lecture 1: Download PB Travel Sales Report Training.xlsx File
Lecture 2: Sorting Your Data
Lecture 3: Sorting a Selected Range vs Automated Sorting
Lecture 4: Sorting Outside of a Range
Lecture 5: Sorting a selected Range
Lecture 6: Sort by Multiple Criteria
Chapter 9: Filtering Data
Lecture 1: Filtering Data
Lecture 2: Filter by Number
Chapter 10: Introduction to Tables
Lecture 1: Introduction To Tables (Tables vs Filtering)
Lecture 2: Table Features
Chapter 11: Working with Multiple Worksheets
Lecture 1: Creating, Copying and Naming Worksheets
Lecture 2: Moving and Navigating between Worksheets
Lecture 3: Deleting Worksheets and Changing Tab Color
Lecture 4: Printing Multiple Worksheets
Chapter 12: Working with Images
Lecture 1: Inserting and Formatting Images
Chapter 13: Course Certificate
Lecture 1: Course Certificate & Feedback
Francie Black
eWisdomToGo, Technology Consulting, Writing & Training
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 16 votes
- 5 stars: 32 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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