Microsoft Excel – From Beginner to Expert in 6 Hours
Microsoft Excel – From Beginner to Expert in 6 Hours, available at $139.99, has an average rating of 4.59, with 68 lectures, 10 quizzes, based on 48620 reviews, and has 180482 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn Microsoft Excel Fast: Excel formulas and functions, Excel shortcuts and tips, Excel charts and graphs, Excel for beginners & intermediate users Taught by a best-selling Udemy author, Microsoft Certified Educator, Microsoft Office Specialist Expert, & Tenured College Professor Conditional formatting in Excel, Excel date functions and formatting, Excel templates, Excel for Data Management Data analysis in Excel, Pivot tables in Excel, Excel for data visualization, Excel data validation, Excel macros Excel for business analysis, Excel for finance and accounting, Excel for sales and marketing Excel for budgeting and forecasting, Excel for project management, Excel for inventory management Excel functions: sum, vlookup, xlookup, if, count, average, concatenate, max, min, round, and more Excel documentation: learn how to read Excel's documentation so that you are empowered to find answers Hands-on exercises with solutions, Over 400,000 students taught, Lifetime course access 100% satisfaction guaranteed, Learn at your own pace, This course is tested and proven This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is perfect for beginners to Microsoft Excel & for people with some experience with Excel or Lifetime access to this Excel training allows you to come back to review material or learn more about MS Excel It is particularly useful for This course is perfect for beginners to Microsoft Excel & for people with some experience with Excel or Lifetime access to this Excel training allows you to come back to review material or learn more about MS Excel.
Enroll now: Microsoft Excel – From Beginner to Expert in 6 Hours
Title: Microsoft Excel – From Beginner to Expert in 6 Hours
Price: $139.99
Average Rating: 4.59
Number of Lectures: 68
Number of Quizzes: 10
Number of Published Lectures: 68
Number of Published Quizzes: 10
Number of Curriculum Items: 78
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 78
Original Price: $34.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn Microsoft Excel Fast: Excel formulas and functions, Excel shortcuts and tips, Excel charts and graphs, Excel for beginners & intermediate users
- Taught by a best-selling Udemy author, Microsoft Certified Educator, Microsoft Office Specialist Expert, & Tenured College Professor
- Conditional formatting in Excel, Excel date functions and formatting, Excel templates, Excel for Data Management
- Data analysis in Excel, Pivot tables in Excel, Excel for data visualization, Excel data validation, Excel macros
- Excel for business analysis, Excel for finance and accounting, Excel for sales and marketing
- Excel for budgeting and forecasting, Excel for project management, Excel for inventory management
- Excel functions: sum, vlookup, xlookup, if, count, average, concatenate, max, min, round, and more
- Excel documentation: learn how to read Excel's documentation so that you are empowered to find answers
- Hands-on exercises with solutions, Over 400,000 students taught, Lifetime course access
- 100% satisfaction guaranteed, Learn at your own pace, This course is tested and proven
Who Should Attend
- This course is perfect for beginners to Microsoft Excel & for people with some experience with Excel
- Lifetime access to this Excel training allows you to come back to review material or learn more about MS Excel
Target Audiences
- This course is perfect for beginners to Microsoft Excel & for people with some experience with Excel
- Lifetime access to this Excel training allows you to come back to review material or learn more about MS Excel
This training provides you everything you need to know about Microsoft Excel.
From the fundamentals, to the most advanced features, after taking this online class you will be able to use Microsoft Excel at an expert level.
You can learn Microsoft Excel easily and quickly if it is taught correctly. Developed by a Microsoft Certified Master Instructor, this course provides comprehensive coverage on Microsoft Excel. A university professor with over twenty years of experience teaching individuals of all ability levels “how to use” Microsoft Excel, Todd McLeod has designed, refined, and perfected this course to make it easy for you to master Microsoft Excel.
In only five hours of videos, provided to you in 80 separate video lectures so that no one online video is too long, you will learn all of the following about Microsoft Excel:
Learn how to navigate around Excel
Learn how to enter and edit data in Excel
Learn how to adjust the way dataand information are displayed in Excel
Learn how to write formulas quickly and easily with the point-and-click method
Learn how to use relative, absolute, and mixed references in Excel
Learn how to create powerful calculations with Excel functions
Learn how to visually represent your data with charts and graphs in Excel
Learn how to use Excel data tools like sorting, subtotaling, and filtering
Learn how to “freeze columns and rows” with freeze panes in Excel
Learn how to remove duplicates from data in Excel
Learn how to “transpose data” – switching the columns and rows in Excel
Learn how to use Excel to leverage data with Pivot Tables & Pivot Charts
Learn how to format worksheets in Excel for impact and appeal
Learn how to automate Excel tasks with time-saving macros
Learn how to integrate Microsoft Excel with Microsoft Word
Learn how to use passwords in Excel to protectyour work in multiple scenarios
Learn tips and tricks about Excel, as well as Excel secrets and shortcuts
Learn how to use printing and sharing in Excel
how to harvest data from the web
how to create online forms which allow you to gather data from individuals
Download all of the Excel project files that are used in the videos
This class is guaranteed to teach you Microsoft Excel.
Described as “fun” and “amazing” and “life changing,” Todd McLeod’s Excel training will forever transform the way you work with numbers. Try this course for yourself and see how quickly and easily you too can learn Microsoft Excel.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course information
Lecture 1: Welcome
Lecture 2: Course files
Lecture 3: Getting your certificate
Chapter 2: Quick start with MS Excel
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Microsoft Excel
Lecture 3: Relative references
Lecture 4: Absolute references
Lecture 5: Calculating a grade
Lecture 6: Creating charts
Lecture 7: Functions
Lecture 8: FCDB
Chapter 3: Hands-on exercises #1
Lecture 1: Hands-on exercises
Chapter 4: MS Excel fundamentals
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: A tour of Excel
Lecture 3: Mouse pointer awareness
Lecture 4: The power of right clicking
Lecture 5: Autosave & autorecover
Lecture 6: MS Excel files
Chapter 5: Hands-on exercises #2
Lecture 1: Hands-on exercises
Chapter 6: MS Excel functions
Lecture 1: Max, min, & documentation
Lecture 2: Rand & randbetween
Lecture 3: Concat & textjoin
Lecture 4: Documentation
Chapter 7: Hands-on exercises #3
Lecture 1: Hands-on exercises
Chapter 8: Popular Excel functions
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Top 10 functions
Lecture 3: Xlookup, vlookup, & hlookup
Lecture 4: PMT payment function
Lecture 5: PMT IPMT loan amortization
Lecture 6: FV future value function
Lecture 7: FV retirement amortization
Lecture 8: IF IFERROR dynamic amortization
Lecture 9: Conditional formatting
Chapter 9: Hands-on exercises #4
Lecture 1: Hands-on exercises
Chapter 10: Formatting for impact
Lecture 1: Fundamentals of formatting
Lecture 2: Formatting tables of data quickly
Lecture 3: Font is feeling – font formatting
Lecture 4: Exploring the home ribbon
Lecture 5: Zebra stripe rows
Chapter 11: Hands-on exercises #5
Lecture 1: Hands-on exercises
Chapter 12: Creating charts & graphs
Lecture 1: Content & form
Lecture 2: Creating charts
Lecture 3: Formatting charts
Lecture 4: Chart trendlines
Lecture 5: Combo charts
Lecture 6: Sparklines
Chapter 13: Hands-on exercises #6
Lecture 1: Hands-on exercises
Chapter 14: Working with data
Lecture 1: Gapminder data
Lecture 2: Scraping web data
Lecture 3: Outdoor gear coop
Lecture 4: Name generator
Chapter 15: Massaging data
Lecture 1: Sorting data
Lecture 2: Freeze panes
Lecture 3: Removing duplicates
Lecture 4: Filtering data
Chapter 16: Hands-on exercises #7
Lecture 1: Hands-on exercises
Chapter 17: Pivot tables in Excel
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Creating pivot tables
Lecture 3: Slicers – filtering pivot tables
Lecture 4: Pivot charts
Chapter 18: Hands-on exercises #8
Lecture 1: Hands-on exercises
Chapter 19: Odds & ends
Lecture 1: Printing your worksheet
Lecture 2: Protecting (locking) workbooks, sheets, and cells
Lecture 3: Object linking & embedding (OLE)
Chapter 20: Creating macros
Lecture 1: Introduction to macros
Chapter 21: Hands-on exercises #9
Lecture 1: Hands-on exercises
Chapter 22: Congratulations
Lecture 1: Great work!
Lecture 2: Bonus lecture
Todd McLeod
Top-Rated Instructor, Tenured College Professor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 359 votes
- 2 stars: 612 votes
- 3 stars: 4031 votes
- 4 stars: 16792 votes
- 5 stars: 26826 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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