Oracle Database Administration for Absolute Beginners
Oracle Database Administration for Absolute Beginners , available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.55, with 159 lectures, based on 1242 reviews, and has 8061 subscribers.
You will learn about Common Goal: To get a job as an Oracle Database Administrator (Oracle DBA) For New Graduates: To get a job as an Oracle Database Administrator (Oracle DBA) For College Students: To understand the basics of Database and RDBMS concepts For those with some IT experience: To get into Oracle Database Administration (Oracle DBA) For Information Technology Managers: To understand the basics of RDBMS so that they efficiently manage a DBA team For others: To understand the Database and RDBMS concepts To understand the fundamentals of Oracle Database (including Oracle 12c and Oracle 11g) This course is ideal for individuals who are Those who are already in IT and would like to jump into the world of Database Administration. or College students who would like to learn about Database concepts so that they can achieve high grades in their RDBMS related curriculum. or College students who would like to get into Oracle Database Administration as soon as they finish their college. or Fresh graduates who are looking for a job in the IT industry. or Anyone with the determination of getting into IT in order to have a better career. or IT Organizations to have their Developers learn about Database fundamentals so that they can write better codes. It is particularly useful for Those who are already in IT and would like to jump into the world of Database Administration. or College students who would like to learn about Database concepts so that they can achieve high grades in their RDBMS related curriculum. or College students who would like to get into Oracle Database Administration as soon as they finish their college. or Fresh graduates who are looking for a job in the IT industry. or Anyone with the determination of getting into IT in order to have a better career. or IT Organizations to have their Developers learn about Database fundamentals so that they can write better codes.
Enroll now: Oracle Database Administration for Absolute Beginners
Title: Oracle Database Administration for Absolute Beginners
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.55
Number of Lectures: 159
Number of Published Lectures: 142
Number of Curriculum Items: 159
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 142
Original Price: $109.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Common Goal: To get a job as an Oracle Database Administrator (Oracle DBA)
- For New Graduates: To get a job as an Oracle Database Administrator (Oracle DBA)
- For College Students: To understand the basics of Database and RDBMS concepts
- For those with some IT experience: To get into Oracle Database Administration (Oracle DBA)
- For Information Technology Managers: To understand the basics of RDBMS so that they efficiently manage a DBA team
- For others: To understand the Database and RDBMS concepts
- To understand the fundamentals of Oracle Database (including Oracle 12c and Oracle 11g)
Who Should Attend
- Those who are already in IT and would like to jump into the world of Database Administration.
- College students who would like to learn about Database concepts so that they can achieve high grades in their RDBMS related curriculum.
- College students who would like to get into Oracle Database Administration as soon as they finish their college.
- Fresh graduates who are looking for a job in the IT industry.
- Anyone with the determination of getting into IT in order to have a better career.
- IT Organizations to have their Developers learn about Database fundamentals so that they can write better codes.
Target Audiences
- Those who are already in IT and would like to jump into the world of Database Administration.
- College students who would like to learn about Database concepts so that they can achieve high grades in their RDBMS related curriculum.
- College students who would like to get into Oracle Database Administration as soon as they finish their college.
- Fresh graduates who are looking for a job in the IT industry.
- Anyone with the determination of getting into IT in order to have a better career.
- IT Organizations to have their Developers learn about Database fundamentals so that they can write better codes.
(Update on 18-Nov-2015 : Added additional lectures to keep this course updated with Oracle 12c Release 2. Also, if you just want to start with some basic theory before doing any hands-on lessons in here, please checkout the Section ‘Concepts Illustrated’ first.)
‘Oracle Database Administration for Absolute Beginners’ course explains about the basic concepts of Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS). It will help you to become an Oracle Database Administrator(Oracle DBA).
Database Administrator is one of the highly sought after jobs in the IT industry. It is also one of the highly stable jobs as DATA is a vital part of every organization and they need that to be in the capable hands of a good DBA team.
This course is absolutely for beginners. This is applicable for those who would want to learn Oracle Database 12c as well as Oracle Database 11g.
This would be ideal for..
- those who are already in IT and would like to jump into the world of Database Administration.
- college students who would like to learn about Database concepts so that they can achieve high grades in their RDBMS related curriculum.
- college students who would like to get into Oracle Database Administration as soon as they finish their college.
- fresh graduates who are looking for a job in the IT industry.
- anyone with the determination of getting into IT in order to have a better career.
This course is mainly based on video lectures. However it also has theoretical sections for reference and LAB exercises for hands-on practice.
The course has been structured to start with videos explaining basic database concepts. They provide simplified real world examples.
Then it introduces Oracle Database Architecture. After that, it provides ‘hands-on’ video lectures about ‘How to install Oracle Database 11g in your desktop or Laptop’. (In the bottom, there is also a section about ‘How to install Oracle Database 12c’ which is the newest version from Oracle as of now, which is Aug 2013).
It then explains about various Oracle Internals such as Storage Structures, Memory Structures, Database Objects etc.
Then it goes into operational aspects such as creating USERS, granting access, creating objects such as tables etc.
After that it explains about Backup/Recovery concepts and Dianostic Data.
Finally, there is a section of extensive video lectures about LAB sessions with examples. You can use those for hands-on practice, using the Database software that you would have installed (as explained in this course) in your PC/Laptop.
I would like to thank you sincerely for reading this and wishing you all the best..!
Sam Dhanasekaran
p.s: This started as YouTube video series. I experimented having my own background music initially. Later I removed the music, based on user feedback. So pardon the background music please 🙁
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Database
Lecture 1: What is a Database?
Chapter 2: Introduction to Database Objects
Lecture 1: What is a Table?
Lecture 2: Table – Additional Details
Chapter 3: Database Languages
Lecture 1: Data Definition Language
Lecture 2: Data Definition Language – Recap
Lecture 3: Data Manipulation Language
Lecture 4: Data Control Language
Chapter 4: Database Objects – Index and View
Lecture 1: What is an index?
Lecture 2: What is a View?
Chapter 5: Relational DBMS (RDBMS) – Introduction
Lecture 1: What is a Foreign Key?
Lecture 2: What is a RDBMS?
Lecture 3: What is a Primary Key?
Lecture 4: What is an Unique Key?
Lecture 5: What is the difference between Primary Key and Unique Key?
Chapter 6: Computers and Databases
Lecture 1: Computers and Databases
Lecture 2: What is Data Concurrency?
Lecture 3: What is Data Consistency?
Chapter 7: Installing Oracle 12c in Windows 10
Lecture 1: Download and Install Oracle 12c in a Windows PC or Laptop
Lecture 2: Optional – Install Oracle 12c with Multitenancy in a Windows PC or Laptop
Lecture 3: Using Oracle SQL Developer
Lecture 4: Troubleshooting Connection Issues
Chapter 8: Concepts Illustrated
Lecture 1: Oracle Instance vs Database
Lecture 2: Installation
Lecture 3: Files
Lecture 4: Starting a Database
Lecture 5: Basics of Computing
Lecture 6: Client Server Architecture
Lecture 7: PGA – Program Global Area
Lecture 8: Dedicated Server Mode
Lecture 9: Shared Server Mode
Chapter 9: Oracle Storage Structures
Lecture 1: Oracle Physical Storage Structures
Lecture 2: Oracle Logical Data Structures
Lecture 3: Where can the Oracle Physical Structure files be stored?
Lecture 4: What is a Raw Device?
Lecture 5: What is a File System?
Lecture 6: What is an Oracle ASM?
Lecture 7: What is a Cluster File System?
Chapter 10: Oracle Parameter Files
Lecture 1: What is a Parameter file?
Lecture 2: What is a SPFILE?
Lecture 3: What is a PFILE?
Chapter 11: Connecting to an Oracle Database
Lecture 1: How to connect to a Oracle Database?
Lecture 2: How does an Oracle database start?
Lecture 3: Demo of various starting methods of an Oracle database
Lecture 4: How to log in to an Oracle Database?
Lecture 5: Oracle Database Dictionary
Lecture 6: How to log in to an Oracle Database? – Answer Video
Chapter 12: Basics of Oracle Database Internals and Security
Lecture 1: Basics of Oracle Internal Structure
Lecture 2: What is a Database Control?
Lecture 3: How to create an user in Oracle Database?
Lecture 4: Default Tablespace and Temporary Tablespace for a new Oracle Database user
Lecture 5: Oracle Roles and Privileges
Lecture 6: Oracle System Privileges
Chapter 13: Basic Oracle Database Operations
Lecture 1: How to verify the Oracle Database Name?
Lecture 2: How to find the version of the Oracle Database?
Lecture 3: How to view the user accounts within an Oracle Database?
Lecture 4: How to use DBA view in SQL Developer?
Lecture 5: How to find the tablespaces in an Oracle Database?
Lecture 6: Oracle Tablespaces
Lecture 7: What is an Oracle User?
Lecture 8: What is an Oracle Schema?
Lecture 9: Difference between an Oracle user and schema
Lecture 10: General user architecture of a database
Chapter 14: Structured Query Language (SQL)
Lecture 1: SQL Structured Query Language
Lecture 2: SQL CTAS method
Lecture 3: SQL SELECT Statement
Lecture 4: SQL INSERT Statement
Lecture 5: SQL DELETE Statement
Lecture 6: SQL UPDATE Statement
Chapter 15: Oracle Memory and Background Processes
Lecture 1: Oracle Background Processes
Lecture 2: Dedicated Server vs Shared Server
Lecture 3: SGA System Global Area of an Oracle Database
Lecture 4: PGA Program Global Area of an Oracle Database
Lecture 5: UGA User Global Area of an Oracle Database
Chapter 16: SGA and Database Buffer
Lecture 1: SGA Database Buffer Part 1
Lecture 2: SGA Database Buffer Part 2
Lecture 3: SGA Database Buffer Part 3
Lecture 4: SGA Database Buffer Part 4
Lecture 5: SGA Database Buffer Part 5
Lecture 6: SGA Database Buffer Part 6
Lecture 7: SGA Database Buffer Part 7
Lecture 8: SGA Database Buffer Part 8
Lecture 9: SGA Database Buffer Part 9
Lecture 10: SGA Database Buffer Part 10
Lecture 11: SGA Database Buffer Part 11
Sam Dhanasekaran
Experienced IT Support and Database Specialist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 46 votes
- 2 stars: 69 votes
- 3 stars: 206 votes
- 4 stars: 403 votes
- 5 stars: 518 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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