Oracle SQL Developer: Mastering its Features + Tips & Tricks
Oracle SQL Developer: Mastering its Features + Tips & Tricks, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.51, with 46 lectures, based on 5765 reviews, and has 76330 subscribers.
You will learn about You will take advantage of many useful features that will make you more effective and efficient at work You will learn a lot of tricks and enjoy being seen as an SQL Developer expert You will learn how to create and share beautiful and interactive reports You will learn how to Install and customize SQL Developer in a way that works and feels best for you You will learn how to take full advantage of all the basic features of the tool This course is ideal for individuals who are Application or database developers already working with Oracle databases who want to do their job in a smarter way and stand up from the competition. or Aspiring application or database developers looking to work with Oracle databases. or Anyone taking or planning to take Oracle SQL or PL/SQL courses. or College/University students who need to learn and use SQL for Oracle to pass their database-related courses. It is particularly useful for Application or database developers already working with Oracle databases who want to do their job in a smarter way and stand up from the competition. or Aspiring application or database developers looking to work with Oracle databases. or Anyone taking or planning to take Oracle SQL or PL/SQL courses. or College/University students who need to learn and use SQL for Oracle to pass their database-related courses.
Enroll now: Oracle SQL Developer: Mastering its Features + Tips & Tricks
Title: Oracle SQL Developer: Mastering its Features + Tips & Tricks
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.51
Number of Lectures: 46
Number of Published Lectures: 45
Number of Curriculum Items: 46
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 45
Original Price: $64.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will take advantage of many useful features that will make you more effective and efficient at work
- You will learn a lot of tricks and enjoy being seen as an SQL Developer expert
- You will learn how to create and share beautiful and interactive reports
- You will learn how to Install and customize SQL Developer in a way that works and feels best for you
- You will learn how to take full advantage of all the basic features of the tool
Who Should Attend
- Application or database developers already working with Oracle databases who want to do their job in a smarter way and stand up from the competition.
- Aspiring application or database developers looking to work with Oracle databases.
- Anyone taking or planning to take Oracle SQL or PL/SQL courses.
- College/University students who need to learn and use SQL for Oracle to pass their database-related courses.
Target Audiences
- Application or database developers already working with Oracle databases who want to do their job in a smarter way and stand up from the competition.
- Aspiring application or database developers looking to work with Oracle databases.
- Anyone taking or planning to take Oracle SQL or PL/SQL courses.
- College/University students who need to learn and use SQL for Oracle to pass their database-related courses.
Oracle SQL Developer is currently the most popular tool among database developers and Oracle SQL learners, however, since it makes it so easy to start firing commands and querying a database, many people don’t feel the need to investigate its features, and end up using only what is obvious, visible, and enabled by default.
If you are one of them, this course will help you get out of that group and start using Oracle SQL Developer more smartly.
Even if you have some time using the tool and are currently using some of its features, there’s most likely something in this course that you don’t know and can be helpful to you.
Learn the features that can help you work with your Oracle database better and faster:
Install and customize SQL Developer in a way that works and feels best for you.
Take full advantage of the most useful features of the tool.
Create and share beautiful and interactive reports.
Take advantage of features that will make you more effective and efficient at work.
Learn a lot of tricks and enjoy being seen as an SQL Developer expert.
All Oracle SQL Developer features are free. Take advantage of them:
This course was created because there appears to be a pattern among Oracle SQL courses and the database community in general: “If you are able to install it and connect to a database, you are good to go”.
What’s more: Experience shows that even developers who are already working with Oracle databases as part of their job, tend to not look for ways to work faster in SQL Developer, and usually only investigate features they don’t currently use when it is strictly necessary for their jobs.
The goal of this course is to fill the gap most SQL courses leave about this great tool so that it can serve as a foundation if you are planning to learn Oracle SQL, and also to help you take advantage of the tool’s features if you are already working with Oracle databases as part of your job, so that you can be more efficient and productive, and thus, stand out.
Content and Overview:
The course includes more than 3 hours of content and covers many of the most useful features of SQL Developer.
There is usually one lecture per feature, so, if for any reason you are not interested in any of the included tips, you can simply skip it, and go directly to the one you want to learn about.
The course content will continue to be updated over time, to make sure you always know about the most important features available to you, as new versions of Oracle SQL Developer are released.
Learn these tips and apply them to your work, and you will not only be well prepared to work more smartly and efficiently, but will also enjoy being seen as an experienced and knowledgeable developer by your friends and peers.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Structure and How to Take Advantage of it
Lecture 2: What this course IS and IS NOT
Chapter 2: Program Installation
Lecture 1: Reminder: You need an Oracle Database Already Installed! Don’t have one?
Lecture 2: Downloading and installing SQL Developer
Chapter 3: Oracle SQL Developer Basics
Lecture 1: Introduction (SDB)
Lecture 2: User Interface Basics
Lecture 3: Creating and Organizing Database Connections
Lecture 4: Working with the Worksheet
Lecture 5: Working with the Results’ Grid
Chapter 4: Useful Customizations
Lecture 1: Introduction (UC)
Lecture 2: Changing the Language
Lecture 3: Disabling Features you Don't Need
Lecture 4: Improving the way Data is Displayed
Lecture 5: Advanced Code Formatting
Lecture 6: Navigation Filtering
Lecture 7: Customizing Fonts and Syntax Colors for Eye Comfort
Chapter 5: Reports
Lecture 1: Introduction (R)
Lecture 2: Predefined Reports Overview and Reports Basics
Lecture 3: User-Defined Reports Basics
Lecture 4: Master-Detail and Drill Down Reports
Lecture 5: Gauge Reports
Lecture 6: Chart Reports
Lecture 7: Exporting and Sharing Reports
Lecture 8: A Final Reports' Trick
Chapter 6: More Useful Features, Tips and Tricks
Lecture 1: Introduction (MUF)
Lecture 2: Splitting Worksheets and Document Groups
Lecture 3: Exporting data
Lecture 4: Code Templates
Lecture 5: Code Snippets
Lecture 6: Taking Advantage of The Line Gutter
Lecture 7: Performing Local Searches on Your Results
Lecture 8: Testing Program Units Smartly
Lecture 9: Debugging Program Units Smartly
Lecture 10: Finding Database Objects
Lecture 11: Getting Information about a Database Object
Lecture 12: Oracle Folks Love Drag & Drop
Lecture 13: Generating Relational Diagrams
Lecture 14: Navigating Your Code
Lecture 15: Performance Tuning Features
Lecture 16: Displaying Gauges
Lecture 17: Useful Tips and Shortcuts 1
Lecture 18: Useful Tips and Shortcuts 2
Chapter 7: Extras
Lecture 1: Using HTML in SQL and in preferences
Lecture 2: Appendix 1: Installing Oracle Database Express Edition 18c On Windows
Lecture 3: Bonus Lecture: Discounts for other courses
Carlos DL
Software Development Director & Chief Educator -
Standout-Dev Academy
Helping Developers Stand Out
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 53 votes
- 2 stars: 102 votes
- 3 stars: 692 votes
- 4 stars: 2191 votes
- 5 stars: 2727 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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