Productivity in Excel using ExTool
Productivity in Excel using ExTool, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.5, with 120 lectures, based on 143 reviews, and has 12698 subscribers.
You will learn about At the end of this course, students will be able to master their Excel skills by learning both basic and extended functions using the ExTool Application. Through this mastery, work efficiency will increase and result in a more productive, positive work or educational environment. This course is ideal for individuals who are Students that use Excel in their daily work or education should take this course, no matter his or It is particularly useful for Students that use Excel in their daily work or education should take this course, no matter his or .
Enroll now: Productivity in Excel using ExTool
Title: Productivity in Excel using ExTool
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 120
Number of Published Lectures: 120
Number of Curriculum Items: 120
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 120
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- At the end of this course, students will be able to master their Excel skills by learning both basic and extended functions using the ExTool Application. Through this mastery, work efficiency will increase and result in a more productive, positive work or educational environment.
Who Should Attend
- Students that use Excel in their daily work or education should take this course, no matter his or
Target Audiences
- Students that use Excel in their daily work or education should take this course, no matter his or
This course will include Excel topics such as working with templates, workbook and worksheet management, page setup & printing, range tools, formulas, and file & folder management. Each virtual lecture includes a visual demonstration along with audio or written commentary. At the end of the course, users are exposed to case studies—practical applications that are useful in both a workplace and educational setting. Students should take this course if they are using Excel in their daily lives—especially if they are manually completing redundant tasks with large amounts of data. Excel itself can seem very complex and not so user-friendly. By completing this course and learning the ExTool functions, users can execute basic and advanced tasks automatically and, therefore, more efficiently.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: ExTool Introduction
Lecture 1: Lecture 1: ExTool Introduction
Lecture 2: Lecture 2: ExTool Initial Setup
Lecture 3: Lecture 3: ExTool First Time Use
Lecture 4: Lecture 4: ExTool Import Ribbon
Chapter 2: Info & Template
Lecture 1: Lecture 1: Information in Excel–Who's Who?
Lecture 2: Lecture 2: Excel—Function Help Summary
Lecture 3: Lecture 3: Information (ShortCut)—Excel 2010
Lecture 4: Lecture 4: Template Chart—Chandoo
Chapter 3: Excel Workbook Management
Lecture 1: Excel Workbook Management
Lecture 2: Lecture 1: Convert .xls to .xlsx
Lecture 3: Lecture 2: Open Folder of This File
Lecture 4: Lecture 3: Combine Listed Workbook
Lecture 5: Lecture 4: List Recent Workbooks
Lecture 6: Lecture 5: Remove Listed Files from Recent Workbook List
Lecture 7: Lecture 5: List Opened Workbooks
Chapter 4: Excel Worksheet Management
Lecture 1: Excel Worksheet Management
Lecture 2: Lecture 1: Add Listed Sheet
Lecture 3: Lecture 2: Delete Listed Sheet
Lecture 4: Lecture 3: List Sheet Name and Range (A1)
Lecture 5: Lecture 4: Excel—Copy Listed Sheet to New Workbook
Lecture 6: Lecture 5: Copy Each Listed Sheet to New Workbook
Lecture 7: Lecture 6: Combine Data in Listed Sheet
Lecture 8: Lecture 7: Copy Listed Sheet and Update Link
Lecture 9: Lecture 8: Sort Sheet in Listed Order
Lecture 10: Lecture 9: Rename Listed Sheet
Lecture 11: Lecture 10: Get Listed Sheet Color
Lecture 12: Lecture 11: Change Listed Sheet Color
Lecture 13: Lecture 12: Hide Listed Sheet
Lecture 14: Lecture 13: Unhide Listed Sheet
Lecture 15: Lecture 14: Protect Listed Sheets
Lecture 16: Lecture 15: Un-Protect Listed Sheets
Chapter 5: Excel Page Setup and Print
Lecture 1: Excel Page Setup and Print
Lecture 2: Lecture 1: Copy Listed Sheet Page Setup
Lecture 3: Lecture 2: Clear Listed Sheet Page Setup
Lecture 4: Lecture 3: Print Selected Range to PDF
Lecture 5: Lecture 4: Print Listed Sheet to PDF
Lecture 6: Lecture 5: Print Charts in Sheets to GIF
Chapter 6: Excel Graphic Object Management
Lecture 1: Excel Graphic Object Management
Lecture 2: Lecture 1: List Objects in This Sheet
Lecture 3: Lecture 2: Rename Listed Objects
Lecture 4: Lecture 3: Delete Listed Objects
Lecture 5: Lecture 4: Relocate Listed Objects
Lecture 6: Lecture 5: Resize Listed Objects
Chapter 7: Range – Select and List
Lecture 1: Range – Select & List
Lecture 2: Lecture 1: List Selected Ranges
Lecture 3: Lecture 2: Select Listed Ranges
Lecture 4: Lecture 3: Select Non-Empty Cells In Target Range
Lecture 5: Lecture 4: Select Empty Cells in Target Range
Lecture 6: Lecture 5: Select Maximum Value in Each Column of Target Range
Lecture 7: Lecture 6: Select Maximum Value in Each Row of Target Range
Lecture 8: Lecture 7: Select Maximum Value in Target Range
Lecture 9: Lecture 8: Select Minimum Value in Each Row of Target Range
Lecture 10: Lecture 9: Select Minimum Value in Target Range
Chapter 8: Range – Copy and Move
Lecture 1: Range – Copy & Move
Lecture 2: Lecture 1: Column to Range
Lecture 3: Lecture 2: Range to Column
Lecture 4: Lecture 3: Copy Selected Ranges
Lecture 5: Lecture 4: Copy Listed Ranges
Lecture 6: Lecture 5: Copy Range Exact Formula
Chapter 9: Range – Hyperlink
Lecture 1: Range – Hyperlink
Lecture 2: Lecture 1: Add External Hyperlink
Lecture 3: Lecture 2: Add Internal Hyperlink
Lecture 4: Lecture 3: List Internal Hyperlink
Lecture 5: Lecture 4: List External Hyperlink
Chapter 10: Range – Text
Lecture 1: Range – Text
Lecture 2: Lecture 1: Concat Cells
Lecture 3: Lecture 2: Reverse Text
Lecture 4: Lecture 3: Replace Star in Cell Text
Lecture 5: Lecture 4: Upper Case Text in Range
Lecture 6: Lecture 5: Capitalize Each Word in Range
Lecture 7: Lecture 6: Lower Case Text in Range
Chapter 11: Range – Format
Lecture 1: Range – Format
Lecture 2: Lecture 1: Clear Format of Selected Ranges
Lecture 3: Lecture 2: List Installed Font
Lecture 4: Lecture 3: Apply Font Type for Selected Cells
Chapter 12: Data – Input/output
Lecture 1: Data – Input/output
Lecture 2: Lecture 1: Import Selected .txt File
Lecture 3: Lecture 2: Export Range to .txt
Chapter 13: Data – Number
Lecture 1: Lecture 1: Convert Selected Range Value As Displayed
Lecture 2: Lecture 2: Get Unique Values in Selected Ranges
Chapter 14: Data – Validation
Lecture 1: Data – Validation
Lecture 2: Lecture 1: Apply List Data Validation to Selected Cells
Lecture 3: Lecture 2: List Data Validation Rules of Selected Cells
Lecture 4: Lecture 3: Remove Data Validations
Lecture 5: Lecture 4: Prevent Duplicate Input in Selected Ranges
Chapter 15: Formula – Misc.
Zhenyu Zhu
CEO at ParaTool
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 6 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 28 votes
- 4 stars: 53 votes
- 5 stars: 50 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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