10X SUPERHUMAN Learning: Speed Reading & Memory Booster
10X SUPERHUMAN Learning: Speed Reading & Memory Booster, available at $99.99, has an average rating of 4.84, with 256 lectures, based on 9651 reviews, and has 88060 subscribers.
You will learn about #1 ACCELERATED Learning Blueprint for High Achievers on Udemy! Know when to scan, when to slow down and when to read fast up to 800 words per minute to get the essence on the text. Get up to 4 hours of deeply focused, strategic work without stress or procrastination. Keep up with current events and topics that interest you and support your voracious curiosity and creative work. How to find more time to learn in a world of information overload and start implementing what you study faster so you can BOOST your profit & income! How to QUICKLY find one hour per day for reading and learning even if you are super busy and overwhelmed. Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, and Oprah Winfrey find one hour to learn EVERYDAY. So can you! How to 10x your results from each hour of learning. Get 3 SECRET techniques that will boost your reading speed to about 1,000 words per minute! How to stay HYPER focused and motivated on what’s most important for you to learn without procrastinating. Instantly increase your reading speed by 50% just after the FIRST Hour of this course. Become faster, sharper, unstoppable in your daily life and career Boost focus and reduce subvocalization and regression Reduce stress and frustration Learn anything at least 2-3 times quicker Achieve higher class exam scores Qualify for your dream job Improve your comprehension by activating certain areas of your brain Reprogram your mind to stop forgetting Remember all the names and relevant facts Unleash quick recall in any situation How to CUT your study time by half and still enjoy the studying for real. What are the common myths you have about reading and speed reading and how to overcome all of them.· What is the right mindset required for effective reading. How to get the main ideas from any book faster. How to read textbooks or technical books in an effective way. How to develop laser-like focus while reading. How to read faster on any computer screen and e-readers. What are the best ways of taking effective notes. What is Mind-mapping and what are the rules for making a perfect mind-map. How to summarize entire books or chapter in one page. How to revise from the notes you have prepared before an important exam. What are the common misbeliefs you have relating to memory. How your brain works and stores information and how to use it to your advantage. What is the ideal mindset to have while memorizing. What are 4 rules of memorization + special techniques to use. How to Memorize any information and do it faster. How to remember entire books. How to ace exams with confidence. This course is ideal for individuals who are The course is recommended to people who have a particular objective in mind and to people who want to first select the right goal(s). or The course is designed for people who want to start a new project, change their habits, or work towards some other desired state. or Business owners, writers, teachers, or anyone who regularly creates, brainstorms, and manages ideas, people, and tasks. or By the end of this course, you will be able to read at least 3 times the speed of an average college graduate, with above-average comprehension and retention or Students who want to adopt an extremely productive, strategic and consistent approach towards their learning, both in and out of the classroom. It is particularly useful for The course is recommended to people who have a particular objective in mind and to people who want to first select the right goal(s). or The course is designed for people who want to start a new project, change their habits, or work towards some other desired state. or Business owners, writers, teachers, or anyone who regularly creates, brainstorms, and manages ideas, people, and tasks. or By the end of this course, you will be able to read at least 3 times the speed of an average college graduate, with above-average comprehension and retention or Students who want to adopt an extremely productive, strategic and consistent approach towards their learning, both in and out of the classroom.
Enroll now: 10X SUPERHUMAN Learning: Speed Reading & Memory Booster
Title: 10X SUPERHUMAN Learning: Speed Reading & Memory Booster
Price: $99.99
Average Rating: 4.84
Number of Lectures: 256
Number of Published Lectures: 229
Number of Curriculum Items: 256
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 229
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- #1 ACCELERATED Learning Blueprint for High Achievers on Udemy!
- Know when to scan, when to slow down and when to read fast up to 800 words per minute to get the essence on the text.
- Get up to 4 hours of deeply focused, strategic work without stress or procrastination.
- Keep up with current events and topics that interest you and support your voracious curiosity and creative work.
- How to find more time to learn in a world of information overload and start implementing what you study faster so you can BOOST your profit & income!
- How to QUICKLY find one hour per day for reading and learning even if you are super busy and overwhelmed. Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, and Oprah Winfrey find one hour to learn EVERYDAY. So can you!
- How to 10x your results from each hour of learning. Get 3 SECRET techniques that will boost your reading speed to about 1,000 words per minute!
- How to stay HYPER focused and motivated on what’s most important for you to learn without procrastinating.
- Instantly increase your reading speed by 50% just after the FIRST Hour of this course.
- Become faster, sharper, unstoppable in your daily life and career
- Boost focus and reduce subvocalization and regression
- Reduce stress and frustration
- Learn anything at least 2-3 times quicker
- Achieve higher class exam scores
- Qualify for your dream job
- Improve your comprehension by activating certain areas of your brain
- Reprogram your mind to stop forgetting
- Remember all the names and relevant facts
- Unleash quick recall in any situation
- How to CUT your study time by half and still enjoy the studying for real.
- What are the common myths you have about reading and speed reading and how to overcome all of them.·
- What is the right mindset required for effective reading.
- How to get the main ideas from any book faster.
- How to read textbooks or technical books in an effective way.
- How to develop laser-like focus while reading.
- How to read faster on any computer screen and e-readers.
- What are the best ways of taking effective notes.
- What is Mind-mapping and what are the rules for making a perfect mind-map.
- How to summarize entire books or chapter in one page.
- How to revise from the notes you have prepared before an important exam.
- What are the common misbeliefs you have relating to memory.
- How your brain works and stores information and how to use it to your advantage.
- What is the ideal mindset to have while memorizing.
- What are 4 rules of memorization + special techniques to use.
- How to Memorize any information and do it faster. How to remember entire books.
- How to ace exams with confidence.
Who Should Attend
- The course is recommended to people who have a particular objective in mind and to people who want to first select the right goal(s).
- The course is designed for people who want to start a new project, change their habits, or work towards some other desired state.
- Business owners, writers, teachers, or anyone who regularly creates, brainstorms, and manages ideas, people, and tasks.
- By the end of this course, you will be able to read at least 3 times the speed of an average college graduate, with above-average comprehension and retention
- Students who want to adopt an extremely productive, strategic and consistent approach towards their learning, both in and out of the classroom.
Target Audiences
- The course is recommended to people who have a particular objective in mind and to people who want to first select the right goal(s).
- The course is designed for people who want to start a new project, change their habits, or work towards some other desired state.
- Business owners, writers, teachers, or anyone who regularly creates, brainstorms, and manages ideas, people, and tasks.
- By the end of this course, you will be able to read at least 3 times the speed of an average college graduate, with above-average comprehension and retention
- Students who want to adopt an extremely productive, strategic and consistent approach towards their learning, both in and out of the classroom.
Superhuman Learning 10X – The HIGHEST RATED Speed Reading & Memory Course On Udemy
OVER 7,954 REVIEWS!!! 4.6 STARS OUT OF 5!!! 73,200+ Premium Students!
New content added frequently since it was launched. Existing content improved.
Carl Says: “The course exceeds my expectations and standards. It’s full of relevant and useful information. I already started to absorb information faster than before.”
Daniel says: “Really good so far and super concise. Have experimented with similar online training on speed reading, Silviu is precise, to the point and with no fluff.Great value delivered.“
Arlen says: “I seriously improved my reading speed thanks to this course,from 350 to almost 700 words per minute in just 3 weeks. Thank you!”
Oliver says: “So far, it’s fascinating … it seems to have exactly what I was searching for:practical ideas, easy to do exercises and pleasant instructor. I’m excited to complete and practice what I’ve started and I’m sure my learning style will be super efficient. Thank you for the opportunity to enroll in your course.”
Philippe says: “My reading speed increased by 100% from 300 wpm to approximately 600 wpm.“
Are you overloaded and struggling to keep up with the information you need to read?
Are you frustrated and tired of memory lapses?
Are you stressed and frustrated with the amount of studies?
Effective Learning 10X provides you with the best tools and strategies to boost your reading speed, memory, and learning. You’ll be amazed at how many hours you can save when you double or triple your reading speed. If you save just one hour a day for a year that equals 365 hours, or more than NINE 40-hour work weeks! What would you do with that extra time? Only for you to decide!
Effective Learning 10X will enable you to:
Become faster, sharper, unstoppable in your daily life and career
Instantly increase your reading speed by 50% just after the FIRST Hour of this course
Boost focus and reduce subvocalization and regression
Reduce stress and frustration
Learn anything at least 2-3 times quicker
Achieve higher class exam scores
Qualify for your dream job
Improve your comprehension by activating certain areas of your brain
Reprogram your mind to stop forgetting
Remember all the names and relevant facts
Unleash quick recall in any situation
Thorough course providing ways to increase reading speed & how to focus upon your studies. I have some new ways to enhance my University studies. – Kylie (Student)
There are no poor readers, just people with good and bad reading habits.
Effective Learning 10X will simplify your work and reading by improving the four essential components of active learning: speed, comprehension, focus, and retention.
Quick Overview of What You Will Learn
1. Speed Reading
What is speed reading? is it possible to read fast? Will it work for me?
How to double or even triple your reading speed with strong comprehension.
How to CUT your study time by half and still enjoy the studying for real.
What are the common myths you have about reading and speed reading and how to overcome all of them.·
What is the right mindset required for effective reading.
How to get the main ideas from any book faster.
How to read textbooks or technical books in an effective way.
How to develop laser-like focus while reading.
How to read faster on any computer screen and e-readers.
The 3-step process to read any book.
2. Note Taking
What are the best ways of taking effective notes.
What is Mind-mapping and what are the rules for making a perfect mind-map.
How to summarize entire books or chapter in one page.
How to revise from the notes you have prepared before an important exam.
3. Memory Improvement
What are the common misbeliefs you have relating to memory.
How your brain works and stores information and how to use it to your advantage.
What is the ideal mindset to have while memorizing.
What are 4 rules of memorization + special techniques to use.
How to Memorize any information and do it faster. How to remember entire books.
How to ace exams with confidence.
In short, score more marks, pass exams easily even after spending less than half the time you are putting in now.
The knowledge you get from reading will improve your productivity, work efficiently and effectively in any job, profession and venture you choose to be.
I like this course. The techniques for reading, note-taking and memorization are combined and reemphasized to make this an effective course. I wish I had this course when I was in college. Better late than never. Thank you to the instructor. – Joseph (student)
Leaders are readers: your ability to read faster is a big competitive advantage that can save you years of productivity while making life a whole lot easier.
I am confident you will be able to increase dramatically your learning power after going through this course if you follow each of the techniques & strategies I created for you.
You have a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee with no questions asked, so you have nothing to lose. You’re not in this alone!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Unleash Your Genius Today!
Lecture 2: Course Structure: How to 10X Your Learning in Just 5 Weeks!
Lecture 3: 7 Myths That HIJACK Your Learning And How To BREAK Them
Lecture 4: DOWNLOAD CENTER – Here Are Your Course Resources to Download
Chapter 2: Speed Reading FUNDAMENTALS
Lecture 1: How Actually Reading Works?
Lecture 2: The Speed Reading Mindset
Lecture 3: The 1-Min Exercise: Discover How Fast You Can Read & Comprehend
Lecture 4: What It Takes to Skyrocket Your Reading Speed?
Lecture 5: Speed Reading Fundamentals: KEY POINTS
Chapter 3: Speed Reading 101: How to Read 500 Words per Minute
Lecture 1: The Easiest Speed Reading Technique to Use
Lecture 2: How to Read in Group of Words
Lecture 3: Normal – Double – Triple Drill
Lecture 4: Skimming & Scanning
Lecture 5: Speed Reading 101: KEY POINTS
Chapter 4: Speed Reading 102: How to Read 800 Words per Minute
Lecture 1: How to Reduce the Number of Fixations
Lecture 2: How To Expand Your Vision Span And Control Your Eyes – 900 DRILLS
Lecture 3: How To Develop A Wide And Deep Vision Span – 900 DRILLS
Lecture 4: How to Reduce Subvocalization
Lecture 5: The Best Workout to Reduce Subvocalization
Lecture 6: Speed Reading: KEY POINTS
Chapter 5: Active Reading: How to Fully Engage With the Book You're Reading
Lecture 1: How Active Reading Can Help Increase Your Comprehension
Lecture 2: Reading Actively: The Layered Approach
Lecture 3: Examples of Active Reading in Practice
Lecture 4: How to Use Visualization When Reading
Lecture 5: How to Practice Vizualization
Lecture 6: The Complete Blueprint on How to Read Any Book
Lecture 7: Active Reading: KEY POINTS
Chapter 6: Solid Memory: How to Remember Information Much Faster and More Reliably
Lecture 1: Most Popular Myths Related to Memory
Lecture 2: How to Use Metaphors in Your Studies
Lecture 3: Implementation Stages for Metaphors
Lecture 4: Better Metaphors 1/2
Lecture 5: Better Metaphors 2/2
Lecture 6: How to Encode New Words and Terminology
Lecture 7: How to Build Powerful Mental Databases
Lecture 8: Solid Memory: KEY POINTS
Chapter 7: Fast Note-Taking: Discover How to Stay Focused During Lectures or Meetings
Lecture 1: What is Note-Taking?
Lecture 2: Benefits of Active Listening
Lecture 3: The Two BIGGEST Mistakes in Note-Taking
Lecture 4: Preparation
Lecture 5: Set a Purpose and Adjust Your Note-Taking to Align With It
Lecture 6: Don’t Write Down the Details
Lecture 7: The Cornell Method
Lecture 8: Introduction to Deconstructing
Lecture 9: Other Opportunities to Use and Practice Note-Taking Skills
Lecture 10: Fast Note-Taking: KEY POINTS
Chapter 8: Laser-Like Focus: How to Stay Focused UP to 40 Min Without Getting Distracted
Lecture 1: Why Environment Matters More Than You Think
Lecture 2: 2. Note-Taking for Fast Focus
Lecture 3: Obstacles vs. Deliberate Action
Lecture 4: Distraction Log
Lecture 5: Deep Work
Lecture 6: Discovering Your Peak Focus Times
Lecture 7: Introduction to Sticky Habits
Lecture 8: 30-Day Challenge
Chapter 9: BONUS: How to Skyrocket Your Productivity!
Lecture 1: How to Make this Course Work for You!
Lecture 2: #1st Killer Productivity Myth – See Why Time Management Doesn't Exist!
Lecture 3: #2nd Killer Productivity Myth – How to Overcome the Victim Mentality!
Lecture 4: #3rd Killer Productivity Myth – The Secret to Stop Relying on Your Will Power!
Lecture 5: The 4 Secret Pillars of Productivity – And Almost No-One is Aware!
Lecture 6: THE POWER of Clarity – The No 1 Reason People Never Create the Results They Want
Lecture 7: SMART Goals Made Simple – The Effective Way!
Lecture 8: THE POWER of Decision-The Proven Mindset of the Most Millionaires in the World!
Lecture 9: How to Overcome Procrastination and Accomplish More FAST! – The Easy Way!
Lecture 10: THE POWER of Boundaries – The Top Secret to Become Effective and Powerful!
Lecture 11: How to Protect Your TIME – Discover What No-One Has Realized!
Lecture 12: The Key to Implement Boundaries – See How EASY It Is!
Lecture 13: Action Step – It Takes JUST 15 Minutes and It Will Change Your Perspective!
Chapter 10: How to Discover Your TOP Activities – These Will Drive All Your Success!
Lecture 1: Your TOP Performance Activities – These Will Give You All The Energy You Need!
Lecture 2: The BIGGEST Mistake Entrepreneurs Make that Limits Their Success!
Lecture 3: The Easy Method to Calculate the Income Level You Want to Reach!
Lecture 4: Your Personal TOP Performance Activities Explained – It's More Than You Think!
Lecture 5: Step 1 – Analyze your Activity List-Do This and Your Life Will Change Magically!
Lecture 6: Step 2 – Your Enjoyment Score – It's Important to Know What Your Priorities Are!
Lecture 7: Step 3 – Develop Your Top 5 Lists – Separate What You Like from What You Hate!
Lecture 8: Step 4 – How to Analyze Your Top 5 Performance Activities … The EASY Way!
Lecture 9: Wrap up – How this Module Helped you Discover What You Love Doing!
Lecture 10: How Important it is to Control and Eliminate Distractions
Chapter 11: The Secret to Eliminating Distractions
Lecture 1: The Secret to Eliminating Distractions!
Lecture 2: How to Control your Phone Distractions!
Lecture 3: #1st Secret Strategy to Control Phone Distractions!
Lecture 4: # 2nd Secret Strategy to Control Phone Distractions!
Lecture 5: #3rd Secret Strategy to Control Phone Distractions!
Lecture 6: How to Prioritize your Calls
Lecture 7: How to Master your Emails
Lecture 8: #1st Secret Strategy to Email Mastery!
Lecture 9: #2nd Secret Strategy to Email Mastery!
Lecture 10: #3th Secret Strategy to Email Mastery!
Lecture 11: #4th Secret Strategy to Email Mastery!
Lecture 12: #5th Secret Strategy to Email Mastery!
Lecture 13: How to Eliminate the Distractions when someone interrupts you
Silviu Marisk – Effective Learning Lab
Online Instructor Teaching 18 Courses and 200,000+ Students
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 131 votes
- 2 stars: 158 votes
- 3 stars: 734 votes
- 4 stars: 3068 votes
- 5 stars: 5560 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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