21-Day Stress Reduction Challenge
21-Day Stress Reduction Challenge, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 5, with 21 lectures, 21 quizzes, based on 13 reviews, and has 50 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand what stress is and why it happens Recognise the different types of stress Identify the mental, physical, emotional and behavioural symptoms of stress Master powerful techniques to calm yourself in stressful situations Discover transformative ways to substantially reduce long-term stress Learn how to build a resilient mindset Develop positive self-talk Challenge yourself with manageable but meaningful daily tasks Experience the calming effects of our downloadable visualisation meditation Create your personalised 3-2-1 Stress Reduction Action Plan, for lasting impact This course is ideal for individuals who are Busy professionals who are experiencing high levels of stress and burnout or Parents who are feeling overwhelmed and struggling to find a balance or Anyone who is suffering with symptoms of stress, such as anxiety, irritability and an inability to concentrate or People who are feeling unhappy with their lives and who struggle to maintain a positive outlook or Anyone who is finding it difficult to move past a negative life event or People who feel that they are unable to effectively cope with life's everyday problems It is particularly useful for Busy professionals who are experiencing high levels of stress and burnout or Parents who are feeling overwhelmed and struggling to find a balance or Anyone who is suffering with symptoms of stress, such as anxiety, irritability and an inability to concentrate or People who are feeling unhappy with their lives and who struggle to maintain a positive outlook or Anyone who is finding it difficult to move past a negative life event or People who feel that they are unable to effectively cope with life's everyday problems.
Enroll now: 21-Day Stress Reduction Challenge
Title: 21-Day Stress Reduction Challenge
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 5
Number of Lectures: 21
Number of Quizzes: 21
Number of Published Lectures: 21
Number of Published Quizzes: 21
Number of Curriculum Items: 42
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 42
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand what stress is and why it happens
- Recognise the different types of stress
- Identify the mental, physical, emotional and behavioural symptoms of stress
- Master powerful techniques to calm yourself in stressful situations
- Discover transformative ways to substantially reduce long-term stress
- Learn how to build a resilient mindset
- Develop positive self-talk
- Challenge yourself with manageable but meaningful daily tasks
- Experience the calming effects of our downloadable visualisation meditation
- Create your personalised 3-2-1 Stress Reduction Action Plan, for lasting impact
Who Should Attend
- Busy professionals who are experiencing high levels of stress and burnout
- Parents who are feeling overwhelmed and struggling to find a balance
- Anyone who is suffering with symptoms of stress, such as anxiety, irritability and an inability to concentrate
- People who are feeling unhappy with their lives and who struggle to maintain a positive outlook
- Anyone who is finding it difficult to move past a negative life event
- People who feel that they are unable to effectively cope with life's everyday problems
Target Audiences
- Busy professionals who are experiencing high levels of stress and burnout
- Parents who are feeling overwhelmed and struggling to find a balance
- Anyone who is suffering with symptoms of stress, such as anxiety, irritability and an inability to concentrate
- People who are feeling unhappy with their lives and who struggle to maintain a positive outlook
- Anyone who is finding it difficult to move past a negative life event
- People who feel that they are unable to effectively cope with life's everyday problems
Are you feeling stressed out? Do you have difficulty dealing with your stress? Do you suffer with symptoms like anxiety, irritability, tiredness and an inability to concentrate? Are you ready to take action to control it, once and for all? Then this 21-Day Stress Reduction Challenge is for you!
A message from the instructors, George and Sarah:
We’re George and Sarah, owners of Thrive Senses -a well-being company offering coaching, training, consultations, challenges, courses and retreats. We’re deeply passionate about mental health and well-being and love helping our clients find their pathway to optimal well-being and truly thrive!
As a couple, we have six children and we’ve lived in three different countries. So we’ve been through our fair share of stressful situations. However, through a mixture of personal and professional experience, academic study, and research, we’ve learnt how to effectively keep our stress levels under control and stay optimistic, resilient and productive.
We’re now really excited to share our insights with you, to help you finally conquer your stress and move forward as the very best version of yourself!
Every day, for 21 days, we’ll give you an effective, stress busting strategy, from practising self-compassion and mindfulness, to exercise and getting into nature, plus much, much more, and then challenge you with a manageable but meaningful daily task.
Our challenge includes:
Lots of empowering information
Daily quizzes
Relaxing exercises
Daily resource sheets
A visualisation meditation
Our unique Thrive Senses 3-2-1 Personalised Action Plan, for lasting impact
All of this is offered in handy, bite-sized chunks that are designed to be powerful, engaging and motivating, helping you to achieve long-term stress reduction and really make the most out of life!
So don’t let stress hold you back. It’s time to take control and be the person you were always meant to be: relaxed, resilient and raring to go!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Are there any downloadable resources?
Yes. Each daily session comes with a downloadable resource document that summarises the key points of the session, outlines your task for the day and provides space to write notes. Day 20 also comes with a meditation audio file.
When should I watch the daily video?
It usually works best if you choose the same time of day, every day, to watch the latest video, so that you can incorporate it into your regular routine.
How long is each video?
Our daily videos are all around 10 minutes long. They are designed to be informative, visually engaging and impactful, and are delivered in a concise, bite-sized format.
Do I have to do the quizzes to continue?
No. The quizzes are totally optional but we’d love you to give them a go! However, you will have to complete the quizzes if you wish to receive a certificate of completion from Udemy.
When do I do the tasks?
The tasks vary on a daily basis. Some can be done during the session, others involve taking some time after the session to complete, while a few require committing to an action in the following days.
Does the challenge involve writing tasks?
For many tasks, we ask you to write down your responses. Writing them down really helps to reinforce your commitment, so we do recommend it, but of course you may choose to simply think about your answers instead. Our aim is for this to be an engaging, rewarding, empowering experience for you. Therefore, we want you to make as much of it as you feel comfortable with, so that it feels enjoyable and manageable.
Does the challenge include physical tasks?
Some of our tasks involve mild physical activity, such as progressive muscle relaxation, while others involve higher level activity, such as physical exercise. Again, please use your judgement to adapt the tasks to make them personally suitable for you, so that you continue to enjoy the challenge.
Are the instructors qualified and experienced?
Yes. Please scroll down to read the instructor profiles. George and Sarah are both deeply passionate about helping others to overcome their obstacles to well-being, celebrate their strengths, develop healthy, positive mindsets and thrive! They are the owners of Thrive Senses LLP, offering individual, group and corporate well-being coaching and training, as well as well-being challenges, courses and retreats.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: DAY 1
Lecture 1: DAY 1: Welcome
Chapter 2: DAY 2
Lecture 1: DAY 2: Gratitude
Chapter 3: DAY 3
Lecture 1: DAY 3: Deep Breathing
Chapter 4: DAY 4
Lecture 1: DAY 4: Self Compassion
Chapter 5: DAY 5
Lecture 1: DAY 5: Talk
Chapter 6: DAY 6
Lecture 1: DAY 6: Mindfulness
Chapter 7: DAY 7
Lecture 1: DAY 7: Silver Linings
Chapter 8: DAY 8
Lecture 1: DAY 8: Me Time
Chapter 9: DAY 9
Lecture 1: DAY 9: Let It Go
Chapter 10: DAY 10
Lecture 1: DAY 10: Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Chapter 11: DAY 11
Lecture 1: DAY 11: Exercise
Chapter 12: DAY 12
Lecture 1: DAY 12: Positive People
Chapter 13: DAY 13
Lecture 1: DAY 13: Sleep
Chapter 14: DAY 14
Lecture 1: DAY 14: Phone and Social Media
Chapter 15: DAY 15
Lecture 1: Day 15: To-Do List
Chapter 16: DAY 16
Lecture 1: DAY 16: Getting Into Nature
Chapter 17: DAY 17
Lecture 1: DAY 17: Achievements
Chapter 18: DAY 18
Lecture 1: DAY 18: Affirmations
Chapter 19: DAY 19
Lecture 1: DAY 19: Music
Chapter 20: DAY 20
Lecture 1: DAY 20: Meditation
Chapter 21: DAY 21
Lecture 1: DAY 21: Making It Stick
Coach George -Thrive Senses
Thrive Senses Coach -
Coach Sarah -Thrive Senses
Thrive Senses Coach -
Thrive Senses
Transformative Well-Being Services
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 0 votes
- 5 stars: 13 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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