21 Simple Billionaire Habits _ that we all can build
21 Simple Billionaire Habits _ that we all can build, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.86, with 15 lectures, based on 7 reviews, and has 17 subscribers.
You will learn about 21 Billionaire common Habits. Habits for Success and quicker Financial Independence. The assessment included in the course helps you accurately find out if you are on the path to ultra-success and/or what's missing. How Billionaires look at Family & Friends, etc. (Note: The word Billionaire is used as Metaphor. It includes other super-rich and the ultra-successful). This course is ideal for individuals who are Those who understand the significance of retiring wealthy. Also those who would like to retire early (and wealthy). It is particularly useful for Those who understand the significance of retiring wealthy. Also those who would like to retire early (and wealthy).
Enroll now: 21 Simple Billionaire Habits _ that we all can build
Title: 21 Simple Billionaire Habits _ that we all can build
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.86
Number of Lectures: 15
Number of Published Lectures: 15
Number of Curriculum Items: 15
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 15
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- 21 Billionaire common Habits.
- Habits for Success and quicker Financial Independence.
- The assessment included in the course helps you accurately find out if you are on the path to ultra-success and/or what's missing.
- How Billionaires look at Family & Friends, etc. (Note: The word Billionaire is used as Metaphor. It includes other super-rich and the ultra-successful).
Who Should Attend
- Those who understand the significance of retiring wealthy. Also those who would like to retire early (and wealthy).
Target Audiences
- Those who understand the significance of retiring wealthy. Also those who would like to retire early (and wealthy).
Did you notice that a Marc Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Warren Buffet for example are so different from each other? In fact, different Generations, different Industries, different Organisations, different markets, different beliefs… and yet… they do some things in common. 21 “common” habits at least.
This raises 2 questions:
Question 1) Did they become successful and then built these Habits? Or vice versa?
Question 2) If these Habits made them ultra-successful, can we become ultra-successful, if we built these habits?
Isn’t that exciting?
Imagine what you can do with your life, if only you can find out accurately where you are sorted, and where you need to work on! And, this is the objective of this program! To support you retire EARLY and retire WEALTHY. May be we are not getting super rich, because we are missing out on a few habits.
So get ready. This class may change your life!
This class includes an ASSESSMENT which I designed to indicate whether you are on the path to ultra-success.
Consider this:
In a Credit Suisse research done in 2013 and then again in 2020, they found:
about 43% of the World’s total wealth was held by a handful 1% of people
The rest of us, 90% of us, held only about 16% collectively!
So what is it that the 1% know, that we don’t?
To add to the mystery, how come the Rich are getting richer (according to Credit Suisse findings again), while the others are burdened with rising prices every year?
According to Robert Kiyosaki, a billionaire and author of ‘RICH DAD, POOR DAD’, what the 1% know is not taught in any schools, colleges or institutions around the world. Not a single college! Moreover, he found that they would rather let the poor be poor! Terrible, isn’t it?
I personally know several people who have been working for years, their incomes rising year-after-year, and yet not really ending up super-rich. Why?
Shouldn’t our financial situation improve every year? Then why are we not able to retire early & wealthy?
Well, I have been interested in this topic since long and have been looking for indicators that the ultra-successful demonstrated from time-to-time. Over the years, I discovered 21 Habits so far. If you are super-rich, you have a high probability that you may have these habits. Knowingly or unknowingly.
Now, since the super-rich seem to have these 21 common habits, could it be possible that these 21 habits played a role?
Therefore, if we do these 21 things, logically our lives should also change! Right?
At the very least, is it worth experimenting and seeing what happens?
What do you think?
WHY this class?
I was happy in various jobs for 27 years and I thought I was doing pretty well for myself. Especially since my salaries were rising. Its only now, that I woke up from my slumber and realised that I will never get super-rich this way. It’s only now that I started looking at stuff differently. My priorities changed and I made some adjustments in my assets, expenses, liabilities and my incomes.
For example, this class is a source of income for me. Even though it still is a very small percentage of the salary I used to earn when in a job, this income is much more significant. While this may puzzle some, you will know precisely why, if you start thinking like a Billionaire.
(Thank you Udemy)
Don’t worry if you still don’t get it. I am sure by the end of this class, you will realise why?
I am 27 years late in this realisation, and I hope to tell the world about these habits so that we all can learn & grow together.
While there are many habits beyond 21, I have picked up the positive ones that I found most intriguing and simple. (Sorry, no bad habits here!)
Some of these are stunning, eye-opening… while others so obvious that I wondered, “Is this really important? I always knew this. I also always do this. What is the big deal?”
But then I realised that if so many ultra-successful are doing it too, it must be important. I have included those habits as well, in this class.
Now, its important to know that there are two kinds of Billionaires (according to Ken Honda, a Japanese Billionaire):
1. Who has the Money
2. Who is living his/her dream, and is Happy
#2 counts, because if you are living a good happy life, you already are a Billionaire! You are already doing what people want to do only after they have the money!
Hence the focus of this class also includes habits which not only help us grow our MONEY, but also helps us grow our HAPPINESS.
Get ready!
This could be really intense and may even change your life, like you never imagined!
And yes, remember to tell me how this class helped? Would love to hear from you.
May all your wishes come true.
Your author,
Harish Walavalkar
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction & Case Studies
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: 21 Billionaire Habits_ Case 1_Shocking Research
Lecture 3: Why I built this program?
Lecture 4: 21 Billionaire Habits_ Case 2
Chapter 2: Instructions
Lecture 1: Instructions before you start
Chapter 3: 21 Billionaire Habits
Lecture 1: The Magical Time Slot Habit
Lecture 2: The Clutter Free Habit
Lecture 3: ITC Share Price case_ The Innovation Habit
Lecture 4: The TV Habit
Lecture 5: Passion gives Energy, not vice versa
Lecture 6: The Reading & Self Development Habits
Lecture 7: The Precious Body Habits
Lecture 8: The Mind Habits
Lecture 9: Habits for the Soul
Lecture 10: The Last Bucket_ Habits 20,21
Harish Walavalkar
Executive Coach
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 6 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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