Autism Step by Step: The ultimate guide for families
Autism Step by Step: The ultimate guide for families, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 4.25, with 36 lectures, based on 123 reviews, and has 339 subscribers.
You will learn about You will know all the aspects about what it means to have in the family a person with the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. You will know the characteristics, definitions, and above all the capacities and the supports that these people and their families will need throughout their lives. You will learn to relate to your child differently and due to the concepts and techniques that we will teach you, you will understand his way of thinking and you will learn to build pleasant relationships with your child. You will understand his way of thinking, the reason he behaves the way he does and why his reaction to certain stimuli is different from most. You will understand how his brain works, how it processes information and how peculiar the accurateness with which he understands the world You will learn practical strategies to deal with the problems of everyday life, to be applied at home and that will address each of the three areas that we work in psychoeducational therapies: the social area, the area of communication and language and the area of behaviour. You’ll understand the behaviour of a person with autism. You will understand why they behave the way they do. You will learn how to handle challenging conducts, identify them and anticipate them to avoid crisis situations. You’ll provide autonomy skills to your child and taking advantage of these, you can turn the boring daily routines into supports for teaching autonomy and independency. This course is ideal for individuals who are Professionals and parents familiar with Autism will benefit from this course or Any people who wants to learn about Autism Spectrum Disorder It is particularly useful for Professionals and parents familiar with Autism will benefit from this course or Any people who wants to learn about Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Enroll now: Autism Step by Step: The ultimate guide for families
Title: Autism Step by Step: The ultimate guide for families
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 4.25
Number of Lectures: 36
Number of Published Lectures: 35
Number of Curriculum Items: 36
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 35
Original Price: €44.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will know all the aspects about what it means to have in the family a person with the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder.
- You will know the characteristics, definitions, and above all the capacities and the supports that these people and their families will need throughout their lives.
- You will learn to relate to your child differently and due to the concepts and techniques that we will teach you, you will understand his way of thinking and you will learn to build pleasant relationships with your child.
- You will understand his way of thinking, the reason he behaves the way he does and why his reaction to certain stimuli is different from most. You will understand how his brain works, how it processes information and how peculiar the accurateness with which he understands the world
- You will learn practical strategies to deal with the problems of everyday life, to be applied at home and that will address each of the three areas that we work in psychoeducational therapies: the social area, the area of communication and language and the area of behaviour.
- You’ll understand the behaviour of a person with autism. You will understand why they behave the way they do. You will learn how to handle challenging conducts, identify them and anticipate them to avoid crisis situations.
- You’ll provide autonomy skills to your child and taking advantage of these, you can turn the boring daily routines into supports for teaching autonomy and independency.
Who Should Attend
- Professionals and parents familiar with Autism will benefit from this course
- Any people who wants to learn about Autism Spectrum Disorder
Target Audiences
- Professionals and parents familiar with Autism will benefit from this course
- Any people who wants to learn about Autism Spectrum Disorder
The aim of this video-tutorial, is to clarify all the doubts about what it means to have in the family a person with the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. We are going to explain the characteristics, definitions and capacities that they have, and above all, the support that these people and their families will need at different stages of their lives.
Throughout my experience as a therapist, I’ve realized that it is very important to educate families, to have the opportunity to work in their homes, in the very environment of the person, it helps the objectives of the therapies to be fulfilled at a much faster pace, if we count on the help and involvement of the families, but in order to be involved and to be Co-therapists, a training process, that is not always available, is often necessary. The vast majority of books, texts, articles and manuals are aimed at health professionals, are very dense, with too much technical information that often confuses rather than help.
This course will be a very useful tool for parents, grandparents, siblings, educators and anyone interested in learning more about this topic.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Autism: Definitions and Characteristics
Lecture 1: What is autism?
Lecture 2: Can Autism be cured?
Lecture 3: What causes Autism?
Lecture 4: Vaccines and Autism (Are there connections?)
Lecture 5: How to recognize a person with ASD? (The Warning Signs)
Lecture 6: How to recognize a person with ASD (The three areas)
Lecture 7: Screening tools to identify if your child has autism: M-CHAT and Q-CHAT
Lecture 8: How is Autism Diagnosed?
Chapter 2: Perceptive and emotional world of people with ASD
Lecture 1: Why do we say that they are Visual Thinkers?
Lecture 2: What would a person with Autism ask of us?
Lecture 3: What is The Theory of Mind?
Lecture 4: The autistic spectrum and its infinity of colours
Chapter 3: How do we help a person with Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Lecture 1: Early care
Lecture 2: Common Principles of ASD Treatment
Chapter 4: Strategies and practical tools for daily life (Psychoeducational therapy)
Lecture 1: What do we do in therapies?. The Psychoeducational intervention.
Lecture 2: How do we teach Social skills to people with ASD?
Lecture 3: How do we teach Basic Social Skills?
Lecture 4: How do we teach Advanced Social Skills?
Lecture 5: How do we teach Advanced Social Skills? 2nd Part
Lecture 6: How do we teach communication and language to people with ASD?
Lecture 7: AACS -Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems
Lecture 8: Benson Schaeffer Total Communication System
Lecture 9: PECS – Picture exchange communication system
Lecture 10: PCS – Pictographic Communication System
Lecture 11: How to structure the environments
Lecture 12: Learning TEACCH method
Lecture 13: Learning TEACCH method (2nd part)
Lecture 14: Behaviour – What do we do about challenging behaviour?
Lecture 15: How to prevent the occurrence of challenging behaviour?
Lecture 16: How to prevent the occurrence of challenging behaviour? (2nd part)
Lecture 17: What do we do when the crisis has already started?
Chapter 5: Bonus Material
Lecture 1: Autism Spectrum Disorder: 10 things you should know
Lecture 2: 10 signs of autism for a child 24 months or older
Lecture 3: The Ron´s Journey – Don´t let anyone tell you what can´t be achieved
Lecture 4: Don't let anyone tell you what can't be done
Mayte Ureña
Psicóloga especialista TEA / Psychologist specialising ASD
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 18 votes
- 5 stars: 99 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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