Awaken Your Inner Viking Shaman – Beginner Level [certified]
Awaken Your Inner Viking Shaman – Beginner Level [certified], available at $99.99, has an average rating of 4.71, with 65 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 145 reviews, and has 764 subscribers.
You will learn about The nature of shamanism and the role of a shaman as a bridge between worlds and facilitator for a community. Songs for rattle, drum, or guitar (in English and Norwegian). Ways to prepare for a shamanic journey, including mindset and setting, the role of ritual, music, the altar, and fetishes. Going on a medicine walk through nature to locate a power place, and how to revisit that place on a Middle World journey. How to visit the Lower World, on a drumming journey, to find a power animal and energy to deal with a challenge in daily life. How to visit the Upper World, on a drumming journey, to find a wise teacher and insight into a life challenge. The “tree dance” for grounding and the “beast dance” for vitality. How to draw on memory, music, song, dance, poetry, and the elements (water, fire, earth, metal, wood, etc.) to enhance your experiences. A basic introduction to Norse cosmology (of course!) A dozen people’s advice and experiences with this practice, in their own words. Includes free drumming track, suggested exercises for homework, and quizzes. Various downloadable resources and tips for successful journeys. Includes 5-1/2 hours of on-demand video, plus assignments and quizzes, and 60 lectures, demonstrations, and interviews. This course is ideal for individuals who are Students who want to learn core shamanic practices. or Those who want to grow spiritually. or People who are interested in Norse language, culture, and cosmology. or Anyone curious about altered states of consciousness. It is particularly useful for Students who want to learn core shamanic practices. or Those who want to grow spiritually. or People who are interested in Norse language, culture, and cosmology. or Anyone curious about altered states of consciousness.
Enroll now: Awaken Your Inner Viking Shaman – Beginner Level [certified]
Title: Awaken Your Inner Viking Shaman – Beginner Level [certified]
Price: $99.99
Average Rating: 4.71
Number of Lectures: 65
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 65
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 84
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 84
Original Price: $44.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- The nature of shamanism and the role of a shaman as a bridge between worlds and facilitator for a community.
- Songs for rattle, drum, or guitar (in English and Norwegian).
- Ways to prepare for a shamanic journey, including mindset and setting, the role of ritual, music, the altar, and fetishes.
- Going on a medicine walk through nature to locate a power place, and how to revisit that place on a Middle World journey.
- How to visit the Lower World, on a drumming journey, to find a power animal and energy to deal with a challenge in daily life.
- How to visit the Upper World, on a drumming journey, to find a wise teacher and insight into a life challenge.
- The “tree dance” for grounding and the “beast dance” for vitality.
- How to draw on memory, music, song, dance, poetry, and the elements (water, fire, earth, metal, wood, etc.) to enhance your experiences.
- A basic introduction to Norse cosmology (of course!)
- A dozen people’s advice and experiences with this practice, in their own words.
- Includes free drumming track, suggested exercises for homework, and quizzes.
- Various downloadable resources and tips for successful journeys.
- Includes 5-1/2 hours of on-demand video, plus assignments and quizzes, and 60 lectures, demonstrations, and interviews.
Who Should Attend
- Students who want to learn core shamanic practices.
- Those who want to grow spiritually.
- People who are interested in Norse language, culture, and cosmology.
- Anyone curious about altered states of consciousness.
Target Audiences
- Students who want to learn core shamanic practices.
- Those who want to grow spiritually.
- People who are interested in Norse language, culture, and cosmology.
- Anyone curious about altered states of consciousness.
Why learn about shamanism?Shamanic work provides energy and insight for daily life challenges and is designed for self-empowerment, peaceful re-centering, and clarity of mind. At a time when many people feel stressed from all sides and perhaps experience a lack of meaning or grounding, shamanic practice is a wonderful way to relax, reset, and reinvigorate.
Through this course, you will learn, step-by-step, basic shamanic practices such as taking a mindful nature walk, going on drumming trance journeys with spirit helpers, and setting up an alter and using music and song to establish a “container” that expresses your personal style, gifts, and needs.
By the end of the course, you will relate to nature and your unconscious in a new way. You will be able to lay out an altar, invoke spirit helpers, go on 20- or 30-minute drumming trance journeys with (or without!) a rattle or drumming track, and return with memorable stories, energy, and insight to carry you through your week, and beyond.
What does the course involve?You will get a concise and comprehensive course. Each lesson is 10 to 30 minutes long and takes you on a journey of understanding and discovery.
Beyond the six hours of video lecture and demonstrations, we encourage you to do the exercises multiple times. Go on several medicine walks and drumming journeys to really get a feel for the limitless nature of these techniques. You will also find pithy reading material, advice from a diverse set of participants, and reference handouts that you can print and refer to at a glance. There are short self-tests to help you absorb the finer points. Also, if you are musically inclined, there are songs you can play or sing.
Ideally, allow a week to complete the course even though a few days is doable. And after you earn the certificate, consider practicing and reviewing for several more weeks to deepen your understanding.
Why the Norse Flavor?This Beginner course has a Norse flavor, with songs and themes related to Norse cultural and cosmology. As known through sagas and historical artifacts, the Norse deities, beliefs, and practices provide a treasure trove that adds richness, beauty, vigor, and a beating heart to shamanic practice.
The course is not religious in nature or require you be of a particular ethic background. Nor does the course aim to be accurate to Norse heathen or pagan beliefs or rites. Anyone can learn, practice, and enjoy the benefits. That said, we do our best though our courses to stick with established Norse ideas. We do not shy away from darker themes as “shadow work”.
This course is the foundation for the Intermediate and Advanced courses, which delve more deeply into the Norse cosmology and historical practices, such as Seidr, as an incredibly rich scaffold for advanced shamanic work.
What’s Shamanic Journeying?A drumming journey is a core shamanic practice. By following the repetitive sound of a rattle, drum or chant, and focusing on a select memory and mission, you enter an altered state of consciousness. This relaxes the ego, which can get stuck in an unsatisfying mood and mindset. Once relaxed, the process allows in helpful material from the unconscious. It is far more than visualizing or dreaming. A shamanic journey taps your inner healer and inner storyteller and engages your whole self for therapeutic benefit.
Each journey you will take will build on the others or opens new vistas. Over time, you will gain spirit allies that bring greater perceptiveness, peace, purpose, power (energy), and prosperity into your life.
Shamanism is very much about getting more connected. You will learn to see, hear, and feel more closely in alignment with nature, with your inner self, other people in your life, your breath and body, the divine or spirit realm, and a rich ancestral and cultural heritage.
This work requires no specific gift or talent. Anyone can form good relations with spirit helpers. Even if you are skeptical, you can consider the spirits as unconscious elements that are taking on a relatable form in your conscious mind. And, you can add elements of these practices into other aspects of your life, whether counseling, martial arts, musical performance, or whatnot. Even if you are among those persons who find it more challenging at the start, know that practice and patience will pay off.
What Else Will You Get?Your lead instructor, Dario, is an award-winning university teacher of the year. His, Avi’s, and Judah’s backgrounds span multiple cultures and, taken together, include neuroscience, psychological assessment, coaching, game design, rock climbing, video production, martial arts, and military service. While you may not directly hear much about all of these things within this course, know that they inform what we bring to you.
Shamanic practice is probably as old as humanity itself. It is how we cultivate the wonder of nature and life’s powerful moments to stay in touch with the spiritual beings that we are. You will experience a connection to that total timeless experience.
How do we use the slides? For your convenience, most of the lectures have an on-screen visual guide (slides) to what content is being covered. The same slides are attached as a PDF to the course. Thus, if you wish, you can either pause and zoom in to the visual guide or you can download the slides and have them handy to follow along with the lecture. Alternatively, since the slides are summaries, you can ignore them.
Bonus Certificate: When you complete the course, you can get an additional, official certificate from Radiance House (in addition to the Udemy certificate). This requires you attend at least one of our live (and usually free) group sessions. Contact us for details.
Disclaimer: Shamanic work is not intended as — nor can it replace — a proper medical, psychological or therapeutic diagnosis or treatment from a licensed healthcare professional. We encourage individuals with a history of psychological concerns to seek professional guidance as they normally would. Also, in the event that shamanic practice evokes challenging psychological material, we encourage seeking such services.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: 1 Hello
Lecture 1: Hello and introduction
Lecture 2: What is shamanic practice?
Lecture 3: Norse shamanism
Lecture 4: What is it like? And why do this?
Chapter 2: What is Shamanic Practice?
Lecture 1: A shaman's eye looks inward and outward
Lecture 2: Finding and taking a shamanic path
Lecture 3: What does a shaman do?
Chapter 3: Mindset and Setting
Lecture 1: Three spirit worlds
Lecture 2: The richness of the Norse tradition
Lecture 3: Connect with Nature through a memory
Chapter 4: Demo Medicine Walk
Lecture 1: Demo Medicine Walk
Lecture 2: Demo Middle World journey
Chapter 5: How to Take a Medicine Walk
Lecture 1: What you will need for this course
Lecture 2: How to find a Power Place
Lecture 3: How to dialog with a Power Place
Lecture 4: Reflections on working with Power Places
Chapter 6: Connecting with Nature and Middle World Journeys
Lecture 1: Try a Breath Work exercise
Lecture 2: How to go on a Middle World journey
Lecture 3: How to do the "Tree Dance"
Chapter 7: Altars and Containers
Lecture 1: A shaman uses containers
Lecture 2: Creating a (portable) altar as a bridge
Lecture 3: Customizing your altar
Lecture 4: Why do we need rituals?
Chapter 8: Case Studies: Expectations
Lecture 1: Case Studies: Expectations Part 1
Lecture 2: Case Studies: Expectations Part 2
Chapter 9: Finding a Spirit Animal in the Lower World
Lecture 1: Find a Spirit Animal in the Lower World
Lecture 2: Step-by-step how to start
Lecture 3: Meeting your journey's mission
Lecture 4: Thank you, bring back energy, and review
Chapter 10: Finding a Wise Teacher in the Upper World
Lecture 1: Find a Wise Teacher in the Upper World
Lecture 2: Typical Upper World experiences
Lecture 3: The instructors' own Wise Teacher stories
Chapter 11: Case Studies: Experiences
Lecture 1: Case Studies: Experiences Part 1
Lecture 2: Case Studies: Experiences Part 2
Lecture 3: Case Studies: Experiences Part 3
Lecture 4: Case Studies: Experiences Part 4
Lecture 5: Case Studies: Experiences Part 5
Lecture 6: Case Studies: Experiences Part 6
Lecture 7: Case Studies: Experiences Part 7
Chapter 12: Music, Motion, and the Elements
Lecture 1: How to do the "Beast Dance"
Lecture 2: Finding your Power Song
Lecture 3: A Norse "Dark Ravens" song
Lecture 4: Ground and enrich with the elements
Chapter 13: Origins of Norse Shamanism
Lecture 1: Ways we know about Norse shamanism
Lecture 2: Roots deep into ancient times
Lecture 3: The amazing Nordic Bronze Age
Lecture 4: In the Iron Age, and the Vikings
Lecture 5: Over the Christian centuries
Lecture 6: The modern Norse shamanic revival
Chapter 14: Basic Norse Cosmology
Lecture 1: The Norse deities
Lecture 2: The World Tree as a central motif
Chapter 15: Improving the Quality of Your Journeys
Lecture 1: Mindful journeying
Lecture 2: Trance, neuroscience, and psyche
Lecture 3: Ethics, peace, and power
Lecture 4: Ways to connect and life applications
Lecture 5: The importance of daily practices
Chapter 16: Case Studies: Suggestions
Lecture 1: Case Studies: Suggestions Part 1
Lecture 2: Case Studies: Suggestions Part 2
Chapter 17: The Big Picture
Lecture 1: Big Picture Part 1
Lecture 2: Big Picture Part 2
Chapter 18: Closing
Lecture 1: Closing Part 1
Lecture 2: Closing Part 2
Lecture 3: Closing Part 3
Lecture 4: Closing Part 4
Yehuda Ben Jehoshua
Creative Director / Personal Coach -
Dario Nardi
instructor, author, and consultant -
Avi Mamont
spiritual life coach
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 18 votes
- 4 stars: 31 votes
- 5 stars: 95 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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