Conversation Confidence: Never Run Out of Things to Say
Conversation Confidence: Never Run Out of Things to Say, available at $34.99, has an average rating of 3.13, with 36 lectures, based on 4 reviews, and has 953 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn the IMPACT of Communication Skills in Our Business and Social Life. Understand and Grasp the Underlying Foundation Of All Human Interactions. Build "wide rapport" with a new friend so that this person will feel an INSTANT connection with you, regardless of culture, age, or even mood. DISCOVER 6 Response techniques to ENSURE you'll never be tongue-tied ever again! Use one of these to make ENGAGING conversation at any moment with EASE. Break the ice every time. Figure out how people motivate themselves, and how they organize their thinking and their way of working. Clarify the message you’re sending once you understand the lenses that shape perception. Get into the head of your customer and figure out ways to influence his/her buying decisions, People Patterns Blueprint brings into play behavioral models that both Researchers have been working on and testing for over decades. Explains how to "speed-read" people: decode sentiments and behaviors, avoid hidden pitfalls, and look for deceptive behaviors. Control the direction and length of any conversation, with your goal always firmly in mind! Appeal to 67% of your ideal potential clients that no one else is talking to without any selling proccesses. This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for you if you have ever Tongue-Tied or Run out of things to Say in a Conversation. or This course is for you if you would like to connect more deeply with the people you meet, whether it be in a social, business, or romantic context. or If you are someone who feels uncomfortable meeting new people, is insecure about presenting yourself or standing out from the crowd, this course is for you! or Managers and supervisors So you can understand your employees in a way that you never before! or You do not need this course if you already enjoy meeting strangers, easily engage in conversation and are a natural at deliberately seeking to further develop relationships with acquaintances. It is particularly useful for This course is for you if you have ever Tongue-Tied or Run out of things to Say in a Conversation. or This course is for you if you would like to connect more deeply with the people you meet, whether it be in a social, business, or romantic context. or If you are someone who feels uncomfortable meeting new people, is insecure about presenting yourself or standing out from the crowd, this course is for you! or Managers and supervisors So you can understand your employees in a way that you never before! or You do not need this course if you already enjoy meeting strangers, easily engage in conversation and are a natural at deliberately seeking to further develop relationships with acquaintances.
Enroll now: Conversation Confidence: Never Run Out of Things to Say
Title: Conversation Confidence: Never Run Out of Things to Say
Price: $34.99
Average Rating: 3.13
Number of Lectures: 36
Number of Published Lectures: 36
Number of Curriculum Items: 36
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 36
Original Price: $84.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn the IMPACT of Communication Skills in Our Business and Social Life.
- Understand and Grasp the Underlying Foundation Of All Human Interactions.
- Build "wide rapport" with a new friend so that this person will feel an INSTANT connection with you, regardless of culture, age, or even mood.
- DISCOVER 6 Response techniques to ENSURE you'll never be tongue-tied ever again! Use one of these to make ENGAGING conversation at any moment with EASE. Break the ice every time.
- Figure out how people motivate themselves, and how they organize their thinking and their way of working.
- Clarify the message you’re sending once you understand the lenses that shape perception.
- Get into the head of your customer and figure out ways to influence his/her buying decisions, People Patterns Blueprint brings into play behavioral models that both Researchers have been working on and testing for over decades.
- Explains how to "speed-read" people: decode sentiments and behaviors, avoid hidden pitfalls, and look for deceptive behaviors.
- Control the direction and length of any conversation, with your goal always firmly in mind!
- Appeal to 67% of your ideal potential clients that no one else is talking to without any selling proccesses.
Who Should Attend
- This course is for you if you have ever Tongue-Tied or Run out of things to Say in a Conversation.
- This course is for you if you would like to connect more deeply with the people you meet, whether it be in a social, business, or romantic context.
- If you are someone who feels uncomfortable meeting new people, is insecure about presenting yourself or standing out from the crowd, this course is for you!
- Managers and supervisors So you can understand your employees in a way that you never before!
- You do not need this course if you already enjoy meeting strangers, easily engage in conversation and are a natural at deliberately seeking to further develop relationships with acquaintances.
Target Audiences
- This course is for you if you have ever Tongue-Tied or Run out of things to Say in a Conversation.
- This course is for you if you would like to connect more deeply with the people you meet, whether it be in a social, business, or romantic context.
- If you are someone who feels uncomfortable meeting new people, is insecure about presenting yourself or standing out from the crowd, this course is for you!
- Managers and supervisors So you can understand your employees in a way that you never before!
- You do not need this course if you already enjoy meeting strangers, easily engage in conversation and are a natural at deliberately seeking to further develop relationships with acquaintances.
Approximately 85% percent of our success in life is directly attributable to our communication and Conversational skills. That means that no matter how ambitious, how committed, or how highly educated someone is, they still have a low probability of success unless they develop the right communication skills.
People who reported communicating more effectively showed the highest satisfaction with their relationships.
“The quality of your life is the quality of your communication in both your business and social life"
Whenever you want, you'll be able to:
- Make ENGAGING conversation at any moment with EASE. Break the ice every time and ENSURE you'll never be tongue-tied ever again!
- Understand and Grasp the Underlying Foundation Of All Human Interactions.
- Create an OUTSTANDING Rapport with virtually ANYONE.
- Engage anyone in an intelligent, powerful conversation so that they will REMEMBER you, no matter how famous, wealthy, or powerful they are.
- FIGURE OUT: 1)How people cope with change, 2) What are people's primary interests, 3) How people deal with information, 4) How people evaluate things, 5) How they take decisions, 6) What motivatesthem, 7) What their values are and they organize 8) Their work and 9) Their use of time.
- Get into the head of your customer and figure out ways to influence his/her buying decisions, People Patterns Blueprint brings into play behavioral models that both Researchers have been working on and testing for over decades.
- In a nut shell,Speed-Reading people successfully is essentially learning about the world around us, decoding & determining the meaning of non-verbal communications as manifested through facial expressions, gestures, physical movements, posture & even the tone, timbre, & volume of a person's voice – to predict human actions.
- Become the master of your own Conversations, and to rule over it, instead of being ruled by it!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Intoduction
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Heart of Great Communication and Conversation
Lecture 2: Importance Of Communication Skills (Statistics and Facts)
Chapter 2: Understanding People Patterns ("Cognitive Patterns", "Thinking Styles")
Lecture 1: Introduction to Your Cognitive Patterns
Lecture 2: Sameness or Difference – Where's your Attention?
Lecture 3: What You Pay Attention To, What You Find Interesting and Motivating, or Boring
Lecture 5: What Sort Of Information Do People Need to Make a Decision?
Lecture 6: Master Motivation In Just A Few Minutes!
Lecture 7: How you Like to Live your Outer Life–What Are the Behaviors Others Tend to See?
Lecture 8: How people Approach / Operate Their Actions?
Lecture 9: People Patterns Identification
Chapter 3: People's Non-Verbal Patterns ("Body Language")
Lecture 1: Baselining and Cluster of Signals
Lecture 2: Body Language Alphabet
Lecture 3: Proxemics
Lecture 4: Micro-Expressions
Lecture 5: Eye Movement
Lecture 6: Eye Gazing
Lecture 7: Non-Verbal Rapport
Lecture 8: Have You Learned Something New?
Chapter 4: Build Rapport & Forget Being Tongue Tied
Lecture 1: Basic Principle Of all Communications and Conversations
Lecture 2: Conversational Management
Lecture 3: Emotional State Elicitation
Lecture 4: The Best Way To Start A Conversation
Lecture 5: Three Simple Steps To RAPPORT
Lecture 6: Conversation Hack #1 (Conversation Spinner)
Lecture 7: Conversation Hack #2 (Metaphor)
Lecture 8: Conversation Hack #3 (Curiosity)
Lecture 9: Conversation Hack #4 (Acting)
Lecture 10: Conversation Hack #5 (Mind Reading)
Lecture 11: Conversation Hack #6 (Conversational Tension)
Lecture 12: 7 Triggers To Fascination
Lecture 13: Getting it All Together
Chapter 5: Conversation Hacks in Business and Social Contexts
Lecture 1: Utilizing Market Data Selling Anything Immediately
Lecture 2: Conversation Games
Lecture 3: Fun Tests
Lecture 4: Could You Give Me A Hand?
Khalid Hosni
Lifelong Learner
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 0 votes
- 5 stars: 1 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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