Dental School Interview course for foreign trained dentists
Dental School Interview course for foreign trained dentists, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 43 lectures, based on 39 reviews, and has 117 subscribers.
You will learn about Best interview skills to clear university dental school interviews for international dentists Create an impressive story-line/ biography to answer most common interview questions Pose effective answers drawn from your previous dental experience to match the requirements of dental school Learn research skills specific to each dental school that will push you ahead of all other applicants This course is ideal for individuals who are Internationally trained dentists, DDS aspirants, DDS candidates, NBDE, NDEB or Dentistry students or iNBDE National Boards of Dental Examination candidates in USA or NDEB National Dental Examination Boards of Canada Candidates or CAAPID candidate interview or ADEA Advanced Placement for International Dentists or DDS DMD Qualifying program candidates or Internationally Trained Dentists Program It is particularly useful for Internationally trained dentists, DDS aspirants, DDS candidates, NBDE, NDEB or Dentistry students or iNBDE National Boards of Dental Examination candidates in USA or NDEB National Dental Examination Boards of Canada Candidates or CAAPID candidate interview or ADEA Advanced Placement for International Dentists or DDS DMD Qualifying program candidates or Internationally Trained Dentists Program.
Enroll now: Dental School Interview course for foreign trained dentists
Title: Dental School Interview course for foreign trained dentists
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 43
Number of Published Lectures: 43
Number of Curriculum Items: 43
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 43
Original Price: CA$279.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Best interview skills to clear university dental school interviews for international dentists
- Create an impressive story-line/ biography to answer most common interview questions
- Pose effective answers drawn from your previous dental experience to match the requirements of dental school
- Learn research skills specific to each dental school that will push you ahead of all other applicants
Who Should Attend
- Internationally trained dentists, DDS aspirants, DDS candidates, NBDE, NDEB
- Dentistry students
- iNBDE National Boards of Dental Examination candidates in USA
- NDEB National Dental Examination Boards of Canada Candidates
- CAAPID candidate interview
- ADEA Advanced Placement for International Dentists
- DDS DMD Qualifying program candidates
- Internationally Trained Dentists Program
Target Audiences
- Internationally trained dentists, DDS aspirants, DDS candidates, NBDE, NDEB
- Dentistry students
- iNBDE National Boards of Dental Examination candidates in USA
- NDEB National Dental Examination Boards of Canada Candidates
- CAAPID candidate interview
- ADEA Advanced Placement for International Dentists
- DDS DMD Qualifying program candidates
- Internationally Trained Dentists Program
This course offers a collection of almost every question ever asked in the DDS during Panel interviews, personal interviews, CDA structured interviews, and Multiple Mini Interviews. Dental School interviews asses your behavior and communication skills. You cannot read a book, listen to someone else’s answers, or practice with a family member or friend to prepare yourself for such a significant interview of your life.
In this course, we will teach you how to use a specific strategy and approach towards each question. We will also share what are some skills, keywords, and criteria that the interview panel is looking for.
Stay assured, by end of this course, you will know how to draft answer to each interview question and topic that can be potentially asked during your dental school interview for foreign trained dentists throughout North America.
This course will walk you through over 50+ interview questions, STAR method of answering problem solving questions, clinical and interpersonal scenarios, and various situations that the interview panel might ask. We will make sure that you are well prepared for any question that they ask with a well rehearsed answer to it.
After this course, you will have an option to join a one-on-one mock interview session with the instructor and get the most out of this course preparation. Sam had mentored multiple DDS DMD candidates for such interviews and those students are now successfully accepted into their program of choice.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Intro section
Lecture 1: BIG REASONS to join this course before your dental school DDS DMD interview
Lecture 2: ANATOMY of ideal interview prep for immigrant or foreign trained dentists
Lecture 3: EXTRA HELP- option for one-on-one Mock Interview
Lecture 1: MUST TO-DO preparation before an interview- online or in-person
Lecture 2: ONLY FOR ONLINE / ZOOM Interview candidates- Getting Ready
Lecture 3: RESEARCH your dental schools, memorizing info, and create a perfect match
Lecture 4: SECRET of selection criteria, keywords, and rubric used by the interview panel
Lecture 5: STORY- writing your biography, personal story line, and a list of experiences
Lecture 6: STAR method for problem solving questions
Chapter 3: Top 3 questions- Tell me about yourself; your strengths and your weaknesses
Lecture 1: Q1 . Tell me something about yourself
Lecture 2: Q2. What are you 5 greatest strengths?
Lecture 3: Q3. What are your 3 greatest weaknesses?
Chapter 4: Motivation towards dentistry- your perfect story!
Lecture 1: Motivation towards dentistry and everything in life
Lecture 2: Why did you choose to become a dentist/want to become a dentist
Lecture 3: What are your 3 long term and short term goals in life?
Lecture 4: Who is your role model? Name the person who influence you the most and how.
Lecture 5: Where do you see yourself in 5 years (or 10 years)?
Lecture 6: Why should we select you over other applicants?
Lecture 7: Summary of your motivation – take a moment to reflect
Chapter 5: About dental school and you- finding a perfect match
Lecture 1: Why did you apply for this dental school / DDS DMD program?
Lecture 2: Did you apply to any other DDS programs? Which program is your first choice? Why
Lecture 3: How did you prepare for this interview?
Lecture 4: What is the weakest point in your application? or What is your biggest failure?
Chapter 6: Life skill
Lecture 1: Life skills section emphasize on your style and approach towards everyday tasks
Lecture 2: How do you manage stress?
Lecture 3: How do you manage multiple responsibilities and tasks in hand? give example
Lecture 4: What is the best and worst moment / experience of your life?
Lecture 5: Best decision of your life (or smarted decision)
Lecture 6: How do you deal with extreme competition (or very competitive situation)?
Chapter 7: Problem solving scenarios
Lecture 1: How to answer problem solving scenario questions
Lecture 2: Tell me about a problem you were facing, recently, and how did you solve it?
Lecture 3: Emergency situation- Night before the final exams!
Lecture 4: Handling criticism/ negative feedback/ less marks
Lecture 5: Conflict with seniors/ professor
Lecture 6: Managing coworkers-
Lecture 7: How to manage a team member who is slow and underperforming?
Lecture 8: Language barrier
Chapter 8: Patient management Scenarios
Lecture 1: How do you treat or manage patient who is-
Lecture 2: How do you explain complex information in simple words to a patient?
Chapter 9: BONUS questions
Lecture 1: One of your patient is always late for his appointment.
Lecture 2: Talk about ethical dilemma that you faced with a patient?
Lecture 3: What are covid related complications / issues facing dentistry?
Lecture 4: Good luck for your interview
Sam Soni
Dentist, Teacher, Lifelong Learner, and productivity geek
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 9 votes
- 5 stars: 26 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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