Essential influencing skills for the workplace
Essential influencing skills for the workplace, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 3.9, with 15 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 170 reviews, and has 1178 subscribers.
You will learn about Explain the Assertive Persuasion influencing style Use the Assertive Persuasion influencing style Assess when the Assertive Persuasion influencing style is both most, and least, likely to be effective Explain the Reward and Punishment influencing style Explain the Reward and Punishment influencing style Assess when the Reward and Punishment influencing style is both most, and least, likely to be effective Explain the Participation and Trust influencing style Use the Participation and Trust influencing style Know when the Participation and Trust influencing style is both most, and least, likely to be effective Know when the Participation and Trust influencing style is both most, and least, likely to be effective Use the Common Vision influencing style Assess when the Common Vision influencing style is both most, and least, likely to be effective Notice when others are attempting to influence their behaviour Recognize their own favoured style of influence Recognize how they are most effectively influenced This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is likely to be useful for managers and leaders who need to influence teams and staff to achieve goals, objectives and aspirations. or It is also likely to be useful to those who need to influence others such as peer colleagues or project group team members to achieve role objectives. or It will also be helpful with influencing upwards. or It will be helpful to those who need to influence across a network over which they have no power to achieve their work goals or objectives. or This is an introductory course and it is less likely to be useful to senior or experienced leaders or managers except as a ‘refresher’ It is particularly useful for This course is likely to be useful for managers and leaders who need to influence teams and staff to achieve goals, objectives and aspirations. or It is also likely to be useful to those who need to influence others such as peer colleagues or project group team members to achieve role objectives. or It will also be helpful with influencing upwards. or It will be helpful to those who need to influence across a network over which they have no power to achieve their work goals or objectives. or This is an introductory course and it is less likely to be useful to senior or experienced leaders or managers except as a ‘refresher’.
Enroll now: Essential influencing skills for the workplace
Title: Essential influencing skills for the workplace
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 3.9
Number of Lectures: 15
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 15
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 16
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 16
Original Price: $34.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Explain the Assertive Persuasion influencing style
- Use the Assertive Persuasion influencing style
- Assess when the Assertive Persuasion influencing style is both most, and least, likely to be effective
- Explain the Reward and Punishment influencing style
- Explain the Reward and Punishment influencing style
- Assess when the Reward and Punishment influencing style is both most, and least, likely to be effective
- Explain the Participation and Trust influencing style
- Use the Participation and Trust influencing style
- Know when the Participation and Trust influencing style is both most, and least, likely to be effective
- Know when the Participation and Trust influencing style is both most, and least, likely to be effective
- Use the Common Vision influencing style
- Assess when the Common Vision influencing style is both most, and least, likely to be effective
- Notice when others are attempting to influence their behaviour
- Recognize their own favoured style of influence
- Recognize how they are most effectively influenced
Who Should Attend
- This course is likely to be useful for managers and leaders who need to influence teams and staff to achieve goals, objectives and aspirations.
- It is also likely to be useful to those who need to influence others such as peer colleagues or project group team members to achieve role objectives.
- It will also be helpful with influencing upwards.
- It will be helpful to those who need to influence across a network over which they have no power to achieve their work goals or objectives.
- This is an introductory course and it is less likely to be useful to senior or experienced leaders or managers except as a ‘refresher’
Target Audiences
- This course is likely to be useful for managers and leaders who need to influence teams and staff to achieve goals, objectives and aspirations.
- It is also likely to be useful to those who need to influence others such as peer colleagues or project group team members to achieve role objectives.
- It will also be helpful with influencing upwards.
- It will be helpful to those who need to influence across a network over which they have no power to achieve their work goals or objectives.
- This is an introductory course and it is less likely to be useful to senior or experienced leaders or managers except as a ‘refresher’
By taking this course you will learn how to achieve your goals and aspirations through influencing others. You will increase your effectiveness as a leader, a team member or a project worker.
Learn to effectively influence others and increase your effectiveness
· Learn four very different ways of influencing others
· Build up your persuasive skills with a range of approaches
· Learn how to influence with impact in different situations
· Recognise how others are trying to influence you
Become more effective at influencing others
We’ll learn how the ability to influence others is key to success in today’s world. With examples from the business and domestic world, we’ll see how different styles of influence are appropriate to different situations. We’ll learn how to spot the different styles in action and who is most likely to use them. We’ll identify the key success factors for each style, and the counter-indications.
This course is made up of short, focused video clips each clearly targeted on one aspect of the programme. For each of the four styles studied we’ll look at the definition of the style, the type of person likely to use it, when it is likely to work and when it isn’t. Each section is supported by a downloadable briefing sheet, an aide memoire for future use.
The course is illuminated with examples and case-studies supported by powerful and dramatic video scenes that highlights the points being made. A comprehensive quiz allows you to test your learning and, with reference back to key video clips, makes sure your learning is secured.
We all need to be able to influence others to make our dreams come true, to realise our hopes and aspirations and to achieve our goals and targets. I designed this course for people who want to increase their ability to make a difference by working with others in effective, and persuasive, ways.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction and welcome
Lecture 1: Introduction and welcome
Chapter 2: Assertive Persuasion – Essential Influencing Stye 1
Lecture 1: What is Assertive Persuasion?
Lecture 2: When Assertive Persuasion IS effective
Lecture 3: When Assertive Persuasion IS NOT effective
Chapter 3: Reward and Punishment – Essential Influencing Stye 2
Lecture 1: What is Reward and Punishment?
Lecture 2: When Reward and Punishment IS effective
Lecture 3: When Reward and Punishment IS NOT effective
Chapter 4: Participation (or Relationship) and Trust – Essential Influencing Stye 3
Lecture 1: What is Participation and Trust?
Lecture 2: When Participation and Trust IS effective
Lecture 3: When Participation and Trust IS NOT effective
Chapter 5: Common Vision – Essential Influencing Stye 4
Lecture 1: What is Common Vision?
Lecture 2: When Common Vision IS effective
Lecture 3: When Common Vision IS NOT effective
Chapter 6: Putting the four influencing styles into practice
Lecture 1: Putting the four influencing styles into practice
Lecture 2: Final thoughts
Chapter 7: Check your understanding
Skill Boosters
Films for a better workplace -
Sarah Lewis
Chartered Organizational Psychologist at Udemy
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 11 votes
- 3 stars: 52 votes
- 4 stars: 68 votes
- 5 stars: 37 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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