Family Constellation: Master Course
Family Constellation: Master Course, available at $129.99, has an average rating of 4.83, with 123 lectures, based on 260 reviews, and has 1225 subscribers.
You will learn about You discover the healing power in your family . You recognize your own unconscious imprints by the family You learn to transform the negative imprints You improve and strengthen the connections in your family. You discover how you can improve your partnership You know what it takes to be a good father or mother You understand essential principles for a fulfilled life This course is ideal for individuals who are People who want to understand themselves better or People with difficulties with their family or People who are tormented by problems for which they see no cause or People who want to understand others better or Participants of training courses in family constellations or People in helping professions who want to broaden their horizon It is particularly useful for People who want to understand themselves better or People with difficulties with their family or People who are tormented by problems for which they see no cause or People who want to understand others better or Participants of training courses in family constellations or People in helping professions who want to broaden their horizon.
Enroll now: Family Constellation: Master Course
Title: Family Constellation: Master Course
Price: $129.99
Average Rating: 4.83
Number of Lectures: 123
Number of Published Lectures: 123
Number of Curriculum Items: 123
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 123
Original Price: $129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You discover the healing power in your family .
- You recognize your own unconscious imprints by the family
- You learn to transform the negative imprints
- You improve and strengthen the connections in your family.
- You discover how you can improve your partnership
- You know what it takes to be a good father or mother
- You understand essential principles for a fulfilled life
Who Should Attend
- People who want to understand themselves better
- People with difficulties with their family
- People who are tormented by problems for which they see no cause
- People who want to understand others better
- Participants of training courses in family constellations
- People in helping professions who want to broaden their horizon
Target Audiences
- People who want to understand themselves better
- People with difficulties with their family
- People who are tormented by problems for which they see no cause
- People who want to understand others better
- Participants of training courses in family constellations
- People in helping professions who want to broaden their horizon
“Family constellation” is the method which – faster than any other psychological method before – has spread from Germany throughout the world in the last two decades. This approachis powerful in its healing effects and gives insights in solutions for many conflicts in families and couples – and for conflicts within yourself!
In this course you win a deep understanding about the influence of your family on your problems and on your wellbeing. In 25 exercises you will discover the new insights not only theoretically, but also practically. These guided imaginations allow you to heal personal issues. So that the love for yourself, for your family and for life as a whole will flow even more!
At the same time you start to see others and their difficulties with new eyes. You understand more how and why we humans act.
If you want to become a facilitator of family constellation, this course is a great help!
I practice and teach family constellations since more than 25 years in many parts of the world. In eight books I have described the various aspects of this effective method – this course contains the essence.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome to this course
Lecture 2: What you learn in this course
Lecture 3: About me
Lecture 4: Do not believe in me: Find your own truth!
Lecture 5: Recommendations how to use this course
Lecture 6: Practice: My image of my family
Chapter 2: Family history
Lecture 1: Where does your name come from?
Lecture 2: The importance of the facts of the family history
Lecture 3: Why the fate of an ancestor may influence your life
Lecture 4: Why is a member of the family excluded? About shame and horror
Lecture 5: Practice: What do you know about your family history?
Lecture 6: Deep down you love your family more than you ever thought
Lecture 7: Who belongs to your family?
Lecture 8: Practice: You connect with what you heard till now
Lecture 9: Different layers of connection
Chapter 3: Method Family Constellation
Lecture 1: Family constellation – a new method which reveals the hidden connections
Lecture 2: A personal example of a constellation
Lecture 3: What is the core of the method?
Lecture 4: How can the reactions of the representatives be explained?
Lecture 5: Your task as a client
Lecture 6: My attempt to describe what happens in a constellation
Lecture 7: The ground of constellation work: order, energy and facts
Lecture 8: Order 1: Everyone has a good and adequate place in a system
Lecture 9: Order 2: Parents are “big”, children are “small”
Lecture 10: Order 3: Everyone belongs to his family in the same way
Lecture 11: Order 4: Each carries his own life and destiny
Lecture 12: The magic power of bowing before someone
Lecture 13: Summary of the orders
Lecture 14: Each constellation is a dance between energy, order and facts
Lecture 15: Each facilitator develops his own style between the poles
Lecture 16: More about the founder Bert Hellinger
Lecture 17: Personal remark about facts and the confusion in families
Lecture 18: Distinguish energy and facts!
Lecture 19: Constellations can lead in the wrong direction – an example
Lecture 20: How to work with symbols on your own
Chapter 4: Connecting more with your parents
Lecture 1: Practice: Meeting your mother
Lecture 2: Discover or strengthen the loving connection to your mother and father!
Lecture 3: Why parents are so important to children
Lecture 4: How does a good adult relationship with one's own parents look like?
Lecture 5: Past wounding must be seen and acknowledged
Lecture 6: Seeing the parents with the adult's eyes
Lecture 7: Practice: Look to your mother or father with the adult's eyes!
Lecture 8: The thankfulness for life
Lecture 9: The tensions between father and mother
Lecture 10: Practice: Withdraw from the tensions between your parents!
Lecture 11: The importance of the biological parents
Lecture 12: You can find love a n d freedom
Lecture 13: When parents grow old
Chapter 5: The consequences of death and heavy fate in a family
Lecture 1: The death of father or mother
Lecture 2: Death and guilt
Lecture 3: The death of a sibling
Lecture 4: If a child is handicapped
Lecture 5: If your parents lost their parents early on
Lecture 6: Death or illness of the mother as a result of childbirth – and its consequenc
Lecture 7: Suicide in a family and its consequences
Chapter 6: Love and relationship
Lecture 1: Love and conflicts in a relationship
Lecture 2: Practice: Take a look at your partnership
Lecture 3: Two different solutions in constellations
Lecture 4: Practice: You take responsibility for the relationship as it is
Lecture 5: Practice: You leave the role of a victim
Lecture 6: What's stopping someone from taking all the responsibility
Lecture 7: Old pain turns into longing
Lecture 8: Practice: Discover your child feelings in current conflicts
Lecture 9: When someone cannot really open up in a love relationship
Lecture 10: The loyalty to the unhappiness
Lecture 11: Practice: What in your relationship is similar to the relationship of the parent
Lecture 12: The impact of past relationships
Lecture 13: Practice: Come in peace with your first love
Lecture 14: Practice: Are you jealous of a former partner?
Lecture 15: What men and women can and cannot give each other
Lecture 16: Practice: You express the appropriate respect for your partner
Lecture 17: Two different forms of love: parents/children and the couple
Lecture 18: Practice: The gratitude for a love relationship
Chapter 7: Parenthood
Lecture 1: A couple's desire for a child
Lecture 2: It is difficult to be a good parent today
Lecture 3: Practice: Taking on the role of a parent to your child
Lecture 4: If you want to be „big“ before your child, become “small” before your parents!
Lecture 5: Practice: You admit your confusion between being „big“ and „small“
Lecture 6: Parents are never perfect
Lecture 7: Practice: Accepting the own imperfection
Lecture 8: It is important to keep children out of couple conflicts
Lecture 9: Practice: Keeping children out of couple conflicts
Lecture 10: Single parents
Lecture 11: Looking at abortions beyond morality
Lecture 12: Practice: Coming with the abortion of a child in peace
Lecture 13: Practice: Coming in peace with your partner for an abortion
Lecture 14: Finding order in the patchwork family
Lecture 15: Practice: Finding order in your patchwork family
Lecture 16: Practice: Thanks to the one who cares for your child
Chapter 8: Guilt and traumatic experiences
Lecture 1: Introduction: Guilt, perpetrator and victim, trauma
Lecture 2: Personal guilt: A constellation in a prison
Lecture 3: Practice: Looking to someone you hurt
Bertold Ulsamer
Therapeut, Trainer und Coach
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 15 votes
- 4 stars: 46 votes
- 5 stars: 196 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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