Hotel Reception & Reservation Assistant Skills
Hotel Reception & Reservation Assistant Skills, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.17, with 16 lectures, based on 6 reviews, and has 137 subscribers.
You will learn about Describe how to Converse with Customers Explain the Rules of Email Etiquette Explain the Rules of Grooming & Dress Code Explain the Rules of Telephone Etiquette Describe the Need of Relationship with Customers Explain how to Build Rapport with Customers Describe Roles/Responsibilities of Hotel Reception Assistant Explain what is Up-selling Explain what is Cross-selling Identify the Steps for Selling as Hotel Reception Assistant Describe the Factors Influencing Buying Decision Explain how to Handle Customer’s Buying Objections Explain how to be Assertive as Hotel Reception Assistant Identify the Steps for Handling Customers’ Complaints List the Tips for Success as a Hotel Reception Assistant This course is ideal for individuals who are Customer Service Executives or Receptionist or Telephone operator or Client relationship manager or Marketing department It is particularly useful for Customer Service Executives or Receptionist or Telephone operator or Client relationship manager or Marketing department.
Enroll now: Hotel Reception & Reservation Assistant Skills
Title: Hotel Reception & Reservation Assistant Skills
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.17
Number of Lectures: 16
Number of Published Lectures: 16
Number of Curriculum Items: 16
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 16
Original Price: $22.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Describe how to Converse with Customers
- Explain the Rules of Email Etiquette
- Explain the Rules of Grooming & Dress Code
- Explain the Rules of Telephone Etiquette
- Describe the Need of Relationship with Customers
- Explain how to Build Rapport with Customers
- Describe Roles/Responsibilities of Hotel Reception Assistant
- Explain what is Up-selling
- Explain what is Cross-selling
- Identify the Steps for Selling as Hotel Reception Assistant
- Describe the Factors Influencing Buying Decision
- Explain how to Handle Customer’s Buying Objections
- Explain how to be Assertive as Hotel Reception Assistant
- Identify the Steps for Handling Customers’ Complaints
- List the Tips for Success as a Hotel Reception Assistant
Who Should Attend
- Customer Service Executives
- Receptionist
- Telephone operator
- Client relationship manager
- Marketing department
Target Audiences
- Customer Service Executives
- Receptionist
- Telephone operator
- Client relationship manager
- Marketing department
A very useful course for those working in hospitality sector and as a receptionist. Readers can learn the following points after enrolling into this course:-
how to Converse with Customers
Rules of Email Etiquette
Rules of Telephone Etiquette
how to Build Rapport with Customers
Steps for Selling as Hotel Reception Assistant
Other topics like Cross-selling and Up-selling are covered in this course.
In your job role as a Hotel Reception & Reservation Assistant, you will be required to speak to and address different customers. The norms of speaking to a customer are slightly different from when one is speaking to a friend or a colleague. Effectively engaging your customer is dependent on your ability to sound interesting and convey a positive attitude. Developing good speaking skills involves an increased awareness of your voice, language, body language, and tone while speaking.
Your primary tool for communication while speaking is your voice. When speaking to a customer, think about projection, pace and modulation. Projection: The volume of your voice should be loud enough that the customer can hear you but not too loud to sound rude nor too soft such that the customer cannot hear you. If customer asks you to repeat many times, then adjust your volume accordingly.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Describe how to Converse with Customers
Lecture 3: Explain the Rules of Email Etiquette
Lecture 4: Explain the Rules of Grooming & Dress Code
Lecture 5: Explain the Rules of Telephone Etiquette
Lecture 6: Describe the Need of Relationship with Customers
Lecture 7: Explain how to Build Rapport with Customers
Lecture 8: Describe Roles/Responsibilities of Hotel Reception Assistant
Lecture 9: Explain what is Up-selling
Lecture 10: Explain what is Cross-selling
Lecture 11: Identify the Steps for Selling as Hotel Reception Assistant
Lecture 12: Describe the Factors Influencing Buying Decision
Lecture 13: Explain how to Handle Customer’s Buying Objections
Lecture 14: Explain how to be Assertive as Hotel Reception Assistant
Lecture 15: Identify the Steps for Handling Customers’ Complaints
Lecture 16: List the Tips for Success as a Hotel Reception Assistant
Management Study Guide
pave your way to success
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 3 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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