How Montessori Education Works
How Montessori Education Works, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.68, with 29 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 575 reviews, and has 5773 subscribers.
You will learn about To recognize the elements of the Montessori educational approach from birth to 18 years of age To understand how a Montessori classroom functions and its four key developmental goals To learn where the Montessori approach came from and why it works today To learn how to prepare a Montessori environment To enact the Montessori approach to facilitate child-led learning and encourage concentration and self-confidence To understand Montessori concepts such as Planes of Development, Sensitive Periods, and the Absorbent Mind To recognize why factual observation is crucial to the Montessori approach This course is ideal for individuals who are Caregivers and nannies or Parents and expecting parents or Early Childhood Educators or Teachers working with all age groups or School administrators or Anyone who wants to learn about Montessori education and child development or People interested in sociology, cognitive development, and education theory It is particularly useful for Caregivers and nannies or Parents and expecting parents or Early Childhood Educators or Teachers working with all age groups or School administrators or Anyone who wants to learn about Montessori education and child development or People interested in sociology, cognitive development, and education theory.
Enroll now: How Montessori Education Works
Title: How Montessori Education Works
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.68
Number of Lectures: 29
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 29
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 34
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 34
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- To recognize the elements of the Montessori educational approach from birth to 18 years of age
- To understand how a Montessori classroom functions and its four key developmental goals
- To learn where the Montessori approach came from and why it works today
- To learn how to prepare a Montessori environment
- To enact the Montessori approach to facilitate child-led learning and encourage concentration and self-confidence
- To understand Montessori concepts such as Planes of Development, Sensitive Periods, and the Absorbent Mind
- To recognize why factual observation is crucial to the Montessori approach
Who Should Attend
- Caregivers and nannies
- Parents and expecting parents
- Early Childhood Educators
- Teachers working with all age groups
- School administrators
- Anyone who wants to learn about Montessori education and child development
- People interested in sociology, cognitive development, and education theory
Target Audiences
- Caregivers and nannies
- Parents and expecting parents
- Early Childhood Educators
- Teachers working with all age groups
- School administrators
- Anyone who wants to learn about Montessori education and child development
- People interested in sociology, cognitive development, and education theory
Are you curious how Montessori education works? Do you want to explore new strategies to support the young people in your life? Whatever your motivation for being here, you are in the right place. This free course is an introduction to raising capable, independent children in today’s world.
Through short, engaging videos, you’ll discover the basic building blocks of the Montessori educational approach from birth to 18 years of age.
You’ll experience formative moments in the lives of children and adolescents in Montessori classrooms and learn the principles that shape these dynamic learning environments.
Block by block, you’ll build your own understanding of how children develop, and what you can do to support this process through childhood into adolescence.
This course is divided into 5 sections. Within each section, you will find lectures and resources that bring the Montessori approach to life.
Section 1: Welcome to the Course!
We’ll introduce ourselves and orient you to the course format and resources.
Section 2: What Happens in a Montessori Classroom?
You’ll observe infants, children, and adolescents in Montessori environments and discover four main goals they are focused on accomplishing.
We’ll discuss ways adults can remove obstacles to better support these goals.
You’re invited to learn about Montessori history through the inspiring story of the doctor who discovered the approach.
Section 3: The Child, the Environment, and the Adult
You’ll explore how the harmonious relationship between the child, environment, and adult is at the center of the Montessori approach.
We’ll dive into the science and theory of human development, from birth to adulthood, focusing on foundational Montessori ideas like the Four Planes of Development, Absorbent Mind, and Sensitive Periods.
You’ll be introduced to the concepts of the prepared environment and prepared adult, and see how together with the child, they form a unit that deeply impacts children’s development.
Section 4: The Montessori Equation
We’ll discuss practical steps adults can take to support growth and learning within a prepared environment, and what those steps add up to for children.
You’ll see how the information covered in the previous sections of the course relate to the Montessori Equation, as all the pieces of the Montessori approach come together.
Section 5: Why Montessori Matters
We’ll conclude the course by zooming out to recognize the wider impact of our work with children.
Your presence and actions influence the children in your life, which directly shapes their future, and the future of our world.
You will find documents, links, and reflection questions to deepen your learning experience.
The experts at the Prepared Montessorian Institute have created colorful infographics that can be downloaded and shared. These include:
The Four Planes of Development Infographic
Montessori’s Sensitive Periods of Early Childhood Infographic
The Montessori Trifecta Infographic
The Montessori Equation Infographic
Montessori Materials and Activity Highlights
This course is led by life-long learner, Emily Daggett, a Montessori Mentor at Prepared Montessorian Institute. Emily grew up in the Montessori community and attended Montessori schools through age 14. As an adult, Emily returned to her roots to study Montessori pedagogy and child development from birth through age twelve.
She brings her lived experience as a Montessori child, along with over a decade dedicated to the Montessori movement in adulthood. She’s worked in Montessori communities as a guide, an administrator, and volunteer.
More recently, Emily has supported Montessori guides, parents, and in-home educators throughout the pandemic, bringing novel applications of the time-tested Montessori approach to children and families today. She’s taught thousands of learners online already and is grateful for the opportunity to share this introduction to Montessori education with you.
The lectures in How Montessori Education Works are designed to be viewed in order, totaling 1 hour and 45 minutes.
If you only have a short time to dedicate, there are 4 recommended paths through the content in 20, 30, or 45 minutes.
PATH 1: “How Montessori Education Works” in 20 Minutes
Section 2: What Happens in a Montessori Classroom?
Lectures 5 and 7
Section 3: The Child, the Environment, and the Adult
Lectures 13 and 21
Section 4: The Montessori Equation
Lectures 22, 27, and 28
PATH 2: “Putting Montessori into Practice” in 30 minutes
Section 4: The Montessori Equation
Lectures 22-28 (all lectures in Section 4)
PATH 3: “How Montessori Education Works” in 45 Minutes
Section 2: What Happens in a Montessori Classroom?
Lectures 5, 6, 7, and 11
Section 3: The Child, the Environment, and the Adult
Lectures 13, 14, 15, and 21
Section 4: The Montessori Equation
Lectures 22, 23, and 26-28
Section 5: Why Montessori Matters
Lecture 29
PATH 4: “Montessori History and Child Development” in 45 minutes
Section 2: What Happens in a Montessori Classroom?
Lecture 12
Section 3: The Child, the Environment, and the Adult
Lectures 13-21 (all lectures in Section 3)
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Course!
Lecture 1: What You’ll Learn
Lecture 2: Who is the Prepared Montessorian Institute?
Lecture 3: How to Navigate Your Learning
Chapter 2: What Happens in a Montessori Classroom?
Lecture 1: Introduction: What Happens in a Montessori Classroom?
Lecture 2: Video Montage: What Happens in a Montessori Classroom?
Lecture 3: Video Montage: Two Key Takeaways
Lecture 4: Key Takeaway 1: Children are Capable
Lecture 5: Goal 1: Achieving Independence
Lecture 6: Goal 2: The Capacity to Engage and Concentrate
Lecture 7: Goal 3: Communication and Language Skills
Lecture 8: Goal 4: Healthy Social Relationships
Lecture 9: Optional: Montessori’s Origin Story
Chapter 3: The Child, the Environment, and the Adult
Lecture 1: Key Takeaway 2: The Child, Environment, and Adult are a Unit
Lecture 2: The Child: The Purpose of Childhood
Lecture 3: The Child: The Planes of Development
Lecture 4: The Child: The Absorbent Mind
Lecture 5: The Child: Sensitive Periods
Lecture 6: The Child: Concentration (and Review)
Lecture 7: The Prepared Environment: Introduction
Lecture 8: The Prepared Adult: Introduction
Lecture 9: Section 3: Conclusion
Chapter 4: The Montessori Equation
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Montessori Equation
Lecture 2: Prepare the Environment 1: Introduction
Lecture 3: Prepare the Environment 2: Tangible Components
Lecture 4: Prepare the Environment 3: Intangible Components
Lecture 5: Connect the Child to the Materials
Lecture 6: Leave 1: To Protect Concentration
Lecture 7: Leave 2: To Observe the Child
Chapter 5: Why Montessori Matters
Lecture 1: We Are Capable
Prepared Montessorian Institute
A modern approach to Montessori training
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 49 votes
- 4 stars: 173 votes
- 5 stars: 346 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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