How to Communicate Effectively As a New Manager?
How to Communicate Effectively As a New Manager?, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.32, with 9 lectures, based on 70 reviews, and has 1706 subscribers.
You will learn about 1. Voice and Speech coaching for managers and leaders 2. How to Speak with power and style to empower your teams 3. Be elegant: in both your Corporate Speech and presentation 4. As a manager, raise your employees' energy and dynamism 6. Master the basics of Standard American Accent in a Business or Corporate Setting 7. As a new manager, learn the tools, techniques, wording, and speech to coach and motivate employees 8. As a leader, master the communication and leadership tools to "up your game". 9. While other courses offer just principles, this course will give you an actual rundown of the actual wording and speech to ace your role as a manager. 10. Learn why mastering communication is also about managing and leading. 11. Master real-world English phrases employed by leaders and managers in a business setting. 12. Create Trust in everyday communication at the workplace. This course is ideal for individuals who are 1. New supervisors (who are non-native English speakers) who want to learn standard American Accent in a Business or Corporate Setting or 2. New Managers and Leaders or 3. Students of Leadership and Communication or 4. Voice and Speech Coaches or 5. Managers and Leaders who are interested in Corporate Coaching or 6. Executives who want to build better relationships. or 7. Create resolutions and handle workplace conflicts and confrontations better. It is particularly useful for 1. New supervisors (who are non-native English speakers) who want to learn standard American Accent in a Business or Corporate Setting or 2. New Managers and Leaders or 3. Students of Leadership and Communication or 4. Voice and Speech Coaches or 5. Managers and Leaders who are interested in Corporate Coaching or 6. Executives who want to build better relationships. or 7. Create resolutions and handle workplace conflicts and confrontations better.
Enroll now: How to Communicate Effectively As a New Manager?
Title: How to Communicate Effectively As a New Manager?
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.32
Number of Lectures: 9
Number of Published Lectures: 9
Number of Curriculum Items: 9
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 9
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- 1. Voice and Speech coaching for managers and leaders
- 2. How to Speak with power and style to empower your teams
- 3. Be elegant: in both your Corporate Speech and presentation
- 4. As a manager, raise your employees' energy and dynamism
- 6. Master the basics of Standard American Accent in a Business or Corporate Setting
- 7. As a new manager, learn the tools, techniques, wording, and speech to coach and motivate employees
- 8. As a leader, master the communication and leadership tools to "up your game".
- 9. While other courses offer just principles, this course will give you an actual rundown of the actual wording and speech to ace your role as a manager.
- 10. Learn why mastering communication is also about managing and leading.
- 11. Master real-world English phrases employed by leaders and managers in a business setting.
- 12. Create Trust in everyday communication at the workplace.
Who Should Attend
- 1. New supervisors (who are non-native English speakers) who want to learn standard American Accent in a Business or Corporate Setting
- 2. New Managers and Leaders
- 3. Students of Leadership and Communication
- 4. Voice and Speech Coaches
- 5. Managers and Leaders who are interested in Corporate Coaching
- 6. Executives who want to build better relationships.
- 7. Create resolutions and handle workplace conflicts and confrontations better.
Target Audiences
- 1. New supervisors (who are non-native English speakers) who want to learn standard American Accent in a Business or Corporate Setting
- 2. New Managers and Leaders
- 3. Students of Leadership and Communication
- 4. Voice and Speech Coaches
- 5. Managers and Leaders who are interested in Corporate Coaching
- 6. Executives who want to build better relationships.
- 7. Create resolutions and handle workplace conflicts and confrontations better.
Have you always wanted to be a better communicator in your workplace and didn’t know where to start? Are you a manager or leader who wants to coach, motivate, inspire, and empower their teams, but don’t know where to start? If you answered yes to these questions, then this course is for you!
Communication is an indispensable skill to succeed as a manager and leader. I learned that from my own experience. I started working as an associate at a successful American company and was promoted to a leadership and management role. And I’m pretty confident that that came about through my recently enhanced communication skills. (As an avid reader, learner and practitioner of all things “personal development and leadership”, I had been working on my communication skills on the side).
But a question remains: How do we communicate effectively as a new manager? What are the actual wording and speech? So, in this course I have compared speech or our “voice of communication” to music, and the way we speak in different circumstances to “the way actors perform”.Yes, I have also compared our speech and pitch to music and the way we communicate to how actors perform in theaters. We’ll learn the importance of pace and tone and most important of all, intentions (just as keys in a piano denote the music’s intention). By comparing speech to musical and theatrical process, we can learn how to infuse power, clarity, dynamism, and charisma to our sound, pitch, and voice.
In this course you’ll learn how to :
1. Develop confidence as a speaker
2. Master the basics of American Accent in a Business or Corporate Setting
3. As a new leader, learn the actual Wording, Tools, Techniques, Wording and Speech to Inspire employees
4. How to say no
5. Be able to use transitions in our sentence
6. Handle difficult conversations in relation to “resistant employees” and tackle “lack of employee engagement”.
The Class Project:
1) How do you motivate individuals and teams? What are the wording and language that you employ?
2) Why, in your opinion, is it important to use the right intention and tone in speech?
Please come up with tips and suggestions. And write them down. And most importantly, follow-up or implement an action plan.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Example One: Listing things.
Lecture 1: Example One: Listing Things.
Lecture 2: Listing Things Continued.
Chapter 3: Example Two: Comparing And Contrasting Things.
Lecture 1: Example Two: Comparing And Contrasting Things.
Chapter 4: The Class Project.
Lecture 1: The Class Project.
Chapter 5: Comparing and Contrasting Things Continued and More!
Lecture 1: Comparing and Contrasting Things Continued and More!
Chapter 6: Tackling Difficult Conversations.
Lecture 1: Tackling Difficult Conversations.
Chapter 7: Voice and Speech Coaching for Meetings!
Lecture 1: 1. Structure and Affirmation for Team Meetings.
Lecture 2: 2. Phrases for Discussing Agendas During Team Meetings.
Dr. Ujjwal Bikram Khadka
Best-Selling Author and Certified Executive Coach.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 12 votes
- 4 stars: 22 votes
- 5 stars: 31 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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