How To Create & Sell Your Own Guided Meditations from Home
How To Create & Sell Your Own Guided Meditations from Home, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.96, with 42 lectures, based on 1172 reviews, and has 10859 subscribers.
You will learn about PREPARE and create a guided meditation script USE microphones correctly to capture good quality voice recordings DOWNLOAD, install and operate free recording software APPLY audio editing techniques to maintain good sound quality Use sound effects to ACHIEVE professional sounding results SOURCE background music to further enhance the aesthetics of your meditations Apply basic AUDIO MIXING techniques MAKE your meditation available for commercial download CREATE a Facebook fan page Use ADVANCED MARKETING TECHNIQUES for laser targeting your ideal audience PREPARE Before You Record Your Script for Best Results Use Your VOICE for Greater Impact ADD Life and Richness to Your Meditation Audios Using Imagery and Meditation Themes USE Language That Mesmerizes Your Listeners Profoundly IMPROVE the Experience of Your Listeners Using Brainwave Entrainment Audios This course is ideal for individuals who are People who want to create a business creating and selling meditation recordings or People who want to create high quality, effective meditation audios for their personal use or People who are passionate about meditation or People who want to develop their recording skills It is particularly useful for People who want to create a business creating and selling meditation recordings or People who want to create high quality, effective meditation audios for their personal use or People who are passionate about meditation or People who want to develop their recording skills.
Enroll now: How To Create & Sell Your Own Guided Meditations from Home
Title: How To Create & Sell Your Own Guided Meditations from Home
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.96
Number of Lectures: 42
Number of Published Lectures: 40
Number of Curriculum Items: 42
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 40
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- PREPARE and create a guided meditation script
- USE microphones correctly to capture good quality voice recordings
- DOWNLOAD, install and operate free recording software
- APPLY audio editing techniques to maintain good sound quality
- Use sound effects to ACHIEVE professional sounding results
- SOURCE background music to further enhance the aesthetics of your meditations
- Apply basic AUDIO MIXING techniques
- MAKE your meditation available for commercial download
- CREATE a Facebook fan page
- Use ADVANCED MARKETING TECHNIQUES for laser targeting your ideal audience
- PREPARE Before You Record Your Script for Best Results
- Use Your VOICE for Greater Impact
- ADD Life and Richness to Your Meditation Audios Using Imagery and Meditation Themes
- USE Language That Mesmerizes Your Listeners
- Profoundly IMPROVE the Experience of Your Listeners Using Brainwave Entrainment Audios
Who Should Attend
- People who want to create a business creating and selling meditation recordings
- People who want to create high quality, effective meditation audios for their personal use
- People who are passionate about meditation
- People who want to develop their recording skills
Target Audiences
- People who want to create a business creating and selling meditation recordings
- People who want to create high quality, effective meditation audios for their personal use
- People who are passionate about meditation
- People who want to develop their recording skills
When you listen to meditation audio’s, have you ever wondered just how much more powerful and meaningful they would be if they were guided by your own voice instead of someone else’s voice?
Have you ever considered creating and sharing a meditation on a subject that you’re passionate about so that others could benefit from your knowledge and insight?
Thanks to modern technology, creating and sharing your very own digital downloads is now easier than ever before.
- 2,900+ Students
- 50+ Student Reviews
“Clear and engaging. Happy someone’s chosen to cover this rare but fascinating topic.”
-Lena Morgan
“Excellent Instructor delivered knowledge and skill in clear concise manner.”
-Foster Smith
“This course was excellent. I went from being a novice to having a working understanding of how to produce a usable meditation tape. I can’t wait to get started. Every step of the process has been broken down and explained. Great teacher.”
-Denise Jones
“Everything you need to know about creating guided meditations, along with how to mix the music with the voice, then prepare your product for the public to enjoy. Also included are marketing tips from someone who’s created and sold guided meditations! I loved the concise step by step approach. Billy is a true expert in this field, and the knowledge he shares in this course is invaluable. Billy, thank you for creating this and sharing your knowledge.”
-Karl Jeffery
In this course, we have created a step-by-step guide that will show you how you can write, record, and distribute your very own meditation on any topic of your choosing using nothing more than a laptop, a microphone and an Internet connection.
Not only that, we’ll also show you how you can leverage social media to market your meditations to your ideal target audience and begin to build a fan base of followers.
Here’s what you’ll be able to DO after you enroll in this course:
- PREPARE and create a guided meditation script
- USE microphones correctly to capture good quality voice recordings
- DOWNLOAD, install and operate free recording software
- APPLY audio editing techniques to maintain good sound quality
- Use sound effects to ACHIEVE professional sounding results
- SOURCE background music to further enhance the aesthetics of your meditations
- Apply basic AUDIO MIXING techniques
- MAKE your meditation available for commercial download
- CREATE a Facebook fan page
- Use ADVANCED MARKETING TECHNIQUES for laser targeting your ideal audience
- PREPARE Before You Record Your Script for Best Results
- Use Your VOICE for Greater Impact
ADD Life and Richness to Your Meditation Audios - Using Imagery and Meditation Themes
- USE Language That Mesmerizes Your Listeners
- Profoundly IMPROVE the Experience of Your Listeners Using Brainwave Entrainment Audios
It doesn’t matter if you’ve never recorded before or have limited computer skills.
We’ll walk you through the entire process step-by-step.
All you have to do is look over our shoulder and duplicate the techniques that we teach in each of the lectures.
So, go ahead and enroll in this course now, so you can begin creating and sharing your gifts with the world…and make a great living doing it!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Preparation & Research
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Choosing Your Topic
Lecture 3: Identifying Your Niche
Lecture 4: Preparing Your Script
Lecture 5: Sourcing An Affordable Microphone
Chapter 2: Hardware & Software
Lecture 1: Microphone Set-Up & Functionality
Lecture 2: Installing Your Free Software
Lecture 3: Software Features & Functionality
Lecture 4: Performing A Microphone Sound Check
Chapter 3: Recording & Production
Lecture 1: Sourcing & Importing Free Background Music
Lecture 2: Recording Your Script
Lecture 3: Basic Audio Editing
Lecture 4: Intermediate Audio Editing
Lecture 5: Advanced Audio Editing
Chapter 4: Post Production
Lecture 1: Enhancing Your Sound Quality
Lecture 2: How To Apply Equalization
Lecture 3: How To Apply Compression
Lecture 4: How To Apply Reverb
Lecture 5: Basic Audio Mixing
Chapter 5: Digital Distribution
Lecture 1: Distribution Explained
Lecture 2: DIY Distribution (CD Baby)
Lecture 3: Distributing Via Your Own Website (Recommended)
Lecture 4: Introduction To Bandvista
Lecture 5: How To Build A Meditation Based Website
Chapter 6: Marketing
Lecture 1: Introduction To Facebook Advertising
Lecture 2: Creating A Facebook Fan Page
Lecture 3: Selecting An Image For Your Ad Campaign
Lecture 4: How To Laser Target Your Ideal Audience
Lecture 5: Finalizing Your Facebook Ad Campaign
Lecture 6: Conclusion
Chapter 7: Making Your Recordings Potent, Enjoyable and Marketable
Lecture 1: Section Intro
Lecture 2: How to Deliver Your Script for Best Results
Lecture 3: How to Focus Your Listener's Attention
Lecture 4: A Simple Way to Lead Your Listener's to Greater Results with Your Audios
Lecture 5: How to Add Life and Richness to Your Meditation Audios
Lecture 6: Language That Mesmerizes Your Listeners
Lecture 7: How to Profoundly Improve the Experience of Your Listeners
Chapter 8: Bonus Section
Lecture 1: How to Deal with Rejection in Sales
Lecture 2: How to Have Rock Solid Confidence While Selling
Lecture 3: “I’m anxious asking for higher fees”
Billy Allen
Recording Engineer and Lecturer in Multimedia Technology. -
Ken Wells
Best-Selling Instructor 94,138+ Students in 182 Countries
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 11 votes
- 2 stars: 29 votes
- 3 stars: 91 votes
- 4 stars: 274 votes
- 5 stars: 767 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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