How to Finish 10 Day Task in 1 Day: Time Management 2024
How to Finish 10 Day Task in 1 Day: Time Management 2024, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 40 lectures, 7 quizzes, based on 211 reviews, and has 16903 subscribers.
You will learn about Analyze your time investments by identifying expectations, experiences, and results By learning time perception of the brain, understand why the time passes slowly or quickly and learn how to control it Plan every step to your goals and learn how to plan based on finishing a job Learn how to activate Striatum, the brain's area to start a job By learning the brain's reactions, understand how to get maximum productivity with the reasons behind Use emotional intelligence to boost your mood and work more productive Challenge yourself and your environment and encourage to work more productive Use 3 essential requirements of the brain to work more productive (food, water, and sleep) Discover why are you procrastinating and learn how to solve it personally Make a habit of giving deadlines and focus on finishing a job with Parkinson's law Use habits and routines to improve productivity Discover invisible harms of the notifications and take precautions Use the trilogy of the time management effectively (calendar, to-do list, note) Understand the negative effects of multitasking, indecision and take precautions Prepare a personalized plan based on your goals, routines and weekly plan Fill your dead times with beneficial jobs and bring value to your invisible times Find 20% of a result-based and valuable part of a job based on 80/20 principle With the help of the practice videos, don't get stuck in theory and apply methods to your life This course is ideal for individuals who are A person who wants to complete more in less time by working regularly or People who want to be aware of result based jobs by analyzing or A person who wants to have more leisure time by using his/her time effectively or People who want to boost productivity by understanding the brain and the body or A person who wants to learn time management topics with reasons behind and personalize the tactics and the techniques It is particularly useful for A person who wants to complete more in less time by working regularly or People who want to be aware of result based jobs by analyzing or A person who wants to have more leisure time by using his/her time effectively or People who want to boost productivity by understanding the brain and the body or A person who wants to learn time management topics with reasons behind and personalize the tactics and the techniques.
Enroll now: How to Finish 10 Day Task in 1 Day: Time Management 2024
Title: How to Finish 10 Day Task in 1 Day: Time Management 2024
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 40
Number of Quizzes: 7
Number of Published Lectures: 40
Number of Published Quizzes: 7
Number of Curriculum Items: 47
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 47
Original Price: $129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Analyze your time investments by identifying expectations, experiences, and results
- By learning time perception of the brain, understand why the time passes slowly or quickly and learn how to control it
- Plan every step to your goals and learn how to plan based on finishing a job
- Learn how to activate Striatum, the brain's area to start a job
- By learning the brain's reactions, understand how to get maximum productivity with the reasons behind
- Use emotional intelligence to boost your mood and work more productive
- Challenge yourself and your environment and encourage to work more productive
- Use 3 essential requirements of the brain to work more productive (food, water, and sleep)
- Discover why are you procrastinating and learn how to solve it personally
- Make a habit of giving deadlines and focus on finishing a job with Parkinson's law
- Use habits and routines to improve productivity
- Discover invisible harms of the notifications and take precautions
- Use the trilogy of the time management effectively (calendar, to-do list, note)
- Understand the negative effects of multitasking, indecision and take precautions
- Prepare a personalized plan based on your goals, routines and weekly plan
- Fill your dead times with beneficial jobs and bring value to your invisible times
- Find 20% of a result-based and valuable part of a job based on 80/20 principle
- With the help of the practice videos, don't get stuck in theory and apply methods to your life
Who Should Attend
- A person who wants to complete more in less time by working regularly
- People who want to be aware of result based jobs by analyzing
- A person who wants to have more leisure time by using his/her time effectively
- People who want to boost productivity by understanding the brain and the body
- A person who wants to learn time management topics with reasons behind and personalize the tactics and the techniques
Target Audiences
- A person who wants to complete more in less time by working regularly
- People who want to be aware of result based jobs by analyzing
- A person who wants to have more leisure time by using his/her time effectively
- People who want to boost productivity by understanding the brain and the body
- A person who wants to learn time management topics with reasons behind and personalize the tactics and the techniques
*New and Innovative Approach to Time Management From The Bestseller Instructor*
“Having been disappointed many times by Time Management Courses, I didn’t expect much from this one at first. However, the more classes I watched , the more I felt I was actually learning a lot of useful tips. Indeed, not only are they beneficial but they are also many recaps in the resources, in addition to external links. Also, the quiz at the end of each section helps keeping track of how much we focused during this course. I highly recommend it.“
Maroun Hindieh
“Course details are explained very well with good examples. Resources are very useful to understand subject more deeply.”
Anand Emandi
We know that the time is the most precious asset we have but do we really give dignity that it deserves? Do we analyze every dead time like an investor?
Our goals and dreams can be achieved by using the time properly. We all have 24 hours a day but while some of us change the world, some of us can’t even take action. Time management is understanding the body and the brain. By learning the reactions of the body and the brain, we can direct our attention and energy to the right hours properly to earn hours.
The real importance of the time management can’t be seen from distant. From the outside, everybody works in the same way. That’s why, when we work, we think that we work without any mistake. Actually, there are many problems and mistakes in our common work type, and in order to solve them, we have to hear them.
Our time management course analyzes the most common problems that waste our time starting from long term plans to daily life. By questioning these problems, we give scientific or tested solutions and make you earn time. We don’t want to get stuck in theory, so, we have many practices that also encourage the student to take action and increase productivity.
When you finish the course, you’ll learn investing your time, working by understanding your brain’s requirements, managing your mood, and many more topics. With scientifically proven techniques, you’ll learn giving compeller deadlines, taking action for a goal by making detailed and realistic plans. Thus, you’ll learn completing more jobs in less time, drawing an efficient way to reach a goal, analyzing your plans, and results to increase productivity.
There are 14 sections, 39 lessons, and 7 tests in the course. Every lesson is based on scientific works and experiments. In order to trust tactics completely, besides many resources, there are practice videos that you can apply to your life and prove the results personally.
Time management courses that made by now were mostly about simple and common suggestions like “make a plan”, “take a break”, “be productive”. Those courses don’t teach reason behind their suggestions and so, their suggestions are easy to forget and hard to personalize for our own life. In our course, we put 2 main differences after analyzing them. Firstly, for every technique and advice, we additionally give logic behind and made trainees learn better and personalize, if necessary. Secondly, we put topics into practice in order not to get stuck in theory.
We have many tactics and topics throughout the course in spite of a short amount of time. We don’t want any trainee to strangle with every piece of information about topics, instead, we gave only the necessary things. Thus, we used trainee’s time effectively while teaching how to control time.
Why Time Management Course Is Better As An Online Course?
For every video of our course, there are many working hours behind it fixing even the smallest voice mistake. Sentences and words are being controlled many times. Thus, the viewer gets much useful information in a small amount of time. If we compare it with a training center, 10 hours of a training center equals minutes of a well made online course.
The trainee can get updates to the course for free and be updated about the topic. Moreover, the course becomes better in time with updates based on trainee feedbacks.
Price is almost free if we compare it with training center prices.
Benefits can be understood by comments of other people known as social proof.
You can start instantly to our course so there is no waiting time to meet with an instructor in a classroom.
More fun for the viewer because it includes animation, moving objects, and sentences.
Question&Answer section makes it possible to get help one to one.
Thank you so much for reviewing our course. I am personally ready to work hard for you to learn techniques that are crucial and beneficial for your working life.
Please don’t feel shy to contact me. (Other than Udemy: Instagram: @wabyilmaz)
If you are still hesitant you can watch our free lessons and after that if you want to control your time you can buy our course.
One purchase will make you earn full and unlimited access including future updates.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction Of The Course Content
Lecture 2: Course Draft and Resources
Lecture 3: Improve Productivity with AI
Chapter 2: Discovering The Brain Briefly
Lecture 1: Understanding The Brain To Manage The Time
Chapter 3: Long Term Time Management: Finishing a Job
Lecture 1: Job’s Period is What You Give
Lecture 2: Practice: Parkinson's Law
Chapter 4: Time Investment and Time Perception
Lecture 1: Personal Time Investment Analysis
Lecture 2: Practice: Personal Time Investment Analysis
Lecture 3: Time Perception and Management
Chapter 5: Long Term to Short Term Planning
Lecture 1: Time Investment Planning
Lecture 2: Practice: Long Term to Short Term Planning
Chapter 6: Daily Productivity: Working Based On The Brain's Requirements
Lecture 1: Introduction to Detailed Time Management
Lecture 2: Transforming Fading Productivity to Advantage
Lecture 3: Productive Sleep and Power Nap
Lecture 4: Hydration
Lecture 5: Resting The Brain In A Break
Lecture 6: Practice: Daily Productivity
Chapter 7: #CHALLENGE
Lecture 1: #Challenge For Maximum Productivity
Chapter 8: Trilogy Of Time Management
Lecture 1: Why The Trilogy is Important?
Lecture 2: To-Do List
Lecture 3: Calendar
Lecture 4: Note Taking
Lecture 5: Practice: Note Taking
Chapter 9: Planning For Daily Life
Lecture 1: Weekly/Daily Planning
Lecture 2: Practice: Personal Detailed Plan
Chapter 10: Daily Productivity: Mode Management
Lecture 1: Mode Management: Introduction
Lecture 2: Understanding Emotions and Being Optimistic
Lecture 3: Mode Management With Habits
Lecture 4: Unknown Aspect of Body Language
Lecture 5: Mode Boosting
Lecture 6: Practice: Mode Management
Chapter 11: Enemies of Time Management
Lecture 1: Multitasking
Lecture 2: Notifications and Precautions (Practical)
Lecture 3: Filling Dead Times (Practical)
Lecture 4: Indecision Problem and Solution (Practical)
Chapter 12: Working For Results
Lecture 1: Analyzing Based On 80/20 Rule
Lecture 2: Practice: 80/20 Rule
Chapter 13: Time Management Recap
Lecture 1: Summarizing All Time Management Topics
Lecture 2: All Recommendations Together
Chapter 14: Finish Line
Lecture 1: Final Words
Abdullah Yılmaz
Fastemy Kurucusu / Founder of Fastemy
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 18 votes
- 4 stars: 75 votes
- 5 stars: 114 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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