How to make your child to be responsible
How to make your child to be responsible, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.25, with 32 lectures, based on 10 reviews, and has 1079 subscribers.
You will learn about Your child will have more finished chores at home from tomorrow morning You will have the control of toys that are all over the space You will have extra free time to enjoy with your child or for your self as a parent You will Know the 3 basic deep aspects of responsibility. You will Know the benefits of being responsible. You will learn about responsibility and sandtray play You will contribute to your kid's responsible creativity for a sustainable environment in the future You will know 4 tips to help your child to increase finished chores at home You will have tools in hand in order to prevent Space and Time Disorder You will know how to make an intervention for Space and Time Disorder (STD) therapy You will learn how to help your child to be effective and happy in everything he/she is doing This course is ideal for individuals who are Teachers, parents, counselors, online entrepreneurs or This is a double-face course. Actually this course will give you both from parent/teacher/counselor/coach perspective and from the child or client perspective. Therefore, I encourage you to do the parent/teacher/counselor section as if you where being coached/counseled. or You will have a professional development or A course ideal for counseling/coaching centers and school administrators for their employee / faculty training It is particularly useful for Teachers, parents, counselors, online entrepreneurs or This is a double-face course. Actually this course will give you both from parent/teacher/counselor/coach perspective and from the child or client perspective. Therefore, I encourage you to do the parent/teacher/counselor section as if you where being coached/counseled. or You will have a professional development or A course ideal for counseling/coaching centers and school administrators for their employee / faculty training.
Enroll now: How to make your child to be responsible
Title: How to make your child to be responsible
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.25
Number of Lectures: 32
Number of Published Lectures: 32
Number of Curriculum Items: 32
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 32
Original Price: €219.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Your child will have more finished chores at home from tomorrow morning
- You will have the control of toys that are all over the space
- You will have extra free time to enjoy with your child or for your self as a parent
- You will Know the 3 basic deep aspects of responsibility.
- You will Know the benefits of being responsible.
- You will learn about responsibility and sandtray play
- You will contribute to your kid's responsible creativity for a sustainable environment in the future
- You will know 4 tips to help your child to increase finished chores at home
- You will have tools in hand in order to prevent Space and Time Disorder
- You will know how to make an intervention for Space and Time Disorder (STD) therapy
- You will learn how to help your child to be effective and happy in everything he/she is doing
Who Should Attend
- Teachers, parents, counselors, online entrepreneurs
- This is a double-face course. Actually this course will give you both from parent/teacher/counselor/coach perspective and from the child or client perspective. Therefore, I encourage you to do the parent/teacher/counselor section as if you where being coached/counseled.
- You will have a professional development
- A course ideal for counseling/coaching centers and school administrators for their employee / faculty training
Target Audiences
- Teachers, parents, counselors, online entrepreneurs
- This is a double-face course. Actually this course will give you both from parent/teacher/counselor/coach perspective and from the child or client perspective. Therefore, I encourage you to do the parent/teacher/counselor section as if you where being coached/counseled.
- You will have a professional development
- A course ideal for counseling/coaching centers and school administrators for their employee / faculty training
Help your child to be responsible and happy with this parenting course about responsibility.
You are eligible for all the updates that I will create.
Parenting is not as easy as many think about it. There are many difficulties that nobody teach us how to overcome. This course is going to help you become an expert on parenting and responsible child by teaching you dexterities and skills on how to help your child to organize the space.
You love your child and you help it a lot every day, but he/she seems not to be able to finish simple tasks.
Her/his toys are left everywhere in the house.
He/she is denying to do homework.
You feel frustrated and upset. Sometimes you feel embarrassed.
In this course you will find in a workbook tips to work with your child that will increase the chores at home that your child is doing.
You will find the magic tips on how to help your child to be able to be effective with homework and chores.
Many parents ask about the responsibilities that a child can handle.
In this course, you will learn the basic rules that a parent can have in order to make like an expert a child responsible without asking for more than it can handle.
Responsibility for many parents and children seems to be a fight.
This course stops the fight. In this course, you will learn how to listen to your children and transform them into responsible persons without having to fight with them.
After this course, you will have the tools to turn on the responsibility of your child.
Will learn about responsibility and sandtray play
Find what was preventing this till now.
Begin a new way of communication for responsibility with your child and others.
Moreover, this course is a whole system for training or intervention about responsibility and prevention and intervention of “Space and Time Disorder (STD)”.
Most noteworthy from the first lecture you will see a noticeable:
Decrease of unfinished tasks, frustration, postponing, unhappiness, time not being enough and
increase of finished tasks, because children will do more chores than they used to do
also, happiness, autonomy, action-taking, happiness, free time, sustainability
This is a master course to learn about 4-6 years old children responsibility
Why is this the master course about responsibility?
Because this course is full of my 32 years experience and studies content which will show you in-depth the 3 basic aspects of responsibility which will give you the magic stick to make your child more effective in finishing tasks. You will learn about Space and Time Disorder Intervention and Therapy. So, this course is more than just information about responsibility, as a result, you work also to make the results permanent and experiential for you.
This is a double-face course. Actually this course will give you both from parent/teacher/counselor/coach perspective and from the child or client perspective. Therefore, I encourage you to do the parent/teacher/counselor section as if you were being coached/counseled.
A course ideal for counseling/coaching centers and school administrators for their employee/coach faculty training.
In conclusion, this is an opportunity course for you and the children or clients.
Learn how to make a 4-6 years old child responsible.
An online course to get all the tools and my 31 years of helping parents with their children about the home chores and take packed Knowledge of my anthropocentric approach about responsibility for early childhood.
First of all, nobody has ever talked to you about the real meaning of responsibility or about intervention or therapy of Space and Time disorder.
So you are a parent, but you never have been taught how to help children to be responsible. As a result, you work based on what you learned from your childhood. Is it enough? Can it be accurate or it needs an update?
You are a counselor and you want to know ways to prevent and how to make an invention for Space and time disorder.
Why teaching young children responsibility is important?
Young children are in the best age to teach your child to be responsible, because of the brain openness to learn and furthermore, because body dexterities are now maturing.
Because responsibility is helping children to achieve in school.
Moreover, responsibility can prevent and heal the effects of learning disabilities and S.T.D (Space-Time Disorder) according to the anthropocentric SCore approach.
Responsible persons are more accountable and organized.
Ιs this course for me?
This is a course for you if you are a parent and you have tried many recipes and advice to make your child do chores at home with no result.
This course is for you if you are a teacher, and you want to learn the basic aspects of responsibility.
If you are a parent you should learn about responsibility.
This course is for you if you are an online entrepreneur and you want to put an order to your house and your child.
Because what you remember about responsibility from your childhood is not enough. After finishing this course you will be able to help children to be responsible.
Moreover, if you are already working in the facilitating area or counseling and teaching you will be able to teach, counsel, coach or help adult parents to manage with responsibility and prevent STD. You will have in hand ways and tools to use for intervention and therapy of STD (Space and Time Disorder).
A course ideal for counseling/coaching centers and school administrators for their employee/coach faculty training. It gives the flexibility to work from remote locations.
Facilitate your child to be responsible and happy with this course about responsibility and be happy instead of living in a chaos.
From chaos to order
Enroll now!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Start Here
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Lecture 1: Introduction 2.1
Lecture 3: Lecture 2: What responsibility is
Lecture 4: Lecture 3: THe benefits of being responsible
Lecture 5: Lecture 4: Responsibility and time
Lecture 6: Lecture 5 : Assesment and responsibility
Lecture 7: Lecture 6: Ballance between love and control
Lecture 8: Lecture 7.1 Basic rules
Lecture 9: Lecture 4:1: Companion Book
Lecture 10: Responsibility and learning
Lecture 11: Lecture 8: Responsibility and creativity
Lecture 12: Lecture 9.1: Responsibility and narration Part 1
Lecture 13: Lectrure 9.2: Responsibility and narration Part 2
Lecture 14: Lecture 10.1: Responsibility and Play Part 1
Lecture 15: Lecture 10.2 Responsibility and Play Part2
Lecture 16: Lecture 11.1: Responsibility and Silence Part 1
Lecture 17: Lecture 11.2: Responsibility and Silence Part 2
Lecture 18: Lecture 11.3: Responsibility and Silence Part 3
Lecture 19: Lecture 12.1 : Responsibility and Motion Part 1
Lecture 20: Lecture 12. 2 Responsibility and Motion Part 2
Lecture 21: Lecture 13.1: Responsibility and Beliefs Part 1
Lecture 22: Lecture 13.2 :Responsibility and beliefs Part 2
Lecture 23: Lecture 14.1 Responsibility and Money Part 1
Lecture 24: Lecture 14.2 Responsibility and money part 2
Lecture 25: Lecture 15: Responsibility and perfectionism
Lecture 26: Lecture 16.1 : Is the child responsible part 1?
Lecture 27: Lecture 16.2 Is the child responsible Part 2?
Lecture 28: Lecture 17: Congratulations
Lecture 29: bonus
Lecture 30: Lecture 30 SandTray Play and Responsibility
Lecture 31: How to help somebody to be responsible with a new task
Lecture 32: Lecture 32 Being responsible means expressing your emotions
Dr. Anastasia Makratzi
Counseling In Person and Online
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 6 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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